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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them there and we won’t let you in.
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live in peace, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, but no, we need to move on, the doula goes out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want it in vain, that... to know everything about russia , the best historical series, watch, watch in the app or on the website. russia needs a new strategy for foreign economic activity, taking into account the fundamental changes that have been taking place in world markets in recent years, the formation of this... was
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dedicated to the government session chaired by mikhail mishustin. the prime minister drew attention to the growing role of developing countries in the global economy. it is significant that last year the g7’s share of global gdp at purchasing power parity was already lower than that of brix states. 30.3% versus 31.5%, and by the end of this year the difference may become even more noticeable. taking this into account, as well as the international restrictions imposed against russia at the end of last year. the president set the task of expanding economic cooperation with partners from friendly developing countries. the share of such states in our trade turnover has already increased from 56 to 80%. the leaders in terms of mutual trade volumes include china, turkey and india. and despite sanctions pressure, there is a serious strengthening of cooperation with those who configured constructively. first of all, with partners in the eurasian economic union, the cis and the sco, and countries. brix,
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asia-pacific, near middle east, africa, latin america. over 9 months, trade turnover with these countries increased by 21%. this happened to the greatest extent in value terms in trade with china, turkey and india. the leaders are also belarus, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, the united arab emirates and brazil. to develop a new medium-term strategy. foreign economic activity it is necessary to solve several large-scale problems, in particular we are talking about the development of transport infrastructure for the reorientation of commodity flows from west to east, these are pipelines, railways, highways, special attention to the development of international transport corridors, such as north-south, all this will ensure russia's stability in a new system of global relationships. one of the main conclusions is that russia today in the near and foreseeable future should not only and not so much receive benefits. from
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foreign economic cooperation like this was many years ago, first of all, it must ensure its sustainability in this changing world, sustainability through providing leadership, through creating alliances with friendly countries, through technological interaction and so on. another important task for building effective foreign trade is the formation of a new financial infrastructure, independent of western countries. now the main one. is how to carry out mutual settlements with partners under sanctions. for this it is necessary to develop financial information transmission systems alternative to foreign analogues and increase the share of national currencies in trade. as expected, by the end of the year it can grow to 65%, by 2030 it will be 80. banks of friendly countries are afraid of the introduction of secondary sanctions, so it is necessary to actively develop financial information transmission systems alternative to western ones.
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2023 one branch of nord stream 2 is preserved, today is the decision, tomorrow we turn everything around, and the gas flows without digging a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself, here they are fell into this hole, everything that is important for the president, there is no need to step on the same
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rake, everything that is important for everyone, you need to know where the root of evil is, where is this very spider that is trying to entangle with its web? this is not vomiting, the wind rose can turn in their direction, we do not create military alliances, and we are not friends against anyone, we are friends in the interests of our peoples, everyone has a future, only it is different, even in economic conditions, success awaits us in international turbulence. results of the year with vladimir putin, tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the moscow website defis by phone 8 800 200 40-40 or via sms to 04040.
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russia is a country of which we are proud, we
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are proud that we bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming the earthly. we are proud of our successes, but we never stop achieved. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 13, 1545 , the ecumenical council of trent of the catholic church opened. in northern italy in the city of tridente. trent, the entire episcopate gathered to repel protestantism and launch the counter-reformation. the council declared unshakable everything that protestants condemned: the church hierarchy with the primacy of the pope, the doctrine of original sin, the healing of priests,
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worship of saints and much more. the main weapon was the inquisition. heretics were tortured and burned at the stake, but catholicism only strengthened in southern europe, the czech republic and poland. and in other countries, protestant movements still dominated; the anglican church had already separated from rome. the final line under the counter-formation was drawn in 1648 by the westphalian peace treaty, which proclaimed religious tolerance, equalizing the rights of catholics and protestants. on december 13 , 1769, the austrian wolfgang camadeus mozart went on his first tour of italy. he was only 13 years old. italy was considered musical. the cradle of opera , the greatest composers worked here, but mozart stood the test, he performed in concerts, played from sight, improvised, in the milanese opera, the audience called him for an encore shouting long live the maestro, in the sextin chapel he listened to miserere, a most complex choral work,
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the notes of which it was forbidden to take it out and publish it, wrote it down from memory without errors, the pope made mozart a knight of the order of the golden spur, the youngest in history. on december 13, 1937, the japanese invaded nanjing, one of the largest and oldest cities in china, and began massacres of civilians and chinese prisoners of war, known as the nanjing massacre. by that time , the sino-japanese war had been going on for six months; the aggressors wanted to conquer all of china, considered the chinese a lower race, killed people in the most savage ways, mocked them, mocked them, and tortured them. and torture, for example, officers competed to see who could kill 100 people with a sword faster, the number of deaths was no less
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200,000, after the war, not all criminals were punished, the americans granted immunity to prince yesuhika, the commander of the troops in nanjing. today in japan, many keep silent about this crime, deny the killing of civilians, and downplay the number of victims; in china, december 13 is the day of remembrance for the victims of the nanjing massacre. on december 13, 1974 , the first soviet military satellite for remote sensing of the earth, yantar-2k, was launched from baikanur; it was manufactured in samara, then the city was called kuiboshev at the progress plant. one one of the developers, yuri belov, noted that amber marked, quote: a qualitative leap in the development of the domestic industry, and we have reached the forefront of science and technology. the satellite used an autonomous navigation system, and based on digital technologies
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, a computer was installed on board. this is in addition to photographic and film equipment, and the captured film was returned to the ground; for this purpose, launch capsules were attached to one of the compartments. such reconnaissance satellites made it possible to record military activities on the territory of any country. this was especially important for control for the implementation of soviet-american agreements on strategic weapons. exactly 20 years ago. on december 13, 2003 , the americans detained saddam hussein, the head of the overthrown iranian regime, a brutal dictator who ruled the country for almost 30 years. for this purpose, a special operation was organized with the participation of 600 people, with armored vehicles, aviation and artillery. hussein was found in the city of tekrit, in the basement of an inconspicuous adobe house. the soldier wanted to throw a grenade there, but saddam came out and said: “i am the president of iraq and i am ready to negotiate.” however, instead. negotiations he was tried and sentenced to death. many were shocked by this; they believed that the americans, who formed
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the interim government of iraq, did not have the right to judge the former head of state, because the united states invaded iraq under false pretenses without un sanctions, contrary to all norms of international law. sadama's barbaric kaze only deepened the division in society and aggravated the conflict, which cost hundreds of thousands of lives. this is what this day in history was like. why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? ministry of emergency situations say, without a garland do not leave supervision.
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while still a schoolboy, ekaterinburg resident konstantin kozlovsky became a finalist in computer competitions, and they talked about him as our genius. but kozlovsky put together a group of hackers who invented the lurg virus. the hacker group lurk was one of the most famous cybercriminal organizations that was involved in stealing money from banks. how much money banks lost from the actions of the lurk group, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. interest on
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the deposit generates income from it, you must pay tax, when, how much? and how this amount is calculated, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. questions about this tax arise mainly because we are not yet accustomed to it. let's figure out the timing. the law was adopted back in 2021, but in the same year a moratorium was introduced, that is, the tax was not assessed. the benefit lasted until 2022; only on january 1, 23 , the formation of the tax base began. and the tax itself will need to be paid before december 1. 2024, now let's see where it will be taken from: into the base for calculus include all interest income received on all deposits, both ruble and foreign currency, in banks in the country for one calendar year, but there are accounts on which interest is still not taken into account. first, these are escrow accounts, these are accounts with the use
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of which real estate is purchased from us, interest can be accrued there, they are legally required ... or from - forming income subject to taxation, and interest received on deposits with an interest rate is not taken into account, and less than 1% per annum, well, that’s for so as not to include all sorts of card deposits here, as well as accounts with an interest rate, the so-called davastrebuvaniya, yes, where the rate is minimal, tax is not taken from all profits. which the interest on the deposit brought, there is a non-taxable amount, a minimum, but what is above must be shared with the state, the limit is calculated every year, it can change because it depends on the key rate of the central bank, 1 million rubles is multiplied by the value of the key rate of the bank of russia , current, maximum
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value of this key rate, effective for the first day of each of 12 months. that is, we essentially take 12 values ​​of the key rate, take the maximum value from it, and multiply a million rubles by this, which means we get a non-taxable minimum, and from the total interest income for the year, this non-taxable minimum is subtracted, the rest is multiplied by interest rates, which apply, this income will be taxed at 13% if the total amount of income does not exceed 5 million rubles.
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be given to the state budget, and there are no benefits here, everyone pays tax, even tax pensioners non-residents, so that interest income is not summed up, some citizens open deposits for their relatives, we calculate the tax for each individual, the deposits are processed individually, and we do not sum up deposits between family members, relatives, and so on, but doing this does not erode the tax base in this way so... what a great effect is obtained from this, taking into account the fact that in fact the savings occur by multiplying the number of non-taxable minimums by the number of people involved in this situation. and if you keep your savings in foreign currency, banks recalculate income from such deposits into rubles at the central bank exchange rate that was in effect on the date of interest payment. if the foreign currency strengthened while
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the money was on deposit, you will not have to pay tax on the foreign exchange difference. let's. for example, let’s calculate how much of the income on the deposit will have to be given away. let's say you have 1,800,000 rubles on deposit. your bank's rate is 10% per annum. the maximum key rate of the central bank for the year is 15%. let's use this formula. the income on the deposit minus the non-taxable amount is 150. 13%. this is the standard personal income tax rate. in our case, the taxable amount will be 30,000 rubles. respectively. to pay. let's repeat the most important things. the break in the calculation of tax on interest income on deposits ended in the twenty-third year. the tax itself will have to be paid at the end
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of the twenty-fourth. the amount depends on the size of the deposit of the bank rate of the central bank key rate. the tax is not taken from all profits, but from the part that exceeds the limit. there is no need to declare anything. the federal tax service itself will calculate the amount of tax and send a notification. any questions left, would you like deal with taxes? subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we will definitely disturb the experts and tell you everything in our next instructions. thank you very much for your dedication to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight. i am a pashtum, an afghani, i am a russian soldier, have the honor, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them in and will not let them in. “you lie down, calmly, i ’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were
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legs, well, no, we need to move on, doula goes out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want unnecessary losses. so, europe is preparing to seize income from frozen russian assets in the central bank, and swiss banks are introducing commissions on the frozen assets of russians. it looks like the west is ready to do what it has been putting off for so long. the european commission intends to collect up to 15 billion euros to support ukraine from income from frozen russian assets, we are talking about amounts of 3 billion per year for 5 years. the financial times reported this. in in the european union, obviously, in order to create the illusion of decency, they called it a tax. i have informed ministers that work
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on taxes on income from frozen assets has been completed. we will pass on these proposals to the eu countries. these are initiatives for now; they must be approved by the eu council. the proposed restriction, according to the financial times, will primarily affect the belgian depository eurocleer, which owns russian assets. amounting to about 190 billion euros, this is the largest share of the frozen money of the russian central bank in in the west, in parallel, some swiss banks, as vedomosti write, are introducing commissions on the blocked assets of russians. experts say the withdrawal of russian money would be a wake-up call for the entire global financial system. in this case , reinvestment assumes that there is simply a banal decapitalization, recapitalization of those amounts that are already... frozen, russia, naturally, cannot receive them, but the banks must somehow continue to exist, but they continue to use this money , make a profit and
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to accumulate it, to the extent that they can actually use it for ukraine, there is also a difficult moment here, namely a legal one, because this will create a completely unpredictable precedent, and for others, for other investors, an important nuance, the plan for withdrawing income from russia will need to be supported by eu countries. unanimously, unity in europe has not been going well lately. hungary has already blocked the allocation of more than 50 billion euros in aid to kiev from the eu country. there is also no unity overseas in america; 60 billion dollars are stuck due to disagreements in congress. assistance from the usa. even if they gave money, it would not change anything, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said today; tens of billions of dollars pumped into ukraine did not help it achieve success on the field. in the same way, other tens of billions will be spent on the ukrainian economy. against this background, if you look at the new forecast of the international monetary fund,
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the ukrainian economy is simply thriving; under the base scenario for next year, it can supposedly grow by 3-4%. and by the twenty-fifth year all 6 and a half. this year, the imf also expects ukrainian gdp to grow by almost 5%. this is despite the fact that year after year kiev draws up a budget in which... expenses are twice as high as income, but the report of the monetary fund speaks of the macroeconomic stability of ukraine, simply some kind of economic miracle. considering that just today the imf made a decision to allocate another tranche to ukraine , in my opinion, for $900 million, and well , the need for a positive scenario follows directly from this development of the ukrainian economy and recognize. that the ukrainian economy is feeling bad and will continue to feel even worse, they simply cannot, because then the question will arise on what basis they are allocating money to them, experts are sure that the ukrainian economy
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will not be saved, as well as raising taxes in ukraine is possible, what bloomberg writes about. but the most dangerous way to help kiev is the use of russian funds. after this, analysts say, the world will definitely not be the same.
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and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people.
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russia is a country of great achievements, right now we are making discoveries in science, our children are opening the doors of modern classrooms, we are creating new cultural spaces, and
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of course. we open new routes of attraction, discover the achievements of our country, come to the exhibition forum russia, asel, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, the magnificent five, this is my group, why have i never seen you? princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebranding, bremen town musicians, grab them, soon, what the hell is happening, where am i, we’re following the old proven scheme, she’s a serf peasant for a cruel landowner, when everything doesn’t go according to plan , our grisha lost his temper, improvise, what do we get
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as a slave for escaping? set it on fire, no, i won’t, okay, i myself, i want you to look me in the eyes when i put you out, soon, vladimir putin congratulated the russians. the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the constitution, the president added that the updated document stabilizes the state and helps people. vladimir putin talked with the judges of the constitutional court, they talked about the role and significance of the constitution, the changes that were recently made and their necessity in the new conditions. the main presidential statement was compiled by anastasia etimova. protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens is the most important thing in the russian constitution, the date of
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its adoption is being fulfilled today.


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