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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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diseases that they themselves brought here, vich says that it really doesn’t matter whether it can or cannot, but for a certain period of time it can be pretended, that is, as they say, this is not a sufficient period of time, they should do it now it looks like we 're writing it off to american voters, listen , we all remember how obama's wild problem started, when they became american voters, let's not touch it now, what do you think that biden will reach the elections, that biden will run, good question , not there will be, but he might also catch a cold at the kamalikhar funeral, maybe, maybe.
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they gave poland poland is not going to hand it over, because it itself will remain naked, because what does that mean, who knows , they will hand over what they have.
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well, that’s why he could leave there, he did n’t care, he started this, this is his whole war, and what about biden? then it will be, although biden is confident, by the way, that he will defeat trump, he
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told you directly, personally, yes, i’m sure of that , do you think there are democrats who could defeat donald trump, besides you, there are about 50 of them, do you believe that they exist? no, i’m not the only one who can defeat him, but i’m the one who will win, who else do you think can defeat donald trump, mr. president, the man who talks has 50 in reserve, which means, well, i’ve already said it many times that the strategic plan of the united states of america is built on the absolutely economic idea of ​​restoring production, making america great again, at first it was trump’s plan, then about a year later biden to him.
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trend towards deindustrialization, official data is about 2% per year, taking into account the statistical specifics, most likely a decline in the region of 6-7% per year, that’s half a percent per month, americans, and this is the result, the results for them of a special military operation, not can boost their industry at the expense of reserves in...
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this is to grab markets somewhere, and the only place where this can be done is southeast asia. they started this program. and hence the bases in the philippines, the bases in papua new guinea, the new defense agreement with indonesia, and accordingly, active support for various kinds of separatists in myanmar, usually called burma. yes, by the way, bira colonialists. and usually the colonialists call our mianmu, our mianmu, that way. so, it means that for myanmar, it is myanmar itself that is very offended. the country is very important for the chinese, because for them it is a direct access to the indian ocean, bypassing everything controlled by the american specialist explained to us
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just a few weeks ago, literally, exactly, naming the groups, and well, we now know everything from myanmar, okay, about, then, that means, you’ll tell me about myanmu. here is the latest event, there is a legend, a version that two aircraft carrier strike groups were heading just for myanmar, but as a result, supporting the separatists is like a carrier strike group, and what about bombing, but kherson came out , a sailor, a partisan, an ironclad, here it’s the same thing, entered the red sea, the eastern one, how can the separatists be supported with the help of nos. well, well, we need to seize power accordingly, we need to seize political scientists, they are interesting people, which means the second circumstance, time is ticking, that is the countdown has already begun, here's
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the countdown right after a little advertising. their needs in the new conditions, the main presidential statement was compiled by anastasia efimova. protection of the rights of freedoms and interests of citizens is the most important thing in the russian constitution, which today marks 30 years since its adoption. the president congratulated all citizens of the country on this date at a meeting with the judges of the constitutional court and recalled under what difficult conditions the fundamental law of the country was adopted. we all remember the conditions under which the constitution was adopted. it was hard a testing time for our country, associated
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with such an acute civil political confrontation, nevertheless, the people who worked on the constitution, carried out events related to its adoption, found courage, just as all political forces found the courage to come out to a referendum, and to adopt the fundamental law, of course, this played a very important role for the preservation of russia itself, so that it does not fall apart, does not fall apart, and this significant role, it continues to actually dominate, it seems to me, having in mind that the main and fundamental thing in the constitution is, of course, the protection of the rights, freedoms , interests of our citizens, the constitution of the country, as the president put it, is a living organism, in other words, not a dusty document put
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on a shelf, but a real working instrument that meets demands of the time and its challenges. that is why in the summer of 2020 a popular vote was held in which citizens supported significant amendments made to the basic law. a couple of years ago they were accepted under new conditions amendments that were also necessary, changing quickly. situation within the country, around us, as we know, a national plebiscite was also held , these amendments were adopted, they were and are significantly related to strengthening the vector aimed at confirming our traditional values, at the historical continuity of generations, and some other issues were raised of a social nature, all this... suggests that the fundamental law of our country works, lives,
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helps the state, stabilizes the state helps people, and citizens, in turn, turn to the constitutional court to protect their rights. every year the constitutional court receives about 12 thousand complaints from citizens, as the chairman clarified, this is a cross-section that allows you to see the main problems. by the way, there are much fewer requests from authorities, about one and a half. here is the authorized representative of the president in the constitutional court, alexander vladimirovich
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konovalov, but i think it would be a sin to say that alexander vladimirovich came to the office of one of the judges and told us how resolve the case. i assure you, all executive bodies, the legislator also looks very carefully at the decision, at the position of the constitutional court, and i won’t hide it, for example, the chairman of the government, even from time to time. addresses the question of making such and such a decision, will it comply with the constitution, will there be problems here, won’t there be later, will there be decisions of the constitutional court later canceling government decisions, and so on, we are all very closely watching this we're watching. after the general meeting with the judges, vladimir putin and valery zorkin spoke in a separate meeting, and the chairman of the constitutional court once again focused on the importance of the adopted amendments, which, according to... they brought the quote "great life-giving impulse", bringing the basic law of the country into
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full compliance with public demand. the decisions of the constitutional court are not subject to discussion - the president summarized, they are subject to execution, reminded that the authority of the court is very high, he promised for his part do everything to keep it at the same level. more than one and a half million requests from russians have already been sent directly to the president, of which more than one. million calls almost 36,000 sms. let me remind you that there are less than 2 days left before the end of the year with vladimir putin; communication with the head of state will combine two formats: a direct line, a large annual press conference. that is , not only representatives of the media, but also any citizen of russia will be able to ask the president a question, as long as the ukrainian president does not tell the american senators anything new, in anti -war rallies are taking place in the center of square, this is footage from kiev, mothers and wives of ukrainian soldiers are demanding mass demobilization, the ukrainian armed forces are losing hundreds of military personnel in unsuccessful attempts to attack, so in
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the past 24 hours alone up to 240 militants have been killed in the donetsk direction, up to 105 - we go in first, we check, we always look to cover the fire support platoon, the situation, give a report on whether the vehicle can work or not, if everything is clean, the vehicle enters, works, leaves and we
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cover it, repel the enemy, destroy, give fully modify the car , work it out, go back, move to another firing position , now in some sectors of the front, this can only be done at night, bukhanka helps out, the car is as uncomfortable as possible, but very passable and reliable, and this is another monster of domestic artillery, the geocinth self-propelled gun works mainly against the enemy’s artillery systems and causes a lot of problems for the enemy, as soon as we start working, it starts working on us, that is... counter-battery warfare implies just constant reconnaissance, including aerial reconnaissance, that is, birds fly above us constantly and , accordingly, work on us constantly in the same way, based on this, our task is to work out and move to a reserve area to carry out both the fire mission and also for support of our units. the geocinth crew, in addition to moving into position, aiming and firing, has to
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build a real fortress for the gun, a response will definitely arrive. the first task upon arrival at the fire...
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cover units operating on the front line near the line of combat contact from air attacks. now there is a target at a distance of 23 km. the main task is to destroy both reconnaissance and attack drones of the enemy, which are almost continuous.
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the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to its home base. the first and strongholds of the ukrainian military, which they built in the kremen forest for many years, are, of course, seen by the intelligence officers of the central military district. they explode directly into the ground so that artillery cannot reach them. combat duty of anti-aircraft missile systems. the central military district in serebryansky forestry, meanwhile , attention does not stop, sharov, to maintain the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge. since
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the beginning of the year, russian special services have prevented more than 200 terrorist crimes, fsb director alexander bortnikov announced this at the final meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee and the federal operational headquarters. the increase in the number of terrorist attacks is associated with the activation of ukrainian western intelligence services. denis alekseev has all the details. russia is systematically fulfilling its tasks and they can hardly resist this in ukraine, and as a result in the west, and therefore attempts are being actively made from outside to undermine the situation in our country. western intelligence services, in conjunction with ukrainian intelligence , act almost openly, spending enormous resources on attempts to organize sabotage, terrorist attacks, riots. an unprecedented campaign has been launched...
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the main goal is to involve in sabotage and terrorist activities and provoked mass unrest, to persuade them to provide financial assistance to ukrainian nationalist formations, as well as to travel to ukraine to participate in hostilities as part of various ukrainian paramilitaries. terrorist associations , director of the fsb of russia alexander bortnikov today summed up the work of the national anti-terrorism committee for the current year. and here are just some numbers: 146 terrorist attacks were prevented, the activities of 73 terrorist cells were identified and suppressed, the accounts of citizens involved in the financing of organizations banned in russia were blocked for a total of 110 million rubles. russian intelligence services have done an impressive job preserving. a high level of security in the country, and even foreign partners evaluate its effectiveness. the effectiveness of the work of
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counter-terrorism actors coordinated at the state level is confirmed with the growing interest in our experience on the part of foreign partners, contacts with colleagues from friendly states continue to strengthen within the framework of the international data bank on countering terrorism created on the initiatives. our experience in identifying and suppressing the financing of terrorist activities is in high demand. a separate area of ​​the committee’s activities is protecting the information front. there, ukrainian terrorists and saboteurs are making attempts to launch large-scale activities, but how advanced, efficiency tends to zero. to protect the russian information space from enemy influence, interaction between russian surveillance and law enforcement agencies has been strengthened to identify the operational blocking of materials. various radical movements of subcultures. more than 1,500 publications of a terrorist
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nature were removed from the propaganda of terrorism, neo-nazism, and open access on the internet. the increasingly frequent shelling and attacks on russian territories by the ukrainian armed forces using maritime aerial drones, and often the targets are objects of transport, energy, nuclear, and social infrastructure.
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error 404, the portals of the ministry of foreign affairs of the country, the ministry of social policy, economics, agrarian policy and others do not work. on tuesday, the country also experienced a disruption in the work of the largest.
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we are currently blocking access to the network for external contacts, even if they are verified as our partners. the first reports of disruption to the operator’s work began to appear in the morning, people wrote en masse that they could not reach anyone get through. due to a glitch in kyivstar , some security systems stopped working, and problems arose with paying for travel and operating hotlines. many stores in the establishment have stopped accepting non-cash payments.
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opened criminal proceedings on the fact of a cyber attack on kyivstar, according to the organization, russian intelligence services may be behind this. i would not exclude the possibility that this hacker attack is just another performance inside ukraine to redistribute business in this country. the situation around kyivstar was brewing a long time ago, they supposedly changed there. owners and, probably, someone coveted this tidbit, it is not surprising that the ukrainian security service has already begun to blame the russian federation. following kyivstar , several more mobile operators, vodafophone and lifecell, reported problems with their work; mobile applications stopped working, websites did not open, and it was impossible to top up accounts when ukrainian subscribers
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were able to. the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times, the national assembly residents of the veche made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of the russian state. by the 16th century, a new institution of class representation had appeared, the councils of all the earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time , the foundations of suffrage were laid in relation to cities and the urban population. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii, russia appeared
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zemstvos. men, but also women. in 1936, universal , equal, direct elections were enshrined in the ussr constitution. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted. modern electoral legislation, legislation on political parties, a system of election commissions are being formed, and the basis for gas elections is being laid. the digitalization
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of electoral processes is actively underway. procedure: russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing and conducting elections. today every russian voter understands how it is important to make our choices to support change for the better in our lives. elections in russia are important, fair, and convenient. that many american experts are starting out, in general, not like those who deal with speculators who...


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