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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
the foundations are being laid for gas in the elections. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing and conducting elections. today , every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives. elections in russia. important, honest, convenient.
3:31 am
the us federal reserve system for, as it were , financing, it is surprisingly reminiscent of the one that we had in ninety-seven and ninety-eight and led to a default, this means that before the crises there until 2008, they stimulated demand through lending to the default - the same default of the gko, as they were called, in which a certain aleksashin, then holding the position of deputy head, head of the central bank, became so rich that he can still talk about , what a bad country russia is, how corruption is, to make it clear, aleksashenko, as soon as it means he was fired, and somewhere on the twentieth or 21st of august, he and his wife went on a trip around the world.
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upset, upset, i'm very i was upset, well, and after that i never worked anywhere for a sufficient salary, because it was unnecessary, no, he was the chief economist at the higher school of economics after that, he was a member of the board of directors somewhere in some state corporations, he criminal cases were opened at least in connection with that gigantic scam, in fact, the scam of the century, there were no criminal cases, there are no criminal cases, there weren’t, there was a lot of things, i ’ll let’s not do it now.
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ended with the same thing, that this bubble burst, everyone understands perfectly well what needs to be done do something about it, but well, or wait until it finally bursts, but according to most experts, the first financial markets will not be able to withstand it and this can happen almost at any second, why? because today the capitalization of the stock market of the united states of america is really two dozen companies, everything else is not growing.
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many are ready to bet that this will all happen before march, yeah, however, here, but i say again that these are people who have no personal interests, because those who have personal interests, everything is clear with them, the only thing that i have managed to realize in my short 60 years of life is that there are no self-fulfilling forecasts, but there are self-fulfilling ones, nevertheless, well, that is, some changes always occur. probabilities, well, roughly
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speaking, there is this very prick, yes , there is a fairly high probability of something happening, by the way, very often, perhaps only. dumps of shares of israeli companies were noticed on the stock market before the start of this event, which took place 65 years ago, yes, yes, yes, there’s a lot more to it it’s necessary, but there was a lot more, so
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you know what i’m most afraid of, but i’m a jew, so i look at everything that’s happening from a slightly different perspective, i see what’s happening now will lead to something so wild. the growth of anti-semitism in the world, when i’m there now, my friend writes, well , look there at harvard, a woman tried to say everything, ha, now the jewish money will be taken away from them, they will be forced there, i say, you understand what will happen next, but instead of jewish money the gulf money will come, of course, yes, then you will get that the way you thought you influenced the agenda, so that there would be no anti-semitism and everything else, will lead to such an increase in anti-semitism, in general the latter is like that...
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of course, terrorists must be destroyed, there is no doubt about that , but 18 is a clear emphasis on the good, 18 thousand palestinians who have now died, they are terrorists, when in all seriousness nicky haley says that no, well, we are civilized, one warrior says
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america and israel, and there a representative of the israeli army says that yes we generally have one to one, all terrorists are killed, civilians are killed, and... the american army has one to eight, and do you call yourselves civilized? in total, the number of provocateurs was 9,000 hamas killed? that is, children and women? the number of provocateurs and provocations that have gone on there in recent days and weeks, there is simply an absolutely colossal number of them, and this is very, and then it will turn out that this is not the case, that is, i do not exclude at all that later, when something is investigated, it will turn out that everyone knew, but... did not imagine the scale of that attack, which was, someone knew, knew, knew, believe that the israeli intelligence service did not know, of course they knew, they knew, of course, of course they knew, but then the question arises, what is this, that’s why then all of netanyahu’s hysteria becomes clear, so that
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god forbid, this investigation didn’t go well, it didn’t go and it didn’t turn out that he knew, but for some political reasons the law, now the first thing that needs to be done is to check the accounts of a number of israeli politicians and...
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this problem has already arisen completely growth, almost all ivy league universities were condemned in a special statement by the white house for anti-semitic statements, moreover, so that they were not condemned at the level of what we would call, so to speak, it’s clear there the rector’s office, yes, that is, the leadership did not condemn, in fact there are also federal grants going there, in addition to the fact that these are private funds that go to a certain kind of federal tranches for programs, but biden stopped, they wrote in the politician that biden stopped one step away from cutting off this money. that is, himself in fact, what kind of money is going around there now in these very ivy leagues, once again, this is the forge
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of the future american political elite , well, it’s like, unless trump clears out everyone there, then no one knows whose money is there now, mood there oh which, so to speak, would not please any of the current inhabitants of washington dc, well, now about what they will do and how, you know, when we talk about the tasks of the united states of america. or washington's strategic vision there, you see, it is necessary to very seriously clarify who you mean now, because the vision of not only the two parties and even the two candidates for the upcoming elections is radically different, apparently, for now they remain biden and trump, but as can be seen from our discussion here today, it is obvious that the only thing, as it were, is the main nail that prevents everyone from moving at all, so to speak, it generally interferes. political mobility - this is biden from all points of view, but even the party press is already
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killing him, that is, the party press is publishing protocols, how much more money was found from hunter biden, from jim biden, this means, respectively, his brother and also his sister, impeachment tomorrow, well , this is not impeachment, that means this is not impeachment, this is again, this is an official vote for education special committee investigation before impeachment, the opportunity means issuing subpoenas. will zelensky participate? well, apparently yes , with active repentance, as i understand it, it would make sense to interrogate him while he is in america, as one of the main subeks, yes, yes, yes, well, apparently, it would be like there of course, like as and how, so to speak, it was expected, zelensky did not achieve anything there, the democrats are indignant only those who are directly connected with the biden project, who somehow showed up there, the republicans do not want, zelensky after the press conference with biden, so it turns out, suddenly a man runs up to him. they give him a summons and say: you've been served. that means it would be beautiful,
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well, so, firstly, firstly, of course, we need to spend time, whose tasks specifically, then solve diplomatically, diplomatically, whose tasks specifically, how would they be, we mean, what strategy, who?
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this is because of the previous guy, the second thing: you can’t endlessly fight for the democracy of those who themselves cannot fight for it, leaving vietnam, what they said, well, about the same thing, no, this should happen. of course, once again, lack of change , look, look, you’re a democrat, no, if you want to go together, yes, not that democrat, not that one, american democrat, it looks a little different, like this, that’s about it, yes, this looks very, it must be sick man, very much, but that means, look, if you and biden are in the same boat, it
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’s understandable, you will persist in everything, but even if you’re not trump, not a republican, how... on the issue of china, too, there’s always a middle ground position, it’s impossible this way, it can’t be this way, and he can’t leave any of these positions, the democrats themselves need to remove this administration, if they don’t do this, then the other administration is already republican , that’s all, because there will be failures, in this regard, it’s quite interesting, mikhail mentioned the capitalization of the world market, there
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the american one, that these are several dozen companies, fareed zakaria writes about this, he says: well, listen, the entire world capitalization is american companies. so, farid zakareya is an amazing person, of course, he’s one of those people who just don’t want to change anything, they don’t want to, they say, listen, the whole problem, he uses two terms, the first is declainism, but it’s like a recession, what america is in decline and he says, he says, yes, yes, declay, here, he says that this is very bad, because in fact , america can remain in charge of everything and globally. america can america can maintain global order as much as it wants, just believe it, this is right in the last paragraph, but in fact it has a completely different view of the conflict with taiwan than the melancholy of the biden administration. let me remind you that farid zakore
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is just like obama, just so you understand, farid zakore is like a mouthpiece for obama. so russia is spoiling this rule-based order, and china, well not really, as if this is not such a spoiler state, therefore it is necessary to urgently negotiate with china, and where china’s growth is normal, legitimate, it must be allowed to grow, moreover, he says both biden and trump are equally wrong.
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this is the administration, all these groups , they understand perfectly well, their main problem now is not even a pebble in their shoe, it’s not even a weight on their foot, it’s just a thing that simply pinned them in place and does not give them the opportunity to maneuver, the lack maneuver, well, i don’t know, even for the most blue, and these are the things of this unfortunate old man , whose father is in the kibbutz, with his wife and daughter, well, not not him personally, if he, if he were taken home now, he would not even remember that he needs to go to the white house, not personally. or you need to change a person right now, right after christmas, preferably before, preferably before, preferably as quickly as possible, then all this talk that biden cannot surrender ukraine, but he has to, but i’m here and
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i didn’t take the money, i firstly, i didn’t take the money, secondly, i’m just making this up some strange ones. and the main thing is to hell with us - this is a corrupt country , it’s absolutely true, by the way, the conversation about corruption today at a closed briefing because after the show between the congress of the republicans, this is different, this is different, that is, zelensky did not impress them, no, no, result, zero result, as in principle, as in principle, as expected, little, in general i think that biden made a gigantic mistake, invited zelensky, and again, because he spoke himself, addressing - to the senate, answer was, no, he invites a foreign leader to speak to the same audience, believing that his... words as president are not enough, now a boy will come, he will tell so that the american voters who elected them will say, oh, how, then, our the president could not, now our trusted representatives
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will listen to foreigners explaining that our money should go there, what is this even about, so who then controls the representatives of the people, us or some incomprehensible, moreover,
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armistice agreement, but naturally, all this was done with the strongest chinese support, with the deputy minister of foreign affairs of china, who, so to speak, went to resolve all these issues, and this means one simple thing, that this is a plan to destabilize this entire region adjacent to china and cut, attempt to cut all these communications, in general, they failed for the americans, which the chinese managed to stop, and not just stop. after all, there was an idea that all these national armies, there to say, the army there is hanga, that’s all 800, the size of the berman army 350-370,000, of course, but there was
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a calculation among the americans that this was the spark from which the flame would ignite, here are the largest army, the kachin, chin, army of the wa state, there is such a thing , there are 30,000 people, so they will just begin the main offensive, they they will just join in this uprising, so to speak , to overthrow the military, so... china has done everything so that these largest and most serious armies, so that the flame does not ignite from a spark, all these national military, so to speak, leaders, they stated that we are neutral in all this situation, and since neutrality, then in fact all those who , so to speak, induced this spark, yes, they found themselves in a state of, so to speak, almost complete isolation, they are already forced to go to these negotiations, and in fact this plan is american. to destabilize burma , and this plan exists, this is a serious plan to change the military, to bring some of its own people to power, so to speak, it actually did not
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take place, and it is clear that by january 13, china had already solved this problem, the second problem, which china is also, so to speak, solving quite successfully, you know, today sizinping has already arrived in vietnam, and very important negotiations are underway there, he will meet with almost the entire leadership of vietnam, and will be discussed.
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difficult, important, honestly convenient, what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, put a lot of layers of security in a very clever way, took colored markers, made watermarks, we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, darling, we have the ballot you are beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass , in russia the ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choose in the country, freely , important, honestly convenient.
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look, look, in the app or on the website, goat, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, the magnificent five, this is my group, stop. why have i never seen you and princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebranding, temporary musicians, grab them, soon, what the hell is happening, where am i? so, we act according to the old proven scheme, she is a serf peasant of a cruel landowner, when everything does not go according to plan, our grisha lost his temper, improvise, what do we think?
4:00 am
it is already quite obvious today that the americans have no chance of mastering these deposits; it is impossible to use them as an alternative for china; moreover, most likely, a very serious friendship agreement will be signed on the further development of cooperation, on deepening and so on. further and so on, which will clearly show that all the attempts of the united states, again on the eve of january 13, to somehow win vietnam over to its side, they also
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... did not have much success.


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