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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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vladimir putin congratulated russians on the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the constitution. the president added that the updated document stabilizes states and helps people. vladimir putin talked with the judges of the constitutional court, they talked about the role and significance of the constitution, the changes that were recently made and their necessity in the new conditions. the main presidential statement was compiled by anastasia yafimova. protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens is the most important thing in the russian constitution.
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today marks 30 years since its adoption. with this on this date, the president congratulated all citizens of the country at a meeting with judges of the constitutional court and recalled under what difficult conditions the country’s fundamental law was adopted. we all remember the conditions under which the constitution was adopted. it was a difficult time of testing for our country, associated with such acute civil and political confrontations. nevertheless. e people who worked on the constitution, carried out events related to its adoption, found courage, just like all political forces, found courage in themselves in order to go to a referendum and adopt a fundamental law. of course, this played a very important role for the preservation of russia itself, so that it did not fall apart, no, did not disintegrate, and this is
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a significant role, it continues to actually dominate, it seems to me, meaning that in the main and fundamental the constitution is, of course, the protection of the rights, freedoms, and interests of our citizens, while the constitution of the country, as the president put it, is a living organism, in other words, not a dusty document put on a shelf, but a real one an instrument that meets the requirements of the time and its challenges, which is why in the summer...
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are associated with strengthening the vector aimed at confirming our traditional values, at the historical continuity of generations, and some other issues of a social nature were raised, all this suggests that the fundamental law of our country works, lives, helps the state, stabilizes the state, helps people, and citizens, in turn... turn to the constitutional court for protection of their rights. annually the constitutional court receives about 12 thousand complaints from citizens, as the chairman clarified, this is a cross-section that allows you to see the main problems. by the way, there are much fewer requests from authorities, about one and a half hundred per year, and this, as valery zorkin noted, is a good sign of coordination of actions and a single vector of development of the country. of course, we understand that not everyone likes us; many people don’t like us. i recently read at a meeting the day before,
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what kind of court is this, which practically did not discredit a single presidential decree, well, this is emphasized in such a way that we are under the heel of the kremlin, under the heel of the president, well , the plenipotentiary representative of the president in the constitutional court, alexander vladimirovich konovalov, is present here, but i think it would be a sin to say that alexander vladimirovich came to the office of someone from the judges told us how to resolve the case. i assure you, all executive bodies, the legislator too, look very carefully at the decision, at the position of the constitutional court, i won’t hide it, for example, the chairman government, even from time to time he asks the question of making such and such a decision, will it be in accordance with the constitution, will there be problems here, won’t there be later, will there be constitutional decisions later...
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judicial decrees of the government and so on further, we are all watching this very closely. after the general meeting with the judges, we talked in a separate meeting. constitutional court once again focused on the importance of the adopted amendments, which, according to him , brought the quote “great life-giving impulse", bringing the basic law of the country into full compliance with public demand. the decisions of the constitutional court are not subject to discussion - the president summarized, they are subject to execution, and recalled that the authority of the court is very high, he promised for his part to do everything to ensure that it remains at the same level. million requests from russians have already been sent to the direct line with the president, of which over a million calls are almost 36,000 sms . let me remind you that there are less than two days left before the end of the year with vladimir putin. communication with the head of state will combine two formats - direct line big annual press conference. that is,
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not only media representatives, but also any russian citizen will be able to ask the president a question. while the ukrainian president is not telling the american senators anything new, a protest is taking place in the center of independence square. anti-war rallies, this is footage from kiev, mothers and wives of ukrainian soldiers demand mass demobilization, the ukrainian armed forces are losing hundreds of military personnel in unsuccessful attempts to attack, so in the past 24 hours alone, up to 240 militants were killed in the donetsk direction, up to 15 in kupyansky and up to 70 on zaporozhye. this data was shared by the russian ministry of defense. our military is defeating the enemy in all directions. reports from the front lines of my colleagues mikhail andronik and alexey baranov. the tos-1a heavy flamethrower system of the center group of troops is covering ukrainian militants in the krasno-liman direction. a heavy flamethrower system is a priority
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target for the fronts; accordingly, thanks to the navigation equipment, we quickly process the signal and leave. the flamethrowers are always covered by a platoon. fire support, let's go first, we check, look at the situation , give a report whether the machine can work or not, if everything is clean, the machine comes in, works , leaves and we follow it, cover, repel the enemy, destroy, let the machine work completely, work out, go back, move to another firing position, now in some sectors of the front, this can only be done at night, bukhanka helps out, the car is extremely uncomfortable, but very passable.
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aim and shoot, you have to build in addition to moving into position, a real fortress for a weapon, the answer will definitely arrive. the first task upon arrival at a firing position is to camouflage ourselves so that it is more difficult for the enemy to detect us, so it is dug in, protected from the right to the left, and camouflaged from above. we have anti-drone nets, we try, we protect ourselves so that the personnel are in order, and everyone returns home. the russian army is beating the enemy in every possible way in all directions
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; kiev has nothing to oppose to the sea of ​​fire in the village of the russian spirit. mikhail andronik, anton musikyan, lugansk people's republic. the march from cover to the firing position takes less than 10 minutes, and the crew's work begins even before the vehicle stops. the ability of the tor m1 anti-aircraft missile systems to detect and recognize up to 50 targets is especially important today. it is the air defense crews of the central military district here in the krasnolimansky direction that cover the units operating at the front line. the main task is to destroy both reconnaissance and attack drones of the enemy, which are almost continuously trying to cross the line of contact.
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we observe in the air that it is flying, look at the parameters, report to the commander, if it is no longer our own bird, the commander gives the go-ahead for destruction. operation of anti-aircraft missiles. , the central military district, of course, motorized riflemen see with their own eyes thanks to the round-the-clock combat duty of air defense crews, here... and the artillery got nothing.
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meanwhile, the combat duty of the tor1 anti-aircraft missile systems of the central military district in the serebryansky forestry does not stop. attention. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev, leonid sharov. maintain a line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic in the krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge. since the beginning of the year, russian special services have prevented more. 200 terrorist crimes, fsb director alexander bortnikov announced this at the final meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee and the federal operational headquarters. the increase in the number of terrorist attacks is associated with the activation of ukrainian western intelligence services. denis alekseev has all the details. russia is systematically fulfilling its tasks and they can hardly resist this in ukraine, and as a result in the west, and therefore attempts are being actively made from the outside. the situation in our country. western intelligence agencies , in conjunction with ukrainian intelligence, operate
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almost openly. they spend enormous resources on attempts to organize sabotage, terrorist attacks, and riots. an unprecedented campaign has been launched to inspire protest activity, promote neo-nazi ideas and recruit russian citizens susceptible to them, often using them blindly. the main goal is to involve in sabotage. terrorist activities and provoked mass unrest, to persuade the ukrainian nationalist formation to provide financial assistance, as well as to travel to ukraine to participate in hostilities as part of various ukrainian paramilitary associations, director of the fsb of russia alexander bortnikov today summed up the work of the national anti-terrorism committee for the current year, here are just some numbers: 146 prevented. terrorist attacks identified and stopped the activities of 73 terrorist cells,
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accounts of citizens involved in the financing of organizations banned in russia, were blocked for a total of 110 million rubles. russian special services have done an impressive job, maintaining a high level of security in the country, and even foreign partners evaluate their effectiveness. the effectiveness of the work of counter-terrorism actors coordinated at the state level confirms. a separate area of ​​the committee’s activities is protecting the information front, where ukrainian terrorists and saboteurs are making attempts to turn it around. large-scale activities, but as on the front line, the effectiveness tends to zero. to protect the russian information
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space from enemy influence, interaction between roskomnadzor and law enforcement agencies has been strengthened to identify the operational blocking of materials promoting the ideas of terrorism, neo-nazism, and various radical movements of subcultures. more than 1,500 publications have been removed from public access to the internet. the increasing frequency of shelling and attacks does not go unnoticed russian territories by the ukrainian armed forces with the use of naval aerial drones, and often the targets are objects of transport, energy, nuclear, and social infrastructure. improving the safety of industrial, energy and transport facilities is an important area of ​​activity for local authorities. nac members emphasized the need to increase personal responsibility.
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experts have been working on solving the problem since 8 am; in the afternoon information appeared that kyivstar would resume work in several hours, but by the evening the subscribers still had no connection, due to the fall in the network , the air raid warning system stopped working, the sbu opened criminal proceedings on the fact of a cyber attack on kyivstar, according to the organization , russian special services may be behind this, i would did not exclude the possibility that this hacker attack... is just another performance inside ukraine to redistribute business in this country. the situation around kyivstar has been brewing for a long time; the owners were supposedly changing. and, probably, someone coveted this tasty
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piece. it is not surprising that the security service of ukraine is already... yes, they cut off the hand holding the ppsh machine gun. now all the sculpture in the capital of the country is covered with forests, the approaches to it are guarded. the bronze figures were installed in the center of sofia in 1954 as a sign of gratitude to the soviet army, the liberator. now the monument will be divided into parts weighing no more than 4 tons. russian foreign ministry official maria zakharova said that moscow views
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these actions as a hostile step on the part of the bulgarian authorities. israeli. military hamas began flooding underground tunnels in the gas sector, the wall street journal reports, citing a source in the american administration. the idf is pumping water from the mediterranean into the tunnels, destroying the underground passages through which, according to israel , hamas fighters move to set up ambushes, an important part of the ground operation. in addition, judging by the stories of the hostages, some of them were kept in these tunnels.
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donald tusk returns to the post of prime minister of poland to the chants of the parliament's stands. 248 deputies for, 201 against. behind the candidacy of tusk, instead of matteusz morowiecki, who lost the election, the entire polish opposition voted. from the podium, tusk said that under his leadership the country would once again become a loyal ally of the united states and brussels, that is, tusk 2.0 is a new version of the old prime minister.
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the worst thing that could happen to poland. the composition of tusk’s government is already known, the new prime minister introduced it to the sejm during the debate, and the return of radoslaw sekorski to the post of head of the ministry of foreign affairs caused particular excitement. sekorsky already held this position from 2007 to 2014 remembered as one of the guarantors of the association agreement.
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from strasbourg, he rejoiced at the explosions on the nordic flows and thanked the united states for this. people in kiev have already rushed to congratulate donald tusk on his election to the post of prime minister, even before his confirmation.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 13 , 1545, the trent ecumenical council of the catholic church opened in northern italy in the city of trente. now it is trent that the entire episcopate has gathered to repel protestantism and launch the counter-reformation. the council announced everything that protestants condemned was unshakable:
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the church hierarchy with the primacy of the pope , the doctrine of original sin, the healing of priests, the worship of saints and much more. the main weapon was the inquisition. heretics were tortured and burned at the stake, but catholicism only strengthened in southern europe, the czech republic and poland. in other countries, protestant movements still dominated; the anglican church had already separated from rome. the final line under the counter-formation in 1648 was summed up by the westphalian peace treaty, which proclaimed religious tolerance equalizing the rights of catholics and protestants. on december 13, 1769, the austrian volugan kamadeus mozart went on his first tour of italy. he was only 13 years old. italy was considered musical. mecca , the cradle of opera, the greatest composers worked here, but mozart stood the test, he performed in concerts, played from sight, improvised, at the milan opera the audience called
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him for an encore and shouted: long live the maestro, in the sextin chapel he listened to the mizere, a most complex choral work, notes which was prohibited from being taken out and publish, wrote it down from memory without errors. the pope made mozart a knight of the order of the golden spur, the youngest in history. ahead lay incredible glory and fruitful creativity. mozart wrote more than 600 musical works: operas, symphonies, songs and much more. on december 13, 1937, the japanese invaded nanjing. it is one of the largest and oldest cities in china. massacres of civilians and chinese prisoners of war began, known as the nanking massacre. by that time. the pono-chinese war had been going on for six months, the aggressors wanted to conquer all of china, considered the chinese to be an inferior race, destroyed people in the most savage ways, mocked them, mocked them, and
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tortured them. for example, officers competed to see who could kill 100 people with a sword the fastest; the number of dead was at least 200,000. after the war, not all criminals were punished. the americans granted immunity to prince yesuhika, the commander of the troops in nanjing. today in japan, many people keep silent about this crime, deny the killing of civilians, and downplay the number of victims. but in china on december 13th - day of remembrance for the victims of the nanjing massacre. on december 13, 1974, the first soviet military satellite for remote sensing of the earth, yantar-2k, was launched from baikanur; it was manufactured in samara, then the city was called kuiboshev, at the progress plant. one of the developers, yuri belov, noted that yantar marked, quote: a qualitative leap in the development of the domestic industry, and we have reached the forefront of science and technology. for the first time
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, an autonomous navigation system was used on a satellite, and a computer was installed on board based on digital technologies, this in addition to photography and film equipment, and the captured film was returned to the ground; for this purpose, launch capsules were attached to one of the compartments. such reconnaissance satellites made it possible to record military activities on the territory of any country. this was especially important for monitoring the implementation of soviet-american agreements on strategic weapons. exactly 20 years. ago, on december 13, 2003, the americans detained saddam hussein, the head of the overthrown iraqi regime, a brutal dictator who ruled the country for almost 30 years. for this a special operation was organized with the participation of 600 people, with armored vehicles, aviation and artillery. hussein was found in the city of tekrit, in the basement of an inconspicuous adobe house. the soldier wanted to throw a grenade there, but saddam climbed out and said: “i am the president
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of iraq and i am ready to negotiate.” however, instead of negotiations, he was tried and sentenced to death. many were shocked by this; they believed that the americans, who formed the interim government of iraq, did not have the right to judge the former head of state, because the united states invaded iraq under false pretenses without un sanctions, contrary to all norms of international law. the barbaric execution of saddam only deepened the division in society and aggravated the conflict, which cost hundreds of thousands of lives. this is what this day in history was like. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars and begged them to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace and
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fire it with her own hands. into a peasant hut , miraculously no one was killed to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, they drove her to paris, we’ll eat oysters, we could forgive him, but according to the law, we’re supposed to go to siberia. siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, withers 2, where are you going, drown yourself, soon!
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