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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the number of questions from russians for the year-end program with vladimir putin has reached approximately 1,700,000. preparations for the event have reached the home stretch. the president will give answers live tomorrow. russian artillery destroyed important objects in the usu in the krasnolimansk direction. the combat crews of the d-20 howitzers destroyed the enemy's camouflaged command post and electronic warfare equipment. us president biden allocated to kiev. another
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$200 million in military aid to the regime. experts believe that this amount is an order of magnitude less than what zelensky was expecting. his visit to washington can be called close to a failure. the un general assembly called on the parties to the conflict in the gas sector to truce. this is stated in the adopted resolution, its authors were egypt and britain. the document also talks about the release of hostages and compliance with laws in relation to civilians. preparations are being completed. as a direct line and a press conference of vladimir putin, the president will devote today to working out the issues of the upcoming big conversation, the call center of the popular front has already received more than 1 million calls from citizens, and this is only part of the requests, they come via sms, through the website, applications and social networks, in total about 1.7000 questions have already been received, according to the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov - this an excellent sociological cross-section for analyzing what problems are of concern. russians. many questions
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traditionally relate to healthcare, education, social benefits and support for special operation participants. from new regions , people are asking about housing restoration and infrastructure. the results of the year with vladimir putin will be summed up live tomorrow , december 14. in addition to the president, in the hall there will be moderators and journalists, representatives of federal and regional media, as well as foreign correspondents accredited in moscow. powerful explosions occurred last night. morning in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. in kiev , residents heard a strong roar. in some areas the water supply was cut off. early explosions were heard in odessa and chernomorsk - this is the odessa region. talking about how systems work air defense. the air raid alert has been announced several times over the past period. sirens were heard in nine regions of the country. in the krasnolimansk direction, russian artillery destroyed camouflaged command posts of the ukrainian armed forces' electronic warfare equipment. the task was successfully
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completed by the crews of the d-20 towed howitzers. the coordinates of the position were transmitted by scouts, they observed the actions of the enemy on the front line, and also monitored the militants in their rear. drone operators helped adjust the strikes. to hit the target as effectively as possible, artillerymen chose high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. you need to choose the right projectile, load it on time, that is, organize it. the supply of the projectile is uninterrupted, we know the targets, but we don’t see them, we hit the enemy, dugouts , moving objects, equipment, well, the guns are constantly maintained, they work clearly, without complaints, it’s either a breakdown, in the lugansk people’s republic the artillery provided the attack aircraft with the support necessary before the start attacks, the target of the volleys was a whole network of ...
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contacts just reported to the artillerymen of the central military district a reconnaissance group operating behind the line of combat coordinates of the fortified ukrainian military, consisting of several strong points. it is against them that long-range howitzers strike before the assault groups begin their work.
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however, the senior gunner with the call sign "sight" tells us, his gaobic battery hits not only the fortified armored forces of the ukrainian armed forces. there is enough foreign equipment on this section of the front. there are a lot of them, mostly american-made bullshits go around here, they don’t last long, let’s just say, we get caught, we eliminate them, for every piece of equipment, monetary pleasure comes, many people have already received the award. at the tor ledge, assault units are already on the line of combat contact and are fully ready for combat work. at the front line , the trenches are definitely being dug in full growth, now after the onset of frost, their walls seem... as if they were made of stone with the last volleys of artillery barrage before actually taking action, the assault groups launch their reconnaissance drone, there is a picture, here are the transmitted ones his camera footage of accurate hits of shells fired russian artillerymen, we are walking side by side,
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a massive artillery barrage is mandatory before each infantry attack, firing volleys almost 20 km away... a scout with the call sign rangefinder tells us, it cannot be done without taking the tongue. we try to do this as quickly and quietly as possible, often this is a cleansing operation, collecting those prisoners who either surrender themselves, or the wounded cannot further resist. there are times when he first surrenders, then tries to commit sabotage during his evacuation. some conscripts, they it’s clear that they don’t want to fight and there’s nothing to fight for; when they see heavy fire from our side, the majority don’t resist much. the task of the assault groups, which have advanced several hundred meters beyond the line of combat contact, is to hold their positions until reinforcements arrive. fire support in this,
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of course, is provided by artillerymen. with intense fire, they do not allow the ukrainian military to transfer additional forces to the battlefield. gun, shot! alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: line of combat contacts in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, serebryansky forestry. the new military aid package for ukraine could be one of the last unless congress approves additional funding. the us secretary of state stated this. during his visit to washington , zelensky failed to persuade the republicans to compromise.
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received hundreds of times less. we will keep the kiev regime going for billions and supply ukraine with critical weapons equipment for as long as possible. today i approved the allocation 200 million. dollars, as well as supplies of critical equipment, air target interceptors, and artillery and ammunition, but without additional funding, we are quickly exhausting our ability to help ukraine solve the immediate challenges it faces. the mood during this visit
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of zelensky was completely different than at the previous negotiations in september, the politician’s publication summarizes, and actually reading the answers on a piece of paper and incomprehensible chuckles made the atmosphere somewhat awkward, so... as if between hammer to forge, a guest from kiev walks alongside the leaders of the republicans and democrats in the senate, as reported by cnn. at a closed meeting with congressmen, zelensky tried to assure them that the scale of corruption in the country is not that great, apparently unsuccessfully. we need a clear formulation of the strategy that will allow ukraine to win while the answers have been insufficient. they did not provide us with the clarity and details we asked for again again. having started asking literally 24 hours after i became speaker. the biden administration appears to be asking for billions of dollars without specifics, without a clear strategy for winning, without the answers that i think the american people deserve. despite all the protocol statements of support for ukraine, the speaker of the house
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of representatives avoided joint photographs with the head of the kiev regime, as reported by a new york times correspondent. and even senator linsey graham, notorious for his russophobic statements, made it clear. one thing to be grateful for is the discussion of aid to ukraine in congress. republicans in the house representatives are not going to back down in their demands to strengthen security of the us southern border in exchange for... who is not trying to hide who the real stakeholders in the war in ukraine are. would we send boris
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johnson to disrupt the preliminary peace agreement between kiev and moscow in april 2022 if there really was a defensive war in ukraine. to push through the release of a new aid package, democrats are even proposing that congress postpone the holidays, which will begin at the end of the this week. however, the republican minority leader in the senate said he would reach agreement on this issue. christmas is almost impossible. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. the bulgarian authorities have begun dismantling the monument to the soviet army in sofia. but the soldier’s figures sawed off the hand holding the machine gun. now the sculpture is covered with scaffolding and there are dozens of guards around it. let me remind you that the monument was erected in the center of sofia in 1954 as a sign of gratitude to the liberating soviet army. now they plan to divide the sculpture into parts and supposedly sent for restoration. foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova said: moscow views these actions as a hostile step. bulgarian authorities claim
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that the reason for the dismantling is the poor condition of the bronze from which the monument is made. the un general assembly adopted a resolution calling for a truce in gaza. its authors were egypt and mauritania. the document calls for the release of hostages and demands compliance with international law, especially in relation to the civilian population. arab tv channels, meanwhile, are talking about... an increase in the number of victims, according to their information, at least 18,000 palestinians have died in the gaza strip since the beginning of the conflict. the ministry of health reported an assault on hospitals in the north of gaza. the department claims that there is no water or electricity in hospitals, and medical staff are being arrested en masse. the israeli military has already detained 70 hospital workers. earlier , the wall street journal reported the start of an operation to flood underground tunnels in the gas sector. water is pumped there from the mediterranean sea. according to information. journalists , this step is aimed at destroying hamas infrastructure. the polish sejm supported
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the government of the new prime minister donald tusk. the majority of deputies were in favor of a vote of confidence in the new prime minister; they wanted to postpone the vote due to a major scandal. right during the discussion, one of the parliamentarians rushed into the corridor, grabbed a fire extinguisher and extinguished the hanukkah candles that were installed in the seimas. he accompanied his actions with anti-semitic slogans. after this, the deputy. kicked out of the building and fined. now economic news, come to me maria filippova joins. maria, good morning, there have been reports in the media that ukrainian hackers allegedly hacked the services of the federal tax service of russia, is this true? roman, good morning, fortunately, no breakdowns, and more on that later. the federal tax service denied information about hacking from ukraine. all services are operating as normal, citizens’ data is safe, the federal tax service reported. the day before. some internet resources claimed that ukrainian hackers managed to hack, destroy the infrastructure of the russian
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tax authorities, and the servers allegedly received malicious software, all this is not true, the federal tax service assured, they added there were no malfunctions, which is confirmed directly by the internet user. the real effective exchange rate of the ruble in november increased by almost 6.5% compared to a month earlier. this follows from data from the bank of russia. for. 11 months of this year, although there was a decrease in the indicator by more than 24% in annual terms, now there is a reversal. if we talk in detail, the index of the real exchange rate of the ruble grew by almost 8.5% against the dollar, and by six% against the euro. the effective ruble exchange rate is calculated on the basis of the exchange rates of russia's main trading partners in accordance with the shares of these countries in our country's foreign trade turnover. meanwhile, the market exchange rate of the ruble began to systematically strengthen. the dollar came closer. 90, euro to 97. washington has once again expanded the sanctions list
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against russia. it included dozens of individuals and about 240 companies, and not only from our country, but also from china, the united arab emirates, singapore, turkey, switzerland, cyrus and others. directly in russia we are talking, in particular, about expobank, which is one of the top 40 banks in the country, and several gold mining engineering companies. for cargo, motorinvest, a manufacturer of exclusively civilian electric vehicles evalut, was also included in the sanctions list. expobank has already responded to the decision of the american ministry of finance. customer funds stated there. cards in complete safety, including visa and mastercards continue to be valid in russia; currency transfers to friendly countries are still available. simply put, sanctions will not affect the bank’s work. the former nokian plant in the leningrad region has launched serial production of tires under the new ikon brand. the company itself announced this. at the end of march this year, it completed a deal to purchase the russian
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assets of the finnish concern. all technological processes and equipment have been preserved at the enterprise. production automated systems. at the factory 1,100 people work. let me remind you that the finnish company nokian tires announced its withdrawal from the russian market in june last year. and finally, exchange rates, the dollar today is 90 rubles. 21 kopecks euro 97, 40 kopecks. roman, maria, thank you, now a short advertisement, right after to the latest news, but let us remind you where the most delicious watermelons and excellent fishing are. all the best is simple, like alpha business, online banking and business applications, all in one button, invoices, payments, accounting and lawyers, conduct all your business online. alfabank is the best bank for business. i wish i knew a spell to
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order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment, not just profitable, alpha profitable! about 1.700 thousand requests were received on the direct line and press conference of vladimir putin, people call the call center, send requests via sms and social networks. the president will give answers in a variety of areas live tomorrow on december 14th. the un general assembly adopted a resolution calling to a truce in gaza. the authors of the document were egypt and britain. arab television channels report 18,000 palestinian deaths since the conflict began. meanwhile, israel began to flood underground tunnels in the gas sector.
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in bulgaria, a monument to the soviet army, erected in 1954, is being dismantled. the monument was covered with scaffolding and security was posted. they want to cut it into pieces and supposedly send it for restoration. moscow views these actions as a hostile step, the foreign ministry said. the new prime minister of poland , donald tusk, will take the oath of office today. will to form a new government of the country, the seimas had previously approved its program, the discussion was marked by a major scandal, one of the deputies extinguished the candles from the fire extinguishers. like the most delicious watermelons and excellent fishing, and also a large shipbuilding center and one of the key oil producers. all this is about the astrakhan region. today, a large-scale program of the region will be presented at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. what is this unique region famous for, what is it worth seeing for tourists. and what successes of recent years will go down in the history of the region, he will tell marina melnikova. let’s cut it
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, let’s take a look, well, as you can see, here it is, you can immediately see that it’s nocturnally cut, that’s how astrakhan summer sounds, it’s a novelty at the same time a classic, a berry with typical red flesh and a large seed. today, the lineup of astrakhan inventors includes a real rainbow and variety of tastes. lime , vanilla, nutmeg, pineapple, we continue to work with shades of pulp, that is, we must not forget about this, we have white, yellow, orange watermelons, we are trying to refine the green one, developing a new variety is painstaking work, which can take 10 or 15 years, all in order to surprise the consumer, and not only the astrakhan consumer, the whole country knows the taste of our southern watermelons. khan region is the center of shipbuilding in the south of russia. today , the shipyards are implementing key orders for russia, kazakhstan, turkmenistan and western european countries; our shipbuilders can handle all types of vessels, from tankers to cruise ships,
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with the emphasis today being entirely on domestic equipment. in fact, these are the same dredgers, only they will be made according to essentially made from 100% russian components. they will have the same appearance, they will have the same performance. about 2.0 specialists work at the sites of the southern shipbuilding and ship repair center alone. next year, the management plans to double the staff, which means new orders and expanded cooperation in the future, primarily with neighbors in the caspian sea. more than 60% of our foreign trade is certainly carried out in the caspian sea. as a result of last year , our trade turnover with the caspian states increased by 15%. we traditionally export cereals, timber, ships, fish products, vegetables, and
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bogchevye to the markets of the caspian countries. the launch of the international north-south transport corridor will help strengthen the status of the strategic region. a convenient route will connect the regions of the european part of russia with india, the countries of central and southeast asia, africa and the middle east. right now. under the conditions of sanctions, mtk acquires particular importance, and the numbers confirm this. since the beginning of the year , the cargo turnover of the ostrakhan ports has increased by more than than 50%. the lotus special economic zone is also actively developing. the immediate plans include the launch of large-scale production of food for fish and pets, the opening of a detergent plant, and the production of geosynthetic fabric has already been launched. the demand within the russian federation is quite high, and there is a supply of similar, similar products. where for... road construction, for other completely industries, so the company has a great future. astrakhan is one of the key oil producers. it is the caspian sea that is considered
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the leader in terms of reserves and volumes production. thus, one well at the imeni felanovsky field is equivalent in productivity to a hundred wells on land; the scale of the work being carried out receives high marks from the federal center. what the federation council delegation saw today when it arrived in the astrakhan region confirms that we have competent personnel. following global trends, the region is developing its economy with concern for the environment. astrakhan is one of the leaders in the field of renewable energy sources. there are 12 solar power plants and high-tech wind farm. astrakhan is also a rich fishing region. and it is important not only to consume, but also to give away, experts are sure. today in fisheries and...
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to help its inhabitants. marina melnikova, tatyana zelenina, lead the astrakhan region. sports news. in the studio of danila makhalin. good morning, russian hockey player artemy ponarin has reached the 700-point mark in the nhl. which match did you compete in? good morning, he scored an assist in the game with toronto, although his team lost 3:7. if scoring ponari on his rangers.
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karyan appeared in the starting lineup against inter in the champions league, sisidat showed up, but was only marked with a yellow card. the match on santira ended in a goalless draw. according to the sign , among the matches that took place last night, the confrontation between bayern and manchester stood out, but now this is a pathetic parody of what the teams have accustomed fans to for several decades in a row. manchester, in certain situations, could even leave the group, but lost to bayern 0:1, scoring the only goal. gave it to him kane. because of copenhagen's victory over galatasaray in a parallel match, the mancunians were knocked out of the european competition for the first time in 18 years. but copenhagen made it to the playoffs, and the turks got into the europa league. in group b, first and second places were taken by london arsenal and dutch psv, who played each other in a 1:1 draw. lens beat sevilla and left the spaniards without european cups. in group c, napoli turned out to be
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stronger. bragi 2:0. real madrid ultimately won all the matches in the group, beating berlin union in the final match. spaniards, the italians are in the playoffs, braga is in the europa league, in group d next are real neighbors with zakharyan and inter. third place goes to benfica, which was won by saalzburg. former head coach of talyatin akron evgeny koleshin officially headed vladikavkaz alania. the agreement is for 3.5 years. at one time, college. russian cup and win almost half of the matches played in all tournaments, but a few weeks ago the specialist was dismissed due to disagreements in the development path. uzbek csk moscow midfielder abazbek
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feyzullaev is nominated for the title. russian alina korneeva became the world champion of the twenty-third year among juniors according to the international tennis federation. the sixteen-year-old athlete ranks 176th in the wta rankings, but at the end of the season she was in first position. this year, korneeva won two junior
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grand slam singles tournaments, open. the championships of australia and france also reached the semi-finals of junior wimbledon, and in october alina won the final tournament. that's it for now all about sports, see you in the next hour. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number. disassembly committee, i will vote at home. adult citizens of the country are given all the opportunities, even those who are immobilized, are offered the decision to call the elections home, take a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, registers them in advance with a vote on the road. so, elections equal, citizens of my country, it is important to choose freely in the country.


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