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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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we’ll eat oysters, you could ask, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, two lackeys, where are you going, drown yourself, soon.
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the news from the middle of the hour is short: the number of questions from russians for the year-end program with vladimir putin has reached approximately 1,700 thousand. preparations for the event have reached the home stretch. the president will give answers live tomorrow. russian artillery destroyed important ukrainian armed forces installations in the krasnolimansk direction.
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we are talking about the release of hostages and compliance with laws in relation to civilians . snow cover in moscow by the end of the week may exceed the norm by five times; cyclone vanya will strike the european part of russia in the coming days. when this happens and which areas besides the capital will be hit by the elements, we will tell you immediately after the advertisement.
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invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb my investments with low commissions on transactions, professionals work, everything is on sale, a new car radio for 2449 rubles on avito, new year's discounts in the caesar dumplings magnet 169,999 magnet - the price is what you need. cities, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment within national fuel project, i converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose like gas, refuel at gazprom stations, russian lotto this year plays:
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taste point scandinavia. scandinavian burger with cheese patty, cheese rings , warming ponche. delicious in scandinavian style , period. new buildings on cyan offer a huge selection of profitable offers for reliable residential complexes. call the developer directly from the application. the feed has everything for the new year. and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings. receive mixers, a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout, etc. with order delivery and
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create funny characters, collect, mix, play tape, magical conditions, real rate up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works, and you receive income, register at i don’t need a flower, a seven-flowered one, for my wishes to come true. this year i achieved my dream myself. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter, holiday - it's you. the atlantic conveyor has started working, however, only by half; the russian plain will be tormented by snow cyclones until the end of the week. why is it still snowing and did freezing rain occur in the same areas? will the situation change today when vanya
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brings down a snowstorm on moscow? this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the phobos centers, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello. european part of the country. continues to be covered with snow , they couldn’t get a bedridden patient through, they took it, the amount is up, footage from lipetsk, alas, this is not an isolated case, ambulances are skidding in the yards, cars can’t get out of parking lots, there are even snowplows on regional highways , this, for example , was on her way to liberate the bus was trapped in snow and ended up stuck. herself. the same transport collapse in voronezh. the local ministry of labor asked employers not to fine late employees, but to accept the situation. here, like our neighbors, it snows for several days in a row. utility workers have been transferred to round-the-clock operation. one of the main streets of the city
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was even blocked for the night so that everything could be cleared before the morning. poor plants, they just break off and are frozen. thick, look at the layer of ice, in rostov-on- don, it’s been freezing rain for the second day, deja vu among the residents of priozovye. rostov-nadon has once again been frozen in ice, free access to schools has been introduced in the region, not everyone can navigate such a road to knowledge. there were power outages. at one point, nearly 1,500 customers were left without power. the situation is similar in the dpr, in donetsk itself, on tuesday trees fell under the weight of the snow, in the stavropol region, on top of everything else , a strong wind arose, two roads had to be closed for a while.
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the active atlantic cyclone continues to spoil the weather in european russia. he came to our country over the weekend, but collided with an atmospheric block. ical anticyclone, i have been forced to circle in the same place for several days now. today it will snow over almost the entire territory of the russian plain, and the same regions will bear the brunt of the disaster as at the beginning of the week. chernozem region and the south of the central region. lipetsk will continue to sweep, with the main precipitation occurring in the first half of the day, more than 5 mm. then they will weaken, but will not stop completely. daytime temperature - 8-9°, freezing rains will continue in donetsk, they are possible this morning and tomorrow evening, during the day on thermometers -2-4°. but the bad news doesn't end there: the current cyclone is only the first in a series. the atlantic conveyor
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is accelerating again, following the current whirlwind , a system of new ones has already emerged, they are also extremely active. for example, one of them, named, by the way, russian. named after vanya , organized a storm on the british isles, a storm arose here, a tornado was even seen in ireland, an extremely rare weather phenomenon for western europe, in the coming days these cyclones will shift to the east, their predecessor will also not go anywhere, although it will weaken, it will continue to cover the russian plain with snow, but on friday two zones of low pressure will unite at the bottom, and the intensity of precipitation will increase sharply, again they will be hit by bad weather... central russia and the black earth region, and the new wave of snowfalls will be even more powerful than all the previous ones. in some places the intensity of precipitation will exceed 15-20 mm per day. in moscow, for example, today tomorrow 6 mm will fall in the bag, and then on friday another
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almost 19. as a result, by the beginning of the weekend , snowdrifts 45-50 cm high will fall in the capital, five times higher than normal, but at least the anomalous one will recede. valuable cleaning products redmond - powerful, washing, reliable. now economic news, masha the united states has adopted new anti-russian sanctions, against whom this time? roma is one of the banks, a car manufacturer and a number of other companies on the list. now i’ll tell you more about this. washington has once again expanded its sanctions list against russia. it included dozens of individuals and about 240 companies, and not only from our country, but also from china, the united arab emirates, and singapore. in turkey, switzerland, kira and others. directly in russia we are talking, in particular, about expobank, which is one of the top 40
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banks in the country, several gold mining engineering companies, and dry cargo ships. also included in the sanctions list is motorinvest, a manufacturer of exclusively civilian electric vehicles evalut. expobank has already responded to the decision of the american ministry of finance. clients' funds were declared there completely safe, cards, including visa and mastercard continue to be valid in russia , currency transfers are still available. in friendly countries, simply put, sanctions will not affect the work of the bank. the $200 million aid package announced by us president joe biden may be one of the last, the state debt warns, because we are talking about an amount that is close to exhausting the current limit if congress does not agree on the allocation of additional funding. secretary of state antony blinken said this in a written statement. i said similar words myself biden after talks with zelensky in washington. without additional appropriations, we will quickly exhaust our ability to help
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ukraine address the urgent operational needs it faces. international agency auai, formerly known as ernsten young, will cut 10% of its us partners, and that's just in consulting. in other divisions, the reduction affected another 4%, the wall street journal reports. as a result, the total is eminent. the company will refuse the services of approximately 130 american partners, having become consulting over thirty in strategies and transactions. experts believe that iuay, by the way, left the russian market, is forced to do so due to difficult macroeconomic conditions this year. in addition, the previously unsuccessful management decision to split the company into a consulting audit business had an impact. two russian carriers are resuming bus services between our country and finland. this was reported by a representative of one of the transport companies. the decision was made after helsinki announced
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partial resumption of work at border checkpoints. flights between st. petersburg and the finnish capital will relaunch today. gradually their number will increase. how intensive will be decided depending on the demand for such routes. in november, let me remind you, finland closed all eight passenger border crossings with russia, allegedly due to the influx of migrants from third countries. now they have decided to resume the work of the two checkpoints. well, to complete the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rubles 21 kopecks, the euro is 97.40 kopecks. roman, maria thank you, we continue, now we will take a break for advertising, then watch the program instructions, we will tell you what you need to change your last name, first name or patronymic, if necessary. did an unexpected sale happen on avito? a new dress and a drill has happened to you, and an angle grinder, and
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a robot, a snow scooter with discounts of up to 80%, a very good sale even on avito, make it before december 20, dad, look, it’s right to say, look, no, that’s right, smart trio, three are cheaper than one in belayne, so on the common 20 pro, the communication accessory is 10,000 rubles more profitable, than just a smartphone, this is the resolution. smartphones also need permission. beeline is on your side. this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire. buy tickets on the website in company stores in solota. it's just space. the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. cosmically delicious. cherkizova. yes, we have a goldfish . we did it ourselves, everything wonderful that
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happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar, the scooter, the holiday - it’s you, it’s video blog of the tishkins, on new year's eve our house is immersed in a fairy tale, funny snowmen are running around, i am deer, santa claus is sorting out the gifts, and the dream of his fairy-tale house comes true in a magnet in the new year. with a new house , buy a magnet from a card from the application , play, win prizes and 10 million to buy a house, magnet december 27 parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic. on the twenty -seventh i have nuggets, and on the twenty-sixth, and on the twenty-sixth i have cappuccino, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only at the application is delicious, period , register a business for free at the point, follow your dreams, just dare, period - a bank for
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entrepreneurs and enterprises, there are all kinds of dragons, tough ones, cuties, bullies, all are good, but still ours are most dear to us. beline values ​​her clients and gives away 100 gb per year of the dragon. belaine is on your side. hurry up for the sale, a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles on avito. if you want to change your last name or first name or patronymic or all at once, the law allows this. as everybody. form and how much you will have to pay, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this release of instructions. who has the right to change the last name, first name, patronymic, let’s say the parents gave the name to the newborn, and then changed their minds, you just can’t change it at your own discretion . under 14 years of age, permission from the guardianship authority will be required. and from the moment the child turns 10 years old and his consent. from 14 to 18
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you will have to get the approval of both parents, only from 18 it is possible. do not ask anyone for permission, changing a name is a voluntary desire of a citizen, everyone has the right to this, and they can refuse only if the name itself will suddenly contain numbers, indications of titles, ranks, something that is prohibited in accordance with article 58 of the family code of the russian federation. let's take a closer look at what should not be in a name. it should not consist of numbers, alphanumeric symbols, or numerals. symbols and non-letter signs, with the exception of a hyphen or any combination thereof, and they cannot contain swear words or indications of ranks, positions and titles. suppose you are an adult and decide to change your name to address? it's better to come straight to zacks in person. for documents you will need a passport , birth certificate. then,
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depending on the civil status, birth certificates of all minor children, all marriage and divorce certificates, death certificates if the spouse is no longer alive. if a citizen is married or has been married, if there are minor children, in these acts of civil status, in accordance with the civil code of the russian federation, changes can be made. that’s why we need these documents, and we definitely, of course, need a person’s birth certificate, this is his first document, so that we can see if anything has changed before, if there are any errors in the documents. and after changing the name, you can receive new documents where the new name will already be indicated. so, you need to fill out an application in form number 20, indicating personal data, yours and your children’s. after changing your name, you are required to change the birth certificate of minor children, but about this a little bit later. should the application indicate
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the reason why you want to change your last name, first name or patronymic? nobody demands great revelations from you, on the contrary. don’t shock zacks’ employee, he still has a decision to make. it must be said that zaks does not work for free, the service costs 1,600 rubles. in addition, you will have to pay for changes to each civil status certificate. this is your and your children’s birth certificate, all certificates of marriage or divorce, state duty of 350 rubles. for each of the documents. registration will continue month, if all the necessary documents are issued in the same month. if in different ones, the period may increase to 3 months, in the end you will receive a certificate of change of name on a stamp paper. life situations are different, but if changing your name is just a desire for you, think 10 times, because what awaits you next is a real bureaucratic feat. armed with a certificate of name change , you need to change your driver’s
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license within 10 days, and other documents for the car within 14 days, too. you are given 30 days to replace your compulsory health insurance policy passport. your passport and visas must be changed before your next trip. but that's not all. there is no longer a time limit, but it still needs to be changed. sniells, real estate titles, diplomas and certificates. you should also make a note in your work book, and of course, the change of last name, first name or patronymic should be reported to the bank. your cards will be replaced and new data will be entered into... let us repeat the most important thing: a citizen has the right to change his last name, first name or patronymic at will, but under 18 years of age you must obtain parental permission. for guardianship authorities or both. and don't forget, there is a requirement for spelling the name. it is better to contact in person, directly to the legislative office. you can
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receive a certificate of name change in a month, but from that moment all your documents will become invalid and will have to be changed. if you have any questions, if you want to understand how not to get confused in bureaucratic formalities, subscribe to our telegram channel and ask, we will talk to experts and tell you about everything in one of the next editions of the instructions. and now on air is a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 13, 1545 , the trent ecumenical council of the catholic church opened. in northern italy, in the city of tridente, now trenta, the entire episcopacy gathered to repel protestantism and launch the counter-reformation. the council declared nezy. everything that protestants condemned: the church hierarchy with the primacy of the pope, the doctrine of original sin, the healing of priests, the worship of saints and
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much more. the main weapon was inquisition. heretics were tortured and burned at the stake, but catholicism only strengthened in southern europe, the czech republic and poland. and in other countries, protestant movements still dominated; the anglican church had already separated from rome. the final line under counterformations. in 1648 the treaty of westphalia concluded, which proclaimed religious tolerance and equalized the rights of catholics and protestants. on december 13, 1769, the austrian volvgan kamadeus mozart went on his first tour of italy, he was only 13 years old. italy was considered a musical mecca, the cradle of opera, the greatest composers worked here, but mozart stood the test, he gave concerts and played from sight. endorsed at the milan opera, the audience called him for an encore, shouted long live the maestro, in the sextin chapel he listened to the miserers, a most complex choral work, the notes
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of which were forbidden to be taken out and published, he wrote down from memory without errors. the pope made mozart a knight of the order of the golden spur, the youngest in history. ahead lay incredible glory and fruitful creativity. mozart wrote more than 600 musical works, operas, symphonies, sonatas. and much more. on december 13 , 1937, the japanese invaded nanjing, one of the largest and oldest cities in china. massacres of civilians and chinese prisoners of war began, known as the nanking massacre. by that time , the sino-japanese war had already been going on for six months, the aggressors wanted to conquer all of china, considered the chinese to be an inferior race, they destroyed people in the most... ways, mocked them, mocked them, subjected them to torture. for example, officers they competed to see who could kill 100 people with a sword the fastest; the number of dead was at least
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200,000. after the war, not all criminals were punished. the americans granted immunity to prince yesuhika, the commander of the troops in nanjing. today in japan, many people keep silent about this crime, deny the killing of civilians, and downplay the number of victims. but in china, december 13th is the day. in memory of the victims of the nanking massacre. on december 13, 1974 , the first soviet military remote sensing satellite, yantar 2k, was launched from baikanur. it was manufactured in samara, then the city was called kuiboshev, at the progress plant. one of the developers, yuri belov, noted that amber was denoted by the quote “a qualitative leap in the development of the domestic industry.” and we have reached the forefront of science and technology. for the first time , an autonomous navigation system was used on a satellite, and a computer was installed on board based on digital technologies. this is
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in addition to photo and film equipment. and the captured film was returned to the ground; for this purpose, launch capsules were attached to one of the compartments. such reconnaissance satellites allowed record military activity on the territory of any country. this was especially important for monitoring the implementation of soviet-american agreements. on strategic weapons. exactly 20 years ago, on december 13, 2003, the americans detained saddam hussein, the head of the overthrown iraqi regime, a brutal dictator who ruled the country for almost 30 years. for this purpose , a special operation was organized with the participation of 600 people, with armored vehicles, aviation and artillery. hussein was found in the city of tekrit, in the basement of an inconspicuous adobe houses. the soldier wanted to throw a grenade there, but saddam climbed out. said: "i am the president of iraq and i am ready to negotiate." however, instead of negotiations, he was tried and sentenced to death. many were shocked by this and believed that the americans had formed
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a provisional government. had no right to try the former head of state because the united states invaded iraq under false pretenses without un sanctions, contrary to all international law. the barbaric execution of saddam only deepened the division in society and escalated a conflict that cost hundreds of thousands lives. this is what this day in history was like.
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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them in we won’t let you in there,
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lie down, calm down. i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well, no, we need to move on, the doula goes out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want in vain, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series! look, look, in the app or on the website.
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preparations are being completed, a direct line and a press conference by vladimir putin, tomorrow and today the president will devote to working out the issues. powerful explosions in ukraine, in kiev, interruptions in water supply, still problems with communication and the internet, close to failure. the us is talking about zelensky’s visit, they gave money, but much less than he asked for. a hostile move. a monument to the soviet union is being dismantled in bulgaria. army, a hand was sawed off at the monument. industry, agricultural sector has unique tourism potential. today is the day of the kherson region and ostrakan region.


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