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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 1:30pm-1:59pm MSK

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to the victims. evacuation from a sinking ship is practiced in the pool. you just have to step into the water; jumping is prohibited. in orange thermal wetsuits it is difficult to be agile and fast, but the cadets have already brought all actions to automaticity. this is the fourth year, they will put on lieutenant shoulder straps for another year. by the end of the fourth year they are fully prepared for shipboard service and service in the navy. there are no random people here; they have been preparing to study at the naval school since childhood. ivan pinayev dreams of serving in the northern fleet. ice and cold familiar element. he came to study in tavma from siberia. the unified state exam scores were good and i had been involved in sports before, so i also passed the entrance exams quite well. exams in specialized mathematics, physics, russian language, professional psychological selection, medical examination, standards for physical training. here are all the stages that an applicant needs to go through to... the school is in demand, the competition
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is about three people per place, guys are admitted from different regions of the country, including this year we enrolled participants in a special military operation , this year more than twenty people entered there, navigators, anti-submarine officers, signalmen, specialists in the field of radio electronics and hydroacoustics are trained here, officers are trained in seven, midshipmen in six military specialties, as a rule... all cadets firmly know , how will they continue to build their career in the navy, since i grew up in vladivostok, i love the city very much, so i plan to continue my service here, on submarines, which are now actively being built and entering service. these classes are not never miss. in the past, the head of the school, vice admiral valery kozhevnikov, teaches the basics of navigation. the simulator shows a complete simulation of a ship's bridge, with cadets emerging from the golden horn bay. i think more than 8.00 officers have been released. through
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our department passed personally through my hands, some of them are already captains of the first rank; over 86 years of the existence of this naval university in vladivostok, more than 20 thousand officers have been trained. ksenia kolchina, sergey svestelnikov, dmitry popkov, far eastern news bureau, vladivostok.
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the tempting vaults of palaces will never replace freedom for them, call your son, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, a donkey, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves the vemen musicians, the bremen musicians, i actually sing too, hurry!
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and now it’s time for economic news: the government approved the update to turkey, azerbaijan and other countries, this will help stabilize the prices of eggs, which in recent months have become more expensive than other products. the tariff renewal will be valid from january 1 to june 30. russia
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redirects supplies of liquefied hydrocarbon gases from europe to asia. over 10 months, exports in this direction doubled to a million tons. gazettes write about this. and ukraine’s accession to the eu will cost europeans 190 billion euros. this is 17% of the eu budget, according to the german economic institute. from 70 to 90 billion will come from the common agricultural policy fund, another
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50-70 billion from the so-called cohesion fund to support ukraine’s weak economy. this means that almost all other countries in the union will become clean. this. economic news, briefly. we 'll take you to the train. no need, another half hour. well, let's go, let's warm ourselves up at least. he doesn't say anything about himself. they are not interested in how i live. and you ask, will he be offended? exactly, to be offended, i always miss you very much, it’s so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm words, the winter combo is delicious, period, in the urals we know that there are prospects where they feel
1:37 pm
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delicious. cherkizova! fly wherever you want, with 5% cashback, i pay for tickets on the aeroflot website or app through sbp. but first, register on and there you will find great deals on the world map, in sportsmaster double benefits, clothes and shoes with discounts up to 50% and 4.00 bonuses in the app for every purchase from 1.00 rubles in stores and online, everything is on sale, a new car radio for 2,449 rubles on avito, look, that’s right, a smart trio, a techno common 20 pro set with a communication accessory is 10,000 rubles more profitable. smartphone blaine is on your side. magic conditions - a real rate of up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at if kiev continues
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to receive billions of dollars from the west, another generation of ukrainian men. will die in name of interest of american corporations. tucker carlson directly calls sending denikov sau crazy. congressman thomas massey also agrees with him, because the means. it is spent opaquely, without audit, while in the usa, without funding , the infrastructure is aging and bridges are collapsing. when the decline of the american empire comes, we will talk about this in our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. have you ever noticed that the stronger the tragedy, the more difficult it is for those who are to blame to apologize. if i dented your bumper while parking yours. car, then i immediately i'll come out and say: i'm sorry, i can't believe this happened, but if i, say, invaded
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iraq, for far-fetched reasons and killed a million people and spent a trillion of your dollars doing it, then i wouldn't say a word, i would i would never admit that it was a bad idea, i wouldn't be able to, because it might affect me too seriously, because if i admitted it, i would have to deal with the consequences, and something very similar is happening with the war in ukraine, which is ongoing for almost 2 years now. at the beginning we were told that our support would allow ukraine defeat russia, keep russia from invading europe or whatever. and now almost 2 years have passed, and all this turned out to be untrue, ukraine will not defeat russia. the only one that has been defeated is the united states. because of our support for ukraine in this war, the united states has become weaker, seriously weaker, and this is so. the verdict is in. and honest, adequate people, regardless of their position.
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and you probably thought that someone would stand up and say that this was all terrible, but almost everyone remained silent, why? because the administration has taken the position that if if you don't support sending $60 billion to ukrainian oligarchs, then you are working for vladimir putin. watch state security advisor jake salevan talk about this directly. i would like to ask about ukraine, so are you saying that every member of congress who did not vote for aid to ukraine is voting for vladimir putin? i believe that every member of congress who does not vote to support ukraine is therefore voting for an outcome that makes
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life easier for putin. so a vote against supporting ukraine is a vote for strengthening putin's strategic position. this is the reality, it does not say anything about the motivation of those who decided to vote against support, but this is what will be the result of their vote. voting against additional funding for ukraine will hurt ukraine, help russia, hurt democracy, and help. did these people see themselves? a girl in a mask, apparently wearing it not to commit a robbery, but to protect her health, asked the state security adviser about the moral side of voting for congress, and he had a blue eye tells her that anyone who does not support this decision is helping putin. this is madness, but this is what intimidates the entire us congress, especially the republicans who fully support the biden administration. in prolonging this tragedy, there are very few decent members of congress, one of them
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who has always stood his ground very eloquently on principle is congressman thomas massey from kentucky, with whom we want to discuss all this and also thank him for his courage and perseverance. congressman, thank you very much for coming. i have so much questions, why don't you just tell us why you're not voting yes because we can't afford it. one day i realized that we spent more on ukraine than bridges. what the government spends on our bridges and roads in the united states. this money could be used to double our infrastructure, but the infrastructure is abandoned. in the end, in the end, when all this is over, they will tell us that it needs to be restored. the scale of this
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madness is beyond my comprehension, and i believe that the next empire after us will spend time to study it, like what not to do, but still curious why the top of your republican party supports all this, why the new speaker seems like a good guy, but behaves like a child, why his first decision as speaker was to support this. .. well, i hope he doesn't support it, but biden's budget director, head of the office of management and budget , sent a letter to speaker mike jones yesterday pleading. opbb instead of the military-industrial complex. and they sent a list of states that will receive money. well, the money we will spend on lethal weapons, since they will have to be produced in alabama or in agaya or
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texas. so now they're talking about it openly, that congressmen will most likely vote for it, because... most of the federal spending going to ukraine is, in fact, laundered through the military-industrial complex, in some sense, albeit not very much . effective, but enriches the people in those districts and the shareholders, some of whom are congressmen themselves. this is all some kind of caricature, but everything is direct. people they will make money, so let's, well, this is an argument, it may be an immoral one, but it is an argument, but this is not what they say publicly, they say that we have morals.
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they will pay for this, that in the end they will not be able to win, that they will never return crimea, even though we say that this is one of the goals, well, when they even mention any goals. so talking about further funding is morally low, and by the way, he says that i am a friend of putin, since i do not vote for this money, but i would say that i am a friend of the americans, and i believe that america comes first , so he just supports the re-election of putin, since putin is the echo of the second world war, and he was elected in response to our echo of the second
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world war, nato, expanding nato, these non-legal liberals, every time , moving nato towards russia, very few, i have voted against these decisions on ukraine and the financing of ukraine since the fourteenth year. in '14, we helped overthrow their elected government, and then we rattled our weapons to russia, and then i said, "look, this is all bullshit." weapons of sanctions, this will all
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have consequences." and the consequences came, but no one in washington admits it. gazdepa, which was the main supporter of the war in iraq, which turned out to be a disaster for the united states, and she was not punished for it in any way, on the contrary, she advanced up the bureaucratic ladder and is now running this war in ukraine, and no one said her name.
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did anyone say that? no, no one. and by the way, these secret briefings are the propaganda that deepate and the administration
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are feeding members of congress. by the way, for today one was appointed for ukraine. and we will all go into this audience, leaving our phones at the entrance, and we will be constrained by an appeal to conscience in order to force us to vote for further funding of ukraine. i just do not understand. the equal branch of the state, the legislative branch, congress, allows it to be manipulated by intelligence agencies and the national security council looks like madness and even masochism. by the way, a considerable part of this money does not go to armaments, we provide their government, we pay salaries to ukrainian politicians, and we also we pay pensions. yesterday i met with the inspector general, the special inspector general for afghanistan. and found out that since our departure we have already spent 6 billion dollars, the money is still going to afghanistan, and he said that we need him, he doesn’t like his work, that we
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need a special inspector general for ukraine. i asked him how do you think they could pocket some of the allocated money? and he replied: look how they did it in afghanistan, 30 to 40% of the afghan defense force police, didn't even exist. we paid salaries to people who were clean. i don't think people fully realize how deep a hole we are all in. i noticed that you have a certain device on your jacket that will help us with the answer, can you explain what
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it is? yes, of course, i graduated from massachusetts institute of technology with a degree in electrical engineering, and i thought about how i could use my profession in congress, and i decided to create a sign with a score that i can wear all the time, i wear it to the service, i wear it to every hearing, goal this signs - cause concern, we have. will exceed the entire military budget, we will soon be paying more in interest than for our entire army. in other words, this is bankruptcy, this is
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simple arithmetic, it cannot continue indefinitely, as for me, we already see it on the horizon. is anyone scared? no, i don't think so, i think the only way we'll start to cut back or measure our spending is if people lend to us. and that is why we have such inflation. sorry, but it's that simple. once again, you you must be economically illiterate if you think that adding an extra 5 trillion to the total money supply. dollars will not cause inflation, this is exactly what is happening , and this is all for a long time, and now, you know, the whole fet was supposed to be a fireman, and he
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is an arsonist, so he raises the interest rate and will eventually raise it to a level where it will be difficult buy a car or buy a house. so, i don't think we'll like your answer to the next question, but financing ukraine. apparently, this law will pass after all. i do not see. ways to stop this, there are some discussions in congress about tying all this to the security of our border, but the problem, in my opinion, is that the refugees, the so -called refugees to the united states, are talking about limiting themselves to weapons and telling europe , that now she will have to feed the government of ukraine, but i doubt it, and you know, maybe they can try to change some little things, but i believe that the money will go there in any case and i feel bad about it. this is all, again, 60, how much did biden ask for? 60 billion dollars, exactly that. i want to ask you a question a little off topic, i don’t know
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if you can answer it? so our military is having recruiting problems and the military said they don't want any more white men who are known to have fought in all the wars, we don't want them anymore, they also laid off a lot of people due to mandatory covid vaccinations. we now have tens of millions of illegal immigrants of military age. there is a shortage of shortages, and we end up we can come to an army consisting of non -americans, who have no sense of duty to the country, strangers... i think yes, and that this is a terrible idea, and you correctly described the situation with vaccination, it was a purge, it was an ideological cleansing of our army, it was a test of loyalty to the liberal agenda,
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it was like... like communion in the covid religion, and if you did not take communion, then you had to leave the army, here came the consequences, a lot of good people were forced to leave, pilots with training in millions dollars, various specialists, if these senators succeed, then we will recruit people who have no loyalty to the country, this is all some kind of nightmare, the last question on a topic that many people don’t even think about, but you ’re on it... concentrated, so it's apparently important, it's meat. you have a bill that aims to fix how the us government regulates meat, can you tell us about it? yes, of course, my bill is called prime and it was written because 80% of the meat sold in the united states comes from one of the four meat companies, one of them is chinese, one of them is brazilian, so there is a monopoly in the meat industry, the irony is that
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farmers in their own counties and states cannot sell meat directly to consumers, and have to ship products across the country, which nutritional impact on the safety of our food, and my bill says that if the farmer, the buyer, and the local manufacturer are all in the same state, if there are no state lines crossed, then let the feds not interfere. and i have some good news, we've made some progress, maybe some.
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they talked about him as our genius, a promising guy, known to a third public in the city of st. petersburg, but kozlovsky’s hacker group lurg was one of the most famous cybercriminal organizations that was engaged in stealing money from bank accounts.
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