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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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not according to plan, our grisha lost his temper, improvise what we have as a slave for escaping, execution, set fire, no, i won’t, okay, i myself, i want you to look me in the eyes when i put you out, soon!
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who to talk to then, who will answer? i don’t know, probably, but we will answer for this, we are all jews, we will, and we will answer this way and that, volodya, i must admit to you, we will answer in any case, we must be on the side of the truth, because god has chosen the jewish people only in one thing, he says: god exists, there are no other advantages, we have no indulgences, we are not always right, we only talk about one thing, god exists, and in what is happening now, this is god.
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i won’t even comment, these are the people who shouted to us, what are you doing? go, come to an agreement, don’t dare storm , don’t dare liberate, that we will not remove the so-called tax law on the possibility of tax increases, we will leave it, but we will cut some parts of the budget, due to this we will, in general, come out at zero everything will be fine, but at the same time he immediately said, but this does not concern... assistance to ukraine, we we allocate 8 billion, and we have reserved 6 billion to provide assistance to ukrainian refugees who are in germany, this is a gigantic amount, i want to say for the german budget, but then an interesting phrase was heard, for the sake of which he seemed to be telling all this, he said, well in general, if because of russia’s aggressive war the situation in ukraine worsens, then of course we can introduce a special situation at any time, this law is simple.
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zorina. i used to go to moscestrada as if it were my own home, but now it’s like going to kolgofa. but despite the fact that i come as if to golgotha, i do not renounce any of my statements that i made in this program at the beginning, and i will continue to say what i consider necessary, thank you, vich, that’s why you are always welcome in our studio, because you say what you think. we need it, we have just the right place for discussion , now there is advertising, we will continue after it , there are a lot of questions, god willing, there will be enough time to discuss everything, everything that 2023 will be remembered for, one branch of nord
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stream 2 remains, today is the decision, tomorrow ventel we turn everything around, and the gas is on, don’t dig someone else’s hole, you’ll end up in it yourself, so they ended up in this hole, only it’s different, even in conditions of economic international turbulence , success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin. today at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you
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can ask your question now through the moscow website. by phone 8 800-200-40-40 or via sms. number 04040 the baby doesn’t run over him, he’s just somehow apparently he’s afraid to return home, he doesn’t know , it’s clear what awaits him there, and it’s clear why , it seems no one loves the baby anymore, he went to scandinavia to look for carlson. maybe they will fight off with the propeller together, especially since carlson is probably the most reliable helicopter that exists in nature on pasture, and lives comfortably on the roof, if anything saves the baby, i have a feeling that zelensky
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has absolutely gone overboard in some cartoonish way, because what happened yesterday in washington, well, it’s certainly humiliating, it’s it's just kind of a shame. point, well, okay, let’s remind you, although since the beginning of the year not a single inhabited one
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would have surrendered the famous bakhmutov meat grinder, but the musicians there arranged for zelensky to have his years torn out. january 7 podgorodnaya, 10 solidar, eleventh experimental, sixteenth station salt, decheevka, krasnopol, february. first saka ivantset, second - nikolaevka, twelfth krasnaya gora, seventeenth - poroskovyevka, twenty-fourth - berkhovka, twenty-fifth - yagodnaya, march 8 - the eastern part of bakhmut, march 9 - dubovo-vasilevka, 15 - zaleznyanskoye, april 2, the russian flag in the center of bakhmut, may 20 bakhmut, well, yesterday, here are my close friends, just the commander of the brestny regiment. signed , these are his fighters, they planted the flags of russia and the soviet union, and
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judging by the news coming from the front, they didn’t stop at marinka, they swung there, yes, we won’t rush, we won’t say everything, but the situation, despite difficult weather conditions, the development is not in favor of the baby, at all, but the baby... grandpa has alzheimer's, that is, he doesn't remember anything at all, that is for him a year - this clearly has some kind of definition, for example, like biden, but 65 years have already passed for him, after the worst tragedy after the holocaust, i began to remember so painfully, but what bad happened 65 years ago, i don’t not could i remember how, how hamas bombed and hid? don’t you remember? no, why not? well, because in the year fifty-seven,
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what is it like now in the twenty-third year , and that means in the fifty-eighth year, well , there was definitely no hamas, hungary was in the fifty-eighth, that is, in the fifty-eighth, nothing terrible it was, but then of course people come out and explain that for grandfather a year and a day is a blink of an eyelash, but zelensky can see it while he speaks, but even that is not true, because even for now...
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we can, including the 200 million dollars that i just approved today for critical weapons and equipment until needed equipment, additional air defense interceptors, artillery and ammunition, but without additional funding we are quickly reaching the end of our ability to help ukraine respond to urgent operational the needs that she has. putin is betting that the united states will not be able to supply ukraine. we must , we must, we must prove that... i’m wrong, and so far putin is right in everything, but the americans
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make it easier, they invent for themselves what putin supposedly said, for example, why russia failed, this is biden speaks at a press conference to selensky. russia failed, it failed to remove ukraine from the map and include it in russia. ukraine recaptured more than 50% of the occupied territory, starting february 2022. ukraine is capable of supplying grain and steel via the black sea and more than 90% of our security assistance to ukraine.
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how many ukrainians are now considered to have an unknown fate, dead, wounded, missing, and what, what 50% of the territories were returned, what battle, what they received as a result of kharkov and kherson is incomparably less than 50%. and russia liberated the main part of the territory itself in accordance with the initialed agreement, fulfilling part of it.
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grain deals are going on, look, there are a lot, how much, if everything is so good , why are you asking for money, and the most that worries me is that periodon pavlovich promised us to answer this question, where did the 5% growth in ukraine’s gdp come from, then, if they are so rich, they have such chocolate, maybe they should lend money to america, they have terrible debts, i
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think that zelensky was in vain to go to the united states, because... it seems to me that his losses were much greater than his profits, if you count debit, well, first of all, the trip to argentina itself, for starters, he went, that is, he’s actually already blind it’s clear that zelensky came to argentina, he was just sitting in the reception room or i don’t know, it ’s on the threshold, like in the entryway, but at the united states, he said, and i’m here, if anything happens, i’m here, call me, yes, that’s it it was possible to quickly turn around and come to the united states, in fact.
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comes there with him they just don’t want to talk to him, when the senators get up they leave , refuse to negotiate with him, when in fact there is no, where was nancy drinking, where is this delight, where are these people who are trying to kiss his hands, who are trying there is no hugging him, who praise him, no, no, and the most important thing you need
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to understand is that when zelensky said all this, it seemed that there was a huge country behind him. great military opportunities, in fact , he never had anything behind him, there was only this image of an indisputable leader who liberates the country, who fights for democracy, fights for something else, so he fights with his word, but today this word is not i hear that today this word is not perceived by anyone, the main tragedy, it is still waiting for zelensky’s house, because now it has already manifested itself, that is, if a year ago zelensky could literally shut anyone’s mouth there with his word.
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that is, the mass media, which literally state that, well, we can, of course , talk about the fact that ukraine will still retain its bridgehead, but about the fact that it will advance somewhere, that it will only achieve something, well, here you know , only absolutely some kind of inveterate and ossified schizos who are still capable of, well, or just missed the last few months, they are observing the reality that now exists, because according to sociology, at least in european countries, now somewhere a little less than 50% still vote for... to maintain support for ukraine, but those who want to increase it and placing bets on ukraine’s victory is , let’s say, beyond the limits of all kinds of these opinions, so
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now in this case i think that zelensky, in principle, probably shouldn’t have gone there, although i think he made a completely different bet, he proceeded from what, from what is important for him to emphasize, what is not zaluzhny, and he is supported by the americans, biden is meeting with him, he is being received in the american congress, like his grandfather’s granddaughter, that is, this is the video, right? and he was going for this, well, of course, that’s all , that is, he really didn’t expect anything else, so in this case, here he was, he didn’t receive anything, he didn’t receive confirmation of the money, he was in no way able to influence internal political layouts. these ups and downs in the united states affect the allocation of funds for ukraine, i am far from the idea that money will not be allocated to ukraine is far away, yes, that is
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, how, what mechanism are they using to keep ukraine on a short leash, how long will it take for them to vote, what amounts are we talking about, well, at least , now insiders say that instead of 61 billion, ukraine will receive somewhere around 25 or 28 billion, but again, these are options already on the sidelines , in which discussions are taking place in what form they will receive it? whether it will be allocated in separate tranches, again, what sacrifices for this should be made according to the american for the republicans, biden ’s victory, this is how they will view the success of ukraine, no success, they all understand perfectly well that there will be no success in this matter, just purely theoretically, why should the republicans help biden, the republicans don’t want to be guilty, because a certain percentage of americans don’t care they also believe that ukraine is doing something, like this is our team, which has a field, on this field , but again, the republicans are afraid to take risks and say that biden is now,
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that is, if you completely refuse to support ukraine, and biden needs to be allowed to drown, because now for biden the ukrainian issue is a weight on his leg , it will pull him down, instead of a locomotive it has become a weight, so now this will happen, but i don’t think that now the conditions have already matured under which this will change radically.
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leopards have no reputation, iris has no reputation. patriot, well, it’s funny to say, now they have worked out in kiev that there is a patriot and that there is not a patriot. do you know what else is against this background?
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what is the most serious question that arises in the background?
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the americans will think very hard whether their soldiers will be able to show anything at all on any format of the battlefield, well, our jigs, i think , can do anything, and this is so. today is the anniversary of the creation of the ldpr, vladimir volivich had several amazing predictions, for example, one of them about how events would develop, he made this prediction in the twentieth year, we give it again.
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there is a clash between the german and russian armies and we agree on a division ukraine. the western regions will be called galicia, a new state, there are lviv, ivanofrankovsk, ternopil, lutsk, exactly. here are five territories that seceded from poland in 1939. this new state is being taken into the eec, into nato. and 70%, even 80% of the main ukraine is part of russia, as regions, kharkov region, donetsk. look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is back in sumy, cholera is in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism, in ukraine there are biological ones.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future for the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, at what point will you say, everything, i did in this project, everything that i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. in general , here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?


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