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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, in any structure, evolution is taking place, russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, news from the middle of the hour, briefly, before the main event of the day, program results with vladimir putin.
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became a matter of hours, the president will go live on the air at exactly noon, he will answer questions from citizens and journalists, the number of requests exceeded 2 million. the russian military eliminated the fortifications and mortar crew of militants in the artyomovsk direction, and large-caliber d-30 galtitsa struck the targets. the coordinates of the ukrainian armed forces' positions were passed on to the artillerymen by reconnaissance officers. the us congress has passed a resolution on further investigation against president biden, this threatens him with imprisonment. russia, in helsinki they called them the most convenient for residents, six more points remain closed. the kyiv regime decided to force women to go to the front line equally with men. the corresponding bill has already appeared . propaganda is trying to convince residents
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that in this way the country is becoming closer to nato. anton potkovenko will explain what it is actually approaching. all ukrainian women to the front, this is maryana bezuglaya, a verkhovna rada deputy with a scandalous reputation, going crazy. but here we are not just talking about another crazy idea, but about an extremely cynical bill, which, according to rumors, may well be adopted in ukraine. here's a stupid post. women and men are equalized according to military service records, women still have a deferment and the right to dismissal, pregnancy. zelensky is now faced with a situation of the absence of a demographic reserve, so the mobilization of women, and i emphasize, women, in theory , are not subject to mobilization from the point of view of the basic legal field, that is, yes, women who have military service are usually called up.
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go to the front voluntarily, and if they don’t go, then they have to drive them to the front line, she’s an extremely talkative young lady, but through her often it’s just public opinion that is tested, some non-trivial things seem to be thrown in through it, they look at the reaction, women don’t really want to go to the front line, these ones from the 711th security regiment of the special transport service of the ministry of defense of ukraine even went on a hunger strike, protesting against the actions of their commander, he... transferred the personnel, which is generally
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unclear how the service was transferred from oncology, he transferred all the patients to attack aircraft. considering the position of the ukrainian armed forces at the front, this is certain death. ying dared, he dared to transfer sick people with oncology to combat positions, who are physically unable to perform their duties, which actually threatens their life and health. in fact, women already serve in the armed forces of ukraine, but mostly in the rear. maryana bezuglaya is clearly not happy with this. almost 40,000 women are now in the armed forces of ukraine, all of them, almost all of them are rear units. there are absolutely reliable insights that the number of women in general is going to increase to 100,000. zelensky and his cabinet are only trying to save their own skins, but with such laws, i think that will only irritate people. this is a serious source of social tension, even leading to riots. there are, for example, in the tank forces, ukropaganda is trying to present it as
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an army according to nato standards, although in reality there are simply not enough crews, they are being knocked out by our artillery, anti-tank drones, so mobilizing those who are 40 plus is... interesting, nato standards, zelensky on capital hill promised american senators that in ukraine men over 45 years of age will be conscripted, and that perhaps all of them will have to prepare for guerrilla warfare, where did all his bravado go? zelensky is ready to put pressure on pity, to lie, to do anything, literally, just to squeeze out at least some more handout. and he’s lying because that’s who is fighting in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. this prisoner is well over 45. he was a worker who went to the front. without any medical examinations, there are many like him in the forty-third terrorist defense battalion. our fighters have already taken captives of the armed forces of ukraine more than once; one might say they are of pre-retirement age. in fact , the picture is like this, an oil painting, as they say in odessa, today they are drafted into the armed forces of ukraine people from 25 to 60 years old. there is
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a bill in vrada, which i believe, one way or another, is a move here, in which we are talking about raising the upper limit to 70 years. this applies only to reserve officers , because, well, there is actually a monstrous shortage of officers in the armed forces of ukraine, and the lower bar from 25 drops to 21 years old, but for now zelensky’s promise to the ocean masters about conscription of 40 plus will additionally spur mobilization, which, against the backdrop of bloodthirsty statements by the deputy bezugla means a demographic abyss for his own people. a sharp deterioration in the weather in moscow, already this evening in the city. the snowfall will intensify, and tomorrow a record snowstorm awaits central russia, which records will be broken, how much snow will fall in the capitals, evgeniy tishkovets has all the figures. the calm before the storm, the russian plain froze in anticipation of the next snow storm. where will
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dangerous weather still remain today and when will it become so throughout the region? is it true that by the end of the week a thaw will even arrive in the european part of the country? meteor news time channel russia 2. i am evgeniy tishkavets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, capital region residents have a day to prepare for the snow storm. after a period of abnormal cold this week, the weather in the european part of the country again began to be determined by cyclones, or rather, only one cyclone so far. having overcome the resistance of the frosty anticyclone, its front made its way onto the russian plain, and here it became stationary, or, to put it simply, stuck. now it is his fault that people get stuck on the roads. whitewashed. for three days in a row, strong snowstorms raged in the black earth region and in the south central region. this is what parking lots looked like in voronezh on wednesday morning. the cars are literally buried under the snow. people
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had to either dig out their own transport or switch to public transport, which itself could barely cope with the load. the transport collapse continued in lipetsk and tambov, in the south of the country again. the weather will improve, and the intensity of snowfalls will be light, but this is only today, a new whirlwind is making its way to us from southern europe, carrying another portion of atlantic heat, during the day it donbass will feel the impact. in lugansk , towards evening there will be freezing rains again, and
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the temperature after yesterday's -6-7 will fluctuate around zero, and tomorrow almost the entire western half of european russia will be at the mercy of this whirlwind. snowfalls and blizzards will sharply intensify, in some places over a third of the monthly volume of moisture may fall, and the lower volga, don and chernozem regions will be in the ice zone. i will add that the invasion of a cyclone will also dramatically change the temperature regime on the russian plain. a flow of well- heated air making its way into the region towards the weekend will bring the first december thaws, right up to the petrozavodsk, voronezh, volgograd line. to the east the cold weather will linger, but here the temperature regime is at least. will approach climate norms. moscow still has to experience a real snowstorm before the thaw. today in megapolis about -7° 4 mm of precipitation will fall. and tomorrow the bad weather will intensify five times. a record amount of heavenly moisture will fall - 20 mm. the snow will
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continue to fall, visibility may deteriorate to several hundred meters, and the snowdrifts will grow by 12-15 cm by the end of the day. and will exceed the half-meter mark. the elements will calm down on saturday, at the very end of the week the temperature will rise to zero, on monday the snow cover will begin to decrease with thermometers at +2°. that's all i have. goodbye! redmond multiclean cordless washing vacuum cleaners are an excellent solution for complete cleaning. redmond - powerful, cleaning, reliable!
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about the forecast for gdp growth in russia and not only in the economic news block immediately after the advertisement, all the best is just like alpha and... business, online banking and applications for business, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, conduct all your business online. alfabank is the best bank for business. catch the sale. frying pan for 899 rubles on avito. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 15%. and save up for the wedding faster. class. and everything will work out at vtb. magnit - the price is right,
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fly wherever you want, with 5% cashback, paying for tickets on the aeroflot website or app through sbp. but first , register on and there you will find great deals on the world map. this year russian lotto is playing out as many as 2 billion. celebrate the new year, billionaire. buy tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. only at alfabank. order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and get super cashback every month. order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. pay less. peas corn global village 67.90. pyaterochka. helps out, catch a sale on a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles on
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the economic news, maria, judging by the forecasts , gdp will continue to grow, what factors influence favorably? roman, among them construction , agriculture and details right now. rosstat raised its gdp growth forecast for three quarters to 3%. this is 10 higher than the preliminary estimate. directly in the third quarter, the previous forecast at the level of 5.5% was confirmed. in general, the trend is upward; if in the first quarter a decrease of about 2% was recorded, then in the second there was an increase of almost five%. among the catalysts for growth in in the third quarter, rosstat noted construction, manufacturing, hotels and restaurants, information communications , agriculture, as well as transportation and storage. the share of the oil and gas sector in russia's gdp in the third quarter increased to 17.3%. in the previous year it was 16. but despite this dynamics, in general the russian economy
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is gradually reducing its dependence on the sale of raw materials. for example, back in the nineteenth year the share of oil and gas. statistics on oil and petroleum products reserves in the united states turned out to be significantly worse than expected: reserves raw materials unexpectedly decreased by more than 4 million barrels. gasoline reserves increased by 4,000 distillates by 15 million, all of which did not meet the s&p forecast. they expected a much smaller decline in oil reserves and a more significant increase in gasoline. they didn’t guess with the deselates either. data from the american department of energy supported the commodity market, oil prices began to rise more confidently , already reaching $75 per barrel. it was also given impetus by a fresh opec forecast. expectations for demand growth remained unchanged level. whereas the international energy agency, on the contrary, reads a decrease in the indicator due to an alleged slowdown in the growth of the chinese economy. and analysts disagree . china has been the driver
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of growth throughout the entire twenty-third year, and it is unclear where mea found it there. and there are some problems and threats, in this regard we see that someone is trying to manipulate the market, and is forcing prices to go down now, and in many ways this is a man-made bearish game that is beneficial primarily to the united states, because they have elections in 2024, and for them the factor of the cost of fuel on the domestic market is very important for the voter. the average maximum rate on deposits in russia increased to 14%. based on the results of the first one. this follows from the materials of the bank of russia. in the second ten days of november, the rate showed a modest increase, and in the third it did not change at all. the central bank calculates the average maximum rate to serve as a benchmark for the russian market. the regulator recommends that its participants attract public funds no more expensive than the value this rate plus 2% points. well, at the end
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of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 89. kop. euro 96 rub. 95 kop. novel. the feed has everything for the new year. and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings. receive mixers as a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout and with delivery of your order. and create funny heroes. collect, mix, play. we take loans. easy to arrange. we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, i put out heartburn all day, i have a pill, i don’t wear it, but have you heard about amez, it usually taken in the morning, heartburn can be extinguished , ames has a different approach, ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach, helping to fight heartburn, ames is a decisive answer to heartburn,
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it’s around me, it’s the ecology of the city, it’s a contribution to the health of our children, it’s clean air, they say about converting transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane without any investment. be practical, beneficial for nature and for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire. buy tickets on the website in toloto branded stores! one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet , great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, only for
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megaphone subscribers , watch the match sksk, fund khl championship on december 21. hurry up for the sale, sokolov ring for 199 rubles on avito, from a dream to a home, one home click, thank you very much for your dedication to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan. “you lie down, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, but no, we need to move on, he goes out to agitate
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ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want to recruit!” vladimir putin will sum up the results of the outgoing year today, joint direct line and the press conference with the president will begin at noon, more than 2 million requests have already been received from russians, many questions relate to medicine, economic development and special operations. the israeli air force hit a refugee camp in gaza yoga, killing 13 people, arab media reported. the israeli army conducted a raid in one of the schools, where, according to intelligence data, they were hiding. hamas fighters. russian paratroopers occupied a stronghold in the isu near the village of rabotina. the positions of the militants were found in a forest strip. assault units covered the enemy
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dense fire. most of them were destroyed. two ukrainian soldiers surrendered. the netherlands should reduce its military support to ukraine. this was stated by the leader of the party that won the parliamentary elections. he will form the government of the country. and the netherlands veterans were considered a key ally. kyiv. tens of thousands of tons of apples were sent to isbordino-balkaria to various regions of russia, as well as to central asia and china. there are many varieties to choose from, only the best fruits are selected by agricultural enterprises of the republic. this year of apples grew twice as much as in the past. zalina kordanova will tell you why there is such a harvest and how quality is monitored. the most delicious apples in... workers are filling another car with fresh fruit, it
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will go to moscow, apples from kabordino-bolkaria are in special demand, several refrigerators are shipped from this enterprise to the regions of russia per day, refrigeration chambers are filled to the ceiling, the total capacity is we are about 3000 tons of our products.
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is quantized, that is, weighed, and then visual inspection, only after that it goes into such pallets. the company is planning to open a new packaging line; apples will be packed in one- kilogram bags. the product that is sent to the consumer is tested by the rosselkhoznadzor. management employees take samples directly at the enterprise. since the beginning of the year, the supervisory agency has issued agricultural producers of the republic. more than a thousand quarantine certificates. over the 10 months of this year, we controlled more than 87 thousand tons that were shipped from
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our republic, both to other regions and for export. and all the batches were of the required quality and met the requirements of the country's legislation. this year, 1,200 tons of fruit were sent outside russia, which is almost twice as much as in 1922. apples mainly go to kazakhstan and uzbekistan. for the first time, entrepreneurs opened an export line to china; in total , the republic's farmers collected a record amount of fruits and berries, more than 700 thousand tons, this is the result of this year. zalina kordanova, aslan kanametov, news from kabardina-bulkaria. i hope you can hear me well, and i hope that i will also hear you well. summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website
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by phone 8 800 200 40 40 or via sms to number 04040. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast today at 12:00. who are you? traveling musicians? we don't have to shine. legendary musical quartet and irresistible troubodour. this is my group. hello, jets. where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. you can't do without deception here. and behind you. they are palaces, tempting vaults. freedom will never be replaced. accepted,
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grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, asel, me, the dog, the cat, the cockerel, they called themselves the premensky musician, the premensky musicians, i actually sing too, soon!
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there are only a few hours left until the main event of the day, the year-end program with vladimir putin, the president will go live, at exactly noon he will answer questions from citizens and journalists, the number of requests has already exceeded 2 million. the russian military eliminated the fortifications and mortar crew of the militants. in the artyomovsk direction , large-caliber gaub-30 struck targets. the coordinates of the position of the ukrainian armed forces were given to the artillerymen by reconnaissance officers. the us congress has passed a resolution to further investigate president biden, which threatens him with impeachment. the house of representatives said they have information about millions of dollars being transferred from abroad to biden's family. finland today at midnight opened two checkpoints on the border with russia for a month. helsinki called them the most convenient for residents. six more points remain closed.


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