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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 11:30am-11:59am MSK

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construction site one of the main areas of work is the restoration of the housing stock. in 2023, more than 200 apartment buildings were reconstructed. and the government of the republic has approved six applications from developers to join the free economic zone, which means that there will be new buildings. investment agreements provide for the construction of residential buildings with a total area of ​​more than 70 thousand km2. this is another step towards ensuring that preferential mortgage lending is available to residents of the republic. large-scale reconstruction. is taking place at infrastructure facilities , 239 schools, 114 kindergartens, 50 hospitals and medical facilities have already been renovated, right now construction continues in 12 healthcare institutions, while comfortable modern buildings are appearing not only in the capital of the republic, the entire region is being transformed, so recently a new one opened in sverdlovsk youth center, in the anthracites there is a grandiose reconstruction of the main park, by the way, the oldest in the lugansk region, almost 40 branches of the mfc are already operating throughout the region, they were able to receive... documents 700,000
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residents, next year we are making plans to open small, so-called tops, territorially isolated units in small settlements, well, from 500 and above, industry is also on the rise, in a year the alchevsk metallurgical plant produced more than 2 million tons of products, this steel, cast iron, rolled metal, the enterprise receives tax benefits, is part of a free economic zone, in total 50 production facilities have already become its participants, it is taking place right now... of the coal industry ministry of energy russia has developed a plan to increase the profitability of mines and the first step is the integration of enterprises into the industrial space of the country. special emphasis is placed on the restoration of liberated territories. almost 500 hectares of new forest were planted here, and even more hectares of cleared fields. the first sowing took place in chernozem, cleared of enemy shells. in the summer, farmers will already go out to harvest winter crops. a huge amount of work is being done and, of course, words.
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huge gratitude for this help to all residents, all citizens, well, other regions russian federation. i will say absolutely sincerely that donbass has not seen such help and such attention to itself since, probably, the soviet union, that’s for sure. this transformation of the republic is the result of large-scale assistance. the lugansk region is literally supported by the whole country. each municipal district has its own region-chief. residents are also not lagging behind, shoulder to shoulder with visiting specialists, building a new, peaceful life in their native land, and every resident of donbass can finally say that they have returned home to russia. the russian ministry of internal affairs has put the head of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine, kirill budanov, on the wanted list. the corresponding page appeared on the department’s website. the article for which budanov is wanted is not specified. let me remind you that earlier the investigative committee presented it in absentia to the head of ukrainian intelligence. rostov, belogorodsk
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, bryansk regions and a number of other regions of russia, the fsb also stated that it was budanov who organized the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge. the netherlands should reduce military support to ukraine, said geert wilders, leader of the far-right freedom party, which won the parliamentary elections. according to him, the money allocated to... su should be used to strengthen its own security. previously , the politician noted that kiev is supported in the ukrainian conflict, but at the same time he advocates peace negotiations with moscow. the us senate approved a record draft defense budget for the country. the volume of funds allocated for military spending next year will reach almost $900 billion. of these , only 300 million have been earmarked for assistance to ukraine. and until the new year kyiv will not have time to receive these funds. on friday, congress retires.
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january in helsinki these checkpoints were called the most convenient for residents, six more checkpoints remain closed.
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thank you very much for your dedication. to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, have the honor, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them in and will not let them in,
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you will survive everyone is calm, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well, no, it’s necessary move on. abdula is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want vain shadows, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the app. or on the website, dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone,
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results of the year with vladimir putin, today at 12:00 moscow time, well, less. half an hour remains until the main event, when vladimir putin will sum up the results of the year live, together with journalists, together with the residents of our huge country. straight line is a special television format in which the head of state answers live questions from residents of russia and other countries. to some extent , the straight line can be called a kind of global sociological survey that allows citizens to convey their position to the country's leadership. few hours. live , the president listens carefully to all questions, complaints, proposals, many of which he decides on the spot and gives instructions to those in charge, there were a lot of such facts recorded in previous years, when an order was sent directly on air, for example by the governor. well, let's talk a little about
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history: the first direct line with vladimir putin took place on december 24, 2001, then the president spoke with citizens for 2:20 minutes and answered 47 questions, and the longest... my line was in 2013, it was set to absolute, so far that the record was 4:47 minutes, then the head of state received about 3 million requests, the opportunity to ask questions via the internet appeared in 2001, that is, immediately the function of sending a question via sms was introduced in 2003, since 2014 it became possible to record a video question for the president, now video questions are also very popular through the application: moscow hyphen putin. since 2016, questions can also be sent through the social network vkontakte, and a year after that the opportunity appeared for users of the social network odnoklassniki. 2016 was a record year for the number of questions . then 3,250,000
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questions were sent to the president, as we have already said. and in 2018 the direct line was held for the first time in a new format, with the participation of members of the government and heads of federal subjects. well, already in 2020 the elements. the direct line was included in the president's big press conference. the previous direct line with vladimir putin took place on june 30, 2021 online. in 3 hours and 42 minutes, the president managed to answer 68 questions. most of them related to vaccinations, then the coronavirus and covid restrictions were raging, they also asked about them, about the economy, about social payments. at the end of the broadcast, the head of state responded to... to questions about personal things, for example, about his favorite childhood games, about his attitude towards children, about that, also about what songs they prefer to sing during feasts, everyone sings, we already had this, we had it, it was the first covid year, then we decided to combine the two formats,
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because firstly, there were very strict restrictions, and secondly, it was not possible, it was risky to hold two such large events, and then we decided to combine. elements of these two very important annual presidential events, well, this year we decided to take into account the president, after all, he constantly works in such an extra environment. what else did the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov note? a huge number of calls to the direct line contained words of support for vladimir putin in connection with his decision to participate in the elections next year. however, the west is already ready to sabotage these elections as soon as possible, according to peskov, they don’t understand there.
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dmitry peskov also commented on important topics, and spoke about the work to evacuate
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russian citizens from the gas sector, this work continues, the press secretary said head of state, he noted that moscow takes part in the provision of humanitarian assistance to the best of its ability. this is an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, with 2,3000 people living in inhumane conditions. using a special form on the website or by sending a message to the number 04040. it is also possible to call the
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toll-free multi-channel phone number 800-240-40. questions can also be accepted through the mobile application; a link to it is on the program website. text and video questions to the president can also be sent via official groups on social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the direct line with vladimir putin will be moderated by a vgtrk journalist and the authors.
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political behind the scenes, and today we are always trying to show you the participants in this political behind the scenes, since today, together with my co-host ekaterina berezovskaya, we are moderating that part of the year’s results, which is a straight line, that is... we are responsible for questions from tv viewers, now you and i are entering that studio where, in fact, everything and will happen literally in a few minutes, i just took with me just such, you know, i’ll say, one tenth of those appeals that i personally studied, here at my house now there is such a mountain of actual appeals, which are all of them i read, but it is clear that it is not possible to answer millions of questions, but together with the presenter we structured these questions, divided
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them into topics, we will do it, we will try to make sure that as many questions as possible are raised that relate to more than one two people and thousands of millions of people, and of course, watch the russia tv channel in a few minutes, it will be very important, it will be very interesting. so, there is very little time left before the main event of the year begins. presidential format, results of the year with vladimir putin, our correspondents are working in gostiny dvor: anton potkovenko, elizaveta khramtsova, anastasia efimova. yes, we don't have a single place left. with the undeveloped, so to speak, anastasia efimova works directly in the hall, elizaveta khramtsova in foy and anton potkovenko, anton, let ’s start with you now, tell me, i’m already looking at you, well , it’s almost empty, that is, everything is ready, the journalists have already gone directly to the hall to take their seats, what’s happening,
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what’s the atmosphere like now? yes, welcome, indeed, now fae is almost empty, just recently. one can even say a few minutes ago there was a large queue in the main hall of the gostiny dvor, a large, but perfectly organized queue, very colorful, why colorful, because some representatives of the funds mass media from the regions came in national costumes in order to be more visible in the hall, in order to be sure to ask their questions, and of course, every journalist who came here came with the most relevant topics and accents for their region, for. .. of his city , for example, in chukutka there is a shortage of medical personnel, he plans to share this, i want to ask the president a question about medicine, about personnel, is enough being done at the federal level in terms of supporting specialists, why has it become so there is a problem with medical personnel not only in chikotka, but throughout the country, but in our case
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it’s a total disaster there, one might say , they came to ask a question, to thank vladimir vladimirovich. because we know that all the questions that were voiced here earlier, they were fulfilled, there are protocol instructions, we just want to invite vladimir vladimirovich to the children of asia, to the international sports games the children of asia wants to invite a colleague from yakutia, the president of russia, vladimir putin, we recently we talked, of course, with our war correspondents, with nikolai dolgachev and andrei rudenko, lugansk and donetsk, and they have something to ask about... during a special military operation about the development of the lpr and dpr and also here at - the current event, at the current live broadcast, of course, young politicians and journalists from mariupol will take part, we talked to everyone, listened, the mood , the feeling of an important moment, these are the results of summing up, as i understand it, the past year
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and setting strategic goals for the next year, from the lips of the supreme ... commander-in-chief of the president of the russian federation, of course, we expect to hear some important milestones about the military situation about combat operations about peaceful life, about the economy and restoration, the mood is excellent, we see an improvement on the line of contact, our military-industrial complex is working at full capacity, shells we produce more than the whole world, in fact, with whom we are at war, today i would like to hear the strategy for next year. a point that will be reached, in my opinion, also next year, and i would like to hear how it is will, we will, actually communicate about new regions, about what fate awaits our new regions next, mikael will talk about the youth of our donetsk people's republic, well, we have a question from the youth, this is a question and request from our youth about helping volunteers, who are in the donetsk
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people's republic, you see smiles, you see that colleagues say that the mood is great, but is it like that? also because there is a complete feeling of security here, completely justified, and security, in particular antiviral security, is now in season, here a huge number of people came to gostiny dvor, and security measures have been taken, here special frames stand with a special cold, disinfecting fog on all participants of the event, so to speak, they are doused, and it looks interesting, let's see, a disinfection complex that has gone through all the research institutes of rospotrebnadzor, the ministry of defense, which has no analogues in the world. destroys any infection, viruses, bacteria, including coronavirus and cholera. let's see how it works. let's, first we measure the temperature. we sanitize our hands and go through processing. the cold fog method is used to treat with a disinfectant based on silver ions. treats clothing and leather
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for 10 seconds. and we come out clean.
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how to attract the attention of dmitry peskov, large posters have long been banned, which block both the cameras and the view of other reporters who are present at the event, but people still try to carry them, of course such posters are taken away at the entrance, someone prepares in advance the permitted format is a sign with the name of the regions or with the designation of a topic that can be voiced, but perhaps the safest way to at least attract the attention of colleagues is to put on a national costume, and from the first minutes they began to let you in here - gostiny dvor film crews, the central place in the hall was occupied by a correspondent from mordovia in a national costume with a poster
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designating her republic, it seems to me that every camera approached her, at least her 15 minutes of fame in this section she received and this is how our colleagues tried to define themselves today. we thought for a very long time about how to attract his attention and just decided that there was a reason to wear my graduation suit. this is a tibetan shirt - a classic tatar one, well, so elegant, let's just say, well, i'll be honest, i rarely wear it, i hope it will bring good luck today, red is the corporate color of our channel, but secondly, it suits me, well , thirdly, because it is bright, i hope that vladimir vladimirovich will notice this color, because i hope that it will be visible everyone needs to attract attention with a bright suit, and of course a poster, in order to ask a question to the head of state, there are a lot of people, for obvious reasons, security measures, of course, are at the highest level, and of course, people began to come here in advance, at about 8:30 the passage has begun here into the building
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of the gostiny dvor and for those people who may have come from afar or simply did not have time to have breakfast, got up early or waited here for a long time, were already hungry , there is a buffet here, i go to international events a lot, i can accurately to say that not every major event can offer at least water, but here... everything is organized for journalists, including those who do not speak russian, have already taken their places here, and a group from the ministry of foreign affairs, translators who will provide translation, in fact, of vladimir putin’s speech, will provide translation of questions that may be asked by reporters who do not speak russian, there are quite a lot of them here, i remind you that foreign politicians avoid in every possible way communication with our colleagues, one of the... high-profile cases, well, of course, not the only one, is when the press service of emmanuel macron literally physically blocked the way at the g20 to our colleagues who wanted to enter the press conference hall
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in order to ask questions to the head of the french state, we don’t do that, traditionally, as long as a direct line is drawn, reporters are always invited to it, including from unfriendly countries, we approached them today, we wanted to know their opinion about organizing an event, especially since many of them have had the opportunity to ask questions not for the first time. my questions to vladimir putin, but colleagues from france and the united states refused to talk with us, some even explained this by saying that they would be forced to talk to the russian press before the event, but i saw with my own eyes that all these colleagues had already entered the hall, took their places there, but what is the situation happening directly in the hall where the results with vladimir putin will take place, my colleague anastasia efimova will tell you. anastasia, you have the floor. yes, lisa, but i don’t know if a voice can now be heard announcing that... the start of a big press conference combined with a direct line until summing up the year with vladimir putin is 5 minutes away, this accordingly is probably the final warning , final
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which are combined, i must say that this is not the first experience of such a combination; in the 2020 pandemic year , a large event was held in exactly the same format, the final event with the president, then the reasons were and coronavirus restrictions, well-known sanitary and epidemiological standards, but then there were significantly fewer journalists in the hall, because they sat in a checkerboard pattern from each other, maintaining the necessary distance, it is obvious that now there are no such restrictions, 600 people in the hall, that’s only those who occupy the seats , i’m not even talking about the operators, but of course, this is not everyone who works in the premises, today, some of the reporters are now in the press center, where they will watch the broadcast, from where they will instantly transmit the news to feeds of news agencies, and of course , technology has come very far, in recent years we have seen how much journalism in the format of blogs is developing, so many of those present here literally
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post videos online, and from this room, which of course creates the audience has such an effect of presence, this is probably a very important part of this format, since it was conceived, among other things, so that the head of state had the opportunity to communicate directly with citizens, after all, questions from journalists are also not personal at all a wish is often a formulated, voiced problem for the audience of a particular publication that the journalist represents, from this point.
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there are fewer extravagant ways to express oneself, and frankly i use costumes.


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