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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 1:30pm-1:54pm MSK

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lead, and since we were mobilized in the dpr, and not in the russian federation, i was not able to apply for benefits for slo participants, i wanted to apply for the benefit for my mother directly, it’s located in rsaykino, in particular, i received a certificate of a dpr combat participant, and it is valid only on the territory of the dpr, when i decided to go into the personal account of a serviceman to apply for benefits, it turned out that there was simply no such serviceman with the same number as indicated in my personal file, but maybe...
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somehow during the period when it was not lugansk russian federation, this is a particularly acute problem for those who, comrade senior sergeant, as i understand it, are citizens of the russian federation, and the problem is especially acute for those who did not have russian citizenship, but these papers that were drawn up, which provide benefits. within the framework of the dpr or another way to solve the problem, issuing the relevant documents directly on behalf of the russian federation, now corresponding commissions have been created in the donetsk republic in the lugansk republic, these commissions work, in the dpr, in my opinion, there are already 400 human. somewhere, well, several thousand under 2.0 in
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the lugansk republic, there are also 1,700 there, so that’s why we have already taken this path and will increase work on restoring and confirming the rights of participants in combat operations, you should not have any doubts here, i’m sure we will do it too ...
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uchalina, republic of kome, i represent the municipal newspaper panorama of the capital, i am a member of the public chamber of our region, and i am passing on a question that the residents of our northern territories asked me to ask you, these are inta and vorkuta. you know, what we have, unfortunately, throughout the country as a whole, this applies not only to our region. a very important program of resettlement of residents from the regions of the far north is being implemented at a fairly long pace and they are equating to a well-deserved rest; of course, they want to spend their time in retirement in areas with a milder climate, here. just two numbers: in our republic this year we were issued 129 state housing certificates, we have 21 people in the queue, it is clear that we should immediately ask you to help resettle all the queues, of course unrealistic, so i see two options, the first option is to give priority to two queues - these are people with disabilities of additional funding next year, and if this is difficult, then our region is ready if it is allocated... coma, where
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the climate is also sufficient, well, let's say so acceptable, is it possible to consider one of these two options, what happens when we transfer it to a region, and then it all freezes and the region then comes and asks for federal money for development, our leadership is very active and taking into account the fact that vladimir viktorovich asked you about this, everything has already been decided, he is a very active person, he has great connections, he worked in the federal authorities, he... it is possible to function here properly, so i would ask you to repeat it again since your proposal , disabled people and pensioners, pensioners, and we see two options, the first, of course, is the simplest - to ask for additional funding from the federal budget, the second option is the one that we can implement with the help of our region,
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to resettle these citizens, program participants inside the coma, but for this we need a budget loan at a low interest rate so that we can solve the housing problem: look, we’ll talk about the budget of the republic, i’ll also talk to the government about this, and well, loans too not an easy thing, but this is perhaps a softer form of assistance to the region and is not so
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burdensome for the ministry of finance, although this is also a certain burden, this is obvious, but we need to think about trying to implement it, but as for focus your attention, if we can, let's continue here, let's continue this row , the third, in my opinion, the third row, here is a young man, extending his hand, please introduce yourself, vladimir sirukhov, rbc, if you allow, two questions about currency, the other day , javier miley became the new president of argentina, and one of his main election promises is that instead of the american dollar in the country, russia is abandoning both the dollar and the euro in international... settlements, this is how you assess this process, how much mutual settlement between russia and its economic partners in rubles , the national currencies of friendly countries , and if we touched on the topic of the ruble, then in your opinion, what factors most influence
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the exchange rate of the ruble, its fall, its growth, that’s what it depends on most today. argentina, so as not to return to this later, for everyone. we know the idea, the idea, of the newly elected president of argentina, to switch to the dollar, within the country, this is a decision, a sovereign decision of each country, but, but firstly, in argentina, inflation , in my opinion, is somewhere around 143%. and so yes, very much there are many problems, as previous managers told me, related to returns, returns. those borrowed funds that argentina received from various sources , so the logic is clear, but this is of course a significant loss of the country’s sovereignty, if the current
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leadership of argentina does not see any other way out, well, this is their decision, but this is certainly a significant loss of sovereignty, then there is. and the socio-economic component of such a decision, you are from rbc, yes, well, you have specialized specialized channels, that’s why you have all the specialists there, they will understand me, and the citizens will understand, probably, there is nothing complicated here, because even a peg of the national currency to the dollar, a hard peg, is already fraught.
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i note with satisfaction that the government of the russian federation is succeeding, despite a certain increase in spending on the defense industry, on this and that in the security sector. benefits and, as a rule, there is not enough money, what will the peg to the dollar lead to? if there is
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a national currency, the pesso, there is such an instrument as, well, a little bit for inflation, there increase inflation, but not very good, but still it is a tool for balancing the situation between a healthy economy. budget expenditures on the social sphere, severe cuts in the level of wages, pensions, benefits, expenses on medicine, on roads, on this, on that, on internal security, there is no other way, in this case, any government puts itself in very difficult conditions from the point of view from an internal political point of view, they began to fix problems with... settlements in foreign currencies, by the way, they are also
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shooting themselves in the foot again, why are they they are reducing the possibilities of the dollar and the euro as universal currencies, as reserve world currencies, well, first of all, dollars , of course, here we have in 2021, god forbid, cents of foreign currency, 87 dollars and euros in total. and the ruble, the ruble was, in my opinion, somewhere around 11-13%, and the yuan, somewhere around 0.4%. as of september of this year, this is the picture: the ruble is 40%, the total use of the dollar and euro is 24%, it was 87, now it is 24, why are they there?
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they walk, where, to what extent, in this sense, such elements, elements of certain control are introduced by the decree, but i proceed from the fact that everything is returning to normal, this is temporary, yes, the most important thing, the most important thing is to ensure this stability and predictability, in my opinion, today we are achieving this goal, let ’s ask one more question from the audience, we haven’t yet ... means, maybe it says kuban there, maybe, maybe i can also
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participate a little, good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, maxim zhmutsky, krasnodar tv channel, krasnodar broke another one, this year there’s already such a historical record, 17.5 million tourists rested in our region, this only the summer period, now there is an active winter period, and of course, this is a colossal load on the infrastructure. primarily transport, taking into account closed airports. vladimirovich, are there plans at the federal level to develop transport accessibility in the south of the country? maybe yesterday there was information that... on december 15, tomorrow there will be a test flight from moscow to the airport in krasnodar and if, god willing, everything goes well, our krasnodar airport will reveal how true this is, thank you. means what concerns, sit down, please , as for the opening of airports, here is the main criterion
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for ensuring the safety of passengers, a criterion when deciding on the issue of... off-road, automobile, then all this is developing, you also mentioned high-speed, high-speed roads, yes, we have it is planned, the first stage is moscow and st. petersburg, but then to the south, development is possible and not even a point, perhaps we are thinking about it, but today the main thing needs to be done,
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the government and the initiators of this process need to be on top of this think and suggest. the decision, this is sberbank, this is the moscow city hall, and the government , i repeat, is involved in this work, well, of course, between, if there are 2:15 minutes between moscow and st. petersburg, well, you know, inside moscow people take longer to get to work , this applies to the south of the country, which means krasnodar, kuban in general, the stavropol territory, the rostov region. and the same crimea, so work in this regard begins, i hope that it will effectively develop further, as for now the development of transport and passenger flows, i think it’s 40 per year, in second place is railway transport, plus 10.4%,
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well, 10-something, 10.4%, and... it is increasing significantly, of course, that is, the volume of passenger traffic all the fates that depend on them in order to ensure the interests of people, domestic tourism is developing at a large, good pace, and i want to thank everyone who works in this area, including those who...
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but there are articles of the criminal code , which were written in the nineties, according to them someone is given 12 years for murder, and someone for extortion on the internet, the prosecutor 's office asks for 14, like, for example, a heavy bank serving the state defense order, but she didn't extort money from him in the garage with a soldering iron, that is, you seem to justify her action, i'm not justifying anyone, i'm bringing purely facts, how comparable are her actions to such huge demands? prosecutor's office, isn't it time , maybe, to rewrite some articles of the criminal code, maybe change the threshold for a particularly large size, where is the line when i don't know this situation in detail, so what? there's a witch hunt, and what did he do to hunt her, to hunt her, is she some kind of major opposition figure,
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or what? what is it, she did that she needs to be hunted, no one is sure that she is not being hunted. that means there is, all lawyers know, lex, the law is harsh, but the law, you understand, is when you say such things now, and i also hear, see, when for some economic crime, there are 14 years, 15 years, frankly speaking, i was a little taken aback when i heard about it, i know about this is generally a bit of a bulkhead. this is obvious, but in many countries there are economic issues in the field of antimonopoly activities, the fight against cartels.
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we need to think about this, this is true, as long as the law exists, it must be followed, remember our wonderful film, which we all love, belorussian station, in which popanov plays
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an accountant of a large soviet enterprise, you are so young, energetic, maybe you are right, but if you are right, you are so energetic, go and get this instruction cancelled, and as long as it is in effect, i will comply with it, in there is also something in this, there is stability in this, the stability of the legal system , and that means an understanding in society of what is worth what, and how society will evaluate, evaluate what has been done, evaluate it all again and react accordingly, i agree with you , in general, vich, we have been working live for almost 2 hours, i propose, in the tradition of the direct line, to defuse the situation a little. you are personally slandered, insulted in
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the world, what do you think, in the future will a resident of some german, when the whole rotten world is in quotation marks against you, and are you still playing? do you play chess, if so, who did you play with last time, who won, on long holidays, for example, new year’s, what do you recommend russians do, there are many questions, we are doing everything right, we are not afraid to fight for our national interests without encroaching on others, at the same time, and this...
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