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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 3:00pm-3:25pm MSK

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for most motorists, of course, it is very expensive. a year ago, the highway figure was 4 rubles per kilometer, 4,000 rubles. reasonable, i think, 3 to 4.00 rubles. vladimir vladimirovich, please consider the opportunity to instruct the relevant departments to revise the tariffs for travel on the m-12 downward so that it becomes affordable for a wide range of motorists, big... thank you, sergey viktorovich, yes, yes, yeah, yes, yes, look, 2800, 2800 moscow arzamas, two, we get 5600 moscow kazan. well, maybe, not every site will have the same cost, because i know that the figure should be, well, not 4, 4,500, i’ll check, but it seems to me that this is just such a straightforward arithmetic here is not very good. it’s so good
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that muscovites care about kazan, you see, everything is very much connected, there is such concern, but i repeat, i don’t really understand why 6,000 arose, because it was actually promised that there were four about 600, sorry. i understand, i understand, well, well, well , in general, thank you very much, yes, and so on in general, in general, well, toll roads, they can only be tolled when there are alternative routes, that’s according to the law, that’s why there is always the opportunity not to pay, but to drive for free, but they have their own difficulties, so, but still the road workers are trying to do so, so that well, excessive financial burden. the ferry worked cost 300 rubles, and
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on the bridge it will take about 270, in my opinion, or 260, that is, a little bit, but cheaper, this is what i will definitely set up the road workers for in the relevant services further, but i will check, moscow-kazan, i’ll check, since we’re talking about roads, pavel and i were on our way to the program, well, it’s impossible not to pay attention, rush hour traffic jams, a huge number of chinese cars, not only...
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european, japanese, south korean, then here several questions arose, and of course, they left with the components, the question of developing their own base arose, and well , avtovaz, i must say, that with the quantity it copes with the price, certain, certain costs are still associated with... the fact that - one way or another otherwise, the manufacturer still produces these same imported components, but at a different price, and this leads to an increase in price, plus this, plus a small quantity, the more, the cheaper, avtovaz is following this path, but we have avtovaz and other manufacturers and they do , it takes time, and... i really want to hope
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, i’m even, i’m even sure that this will happen, uh, and prices will go down, and well, the second, the second very important task is the creation - the creation of its own component base, because what do we have - we have an industry of auto components that has practically been completely lost, so we need it to recreate, the ministry of industry and trade is doing this. and the problem is being solved, i know, i try to speak very carefully, because you say, yes, you will say tomorrow, but tomorrow they won’t have time to do it, so they said, they promised, they didn’t do it, but i assure you, they are working on it very much, and lada grant seems to be still cheaper than a million, but the model there is of course not the best, the increase is about 40%, so you think that everyone here only wants to drive aurus, there were several messages.
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friends, they know that about world markets, they have already begun to displace european ones manufacturers, including on the european market, there are automobile cities, look what is happening there, in ullsburg and so on, in germany, the situation there, unfortunately, is getting worse for them, and more and more are coming,
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which means that everything is being sold more more electric cars and so on, american ones are opening there
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... it’s too late, okay, okay, okay, okay, excuse me, please, please, please ask a question, i’m sorry, andrey kliminkoslavya, novgorod region, veliky novgorod, respectively , my question concerns power grid complex of the region, power lines, built in the post-war years, have become very outdated since then, and the percentage of wear of the lab is now about 70%; with the slightest snowfall , entire areas where thousands of residents of the novgorod region live can remain without power. this was the case in december of twenty-one, then several districts sat without electricity for two or three weeks, governor andrei nikitin turned to you with a request to help improve the reliability of electricity, you are his appeal supported, and six months later, in the summer of twenty-two, an agreement was signed between
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the regional government and the rossiti company to update power lines and purchase the necessary equipment, more than a year has passed since then, but nothing has changed, so i would like
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to be an artist of gazprom media holding, also a resident of the production center insiders, i represent the blogger blogosphere in general, now this area is developing very strongly, especially recently it has been gaining such a crazy pace, with regards to everything the future of our sphere, and what, for example, i personally can do to ensure that we continue to work, develop, create, our work is completely transparent. there were probably no questions for us, but if there are no questions, what are we talking about? that means, well, this is such a free sphere , it is maximum, and if everything develops the way you think it should, well, god bless
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everyone, we will continue to create such an atmosphere, such conditions for the development of the blogosphere, the only thing that would i would like to wish that this is well... we we understand that the responsibility on people who work in this area is enormous, precisely because there is no such control on the part of the state, but you understand what i mean. that’s why it concerns morality , morality, the safety of children, well, of course, that’s why it’s better when the professional community is organized , just like in the field there high technology does this and so on, but if there are any wishes, please, you state that there are many guys who are recruiting. very quickly and there are no such people nearby, yes, who have some kind of extensive experience in general in
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life, in general, in building a business there, who can explain to you trivial things, how to pay taxes, how to register an individual entrepreneur. unfortunately, there are many young guys in this field, they even, as you rightly noted, do not feel this responsibility, i probably just want us, probably the majority of people who work in this field, to be given a little advice and guidance , and then we would also responsibly related to the work and continued. in 2024, the chairmanship of the cis passes
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to russia and in beshkeki on october 13, you said that russia is committed to actively working to continue, to maintain, to continue the authority of the commonwealth, but the fact is that moldova is saying that it may leave the union, prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan, recently...
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europe, now ukraine has taken this place of honor, but if the poorest country in europe
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gets us, say, the same energy resources at fairly low prices, percent more expensive than earlier from the russian federation, well , please, they have extra money, let them, let them do this, also in other directions, well, let’s say, the agricultural products market, they use the agricultural products market. everyone there has their own interests and there is someone to fight for these interests, where will the moldovans
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go with these products? well , in fact, they are not refusing anything from our gas , let them do as they want, for us the presence of this country in the cis is not of great value, but we are ready, we are not refusing... not anyone we push away, they want to work, we, we are glad, please, they don’t want to, it’s you, it’s their choice, as for armenia, difficult processes are already taking place there related to karabakh. well, we all understand this, but it was not we who abandoned karabakh, it was armenia that recognized that karabakh is part of azerbaijan, they did it on their own initiative, in fact, we were not particularly informed that they were preparing to make such a decision, i am now this is just a statement of fact, because
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there are pros and cons to this, which means, well this happened, and the internal political processes are complex, i don’t think that it is in the interests of armenia to somehow end its membership in the cis, in the eu, in the csto. ultimately, but as for the absence of the prime minister of armenia at general events, well, we know what it is. is connected, well, in any case , as we know, it is simply related to some processes in armenia and is not related to the desire or unwillingness to continue working in these integration associations, we will see how the situation develops, questions, people who are also very helped me survive russia is hit by sanctions, watch a video question from
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vasily babintsev from izhevsk. okay, dear vladimir vladimirov. good afternoon, my name is vasily, i am from udmurtia and i represent the banglebook brand. we produce clothes for adults and children, for example, such beautiful and stylish overalls that mothers and children really like. we recently became the winners of the know our people competition, so to speak, we were lucky that we received the necessary prizes. i have another example from my colleagues , this is the company splav. they produce travel clothing. and with the beginning special operations, they were able to increase sales due to the emergence of a new category. consumers are military and mobilized. again, we can say that it was a lucky coincidence. i have a question: can we, in modern realities , create such systemic support for domestic brands and entrepreneurs so that their development is not just a matter of luck? well, look, you just said that
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everything worked out for you, and not only for you. this is the event that was held by the agency for strategic initiatives, by the way, together with the internet, vnezhekonobank is still a state structure, but even aic, it functions, operates with the support of the state, and the fact that they held this competition of national brands is still agreed upon and supported by the state, in our country in our domestic market , the presence of our brands has increased. by more than 30 percent, 31%, in my opinion, but you are right, you are right that this process cannot be stopped, but it would be, but also the government, but also regional structures, i am now turning to regional leaders, their colleagues, need to take control of this by doing everything possible
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to promote regional brands, you know, this is essential. will diversify our market in a way, make it interesting, rich and more attractive to consumers, and they said and invited us to the mordovian exhibition at vdnkh, look at what is being produced in the regions, we need to promote it, it is necessary that each region has its own program of work on supporting small medium-sized enterprises to support and promote our brands. all of us we are now monitoring developments very closely.
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look at vladimir, which brings artificial intelligence and the neural network into our lives, thank you, the citizen from st. petersburg did not introduce himself, yes, so i see, you may be like me and speak in my voice, but i thought and decided that you are similar to. .. only one person should speak in my voice, and that person will be me, that’s how one of our leaders once joked, so... but as for artificial intelligence, yes, this is my first double, by the way, here answering
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to arina dmitrievna’s question, yes, no one can replace it, it’s impossible to replace it, but artificial intelligence, should we be afraid of it.
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he says, but before that it is unlikely that any real agreements will be reached, but , of course, we need to think about this today,
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let’s go back to the journalists in the hall, we didn’t give them, i propose two questions here, here’s what to give and give further to the republic of srpska, our friends , let's get the news first, and then the republic of srpska, but in general, on the big agenda, a lot is said about the north-eastern military district and about new regions, these are the difficulties, but about them, they probably say less and mention less. i want to say about the belgorod region, about the kursk region, which are under fire, who live in very difficult conditions, we were talking with a colleague.
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