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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 5:30pm-5:54pm MSK

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can resume work after looking at it, after the start of a special military operation , analyze it again, vladimir putin concluded. well, also in terms of the reaction that promptly comes to the topics that were raised during the communication between the head of state. on the section from moscow to kazan will be 4,481 rubles for passenger cars, this is stated in the message of the highway, while travel along the section travels along the m12 moscow-kazan toll highway.
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citizens and journalists. so, the authorities of the volgograd region are already working on issues with the road to the farm, which a farmer from volgograd complained about. we are talking about the serebryansky farm. there, a local farmer complained about the lack of a road, it was said that due to the lack of roads it was difficult and scary to transport milk, and that the local authorities had promised to build a road for many years, but... very solid funds, as i understand it, there is a reaction from the ministry of health and, by the way, the president noted and cited as an example the purchase of 14 vehicles for the renovation of felice and obstetric centers. yes, the ministry of health has already released a message, with reference to rya news, it is being transmitted that the project costs ... a billion rubles,
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that’s the message, and also in the modernization of primary care, more than 20,000 facilities are involved in the russian federation, and more than 115 million russians will see the improvement. we continue to talk about the main event of this day; we return to gostiny dvor, where vladimir putin held a big press conference. our colleague anastasia efimova joins us again. nastchego passable. summing up the year with vladimir putin touched virtually all spheres of life, from the smallest, private, to global, perhaps, one of these, the world will be then ... when we achieve our goals
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that you said, now let’s return to these goals, they do not change, now, as for demilitarization, well, they don’t want to agree, well?
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the flow of our men is 1500 every day throughout the country, so together with volunteers, it’s just a conditional division of half a million people, by the end of this year, well, why do we need mobilization, so today there is no need for this, for what took place in gostiny dvor event foreign journalists were also invited.
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the united states, because, of course, many today are concerned about the prospect of developing relations with the west, which today are at a very acute point of confrontation and reason. we believe that the usa is an important, necessary country for the world, but this is an imperial, absolutely imperial policy, it interferes with ourselves, not even with us, it interferes with them, why, because in the public consciousness they should behave like an empire, and if they agree on something, somewhere, or concede to someone in something, this is already perceived by the electorate, as then fundamental...
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including with the administration employees will be created, within the framework of which the head of state was provided with all the latest information, however, regarding what is happening at the front, vladimir putin has already repeatedly demonstrated his utmost specific, detailed awareness, and today he demonstrated it again, answering a question about the situation around the settlement of krymka, which in recent days has not worked out, well, here is the last attempt. well anyway today it looks like the last attempt was to break through to the left bank of the dnieper to ensure movement in the direction of the crimea, they are pushing their people to simply exterminate, the servicemen themselves say, the ukrainian
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servicemen say that this is the road in one there were six people wounded, the enemy had dozens of dead , these are not just military personnel. the armed forces of ukraine, these are the elite, the assault troops, actually there aren’t that many of them, so if you count, how many in a month and a half are there uh? what are the losses of the ukrainian armed forces, but one can imagine how sensitive and responsible this is on the part of the country's political leadership. in addition to journalists asking questions and citizens sending their appeals to the direct line, there was also a format for appeals in the form of a message, the texts of these very messages were shown on large monitors right during the summing up with vladimir putin, no moderation. they did not pass, there were very different texts, including sometimes heated
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discussions, the president also demonstrated more than once, which is why, when today he was a question was asked about the possibility of banning abortions, and i would like to remind you that such an initiative is also being discussed quite widely, he did not remain silent , but are there any bans, yet, but it is possible to reduce the number in private clinics, why, why are they saying... and some bacchanalia of prohibitions and no, i know, just now i remembered the prohibitions in the sphere of the anti-alcohol campaign, we remember what this led to, it led to the use of surrogates, to an increase in moonshine, to an increase in victims from these poisonings with these surrogates, and here in this area that you just mentioned and which we are talking about now, we also need to act, that the church, it fights for the life of every person, it has its own attitude to
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the issues of abortion, this is understandable, well, coming back to the very screens on which the texts of appeals to the head of state from citizens were broadcast, there is one topic that, perhaps, was heard most often, this is the topic of rising prices, a word that was probably most...
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connections, relationships, in including in the field of agriculture, from other countries, from we have excellent economic development in belarus, they offer, i regret, i apologize in this regard, but this is a failure in the work of the government, what else is valuable about such a format of an open deck of eggs, that he has lermontov’s house on his bedside table. regarding advice, parting words, one must believe in
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the great russian, russian people, in this faith, the key to success, revival, in the formation and development of russia. another personal question asked of the president today was about how to deal with stress, how... and so on. anastasia efimova with us sums up the main results of today's press conference and the direct line
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of the united format of vladimir putin. well, now a quote from the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin. he stated that russia is conducting a dialogue with the united states on the issue that allegedly gershkovich, who is in custody and accused of espionage, is there without trial, to which vladimir putin said that, of course, it is incorrect to say so, and moreover, he is russian.
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indeed, it has appeared regularly in the media that there is inequality between those russian military personnel who received , so to speak, the status of a participant in a special military operation after the republic became part of russia, who did not begin their journey here after the special military operation, and those guys who have been fighting here since 1914, if this problem has already reached the president, then... the people's militia of donetsk and lugansk people 's republics, they joined the structure of the ministry of defense only on january 1, 2023, before that, as i said, they were called the people's militia of the dpr and the people's militia of the lpr, such a need was dictated by the minsk agreements, since according to which the republic of donbass could not have
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independent armies, but only the people's militia, nevertheless, this, as you all know, has been since the fourteenth year, after ... the kiev regime sent a regular army to the regions of donbass to kill civilians, children, old people, women, former miners, mechanics, metal workers, they simply took up arms and began, well, they resisted this, they began to defend their native land, appeared such high-profile media, real commanders, military subsections of the brain, he is also a ghost, that is, many donbass commanders have appeared. after the battles of the ilovaisk cauldron, the battles for shakhtersk, the debaltsevo operation , regular combat army corps began to be created from separate scattered militia units, that is, on november 14 , alexander zakharchenko signed a decree on the creation of the first donetsk army corps, already tanks, armored vehicles, the whole point
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is, that after the debaltsevo cauldron there was an arsenal of weapons.
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russian military personnel who had everything benefits, status of military personnel and the guys from the first second donetsk and lugansk operations walked shoulder to shoulder with active army corps that did not have these benefits, the situation began to hope that this will still be the case in the future, our military personnel will be equal in these rights. studio. and this is an extremely important explanation of how volunteer units were formed, how... work is being done to equalize all opportunities and benefits. thank you, vadim, our correspondent, vadim topalov, was in direct contact. at all, of course, the situation in ukraine has become one of the main topics of the direct line with the president. vladimir putin said that the world of nazification and demilitarization remain relevant. that is why russia is forced to take action. at the same time, vladimir putin noted that
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there is no need for a new mobilization. now there are about 244 people in the combat zone . it is becoming increasingly difficult for the armed forces of ukraine to move forward towards their intended goals. cold off-road conditions do not allow nato equipment to prove itself, which, at the opening of the western weapons rapidly. replenished in winter, especially, well, the topic of the northern military district of our successes, in particular on the fronts, became one of the key ones at the final press conference of vladimir putin. they gave them as many as we
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promised, 400 tanks, there 420, 430, well, they gave them , by the way, they gave everything that they promised, everything that the westerners promised, ukraine will receive everything of a different class. and this is it. an example of demilitarization, one of the tasks that were set at the beginning of the nwo, all of them are still unchanged. the front line, the president emphasized repeatedly, stretches for 2,000 km, “colossal work continues, 617,000 people are involved, half of them are called up as part of partial mobilization, and some chalk up feats to their own account, there is no need to be honored,” putin said. we've passed.
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