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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 9:00pm-9:18pm MSK

9:00 pm
standing in hairdressers, waiting for their turn to send a full tank, update their hair and manicure for the new year, finns are used to doing all this in russia, because prices here are much cheaper than at home. dmitry akimov, sergey fodeev, anastasia badenchuk and maya alenova. vesti, leningrad region, republic of karelia. in koluga the parishioners resumed their work and practically came to an agreement with him. as for the total production volumes, then after reaching full capacity. at the site it will be possible to produce up to 10,000 cars per year, except moreover, in plans to increase the percentage of production localization, by the middle of next year in kaluga they plan to begin independent stamping of parts. when sanctions were imposed on our country, i saw a lot of skeptics about the future of the kaluga region, about our successes, the possibility of going through this period and giving answers to these challenges, we gave this answer, we...
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offered former workers to return to their jobs plant who were on long forced leave, except for those who had already started work, we are ready to employ about 100 more people here. anna fondikova, alexey semenov, host kaluga. 4 hours and 3 minutes. answers to more than 80
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requests out of more than 2 million questions sent and voiced. vladimir putin summed up the results of the year by combining two formats: a direct line and a large press conference. there were many questions about measures to support the northern military district fighters, about the restoration of new regions, about the situation in ukraine, about how long the special operation could last and under what conditions peace is possible. as for requests from journalists, they came not only from russian media, but also from foreign ones, and the president’s answers. demonstrated that russia remains open to the press, even from unfriendly countries. for the full version of the program, the results of the year with vladimir putin , see. hello.
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systems, i think, here, right now , answering your question, there is no need to disclose all these areas, but i am sure that the audience is here, and the whole country understands perfectly well that russia cannot exist without this, but the financial, economic, economic , technological sovereignty is the future of every country, including russia, so these are the main ones, if conceptually speaking...
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that over the previous decades russia has accumulated this margin of strength and stability in finance and economy, and the third, of course , is the increase in opportunities, there is nothing like that here, something that we probably don’t
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know, yes, yesterday, in my opinion, the minister of finance announced some figures, the most important indicator of economic growth, the growth of the gross domestic product. and some other measures that the central bank and government is accepted, and we proceed from the fact that we will be able to return to the target indicators, we haven’t had this for a long time, we haven’t had this for a long time, but what especially puts us in such a positive mood is a 10%
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increase in investment in fixed capital, what is this means, that is, today we have growth in industry, gdp is obvious. what does plus 10% in the fixed capital investment mean? about what they are guaranteed to have there, which means they will earn about 3 trillion rubles, over 3 trillion, of course, i know, in this audience, in the country as a whole, they will say, well banks are fattening and so on, this is all understandable, but those people who keep money in russian bank accounts, this is good news for them. the stability of the russian financial banking system, which means the statistics are accurate, and the real disposable income of the population is also growing, there are more components here, and somewhere under 5%, the unemployment rate, which i mentioned, just recently
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we were proud that we have a historical historical minimum was 3%, yesterday my colleagues and i were preparing. to our meeting today, to today’s conversation about income, it should be mentioned, of course, that from january 1 we will have an immediate increase of 18%, we have not done this often, which means that the public external debt is decreasing, which also speaks of macroeconomic stability and financial stability, the public debt has decreased from 46 to 32 billion dollars , and private external... debt is such an integrated social indicator, it was also reduced ahead of schedule, well , we will probably have a lot of topics on social issues today, but still there is such an integrated indicator: an increase
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in life expectancy, what we are talking about always we’re talking about what we’re striving for, look, what a dynamic 21 years, life expectancy in russia is 70.06,
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in front of the whole world, standing ovation for a former ss soldier who directly participated in the holocaust, extermination then during the negotiation process, so in general we our negotiators were told that, in principle, he did not rule out the possibility of adopting some legislative acts in ukraine, but this was then during the negotiations in istanbul. now, as for demilitarization, well, they don’t want...
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how many are there, how many we promised, 400 tanks, there are 420, 430, well, yes, we will agree on certain parameters, by the way, during the negotiations in istanbul we agreed on them, they just asked for these agreements to be put into the oven, well, we agreed on this, there are other possibilities either to agree and solve, or solve by force, this is what we will strive for, the question is short, but of concern to many, there will be... a second wave of mobilization, i understand that it is such a sensitive issue, look,
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the guys are fighting, just great, 14 heroes of the russian federation from among mobilized, 14 heroes russia, i’m not even talking about others, medals of an order of a different value, which means, well, now , in my opinion, 244 thousand are located directly in the combat zone, well, in the north military district zone. with volunteers, it’s just a conditional division, the contract is signed for two, for 3
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years, and the so-called volunteers, although they are all essentially heroes and warriors of the fatherland, but they are just there for a year, for a shorter period, but everything will be together about half a million people, until the end of this year, well, why do we need mobilization, so for today there is none. such people, hello, me name is lyudmila kolieva, i represent north ossetia, the fifteenth region, vladimir vladimirovich, north ossetia has always defended the interests of our country, this is saab lliev, and khadzhumar mamsurov, great commanders and heroes of the soviet union, who proved himself to be a great patriotic war, now how many dima is the most 2 million.
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everyone has been in the svo for almost 2 years now, the guys on the front line, now near donetsk, are working confidently,
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the enemy’s defense is literally cracking and bursting at the seams, every new day brings a new good result. vladimir vladimirovich, our victory is already visible, even the enemy understands this. first of all, i want to thank you for what you are doing, it sounds a little routine, but nevertheless, believe me. the situation will definitely be brought under control, and it’s simply inappropriate for bismerka to remember this, but nevertheless, he once served in russia, lived in russia, although he became an outstanding german figure, he once said that wars are won not just generals, but school teachers and priests,
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this is right, this is absolutely correct. this is education, back to peaceful life, over a thousand work in schools with children's and teenage groups, and we will definitely do this further, we will definitely completely expand this work, because, because it is one thing to read in a book or even watch a movie of a patriotic nature, and another thing - convey something by personal example.
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became a pinist in computer competitions, they talked about him as our genius, a promising guy, known to a third of the city's public, but kozlovsky put together a group of hackers who invented the lurk virus. hacker the lurk group was one of the most famous cybercriminal organizations that was involved in stealing money from bank accounts. who visited the organized hacker
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community. i was taxiing a group, the roof was in another place, it was a whole plane, whole. a separate plane of the russian ministry of internal affairs, arrived in yekaterinburg, how much money did the banks lose from the actions of the lurk group, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, hurry up for the sale, skovoroda for 89, this year in the new year's billion from the russian... something for you special 2 billion


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