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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 14, 2023 10:00pm-10:17pm MSK

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we contacted channel one correspondent valentina solovyova, who is again working in the zaporozhye region. hello, we are located in the melitopol regional oncology center. here is one situation with doctors? there are a lot of patients, of course, there are not enough doctors, as throughout russia, so here, but here the situation may be even more dramatic. there are not enough oncologists, not enough. hematologists, there are not enough pediatric oncologists, yes, what is missing there, they simply are not there, so the dispensary has to take on everything these functions, thanks to the federal research centers that provide, there are about 50-60 people per day at outpatient appointments, against the thirty required by the standards, that is, the load is approximately doubled, exactly the same load
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, it cannot be said that they are not there, they come, but these measures are apparently not enough, thank you very much, that’s our question, right? the question
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is understandable, but you know, to make it pleasant, when the doctor said, we don’t have enough, we don’t have enough as part of russia, this is what i would like to point out from this point of view this question, but the problem is clear, here is a proposal to create a special federal program that would help purchase housing, so and so on, i don’t know if it’s necessary? create a special program, but you definitely need to pay attention to this, i agree with him, in our country this, uh, means that this benefit only applies to new housing, and uh , there isn’t much new housing being built there, to put it mildly, so it would be necessary to do the same how to distribute this to the secondary market in the far east, this is what needs to be done, then it will work quickly, right now will start working. this is the first and second thing that
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shumbrat shumbrad - this in mordovian means hello, yes, i’m here now. i’ll answer, yes, that means what needs to be done, it is necessary - maybe, just like in the far east, we should also increase, increase the initial lifting fees for the zemstvo, we see that colleagues cannot even wait for the end of your answer, come on, here i am promised after all, apparently from mordoviev, yes, yes, please, come on, give the girl some paint. microphone please, vladimir vladimirovich, hello, i'm anastasia vidyayeva from the branch vgtrk, state television and radio broadcasting company mordovia, i represent our multinational republic, i want to invite you to our pavilion at the russia exhibition, thanks, firstly, to the exhibition, and
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of course, the region has something to be proud of, in mordovia, thanks to your support , innovative production is being implemented, first, import-substituting, fiber-optic, cable, this... and the pharmaceutical direction and, of course, the calling card of mordovia, this is a black diamond, our bog oak, we mine, including regional ones, all russian, we always brought medals, cups, certificates and even prizes, we always practiced sports, the club building, but this year it became completely impossible to conduct our training here, there have been no repairs for more than 40 years, the floors have long been rotten, the walls are covered with mold, the windows are broken, there is a lot of sense in the tasks, more fully than...
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regarding the decision, i could, as it were , compare with others, in comparison with other athletes, with israeli ones and so on, first, everything that international officials do in relation to russian sports is a complete contradiction, a perversion of the ideas of pierre de coubertin, oh sport - and the world, sport was created for the olympic movement so that... unites people, and does not separate them, modern international officials, they are too carried away by the business side of sports movements, they have become extremely dependent on sponsors, sponsors pay attention to
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the cost of a minute of advertising time on television and so on, well, there are enough internal problems if they continue to operate. in the same way, they will bury the olympic movement, the very idea of ​​olympism, it is suffering today. in this communications, you just mentioned israel, about israeli athletes, despite the events taking place in gaza. if i were to somehow support this now, i would be like these international sports officials. sport is outside of politics, it is designed to unite people, therefore. just like, you know, we are told not to count money in someone else’s pocket, money in someone else’s pocket, it’s the same here, it seems to me that it is incorrect to point the finger at some others, there are problems there, we just talked with your turkish colleague, yes - well, the athletes have nothing to do with it, let them go
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and compete without any restrictions , the same should be done in relation to russia, but this is not happening, they are under the influence of political... to go or not to go, you know, there is this one here moment, we need to look carefully at what the conditions are there, well, the flag, the anthem, i always said, athletes have been training for years.
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it is connected there, supposedly connected with the armed forces, although today’s csk is not connected with the armed forces at all, it is generally a private organization, well, but they can come up with anything they want, if... the goal is to cut off our leaders , to show that russian sport is not developing or, on the contrary, it is dying, well then the ministry of sports and the ministry need to appeal and say in general we need to develop sports and develop all our programs by the way, in fact, in past years, in last years, about one and a half billion, even more... 700 were allocated for development from the federal budget for the development
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of regional and municipal sports, this year there is not even 700 billion in this budget, but i have to choose a whole stack for myself, the tyumen region, hockey, various sports, the general russian people's front, in fact, all these appeals will be processed over the coming year, as we said, friends, i see here...
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we are making training camps and people are on it they respond, thank you very much, but nevertheless all this is not enough, you can’t help but see that it is improving, after all, it’s true, say that it is true, it is improving, yes, but this is also a fact, but of course, you are right, not there is always enough, not everything always works out, i already said, that means we still have a seat, please sit down , after all, the front line, you know how much, almost, the state, the ministry of defense,
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industry, of course, are actively working in this direction, and well, you know, in the rap system, there are many things appear, you probably know all these names, maybe even better than me, there’s a little forest or how they ’re now installing a new system on almost all armored vehicles, well, how possible is this? there are networks there, i hope that we will continue to have such contacts, you will be with me and
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the ministry of defense is transferring all this, that’s what concerns, what concerns the fact that the wounded guys need to return to the hospital in order to draw up the document, from the hospital to return to the unit to draw up the document, but i saw these questions in the letters, after all the situation there has changed, maybe you have outdated data and work with... related to the provision of housing, with the provision of all sorts of benefits, with paperwork, and there is no need to return to the unit, but if this still happens, here i am after our dialogue with you necessarily now i’ll talk with the minister of defense, this should be and will be corrected, as for the fatherland defenders fund, it works well, there are very good people there, i met with the head of anna evgenevna, it’s as if they don’t accept... i, for example, always i was against them managing any money, but i am in favor of
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increasing their rights in the area of ​​control over how much is allocated, to whom it is allocated, and what results the allocated funds bring, including rehabilitation funds, now in i won’t go into details, but i know that the deputy is also a good, effective instrument for protecting the interests of our guys, the region asks the following question: today marina igorevna makeeva from the moscow region is very actively helping the soldiers of the northern military district, humanitarian aid, building materials, supplies, transport. people do this from the heart, we welcome it, and we will not limit it , i just want to thank you, well , you also said a few words about rap jammers, but here a wounded attack aircraft from the omsk
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region, andrei nikishin, writes, asking to provide rap jammers against drones, they just don’t exist, can you give me exactly where from then? let's check, yes, they may be missing somewhere , but at some, at some point in at some, at some there may be a failure, but, but if specifically there is, and i ask you , give me specific things and war correspondents with whom we meet, i personally meet regularly, we will definitely look, all the best is simple: like alpha business, online banking and business application, all in one button, considering payments even more profitable, get a supercake every month withdraw cash for free from any atms throughout the country, not just profitable, alpha profitable, this year in the new year's
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