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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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edited by midinsky, a really good history textbook, that is, well, at least it ’s patriotic, correct, but now we have to start with high school, we had such things in high school that it ’s hard to call it patriotism, so we have to say, to how do we treat higher education, but just school, at first we drove a whole class of teachers crazy, because we said to soviet teachers, you’ve been teaching the wrong things all your life, they ’ll rebuild, we say, not guys, now it’s all back again, we ideologues. have not
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defined, well, actually, when they say that there was no ideology , there was an ideology, there was a liberal ideology, now we need an ideology, yes, we need to change the approaches, to what ones, well, tell me, well, you are statesmen, well, karyn georgivich and margarita sivna and i have asked these questions a million times, well so make a decision, say, well , write some kind of preamble, hammer away, say, here, here are our ideologies, please, the school should do this.
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the more beautiful it seems, but when i lived in it, it did not seem so beautiful, so unfortunately it ceased to exist, for some it seemed, for others it didn’t seem, the soviet union ceased to exist because of the betrayal of gorbachev, and not who was who, the general secretary. like the pss , traitors to the country of the party, which grew up , which grew up, if we take the personnel line of the current government, then how many people are now abroad, where chubais, who is an energosim, chubais was a fighter, a fighter against communism, he was a communist, a member of the communist party, hammered the lid of the coffin of communism, plundered it , stuffed it into his pockets, the party. who was his friend?
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deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine is a communist, so, comrade communist, will you define the terminology? tell the people all over the red line of the body.'
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this is a good form, correct, it allows the country to develop, state-owned companies , there are super effective ones, rosatom has a pavilion at the russian exhibition, visit it, this is a colossal enterprise that is leading in the world, uh, rosneft is wonderful, rosseti, today there was a question, the president said, we’ll figure it out, we ’ll see , well, look at how
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the tariff is formed, why the tariff includes additional expenses and salaries, you wanted me to look, as soon as i headed, as soon as i headed smersh, i looked at everything carefully. they still need to be distributed competently , so today a lot was said correctly, but the next step must be taken, the abandonment of liberal-manitarian doges, the government must be updated and the government must be updated very clearly, and who should be removed from the government.
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forms the government, this is his team, where he clearly understands who to entrust, what to entrust and how to entrust, here we come, we say, so this means, let ’s carefully cut this out now, put it here, cut this out, put it here, then he says something is going badly, maybe we’ll start trusting managers to look at the results of their work, we can criticize, we we can offer, we can explain, but...
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not in veserionovich’s time, yes, these were different historical conditions, i am not condemning or talking about anything, i am simply stating that the growth rates during lenin-stalin modernization were very high. and the same example, i just want to remind you that with what kind of base they were, the base was completely different , although the pace was amazing, but by the way, many methods actually work now, and we welcome this, and there are competent people in the team, the same chernyshenko views science approximately the same way as we looked, that it is necessary to develop the academy of sciences and so on and so forth, vladimir, we need to take the next step forward, two short comments, one long one to the head, yes yes, that means... the government is now acting by program-target method, a whole series of programs until the thirtieth year and
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further, the 10 largest technological projects in industry, designed for several decades to come, so this is what prevails now, this is the first, second comment, well, we are all marxists, how far our communists have gone from marxism, well , take it. the economy of the soviet union with mother's milk absorbed socialism - this is just
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the first stage of the construction of communism, but even under socialism there can no longer be private property, there may be cooperative-collective farm property, but these are all relics, therefore, the wonderful utopian idea of ​​​​building communism, it is unfortunately not feasible, and we saw this in the example of china and vietnam, which showed that it is not the biden zelensky meeting that is feasible that everyone is interested in.
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believes, and if he had assumed it, now there would be no svo, and our guys would not be dying and people in that country would not be dying, who are dying in unimaginable numbers, and i was very much so, not just amazed, i in fact , i didn’t expect anything else from our president, but it was strong when he emphasized several times, speaking about the death on the other hand, that this is a tragedy, a tragedy for them, and yet...
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dvsu for a year, seriously, well, here you go, who are the rest, some unfortunate physical education teacher, some combine operator, some kind of machinist, who was raked and came home, they just picked him up along the way , sent him off, before he had time to surrender, he died, it’s a pity, we can talk about this, yes, we are all people, and i also really like it when the president says that look at ukraine, look at gaza, we are not like that. we are not like that, we do not arrange this, but of course, first of all, i feel sorry for our people, although
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i think that at the front, forcibly mobilized like this, there cannot but be people with our views, perhaps who have nowhere to go among these combine operators, you know, and who, if possible, run to us , not everyone has it, now the btf cascade has a whole khmelnitsky battalion of former armed forces of ukraine, who are now chasing the nazis with weapons in their hands. here you go, and i feel sorry for our people, there, i feel sorry for odessa, this is not the first time the president says that odessa is a russian city, and a little jewish, yes, and a little jewish, and they are odessa jews too. russians, like the krasnodar armenians in my person, we are also russians, so in this sense this is all definitely a russian city, and although this is washed away almost with a gun to the temple and the consciousness of people in ukraine, nothing changes from this, as it was russian the city remains so, it was founded by catherine ii, the russian tsarina, who was german, but was
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a russian tsarina in 1700 ninety-fifth, if my memory serves me correctly, she founded this city, named it after the greek... the settlement that was there in time immemorial odessis, and then it developed like a russian city, their pride, almost the main pride of odessa, the vorontsov palace, it fell from the sky, who is it built, mazipa built it, or something, who is not even bogdan khmelnitsky, it was built by our wonderful vorontsov, about whom pushkin is also our wonderful, it’s true - he said the famous epigram, half my lord , half merchant, half sage, half ignorant, half scoundrel, but there is hope that will be complete at last, but then, i think he regretted this, just as pushkin regretted a lot of things in his adulthood from what he wrote and said in his youth, as we, in fact, all of us, probably, yes, although none of us are pushkin, so this half-scoundrel, who , in fact, was a wonderful man, paid all the debts of all the officers who were stationed in paris in 1914, ate garbage there,
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drank champagne, there was nothing to pay with, he sold his estates in order to pay, so as not to leave. bad impression of the russian officers, can you imagine what kind of empires people lived in, these russian people, with their own money , built the residence of the governor-general, with their personal money, this vorontsov palace, of which they are proud, and the potemkin staircase, footage from which, cinematically by karen georievich, will confirm not just a cliché, it is not a joke, the whole world is still, yes, this staircase was also built under varantsov, this is who these people were, they were all ours... people were burning there in the house of trade unions, and no one apologized for that, and no one said thank you for what it was odessa, now them, i’m already silent about that, that the soviet union , including the communist party, set it up , because a reasonable person cannot help but indiscriminately blame and praise the soviet union, it was full of everything, both this and that, as
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usually happens in history, but the soviet union built it there , if we start listing, your program will run out. we’ve even just read the preamble, as you said, and what we gave, we gave, we have a new year soon, grandfather frost yeltsin gave, grandfather frost khrushchev gave crimea, grandfather frost lenin gave he gave his time, and no, to say thank you to mother russia for such gifts until the end of time, no, to think about what other hand we didn’t kiss mother russia for such gifts, but what candle, in what church? we haven’t yet put mother in charge of the health of russia, no , they started to destroy our people, us, russia, everything that has to do with russia, russianness itself on our territories, which we gave to them, just think about it, they started to destroy it very for a long time, i don’t even say, although it’s worth saying, about
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the fourteenth year, when they started bombing us there with planes, our children on the beach? degress, our gorlovka madonna, with this little girl of hers in her arms, both died from their bombs, but it started much earlier, i remember when i worked in crimea, i was there often on business trips in the beginning of 2000, how people erased at night road signs, where their original russian names were changed into ukrainian manners, these new signs were put up, as if there was nothing else to do, there wasn’t enough money to to renovate the clinic, they say there today. to the president, yes, that for 40 years, that is, from soviet times , there was no repair, then the fifth, tenth, there was no money for this, to forcibly de-russify all this, to put up road signs everywhere, and people walked around at night with some with spray cans, with markers , they rewrote the reverse road signs, excuse me, you know when, this is 2001, when i went there, 2000, 2001, and this whole
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story with the holodomor, when they started teaching, in the nineties, in general the nineties, when... talent multiplied by historical, lack of historical memory, also multiplied by a fantastic degree, the cube is simply disgusting. you see, in the end , this is what we came to, in leningrad, the city at the five corners, san sokolov got hit in the face, he sang unmusically and made a scandal, well, that means it’s right that they gave it, that’s all i can
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say about ukraine, we heard from the president new wording this time, i have never, correct me if it has already been, i have never heard it before, when he our western former partners were called buddies, can you imagine what kind of metamorphosis we had with them? he said, our western friends, how many years have we been partners, and in fact, our president spoke about this many times, that he really tried to establish relations with them, he even said that, in general, there was an idea that why doesn’t russia join nato, well , together we will defend ourselves against threats, global terrorism, it exists, you never know there are other threats in the world besides us, it’s true, and we told them, we are not a threat, we are ready together you fight with everyone else we have in common. threats that we were told, no , you know, somehow this is not very global terrorism, who cares, for some reason we will still fight with us, that’s how they gradually turned into friends,
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of course, i’m very first of all, i was pleased with this straight line, dash press conference with the shape the president is in, has anyone ever tried it, someone volodya now has a question for the rest of us to sit and answer questions for more than four hours. it's terribly hard, it's practically, yes it is it’s almost impossible, in fact, very few people can succeed at all, and at the same time maintain a good mood, and this inherent humor, and self-irony, and self-irony, with which he, i remind you, once delighted us 23 years ago, yes, when he first appeared on the horizon of us as the people of the country, he pays attention to all issues, he returns to this, by chance, as they say, i would like to report, there was a question about broadcasting in the republic of srpska, i have already instructed
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to find this girl who asked question, tell her where this broadcasting is available , where it already exists, including our website is operating in the serbian language; next year, on behalf of the government party, as we were instructed, we are opening full-fledged broadcasting in the serbian language, which has never existed before. it will be open next year, we will find you, dear, we will make sure that everything is set up on your tv, that all the necessary antennas are connected to you, but in the meantime you can also extend the coverage to the serbian republic in bosnia and herzegovina, because they are very i’ve been waiting for a long time, of course, our documentaries are already being aired on the state tv channel of the republika srpska, i’m not talking about serbian now, it’s about the republika srpska, they come out there and are ready to tell this girl, now we’ll find her, we’ll tell her, several others from the shame. yes, the questions that affect me personally touched me, and the president said, what word did he say, that he is dumbfounded by
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some of the sentences that he receives on economic charges, and indeed, he is the only one, we are also often dumbfounded in society there is little that causes such irritation and disappointment as injustice, here is the incomparability in our... murder, premeditated murder implies from 6 years, that is, a person took the life of another person deliberately, neither in self-defense, nor in passion, without defending himself, nor stepchild , whom he raped, relatively speaking, there are different situations, just for money, deliberately, 6 years, but fraud. rubber article, as entrepreneurs call it, from six to 15, under circumstances from eight to twenty, and in non-aggravating from six, this is for aggravating.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, to understand them. not difficult, important, honestly convenient, what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot , wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad , put a lot of layers of security in a very clever way, took colored markers, made watermarks, we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, darling, we have the ballot you are beautiful, only digital counting,
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your ballot will not pass. after all, in russia , ballot papers are marked better than money, very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection, your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen musicians, the fab five, this is my group, why have i never seen you and princess, me in general.
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this in itself is not a sufficient crime, what is it, this is softer than a crime, than fraud, so as not to create the impression that we are talking about six years, here 6 to 15, from 6 to 15, i personally know people who i looked into this, not people, cases where people received six for pre-premeditated absolute murder, well, without being shaken off , he walked up, stabbed him with a knife, moved on, so what’s wrong, what’s wrong, this it’s not such a terrible crime as filling out some papers incorrectly, for that you get a squat.


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