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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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heavy snow is sweeping moscow and the moscow region, visibility on the roads has dropped to 200 m, utility workers are working in increased mode, all city equipment is clearing the roads, and according to forecasts, within 24 hours it will fall up to the third monthly norm for osavka. vladimir putin is confident of victory over the kiev regime, and a signal has been sent to ukraine to begin.
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designated area, before this, in the formation , the equipment marched in a solemn march until all the infrastructure necessary for the latest weapons was created. a strong snowstorm hit the area and the snow began to fall the night before, it was brought by cyclone vanya. according to forecasters, a third of the monthly rainfall may fall in one day. visibility on the roads in some areas dropped to 200 m. even the day before, drivers in the capital were asked to do so.
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all snow removal services, in addition to the fact that we are working on the road network, today the situation requires that we focus on the work of our energy companies, companies that supply and generate heat, it must be said that the temperature is rising, and this means that icing is possible during snowfall, therefore, energy services are on standby. it sweeps away not only moscow, but also other regions of central russia. snowfalls in the tula region, vladimir region, lipetsk region. storm warning orange level of danger declared in kursk. regional authorities urged residents not to leave their homes unless necessary and not to drive on roads due to snow drifts and ice. even local administration officials will come out to clear the sidewalks of the bus stop today. classes at schools have been cancelled, lessons will be held remotely. they sent me away.
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oryol region, bad weather is also raging there, this friday is forecast to be the snowiest in the region in the last 63 years, all snow removal equipment has been taken out on bryansk street, there is also a stormy wind in the region, according to experts, the snow cover will double within 24 hours, students and schoolchildren were transferred to self-study mode. similar pictures in the voronezh region recommend that motorists do not park their cars near the roadside, so as not to interfere with the work of snow removal equipment and it is better to avoid traveling. the us agreed with the russian statements president, so congressman stanny heuer said: the ukrainian economy is really tied purely to western investments, in heuer’s opinion, such charity will end very soon, the french politician florian philippot supported the theses of the russian leader. commenting on putin's statement
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about western leaders behaving like collaborators, filippo wrote: "the russian president is 100% right." the american tv channel cnn broadcast fragments of the press conference live; after it ended, the presenter said: ukraine an unambiguous signal has been sent, you need to agree to negotiations. the new york times reports the same. in an article about the results of the direct line, journalists write: russia is now in a position of strength, and vladimir putin’s answers during the direct line only emphasize. notes: in the ukrainian conflict, russia is advancing more and more intensely, and the president is confident in victory, which for him means the capitulation of kiev. bloomberg's article is in a similar vein. journalists write: vladimir putin is confident in russia’s victory, and the united states and europe are mired in disagreements about military assistance ukraine, which threatens to undermine kiev’s combat capability. powerful explosions rocked ukraine late last night. detonation is reported in
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several regions of the country at once, including kharkov and the khmelnitsky region. in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime, a series of explosions were heard twice in recent hours. an air raid alert was announced in ukraine. or several times a night, the sirens were heard by residents of five regions and that part of the kherson region, which is now under the control of nationalists. in the artyomovsk direction, russian military destroyed a concentration of militants in a forest belt, the positions of the ukrainian armed forces unit were discovered by reconnaissance. the command transmitted the coordinates to the crew of the vasilek automatic mortar. our soldiers set out to carry out the mission, deployed the gun at the firing line and fired a sighting shot. the drone operator helped. with the adjustment, the combat mission was successfully completed. the cornflower is capable of firing up to 120 large-caliber mines per minute. in the special operation zone , the supply of drones for russian units has increased noticeably. we are talking about both reconnaissance and attack drones. our fighters use
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this technique to provide artillery with coordinates of new targets, and also strike the militants themselves. the military hones their skills in handling aircraft on... for security reasons, we can only say that this is the krasnolimansk direction, we are filming so that the location cannot be identified, we are met by a battalion commander with the call sign snow. we go down to the basement, where, without exaggeration, hearts of the headquarters. it is here that all information from the line of combat contact, from the forward positions located in the vicinity of lisichansk, flows around the clock. the task force is working on maps. the commander has just returned from the line of combat contact, but continues
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to remain in constant contact with units that are suppressing any breakthrough attempts by the ukrainian military. artillery shelling is clearly coming from their side.
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in the special training center of the central military district for drum operators, including including fpv drones are being prepared in whole groups. from a large number of people willing to take the course, instructors select the most prepared. if a person has computer knowledge, it will be easiest for him to master it. features of difficult meteorological conditions, study of the terrain, radio-electronic situation in the work area, features of ensuring one’s safety. getting to know the control panel. but absolutely most of the training time, of course, is occupied by classes at one of the training grounds, located at some distance from the combat zone actions. we place the drone facing north,
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training is carried out both day and night, in different weather, in general, in conditions as close as possible to combat conditions. that the training has been completed. it can be successfully judged by the footage taken by reconnaissance drones; their cameras impartially record accurate hits on ukrainian armored vehicles, both fpv drones and loitering lancet uavs. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev, news: the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic krasnolimansk direction. blocked the package again financial assistance to ukraine, the prime minister of the country announced this. we are talking about 50 billion dollars. according to viktor orban , the european union will return to this issue next year after appropriate preparation. but brussels promised kiev negotiations on joining the eu. hungary did not participate in this decision. according
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to orban, ukraine has not fulfilled the necessary conditions for membership in the european union. it is not yet clear when discussions will begin, and the duration of the negotiations is in no way limited. the us is discussing with israel a reduction intensity of operations in the gas sector, the new york times writes about this, citing sources in the biden administration. based on this information, a transition to more targeted ones is considered. actions, in particular we are talking about missions to destroy hamas leaders, rescue hostages and destroy tunnels. meanwhile, the israeli press confirmed that the army had begun to flood underground infrastructure in the gas sector. according to journalists, the authorities considered the first stage successful. in addition, as the media write, the israeli defense forces announced a reward for information about hamas leaders. relevant brochures began to circulate on social networks. gas residents are promised $400,000 for information about the leader. movement, but meanwhile at night the israeli military carried out a large-scale assault in the city of jenin, it is located on
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the west bank of the jordan river. palestinian authorities said the raids killed at least 12 people and injured several dozen. cities in the south of the gas sector were also subjected to new attacks. arab sources claim that israeli commands believe that hamas leaders are hiding precisely there. economic news, maria filippova joins me. mash, good morning. the central bank will discuss the future of the interest rate today, what are the forecasts? roma, good morning, the most expected forecast: the rate will increase by at least 1%. at today's meeting, the bank of russia will raise the key rate by one, to a maximum of 2%. this is the consensus forecast of russian experts. there are no prerequisites for a pause, much less an easing of monetary policy. the lending market, including the mortgage market, is still overheated - they note analysts. access to cheap money. it , as a rule, activates demand, and prices in russia always rise, yes, therefore, if
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consumers are faced with the impossibility of getting money cheaply, then they will temporarily spend less, and accordingly, the ration spiral will not unwind so much, how could this be if the central bank did not interfere in this situation. inflation at the end of november came close to 7.5%, compared with a month earlier. the figure was significantly lower than seven. inflation expectations increased by percentage point. let me also remind you that the central bank did not change its forecast for the growth rate of consumer prices. in 2024 they should return to the target of 4%. this determines the rigidity of the monetary policy, which experts agree with. the supervisory board of sofcombank determined the price of shares within the ipo within the upper range, the company said in a statement. as part of the placement on the moscow exchange, the bank planned to attract 10.
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investors who would own this stake. watch the full interview with sergei khatimsky on our broadcast today, after 10 am moscow time. great britain and japan will ban the import of russian diamonds from january 1 next year. the british ministry of defense is also threatening to introduce a ban on the provision of support services in the metals sector, but only when foreign partners are ready for this. by the way, regarding readiness, it’s no secret that it’s russian. mazs have literally become stumbling blocks preventing the eu from agreeing on the twelfth package of sanctions. against this background, britain and japan,
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a key us ally in asia, decided to demonstrate conditional unity collective west. london also intends to block the export of dual- use products, spare parts, electronics, and equipment for the production of printed circuit boards. well, in conclusion, the dollar exchange rate today is 89 rubles. 67 kopecks, euro 97.73 kopecks. roman, maria, thank you. the situation is similar in the bryansk and oryol regions; a third of the monthly normal precipitation will fall in moscow today. an unambiguous signal has been sent to ukraine, it is necessary to agree to negotiations, this is how the american commented on vladimir putin’s speech on the direct line cnn channel, with the russian president’s assessments of ukrainian sanctions. many world media agreed on the issue. the israeli military staged
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a large-scale raid in the city of jenin on the west bank of the jordan river. according to palestinian authorities, 12 people were killed and dozens were injured. meanwhile, the israeli army is striking the southern cities of gazza, where hamas leaders are allegedly hiding. the state duma is concluding its autumn session. today, at the final meeting of the year, the lower house of parliament will sum up the work among the adopted laws. a lot of social oh support for families with children, pensioners, and special operation participants. attention, visitors to the russia exhibition at vdn. today , a lot of events have been prepared for the krasnodar territory’s stand as part of the region’s day, including a farmer’s fair with craft cheeses, tastings of national dishes and performances by a cossack choir. the main resident of the country can boast not only of agricultural success. tourism, industry, and medicine are actively developing here.
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andrey malyovany will tell you why the region is interesting and why migrants from all over the country go there. this with a goal, krasnodar won the winter championship for the first time. the club is the epitome of the entire region. young, ambitious, bright. even those who don’t follow football are starting to root for such a krasnodar. the brightness here is not only on the football field, thanks to kilometers of garlands and millions of light bulbs, the krasnodar stadium and park annually turn into a magical new year's location. illumination emphasizes the unique architecture. another world, skiers and snowboarders storm the slopes. this year the season started early, on december 1st. we made these mountains. the early opening of the slopes continued a successful summer season for the region. this year
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, more than 17.5 million tourists vacationed in the krasnodar territory, and this is not the final figure. the black sea coast of the krasnadsky region retains its leadership due to the largest number of accommodation facilities in russia. the region receives an average of 17-18-19 million tourists. as for accommodation facilities, naturally, new ones are being built and the region will already be able to exceed the 20 million tourist mark there in the coming years. kuban is rich in history and the original traditions of the cossacks, who are still in... service; in recent years, the region has been a center of wine tourism; the best grapes in the country are grown here and the most wine is produced. winemaking is part of agriculture for kuban - it is the base; more than 80% of russian rice is grown here; the region is among the leaders in the production of grains, milk, tea and sugar. industry is an important part
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of the economy; metal is smelted here, machine tools and machines are assembled, and food is produced. and a lot is still being built, the region is in the top three for housing rentals. i congratulate you. thanks to this diversification, the kuban economy is growing. if in 2021 the gross regional product of the region was 3 trillion rubles. this year it is approaching 4 trillion. of course, i want kuban to develop. and not only from the point of view of economic development. from the point of view of all spheres of life, so that cuba becomes better. of course we must today. take care of those who will ensure development, people, residents of our region, starting from the smallest village, ending with our regional center, today this is the subject of my special concern. people come to kuban to relax and stay to live; fresh blood stimulates the development of the region. in 2023, the region commissioned a fifty-kilometer bypass of krasnodar and a new bridge across the kuban.
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grandiose projects lie ahead; a new one will appear on the black sea coast in the coming years. now sports news ilya a collection of t-shirts from the captain of the argentina national team lionel messi from the 2022 world cup went under the hammer at the sodby auction in new york, curious, how much? roman, good morning, yes $7.8 million. the auction set included the uniform in which the eight-time ballon d'or winner took to the field in two group stage matches, three playoff games and, of course, in the final. wada called for the introduction of biological passports for neutral athletes from russia who can take part in the 24th summer olympics in paris. the agency said it remains skeptical and wary of russia. or maybe
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he made a mistake in honoring the russians who qualified for the olympics in paris. initially, the organization's release stated: that eight russians were selected to participate in the competition, as a result, at the moment, six russian athletes can go to paris. meanwhile, mok head thomas baha explained the decision to admit russian and belarusian athletes to the olympics. individual athletes cannot be held responsible for the actions of national governments . this is just one of twenty-eight military conflicts that continues in the world. other athletes compete peacefully with each other, bach said. to league football conference spider beat hick 4 and advanced to the playoffs from first place in the group; magomed azdoev scored for the russian in the greek team, this is the fifth goal for spider and the first in european competition. the russians also appeared on the field in the europa league. karabakh house. turned out to be stronger than the swedish hackin and reached the playoffs from second place in the group. the goal of the azerbaijani team is defended by andrey lunev. alexei meranchuk's atalanta defeated raku 4:0 on the road. miranchuk entered the field
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from the first minutes and scored an assist . aris alexander kokorin at home lost to prague sarti 1:3 and was eliminated from european competition. sprint racing in classic style. the third stage of the russian cup in cross-country skiing turned out to be exciting. an unrealistic struggle at the finish line, the disappointing fall of the favorite, the early departure of the contender for... extra places, broken sticks, but the result was that the former bolshenov won his seventh victory in a row. in the men's final, everything was decided at the exit to the finish line. alexander terente raced down the third track. alexander bolshinov took the second, and he took the lead with a powerful spurt. anteriev felt that there was a lot of snow on the track and gave up. alexey chervotkin took third place. by the way, all three train with yuri borotavok and represent the arkhangelsk region. the women's final turned out to be dramatic. the main contender for victory is anastasia. who was confidently heading towards the decisive race, suddenly fell on the climb, it seemed that the victory would be taken by veronika stepanova, who took the fastest track at the exit to the stadium, but
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alena baranova eventually demonstrated fantastic speed. in the vtb united league lokomotiv kuban on the home floor beat geniseeva vertami 90-83. this victory allowed the krasnodar team to rise to fourth place in the standings. the first quarters of the match were ineffective, the teams were looking for their game. after a long break, lokomotiv made a breakthrough, which krasnodar leveled out in the final quarter. ixevier retten mace's three-pointer at the end of regulation time equalized the score in the match and the game went into overtime. the extra five minutes was jalen burford's time. the kuban defender made three shots at once from behind the arc, which provided his team with a double-digit lead a minute before the final siren 90-79. in the remaining time, the guests slightly reduced the gap, but nothing more , lokomotiv won their seventh home victory. they say. boxing fans are waiting for the russia-usa match. the fights will take place on saturday in the luzhniki international boxing center. american athletes have already arrived in moscow,
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where the day before there was an open training session for the participants of the meeting, the boxers did a joint warm-up, worked on apparatus and shadowboxed. match meeting russia-usa is part of the big boxing show “night of iba champions”. the fights will take place according to the rules of professional boxing in five weight categories. and he left sports news. novel. ilya, thank you. we continue. we will now talk about the economic results of the year; they were discussed in the program “results of the year” with vladimir putin. this part of the president’s speech was followed by konstantin churikov. he will name the main figures noted by the russian leader. summing up the results of the year began with the question of what to be proud of, to which vladimir putin answered with a whole range of figures about the state of our economy. and these numbers speak for themselves. by the end of this year. russia's gdp grew by 3.5%, thanks to which it was possible to win back last year's decline and become positive. domestic industry, according to preliminary data, grew by 3.6%.
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despite the fact that in the manufacturing sector the dynamics were twice as high, plus 7.5%. the president paid special attention to such an indicator as investment in fixed capital. investment growth was 10%. this suggests that russian industry has good prospects. what especially puts us in such a positive mood is a 10% increase in investment in fixed capital, what does this mean, that is , today we have growth in industry, gdp is obvious, plus 10% in fixed capital investment, what does this mean, what is guaranteed there will be sustainable development in the medium term, money is being invested , production will expand , jobs... will be created, the issue of commissions when paying for housing and communal services is sensitive for many pensioners, the president decided immediately on the spot, he simply canceled them, said that the decision accepted, pensioners
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will no longer pay a commission. regarding macroeconomics, vladimir putin noted a decrease in russia's external public debt. over the year, this figure decreased to $32 billion. external corporate debt is also decreasing, and rhythmically, often ahead of schedule. it was different. it would be like in argentina, where the external debt is gigantic and inflation is more than 140%. vladimir putin drew such a parallel when he was asked about the new economic course of the latin american country, but still come back to us. the president called the main merit of the russian government the strict fulfillment of all social obligations. i note with satisfaction that the government of the russian federation is succeeding, despite a certain increase in spending on the defense industry, on this and that in this area. we fully fulfill all our obligations to citizens in their entirety, we can say that this is not enough, we would like more, somewhere.
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china by the end of this year is already + 30%. well, in general, new growth points are emerging in the world where russian energy resources are needed. new centers of economic growth are being created. there the main consumer arises, we send them there, where they buy oil, gas, coal, and god bless all these economies that consume our energy, and we are paid for it, we are thinking about further expansion of supplies to china, we are thinking about other countries as possible consumers, by the way, japan does not refuse, it takes it, well
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, please, it takes it, for god’s sake, let it go further. we abandoned metal completely, which is why
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there are german names.
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news mid-hour, briefly: moscow and the moscow region are covered in heavy snowfall, visibility.


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