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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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the world is discussing vladimir putin's statement made during the summing up of the year; several western media broadcast the russian president's speech online, including cnn, the mouthpiece of the us democratic party. when the format ended, the presenter said: ukraine has been sent an unambiguous signal; it needs to agree to negotiations. alka komarova will tell you what else they say in the west. western media covered the direct line with vladimir putin on the front pages live. text broadcasts were updated every minute, and memes with messages from russians on the screens immediately.
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entered the top social networks, as soon as the speech was over, western tv channels began to invite experts to the studio to find secret signs, out of habit, but most of the tv studio guests paid attention to the format in which the president spoke. comparing with previous press conferences of the russian leader, we can say that this one turned out to be more open and friendly. they managed to combine putin’s two roles, closeness to the people when he deals with local problems. type power outages and global issues , when he spoke about international relations , he also managed to attract journalists, so yes, the format really turned out to be unique, and some western leaders even agreed with the theses voiced by our president, so the french politician florian philippot supported putin’s statement about the heads of europe, who for the most part pursue a policy of collaboration, and a member of the us house of representatives admitted that ukraine really only holds on thanks to handouts. vladimir putin at a press conference
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said that everything in ukraine comes from the west, but free things will soon run out, and it seems that this is already happening. in other words, putin is saying that the west is retreating when it comes to defending freedom. it’s hard to ignore this while the seats of congressmen in this hall are empty. the press paid most of their attention to the progress of the svo. journalists from the new york times reported in an article about the results of the direct line, russia now. positions of strength, and vladimir putin’s answers only emphasize this. bloomberg's article is in a similar vein. they write there: the russian leader is confident of his victory countries, and the united states and europe are mired in disagreements over military aid to ukraine, which threatens to undermine kiev's combat capability. experts in the field of international relations also say the same. putin immediately dotted all the points. he is confident that time is on his side, russian troops successfully repulsed the ukrainian counter-offensive. the kremlin sees signs of weakness.
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russia and belarus are closely coordinating approaches across all foreign policy issues. together they promote common interests on the world stage and support each other.
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to countries that are open to cooperation on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, without
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ultimatums and threats, much less sanctions. such an agenda reflects the further adaptation of foreign policy priorities, russia, belarus, to current geopolitical realities, we also have to consider the report on the implementation of the program of coordinated actions in the field of foreign policy for the outgoing biennium, which... i already mentioned, as well as about a new such program, the project that was presented to us, it covers already 3 years from 24 to 20 sixth inclusive, well, we will discuss a set of issues that are related to political, trade and economic interaction with the countries of asia, africa, latin america, the caribbean and with friendly, regional and interregional associations. besides, against the backdrop of the current international situation, our special attention to...
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on the western borders of the union state and the decision of the alliance’s july summit in vilnius confirm the mood of its members for aggressive, assertive containment of russia and belarus. in such conditions, of course, talking about common approaches to ensuring regional stability with western countries at this stage makes no sense and is impossible, so the task is to build a sustainable architecture, security and cooperation.
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we have many mechanisms, many formats, who will be interested in this joint work, i mean both the csto and the cis , the shanghai cooperation organization, but also the league of arab states, the cooperation council of arab states, the gulf, asia, in general, it is in the common interests to form a strong military-political foundation that would contribute to the resolution and prevention of conflict.
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russian delegation, first of all, i would like to sincerely thank you for the very warm welcome, hospitality, we always come to moscow with pleasure, which without doubts become more and more beautiful every year, especially during this wonderful pre-new year period, the period when we gathered to sum up the work done, comprehend what is happening and outline promising plans for the future.
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once again sincere congratulations. dear colleagues, as distinguished sergei viktorovich already noted in his speech, in the context of ongoing unprecedented external pressure, belarus and russia continued to strengthen relations of alliance and strategic partnership, ensuring
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increasing the dynamics of our bilateral interaction. this is evidenced by the saturated. contacts at the highest and highest levels, intensive interparliamentary, intersectoral and interregional cooperation. we have reached agreements in principle on a number of the most pressing issues in our relations. there is undoubtedly a significant contribution from our foreign policy departments in this. i would like to highlight the important economic aspect of life. significant joint measures have been taken to... enhance the resilience of our economies in this difficult period. if the current pace of trade turnover is maintained by the end of 2023, we expect a new historical maximum in the volume of trade between our countries. thanks to genuine allied relations, real mutual assistance, including in
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the context of neutralizing pressure from unfriendly countries, has significantly intensified. belarusian-russian interaction within the framework of not only the union state, but also other integration structures, such as the eac, the cis, the csto. a lot of work has been done to prepare agreement on the main directions for implementing the provisions of the treaty on the creation of a union state for the twenty-fourth to twenty- sixth years. their adoption and subsequent implementation will yield tangible results in improving the living standards of our citizens. strengthening the economic potential of belarus and russia, strengthening our combined economic potential. we highly appreciate the efforts of the russian presidency of the ebu, thanks to which it was possible to achieve progress on a number of important issues; i would especially like to note the initiative initiated by the russian side and
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the development of the eurasian economic path document, fully supported by the republic of belarus, which will ensure strategic planning. we confirm belarus’ readiness to provide worldwide support to the russian federation’s chairmanship of the cis in 2024. we thank the russian side for its assistance in implementing the events of the belarusian chairmanship in the csto. one of its most important events, as sergei viktorovich already said, was the holding of a high- level international conference on the topic in minsk.
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there are no belarusian foreign institutions; i would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the russian side for the evacuation of belarusian citizens from conflict zones, this also applies to sudan and the gas sector. separately, i would like to note the active interaction between our young diplomats. we attach great importance to multilateral events involving a wide youth audience from friendly countries, which allow us to promote objective information. on current issues on the world agenda. upcoming signing today the program of concerted actions for the new three-year period will allow this document to be more closely correlated with the other.
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and the east, their growing role in the international arena, their willingness to contribute to the formation of a more equitable global agenda, to defend their national interests, demanding basic respect for their own path of development. these countries are confidently moving along the path of socio-economic scientific and technological development, along the path of strengthening not only political, but also economic sovereignty. in this context it is clearly felt the need for further development and coordination of our cooperation with friendly countries in asia, africa,
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latin america and the caribbean. it was a live broadcast from the russian foreign ministry, where meetings of the board of the russian and belarusian foreign ministries are taking place. spray genferon light is a green light. green light - thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, it prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. genon light spray - the power of green light with mint aroma. all the best is simple, like alpha business, internet banking and applications for business, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, conduct all your business online. alfabank, the best. bank for business we keep prices low chocolate wafer bar 33.99 pyaterochka helps out catch a sale on a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles on avito in vtb the rate on
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in your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, save with prime more profitable. how product prices will change after the restart of the extended producer responsibility mechanism in an interview the head of the russian environmental operator denis butsaev explained it in detail to my colleague maria slobodyanskaya. according to him, the changes will be unnoticeable to the consumer; he also spoke about the changes that should be expected in the field of solid waste management, as well as about reo’s new digital projects. denis petrovich, i propose to start our conversation based on the results of the year with infrastructure, what we managed to do in this
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direction is... the tariff of citizens and in this regard it is paid in a disciplined manner, and recycling in in this regard, we are somehow lagging behind, ahead of the planned pace, but in terms of growth rates and processing volumes, recycling is nevertheless not active enough - our source of return on investment is extended producer responsibility, we will probably talk about this later today, but we see
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some difficulties in this regard so far... i would separately note that we had high investment activity in the twenty-second and twenty- third years, which led to the conclusion of an unprecedentedly large number concession and investment agreements in the related industry are related specifically to the construction of msw infrastructure facilities. this, in my opinion, was due to the adoption of a fairly wide range of support measures from the government in relevant areas of activity. let's stop there too.
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is also being actively adopted into law to the relevant normative act, and some changes have also been made to our main bill, which additionally spell out the capabilities of broader subjects russian federation related to work with regional operators and also in this regard, supplemented mechanisms and powers of regional operators, which would allow them to a greater extent... to provide a qualified service for the population. well , you noted that the extended producer responsibility mechanism is a truly significant bill for the industry. what result are you hoping for and when will we be able to see it in real life? first of all, we count on eliminating abuses associated with financial discipline on the part of those who must pay the environmental fee; second, naturally , we expect that this mechanism will allow us to create
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deep processing objects in an efficient manner. i’ll explain what the task is, when generating waste, we actually have two large stages: the first stage is processing, that is, sorting, where we separate useful fractions with you, it is these useful fractions that in the future should go for deep processing, and deep processing - this is actually already an enterprise that deals with the selected fraction, from the point of view of processing it again and launching this second into the production of new types of products, using glass as an example, it looks like this: you bottle. you throw it into the tank, either it breaks, or it is preserved, but it goes through sorting, sorting separates the bottle from the entire waste stream as cullet or glass, after that, from the processing site it must go for deep processing, but deep processing is impossible without an institute extended producer responsibility.


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