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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 1:00pm-1:29pm MSK

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for 2024-2026, it will become a guide to action for this upcoming period. we have maintained continuity with previous documents and confirmed the priority task of diplomatic support of integration processes within the union. states, and at the same time it reflected, of course, the need to increase, significantly increase priorities in our foreign policy work in areas related to the states of the world majority, the global south and the global east, which we discussed today it was in this vein that our agenda included separate reports on interaction with the states of asia, the near...middle
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east, african states and the states of latin america and the caribbean. we talked about how we can coordinate actions within the framework of bilateral ties, trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian, educational with states from these regions, and how to simultaneously develop relations with structures, with organizations for...
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trust in asia and in in general, here is the direction of eurasian pan-continental architecture, security and interaction, we highly appreciated the results of the international conference on european security, on eurasian security convened within the framework of the chairmanship of belarus and its cst at the end of october in minsk at the initiative of president lukashenko, and we are interested in ... on, based on this experience,
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to create such a regular, annual, at least, platform for understanding modern processes affecting security on our common eurasian continent in conditions where the west has categorically refused continue to build equal relations in this area with the russian federation and the republic of belarus. we are also within the framework.
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this agreement is recorded in the resolution of the board, this is the second document that we signed, and the third document was the plan for inter-schmid consultations next year, 34 rounds are planned, and today we agreed to try to make sure that all these rounds take place. i am convinced that our common opinion is that the decisions taken today will contribute to the further strengthening of our cooperation, will to contribute to the growth of the international authority of the union state, we discussed today, with the participation of the secretary of state, a number of integration issues.
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the recent opening in minsk, in front of the russian embassy, ​​of a monument to the holy, blessed prince alexander nevsky, who celebrates the centuries-old union bequeathed to us by our ancestors. taking this opportunity, i would like to thank the belarusian leadership of all our belarusian friends, and of course, who actively contributed to the implementation of this important undertaking. next year we have anniversary, eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from german rule. a list of relevant events is being prepared through the permanent committee of the union state, our ministries will actively participate, well
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, we certainly spoke on current international issues, including in detail the situation in the world, we exchanged views yesterday at our meeting in a limited format. i would like to thank sergei fedrovich and his entire team for their joint, friendly, fruitful work and give the floor to him. thank you very much, dear sergey viktorovich, dear colleagues, representatives of the media . first of all, i would like to sincerely thank sergei viktorovich lavrov and my russian colleagues for the traditionally warm, cordial, brotherly welcome. we always. it is with great pleasure that we visit moscow, we appreciate your hospitality and are ready to reciprocate. it is important that no matter how many times a year we meet, we will always have a substantive negotiating agenda. this is one
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of the clear, understandable indicators of intensity, saturation, allied and strategic the nature of belarusian-russian relations. this year, i think, in terms of negotiation dynamics, we were even ahead of the past, at least we can accurately state a record for interregional visits, and the pace was clearly set by the heads of our states, and the government leadership, parliamentarians, industries, regions, and you and i had to not to be left behind, it seems to us that we succeeded, as a result of this joint, coordinated and multi-level...
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in the past year to prepare and agree on the main directions for the implementation of the provisions treaty and years, here we are moving carefully, progressively confidently, i cannot help but note the significant intensification of belarusian-russian interaction in the formats of other integration associations, such as the cis and the csto. and no matter how hard our ill-wishers try, we achieve reliable, good results at every stage, we see progress and prospects, and we will move further in this direction, we clearly agreed on this during the board meeting. it was a live broadcast from the russian foreign ministry.
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now on to other topics, and moscow has already been discussed several times hours covered with snow, it was brought by a cyclone to vanya, the fifth fell on the capital overnight. part of the monthly precipitation norm, but this was enough for the vdnkh station to reach 38 cm. the city's public utilities work around the clock, using the maximum amount of forces and equipment. but despite this, the city is stuck in eight-point traffic jams, drivers are being asked to switch to public transport, and the capital’s airports are operating as normal amid bad weather. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, then we’ll continue, don’t switch. what is the pin code? if a simple question has become a quiz, it can help on the app. it helps restore memory and attention. on abept , for your head to work, how good it is here,
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the last plenary meeting of the autumn session was held in the state duma today; deputies had several bills under consideration, and then the results were summed up in the lower house of parliament. our correspondent elizaveta khramtsova is on our way today. she is in direct contact with us now. hello, elizabeth, how was your day in the lower house of parliament? vera, good afternoon, almost seven hundred laws, of which 172, that is, 25%, are socially significant, the results of the autumn session were discussed today with pleasure. here today, summing up the results of the work in the political season of 2023, we have not forgotten about topical issues, so today the deputies adopted changes to the law on the use of compulsory health insurance funds, this will allow medical institutions to attract personnel that lack them, and the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin, today
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instructed the relevant committee to take control of the issue of increasing food prices... in turn, this concerns the cost of eggs and chicken, but speaking in general, regarding the work in the outgoing political season , the state duma speaker today emphasized not only the intensity of the work, but also the quality of the laws being adopted. you and i accepted 694 law, this figure speaks for itself, it is a quantitative indicator. a large, but most importantly, qualitative indicator, the quality of laws has not only increased, the most important thing is that we are based more and more on feedback from our voters, we start from the problem, our committee leaders, deputies began to use their
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right given constitution, discussed at the beginning of the meeting. these problems, and then we , together with the government, began to feel responsible and propose solutions, insist on them, conduct dialogue, in the end we are about to adopt laws; there have been many such examples this past year.
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named a participant in a special military operation, indeed the lower house of parliament adopted a large number of documents that provide social guarantees for the ied participants themselves, as well as their relatives and children. and today at the state duma meeting there was a lot of discussion about the statements that the chairman made the day before, which the president of russia, vladimir putin, made the day before, and today the deputies emphasized that all the work is russian legislative. the system is aimed at ensuring the implementation of those directions that the head of state speaks about. during the year, 300 bills were introduced, of which 188 became legal. during the autumn session, 100 bills were introduced, of which 55 became legal. this is very important work, which made it possible to resolve very important
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issues, but yesterday’s communication between the president and people showed how... a lot needs to be done, instructions have already been formulated, and we , of course, will begin to do them. we confidently take second place in terms of quantity bills were introduced, there were 200 of them this year, according to the number of laws adopted during the autumn session of such laws. throughout the year, the lower house of parliament adopted documents that ensure the legal integration of our new regions.
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annually for the fall session.
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and i will note that the end of the autumn session does not mean going on vacation at all, deputies will continue to work in their regions and there will still be a lot of inter-parliamentary activity, in a word, the autumn session is just one of the stages of work, definitely continues. elizaveta, thank you, about the results of the work of the state duma in autumn neisers. said our correspondent elizaveta khramtsova. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, then we’ll continue, don’t switch. the far east
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