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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 2:00pm-2:29pm MSK

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the foundation of green bonds, the start of the implementation of climate projects in the field of solid municipal waste, i think that next year will still be the year of green social bonds, because the company is quite serious about understanding that they are necessary. the transition to a more sustainable development model is what is already happening in our regions today. the sustainable development goals defined by him are not only a global approach. a new path of development, which is unfolding at the level of the entire planet, in each country, in a separate region and even in a small locality. of course, you cannot instantly fix all environmental problems, but you can reduce harmful emissions every day and restore destroyed ecosystems; you cannot suddenly jump into a new paradigm, but you can integrate into it step by step. the future begins here now in the territory we are in, it very well may. become a new driver
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of sustainable development, including the russia 24 channel. let's change together. in the donetsk people's republic there are more than 100,000. subscribers were left without electricity, all budtsa, roads, sidewalks turned into a skating rink, about the weather in vnetsk and how the restoration work is going, we’ll find out from vadim topalov, he’s in direct contact with us, vadim, hello, how quickly do the power engineers promise to restore the power supply and what difficulties arise, greetings , no one is talking about the timing yet, but work is underway, even the day before the dpr ministry of emergency situations warned that on december 15... not only a storm
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warning is expected, but also, as a consequence , icy frost deposits on the streets sidewalks, and so it happened, the cities of the republic literally froze, due to the consequences of the bad weather, about hundreds of thousands of subscribers were left without electricity , 1,200 substations were de-energized, work is now underway to start them up, 88 emergency teams have been involved, this is about 300 specialists, in addition, because due to the consequences... of bad weather, falling branches and trees on the contact network , the work of public transport was disrupted, that is, on some routes, in particular in the capital of the donetsk people's republic, they stopped running trams and trolleybuses, specialists are also now working to normalize the operation of the transport infrastructure, utility service specialists, and drsu employees are now working on paving the streets and sidewalks. in order
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to make it more comfortable for cars to move around, and for people, in total , about 700 tons of salt, as well as 1.0 tons of granular slag-salt mixture, have been used over the past time, we talked with the deputy head of the drsu and he told us what current work is being carried out in the capital of the donetsk people's republic, this week there are some congestions on the city's roads...
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38 cm is the maximum for mid-december in the 150-year history of meteorological observations in the city, meteorological statistics after the cyclone hit in van were rewritten in other regions, we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigoreva. ekaterina, greetings, where else is vanya, do you remember? residents of the kursk region, after the recent snowfall, call cyclone vanya nothing less than ivan ivanovich. yes, ivan ivanovich brought record snowdrifts to the capital region. the situation on the roads today is difficult, new barge haulers have been spotted on the highway in...dozens of people in the morning tried to move
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the stalled capital region and in general in the western part of european russia. in moscow, the most snow is in the area of ​​moscow state university (43 cm) with a norm of 15. the following shots from the tula region in the city of donskoy at night, under the weight of snow, the roof of a warehouse with an area of ​​​​about 2 thousand km collapsed, in the morning part of the roof of a residential apartment building in the city of uzlovaya, an apartment building, was crushed by snow houses on zorgi street. the regional prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into this entire incident. well the next picture it would be more likely to be seen in snezhny norilsk. but today it is black soil. in tulia, the height of the snowdrifts is 45 cm, in voronezh - 51. the swings on the playgrounds are covered in snow, but this cannot prevent children from riding on them. in some areas of the capital, during this week, snowdrifts grew by more than 20 cm. 23 mm
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of moisture fell into the precipitation meter, weather station, vdnkh, the height of the snow cover now reaches 43 cm. the same amount of precipitation and even more snow fell in the area. university, at vdnkh, to clarify, 19 mm of precipitation was recorded per working week, the height of the snow cover here now reaches 38 cm. each millimeter of precipitation brings from a few millimeters to 2 cm of snow cover, or needles; snowdrifts grow slowly, only half a centimeter per millimeter of precipitation. if large individual snowflakes are flying, the height of the snow cover increases at an average rate of one to one, but there are conditions when snowflakes collide with one another. break, stick together, form large snow flakes, and then the increase in freshly fallen snow can reach 2.5 cm for every millimeter of precipitation. well, a few recent examples: to the west of the capital, it turned into 16 cm of snow. in rylsk , 29 mm fell, which gave a 21 cm increase in snow
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cover, from 32 to 53 cm. the cyclone continues to move to the northeast, weather radars record atmospheric cloud fields. fronts on the line of rostov, nadon, tambov, ivanovo, yaroslavl, moscow are already on the periphery of the precipitation zone, in the west of the central region snowfalls have noticeably weakened, in the east they are still increasing, the temperature today is -6, by saturday morning it will cool down to -10°, on the weekend light snow is still possible at times, a thaw may come to the capital on monday night, these are preliminary forecasts, ekaterina, thank you, grigorova summed up the first results of extreme snowfalls in the european part of russia and introduced the forecasts. and in kamchatka they are eliminating the consequences of a powerful storm. the waves of the beling and okhotsk seas flooded several villages, the residents of one of them were left without electricity, and the road leading to the settlement of
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oktyabrsky was flooded. movement along it is limited; flooding due to high waves is possible in other areas. coastal areas. local authorities are taking measures to minimize the effects of the storm. there were strong storms, as a result the water entered a number of villages, this especially affected the eastern coast, vasora, karaga and vashka, the water came close to the houses, thanks to prompt actions, it was possible to stop the impact of negative water, now the water level is falling, we are monitoring the situation in vivenka , there is no electricity there, but... under control, the head of the village provides the necessary conditions for life. let's take a break now short advertisement, then we will continue, do not switch. the far east is a region
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independence is one of the key directions for the development of railways in russia in moscow. my colleague alena is working at the event logovinova, she's in touch. alena, greetings, what problems are discussed by the congress participants? vera, good day, the key topic of the current congress is the development of railways in the context of ensuring socio-economic support. interests of our country, it is worth noting that the congress takes place once every 6 years, before that it took place in 2017, over the past 6 years, for example, the volume of investment, among key projects, for example, the modernization of the eastern training ground, the development of approaches to the ports of azov- black sea and northwestern basin, as well as the development of a central transport hub. the company showed high organization and quality of work on... in
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the shortest possible time, work on the nizhne-leninskoye tundyan bridge crossing, the start of movement along a new route to china, over 3 million tons have already been transported. today we are opening train traffic on the new line to the port of lavno. we are committed to maximizing the infrastructure. moved from the construction stage to the transportation stage. over 6 years, russian railways sent 7.5 billion tons of cargo and, moreover, 2 billion was spent on exports, and the north-south transport corridor received a powerful impetus for the development. this year, the holding began using high-speed container trains; they can reach speeds of up to 140 km/h, which is approximately twice as fast as conventional container trains. based on the results of this year, the total volume of containers transported across the russian railways network may exceed 7 million
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pieces. this year, export transportation of russian cargo through the eastern range exceeded 140 million tons in november, which is 7% more than in the same period last year. the volume of container traffic over 11 months, as already noted, amounted to about 1,200. containers, which is 5% higher than the same period last year. speaking of passenger transportation, since 2017 , russian railways have transported more than 6.5 billion people, the rolling stock fleet is constantly being updated, the volume of transportation by high-speed trains is increasing ; recently they have grown almost one and a half times, for example, in the summer of this year between nizhny novgorod and. .. the expressway began to run swallow, direct communication appeared between minsk and samara, double-decker trains began
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to transport passengers between uva and the meritinsky resort, as well as between yekaterinburg and moscow. it is worth noting that the development of russian railways is also stimulated by the development of other sectors of the economy. every ruble of investment means orders for metallurgists, builders, rolling stock manufacturers and workers in many other sectors of the economy. the congress continues to work, we will tell you about other news a little later, colleagues, alena, thank you, my colleague is working at the railroad workers’ congress, but i’ll add, don’t miss the live broadcast from this event on our channel in the near future.
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a significant date is celebrated by the largest company in russia that repairs trains (geeldorshu), turning 15 years old; at its factories throughout the country they not only repair locomotives, but produce spare parts for them, and not only for the latest models, but also for old equipment, special attention to the modernization of equipment and work processes. details from varvara nevskaya. nine production sites, its own foundry and eight factories, the volume of repairs every year is close to 300 sections of locomotives, completely covering.
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provides both the physical repair of the locomotives themselves and the production and repair of spare parts for these locomotives, so the task and functions of zheldormash are very difficult to underestimate. zhildorremmash is part of the large railway family of transmash holding, the group of companies provides the production of new heat and electric locomotives, as well as service maintenance and major repairs, 85% of the russian railway fleet, 30% have matured, which means the load on the locomotive repair plants of zhildor rimmash will increase. thus, the ulanudensky locomotive and car repair plant, which prime minister mishustin visited this summer, provides maintenance services for the tyagi fleet at the eastern training ground. 35% of the country's entire locomotive fleet is repaired here. the production of locomotives from this enterprise was
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doubled, without any jokes, without any exaggeration. ulanude releases today. about 100 locomotive sections per year, oh my fault per month, 100 sections of locomotives per month, there is ours, our enterprise, again, i’ll give an example, in novocherkassk, which produces similar equipment, we produce about 45 sections of locomotives per month. in order to increase operational efficiency and reduce the time spent on future repairs, the organization of the reference plant began at the oldest plant in orenburg, which has never shut down its workshops in 118 years of existence. lines. at the beginning of october 2023, at the assembly site of wheel-motor units of the wheel-bogie workshop of the orenburg locomotive repair plant the plant began implementing a corporate pilot project for organizing a coupon line. we expect to reduce unproductive loss of time and personnel after the implementation of this project. and it has already been calculated that from 380 minutes, during which
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the wheel-motor unit is assembled today, we will reach 100 minutes. specialization of orenburg. plant - repair of the most common freight diesel locomotives in russia, 2t-116 for major overhaul of locomotives, there is absolutely everything you need: electrical equipment locomotive assembly trolley shops, electric machine and diesel production, energy power, mechanical repair, transport and mechanical and other sections, as well as highly qualified personnel; representatives of 51 labor dynasties work at the orenburg plant. when a locomotive is received for repair, our company produces 100% wheels, full certification of electric motors, electric machines, major overhaul of the frame, body, plus assembly, testing, full restorative testing, plus run-in tests. corporate term pilot project in the first half of 2024.
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the reference line will be equipped with lean tools. overcome where they work, where they belong, there are prospects, with ural sip bank they become a reality. ural sip - prospects where you are? pay less, peas corn global village 67.90. pyaterochka helps out. looks like a cold. take
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the decision of moldova, georgia and ukraine to join the european union is an absolutely sovereign matter for these countries, but such a choice is clearly politicized, this comment was shared with journalists in the kremlin. they also noted that they are closely monitoring what is happening. entry into the eu can take years or decades. the eu has always had fairly strict criteria for entry; at the moment it is obvious that neither ukraine nor moldova meet these criteria. here the ears stick out of such a desire to demonstrate political will, even perhaps to the detriment of the structure itself, the very complex structure of the eu, which i repeat once again is not going through the best demonstrating such political will is done largely out of desire. to further annoy russia and antagonize these countries towards russia. hungary is also a sovereign country. hungary has its own interests and hungary, unlike, by the way,
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many other european countries, very firmly defends its interests. which, by the way, appeals to us. we read with great interest various media reports about, let’s say, the practice of making, in the absence of someone, pushing through some decisions. if it matches in fact, this is a unique practice. it is better late than never for the west to realize the deadlock of the conflict that they orchestrated with the hands of the kiev regime against russia. sergei lavrov shared this assessment of the situation in moscow today. together with his colleague from belarus, sergei olenik, he opened a joint meeting of the board of the mid-two countries. according to the head of the russian foreign ministry, the longer ukraine is forced to conduct hostilities, the more difficult the conditions for starting negotiations will be for kiev. lavrov also commented, is it possible?
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to put an end to attempts to build one’s own security at the expense of the security of others, to put an end to attempts to infringe on
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the legitimate interests of russia. federations and legitimate interests of russians who live in many countries of our continent, you are welcome, we are always ready to seriously discuss these things. russia's trade turnover with china exceeded $200 billion in 11 months of that year. a third of the amount is trade in energy resources. this became known at the twentieth anniversary meeting of the russian-chinese intergovernmental commission on energy cooperation. the russian delegation was headed by deputy prime minister alexander novak. he noted that our country is committed to developing partnership. supplies of pipeline gas along the siberian axis are growing, and work is underway on new routes through the far east and mongoria. the implementation of all these projects will increase the volume of gas exports to china to 100 billion cubic meters per year. russian-chinese relations, comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction
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reached. unprecedentedly high level. these relations are based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, and the willingness to provide strong, mutual support on issues related to national interests, including the protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity, ensuring security and development for the benefit of our peoples. the bank of russia raised the key rate by one percentage point to 16% per annum to tighten monetary policy; the regulator moved to reduce the risks of inflation. according to him according to the forecast, by the end of the year it will be from 7 to 7.5%. at the same time, gdp will rise by more than 3%. to return inflation to the target level of 4%, tight monetary
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conditions will have to be maintained for a long time next year, the central bank noted. krasnodar airport today received its first flight after a break in operations since february 2022, this is stated in a message from the federal air transport agency: the technical flight was carried out by a superdjet 100 aircraft from mineral waters. in addition, we checked the readiness of control rooms, airfield and special services for servicing passengers and airliners, this is what the governor of the krasnodar territory veniyaminra said. about the resumption of work of the air harbor, when we are now recording this interview, the plane is flying from the mineralnye vody to krasnodar, and what, what is the significance of another air, so to speak, airline that is now opening, well, what significance does this have for the region, of course , huge, huge importance, because what is very important here is that we need to give the opportunity to those who want to fly to the region for 3 to 4 days, to fly and
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to relax, to give the opportunity... to fly , because otherwise, of course, you can get there either by road or by train, air communication is an important component, of course, of overall success, and not only of the sanatorium industry, this is important, also i emphasize once again, these are those vacationing for three , four-5 days, and for business contacts in general, as you say, and just so that even residents of the region can fly in and fly out comfortably, we also travel, residents of the region travel today throughout the country, let's pause now for a few minutes after...
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