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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 6:30pm-6:54pm MSK

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belongs to the categories of high and extremely high risk, as well as cases of threat to the life and health of citizens, and the security of the country. the moratorium has already proven itself well, it has allowed a serious, almost five-fold reduction in the number of inspections, compared to 2000 , taking into account the decisions taken by the government and the prosecutor's office, the inclusion of about 93,000 planned events in the plan for the current year has been agreed upon, which, by the way, is four times less than in twenty-two. government. about 2 billion rubles for enterprises bordering ukraine regions, funds can be used to restore or relocate production. the money will be received by more than two dozen enterprises in five russian regions, in belgorodskaya, which employ citizens, including citizens at risk of dismissal, the unemployed, young people under 30 years of age, and will partially compensate for the cost of salaries of such employees in the amount of three minimum wages. in the twenty-fourth year they will be able to take advantage of this measure.
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enterprises that are registered in new regions, mikhail mishustin spoke about development of the road network. according to the goal set by the president, already next year, at least 80 half of the highways of regional and intermunicipal importance will be brought to standard condition. we will redistribute over 2.15 billion rubles from the federal budget. by the end of this year, 12 regions will receive them. this will make it possible to repair the existing road surface.
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barbara nevskaya has all the details. why sort garbage, what can be made from recycled materials, and is it true that an ordinary plastic cup thrown into a landfill has everything? chances, almost in its original form, to meet the next century. now everyone can find answers to these questions in the non-museum of garbage of the russian environmental operator. an interactive multimedia platform about recycling under the auspices of ro, since russians learned about ecology, launched a regional environmental week, currently we have three regions of active participants in this program, these are moscow, yekaterinburg and chelyabinsk, in each of these regions there are participants, or, let’s say, interested , and persons can in this regard not only see this with an example - demonstration materials of the most expositions involved in sorting, recycling and production.
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guests of the week in yekaterinburg went on a tour to the region's first waste sorting center, and also learned about another method of recycling old... but we introduce them to infrastructure facilities and thus show that recycling is not a myth, it is a real existing need of society, create an infrastructure for working with people that will help every city resident find out not only why waste sorting is important, but what are the consequences of
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neglecting this simple measure? after 5 years of successful work, the reo nimuseum already has three branches, and the public’s demand for environmental education is growing. this is a generated request from visitors. because when people come here, they are faced with the very topic of separate collection, more consciously over the 5 years of our project, we realized that people need to understand how this happens, who is at the origins, what laws regulate it, how it should be, regional environmental week is not only fascinating excursions to existing production, as well as lectures and master classes on waste management and technologies for processing secondary raw materials, but the opportunity to ...
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most importantly learn the capabilities and potential of students, lawyers in handling municipal solid waste, as well as in interaction with regional and including federal operators. 10 busy days of eco-week are completed, but the work of the musarareo museum is not aimed at making the country cleaner and involving in environmental activism as much as possible more people will continue. each person living on the planet generates about half a ton of waste per year, and therefore... more than one state or society itself will become. varvara nevskaya, tatyana klepcha, news. and now the vesti program is on duty. hello, the information evening on the russia 24 channel continues with the legal program
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“vesti dezhirnaya part”. i am with you, andrey ivlev. a member of a criminal group that committed the murder of three people in the irkutsk region 20 years ago was charged. footage of the arrest was distributed. operational the event took place in cooperation with law enforcement agencies of belarus, tajikistan and uzbekistan. earlier , information appeared in the media that security forces came to the bulldozer, concrete, buck and persh. these reputable entrepreneurs were known by these nicknames. a total of 10 people were reportedly detained. as a result of an armed attack, they shot three men and fled the crime scene. movable and immovable property.
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daria trepova is accused of three counts: terrorist attack, possession of explosives and forgery documents. throughout the past week, the court listened to testimony from witnesses. one of the accused's friends spoke at the procession. they went to school and worked together for some time. the night before the explosion, the girl was visiting the accused in a rented apartment and even saw a figurine, the same one laced
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with explosives, which i joked about: is there a bomb there? she said it was impossible, told about the assignment from the ukrainian curators, and clarified that the presentation of the statuette was not... a position to listen to the surrounding situation. on the day of the terrorist attack, she took off her figurines special magnet. the explosion was caused by the person being removed who was the real suicide bomber. daria herself stated in court that she did not know about the surveillance. vladlen tatarsky died on the spot. another 52 people were injured. a terrorist attack, what a terrorist attack. the bomb was detonated. darya trepova was detained quickly, despite the fact that she had changed her appearance. i cut my hair, shaved my eyebrows and spent a few hours. randomly circled around the city in a taxi, all these attempts look ridiculous, they claim authorities, reads
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a person’s gait, determines facial geometry, it’s almost impossible to deceive the cameras; trepova had two tickets to different countries in her hands, but she didn’t have time to fly away. what have you done? i brought this figurine there and it exploded. it has already been established that trepova was recruited by journalist roman popkov, who fled to ukraine. the curators came up with the legend of a patriotic student for the girl. it turned out that for... the execution of the terrorist attack she received 195. moscow and st. petersburg for the purchase of telephones. it was trepova’s mobile phone that helped investigators establish all the details of the crime. it contained everything important for the investigation. information, assignments from curators and correspondence. any means that foreign intelligence services are called upon to meet the main objectives of keeping secret their communications with agents, including sources of information with agents. terrorists filed civil lawsuits against trepova for a total amount of almost 25 million rubles. based on the totality
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of daria trepova’s crimes, she faces up to 30 years in prison. it is possible that she will hear the verdict in the near future. olga zhurenkova, andrey ivlev, vitaly kormazin, dmitry stepanov, olga sukharukova. news, duty department. now the footage is from our news agent operational feed, here it is reported that in nizhnevartovsk, a man with an ax carried out a pogrom in a sberbank branch. the incident occurred, the authorities. follow the incoming information, well, now there is footage of a massive road accident in irkutsk, 15 cars, three trucks and a shuttle bus collided here, it is flying, according to preliminary data, the cause of the road accident was a utility accident, a hot water pipeline burst, cars driving up the hill flew into the stream immediately lost control cars crashed into each other, governor igor kubev, one victim... was hospitalized, emergency services continue to work on the spot. they roar throughout the entire
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area, and african lions freeze near chelyabinsk. the van, which belonged to circupito, was located for the winter next to one of the private houses. according to animal rights activists, there may also be a fox, a rabbit and a goat in the trailers. can owners be prosecuted for cruelty? this is echoed by the growling of clearly wild animals, which comes from a small van. kept fairly so-so, i would say even a little like a poacher, because they need to be looked after, they must be warm, a very small metal cage, well , no conditions, it’s still here in the fall, but part of the circus camp continued touring, while others, including the african lionesses, remained asleep.
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some kind of myanka, yes, as people say, these are just those fires that happen, unfortunately, that is, there are also a lot of questions about safety, the workers meanwhile assure that there is enough food, heat guns have been installed inside so that african the guests are not cold, no one bothers them, they eat once a day, chickens in the evening, that means four pieces each, it’s warm there, if, if it were cold, they would be there either knocking their feet, fighting. the man does not answer calls
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, the name of kazhanov is associated with an emergency in the novosibirsk region, when, during a performance of the ural circus, wild cats first began to play with each other, ignoring the commands of the trainer, and then for several minutes the circus employees tried to pacify them, the audience began to scream, jump up from their seats and hastily leave the hall, with sad periodically in the media, every now and then there are reports of improper treatment of circus people...
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hello, this is what we will tell you about in our issue: the rowdies who caused a scandal in an omsk cafe were found and detained, they gave their first testimony about how the young people explained their behavior during interrogation and what witnesses of the drunken prank say, exclusive report from our program. the amet talipovs in omsk arrested a woman who was selling counterfeit delicacies with kochp. come out, come out, how the inspectors evacuated the man, we will show footage of the rescue operation, about these and others news in the final release of the program is conducted by the duty department of omsk, colleagues, relevant, thanks to omsk, well, we continue our release, discussion in ukrainian, in transcarpathia, a deputy exploded three grenades during a meeting in the building of the seysoviet council, the incident occurred during
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an argument and debate in quality. argument , the people's representative took out three grenades from his jacket and threw them into the center of the room. according to preliminary data , doctors are now fighting for his life. two dozen casualties were reported, six were in critical condition. main legal topics of the outgoing week in the final episode of our program, watch on saturday at 18:15. this most powerful gang of st. petersburg came and confessed to the murders thirty years ago. pushed him to do this, only we have the confession of a probable criminal, he came to the edge, already realized that everything was collapsing, nothing was working out, how a cold-blooded killer turned into an exemplary family man , a breeder of furry puppies, why this idyll collapsed and how the murderer spent his last months at large, here is generally a working house, the past
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of groups from the city on niva, report andrey romanov. counterfeit tobacco under the police. roof. in volgograd, security forces detained trucks with a huge batch of illegal cigarettes. more than 2.0 boxes, each containing 10,000 cigarettes with a filter of dubious quality. investigators believe that the criminal cargo is worth almost 150 million rubles. accompanied by a traffic police officer. that our police can be trusted completely. in which retail outlets were thousands of packs of questionable cigarettes supposed to end up? we traced the entire route of the illegal supply. found out why counterfeit tobacco is dangerous, with details sultan zeganov. salad epidemic, on the eve of the new year, a wave of poisonings from store-bought olivier and fur coats swept across the country, we saw in what conditions they are made, the video is not for the faint of heart, sausage is added to the salad. how to choose a safe salad in
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a chef's advice store? and if you see on the package that instead of five there are 11 ingredients, well, accordingly. you initially kill your body, how to sit at the new year's table and stay alive, alina skachkova found out. news slate information agentv. the investigative committee believes necessary to deprive acquired russian citizenship for committing any grave or especially grave crime or preparation for it, interfax reports with reference to the department. well, as the investigative committee explained, the day before the investigative body. the capital sent data on seven convicts to the russian ministry of internal affairs to resolve the issue of terminating their citizenship, a similar practice is already used in several russian regions, the heroes were immortalized in bronze, there is a cloud of steam around the fireman, but now he is not extinguishing the flames. fire hydrants, when they freeze in winter, are warmed up with hot steam. this is a demonstration
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of new devices that were installed in the new st. petersburg rescue station for... the convenience of employees, the ministry of emergency situations employees were waiting for the establishment in this place, because in case of incidents , duty officers from other areas were sent to this place. the closest station from here was the eighth station, so this station was built right here. when the decision was made to increase the capacity of water rescuers, the implementation of the idea began immediately. this complex it was built in just a few months, construction began in march 2023, and now it’s ready, so what? interestingly, the employees of this center can take part not only in rescue operations on water, but on land, for example, go to various car accidents, but even four will be involved. we are searching in the natural environment, that is, people who went for mushrooms, we also have an area of ​​work on man-made rubble, the head of the ministry of emergency situations
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alexander kurenkov, during his visit to the northern capital, had the main question on the agenda - development of infrastructure, we can lower a rescuer, lower him with rescue equipment, then pick him up and lift him up, be able to work with a rescue tripod, they say in fire station number 20 everyone who wears such a uniform must. in the rapidly developing krasnoselsky district of st. petersburg, firefighter training takes place every day, these people protect high-rise buildings from fires around the clock, and therefore all the conditions are created for both work and leisure, here the commander did the right thing, there is no tv, but this is a guard premises, by the way, special attention to the method of washing fire trucks, and the clean installation for sewerage, the minister was especially interested in such an innovation, we’re just starting to think about it.
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day risking his life, attending the service, immortalized in stone, in a solemn atmosphere on the avenue of glory, a monument to firefighters was unveiled. this is a symbol of gratitude and tribute to all those who have linked their fate with this difficult and noble profession. and i am sure that even after many years.
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