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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 9:00pm-9:23pm MSK

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we have already reported almost 2 to a dozen, the level and quality of reporting has increased , the responsibility has also increased, the day before yesterday the chairman, he introduced, the chairman of the duma, he introduced a new practice in the duma, over the past year, we have probably made a dozen and a half visits, leading teams , the best scientific and technological institutions, your national plans that you have set, but they begin for the first time with education.
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now we have prepared 125 convoys, for children alone, 150,000 gifts to everyone who suffered, to schools, boarding schools, i was asked, to everyone who works and rests in the bullfinches, in yours, this is the management of affairs, thank you, we received 16,000 children there, kiriyenko said, if you had also complemented the soviet era to the fullest, it would have been very good, it’s not enough there, i agree, it’s possible. it would have been nice to show it, but he said that they would update it, i hope that the achievements of lenin-stalin modernization will be there in full, but the exhibition makes a very vivid impression on young people, i brought all of my people there, they spent 3 hours there, including everyone, and got to know each other, in general, we continue support the guys, and i want to say that let’s say, thank you...
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at a key pace, well, first of all, the resources of the presidential elections may be depleted, this is obvious, and we have acquired through the efforts of father chernozema, in this regard, your attention to these problems on my opinion has a decisive role; here we can properly work on that harvest of 150 million tons of bread and secure a foothold for the future. we are able
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to feed the fields of europe with environmentally friendly products, and even more, in this regard, we have prepared three programs, if it is wheat, soybeans and peas, already this year we received 130 cents in export fields, we have never had such a harvest in central russia, and the oryol region produced 7 tons of grain per person, this is the best.
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everyone was bent over, only us , they will present us with a bill, we need to resist, resist, what does this turn into when the defenders of the fatherland leave, the national cultural balance is disrupted, by the way, in terms of importing emigrants, lukashenko has rare experience, you meet him regularly, i i think this is extremely important for all of us, look, they have rare experience, i know it in detail, i don’t...
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school, academy, these are the best technologies, this is what will move us forward, now we have worked out this program in novobirsk, i think it is extremely fruitful, behavior management people, people , a new disease, this topic will bother everyone, and you, soros, argued that some bad, evil people live here, you know, they lend themselves very well, looking at how we live, looking at... understanding our history , this is what you instructed, our ministers also counted on it, so that every school, every region brings, especially high school students , they would know our children , we would avoid many terrorist attacks and troubles in this regard, well, the last
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one conceived of this kind of cream, there is nothing like it anywhere on the planet, i think how he had the intelligence and will to create such an amazing structure, peter the great was 31 year. when he founded the northern capital of your homeland, i also had little idea that such a city could be rebuilt in the swamps, now you were with the railway workers, alexander ii, by the way, they launched a beautiful boat, alexander ii , alexandrovich we won’t hold it back, they will the tendon, the nerves that hold the power together, they tell him, we won’t build a bridge across children, a circular baikal, an amur road, he said, we will build it, he invested his huge money if... factories, which in 2-3 months are 700 km to the front, moscow and ural 1500, moscow and sochi
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supplied, which are connected by moscow and st. petersburg 1500, towards belarus and minsk, they will collect approximately 120, 100 million, 120 million. i traveled 330 km by train in 2 hours 700 km, this is a completely different quality and service and control technology when... we are there there was a performance in shanghai, a worldwide one, i dragged our people, the auto industry came out, and the first 156 factories of the paukaza steel, but we built them, but they dragged us into a new showroom, where they said, we will build the best electric cars, this year they will build at thirty factories 28
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million cars, their electric trains are getting better, i looked at the last hybrid, it’s a fabulous car, but they are also design. they took the best companies in the world, forced themselves to work, you have now built this program, and it seems to me that in the future, you see, here we are boats i’ve taken two now, but i’m sorry, i would have spanked the one who let you out without a hat, you’re just 15°, i’m sorry, the health of the commander-in-chief in a war is the health of the nation, we’re not allowed to make a remark, absolutely not, okay , do i take the comment personally? but it’s easy for us to evaporate it, it won’t rust for us, for these reasons, and such an interesting fact, one of the boats, as you noticed, is named after emperor alexander ii, we have preserved it, and now
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, in my opinion, it is in one of the museums flag the last last flagship of the russian fleet, which was called alexander ii. yes, this is how it turned out, verangel took it, first to turkey, then part of it ended up in the french, in the french colonies in africa, tunisia, in my opinion, and there this flag was lowered, kept by the priests, in my opinion, it was saved, and then ended up in australia, so they gave us this flag a few years ago, this means. st. andrew's flag, it will be fair, or something like that, so that it will be there on this flag, so that everyone - everyone will find such a solution, which the museum workers would be happy with and the naval sailors, we’ll consult with you again,
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okay, but that is the most complex product in the underwater world, well, yes, i saw this plant for the first time, i was shocked. and the boats are the most modern, which is important, despite the current difficult times. events, we continue to develop infrastructure, like today - we saw, they launched a new bridge, which is very important, because this is an additional exit - in the north to the ocean, this is a large-scale project and a tunnel, today, and well, we are now even talking about let's talk about this, leonid edorovich, please, thank you very much, vladimirovich, first of all i was going to.
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non-standard, but they want to be with russia and do the maximum for russia, the truth for russia, for the entire russian world, for our recent history, more than three decades. i initiated the movement shoulder to shoulder, thanks to my colleagues for supporting and joining, we are really working today shoulder to shoulder for the sound idea of ​​the president, for the people, for a speedy victory. he does a lot here.
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41 of our legislative proposals became federal law for the spring semester, for the spring session, now 19, this is a lot, this
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is serious, we are not chasing numbers, we are solving issues that are truly of great importance today, at one time you spoke in the twelfth year, vladimir vladimirovich, with a program article, at that time, it seems to me that it remains so, russia is a changing world, it was said there that we have not yet achieved this fully, only in ukraine. and not in the west before the massacre crisis of 1914, 650 russian schools were closed, i i head the russian peace foundation on a voluntary basis, this is our largest:
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directors of the international track, 70 people receive passports every year, this is very cool, but we have a much larger resettlement program on the consular register, unfortunately, we don’t have it it turned out very well, most people left back because there were no decent jobs, health care at the proper level, education for children, high crime rate, for various reasons they returned, now we have already reached the level of development that...
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is leaving to embroider, coming to a decision for these three scenarios is not for us, but now the youth of the decade, so that young people from the village do not leave, the key from our point of view lies in lowering the mortgage lending rate, of course, it is necessary to do rezoning, vyacheslav viktorovich holds this question , this is this question, this is not a question, this is a group of issues regarding cash control, we have created a working group, headed by alexey vasilyevich gordeev, the faction is taking part. i think that we will work it out, this is a question of civilizational documents, i think that now is not the time, this means that you need to be loaded with some documents, we will do this at the government level, in particular, i will only say that from our point of view it is necessary to sharply increase the number of nursery groups for children from one and a half months to three years, now there are very few of them so that young mothers could combine motherhood with a professional
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career, this is a task of several months, the same thing, we need not repeat that... the regions are a little less, for example, a year and a half, but maybe in the far east or in new ones , but the introduction of mandatory distribution will give literally in a year or two, well, of course, along with housing, many governors do this, our alexey vladimirovich ostrovsky did it in smolensk, in about 2 years. this means that all these issues, that means, we are resolving with the government, the government hears us more than ever, mikhailavich mishustin, all the deputy prime ministers, i am participating in brainstorming sessions, there have already been several dozen of them on the strategy of foreign economic activity, another issue in the countries , i don’t like this term, but nevertheless, it
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remains not entirely friendly to us today blocked, gold and foreign exchange reserve chamber, but it is known to you, so to speak, with those companies that will leave russia, are leaving now, will leave in the future, we will pay in non-living, so to speak, money, but with some bonds that are secured by our frozen gold and foreign exchange reserves and to pay with them to foreign companies leaving the russian federation, from such unfriendly countries, we are legally ready to introduce a complete ban on settlements of any foreign currency with investors, this will simultaneously prevent the withdrawal of currency from the russian federation and will largely return it to circulation.
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a unique rector of a world-famous university , he will be 85 years old in april, the university is preparing to celebrate its 270th anniversary, these are extremely important issues that have been partially resolved, the mosaic is moving forward, humanitarian issues will also advance, which means, of course, we need to build russian schools abroad, we need children in the largest diasporas to speak russian. unbroken for parents, houses have already ceased to be a part russian world, in our country the forced assimilation of the russian-speaking population in a number of countries is proceeding very quickly, here in the year eighty-nine and ninety. russian was spoken by 350 million people, now 270, in just over 30 years, the task is to turn it back, the same is our visit, we have incredible
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satellite companies, but we need to increase it, because it is now 119 times smaller according to data rosstat than it was in 1989, when there was no electronic media, no internet, we are not heard enough, this is what allows our... first of all, in the usa, to try to deform our image and make broadcasts out of us, so to speak, we must forcefully resume, while we now have the mastodons of our information world alive, such as vitalich ignatenko and many others who were involved in the same propaganda of counter-propaganda, which was then seemingly discarded as unnecessary in the nineties, and of course assistance in international development, due to your coordination, thank you very much, these questions began to decide in recent years, we began... to sharply increase the number of prime ministers, speakers of parliaments, and leaders of the largest.
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