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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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any interference in the internal affairs of russia will be strictly suppressed in accordance with the laws of our country, vladimir putin stated this, commenting on preparations for the upcoming presidential elections. the head of state held a meeting with the leaders of parliamentary factions, they also talked about how things are going with the implementation of the president’s message to the federal assembly, about the results of the work of deputies in the past year and about priorities for the future. of course, we also discussed the most sensitive topics of the year-end program with vladimir putin, which was released on broadcast on thursday. more details about everything. anton potkovenko. vladimir putin began his meeting in the kremlin with the leaders of the state duma factions with congratulations on the recent thirtieth anniversary of the russian constitution, which shaped the modern appearance of the russian parliament. the president thanked all factions for presenting what is called a united front on international platforms, defending russia’s national interests. everything must take place in a competitive manner and in full compliance with... the laws of the russian
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federation, in any interference in russia's internal affairs will be suppressed and suppressed harshly in accordance with the laws of russia. we will defend the freedom of our people, their sovereignty and the right to choose their future. the first to respond was the leader of the communist party faction, gennady zyuganov. he said that parliamentarians had been waiting for this meeting for a long time and emphasized the support of donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye and the kherson region.
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historical memory and the need to expand russian media broadcasting abroad in order to resist the information influence of the united states, this is what the ldpr is doing for the front. ldpr took under the wing, all the sewing battalions, the movement is sewing for our people, heroic women, ascetics who sew in all regions of the country, without exception, mosquito nets, stretchers, jackets, baliklavas. we are not doing this for the sake of pr, but for the sake of a speedy victory, which i am sure will really be achieved in the near future, there is no other way and no other option. the leader of the just russia for the truth faction , sergei mironov, during a conversation in the kremlin , proposed introducing an increased tax for people with significant earnings so that this money could be transferred to the state fund, defenders of the fatherland. his faction is also thinking about how to protect those who defend.
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the number of ukrainian troops surrendering as prisoners has increased sharply. alexey nichaev, new people faction, focused on economic issues and problems of entrepreneurs. thank you very much for your position yesterday on the straight line that the term of
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14 years for economic reasons is too much. after your words, i don’t know, maybe they didn’t get through to you, but several people i called and said it was very good. it resonated. thank you very much and you know, we will work in the spring session. that is, no one wants to sit for 14 years. no, but they don’t want to violate it, yes. it's better not to break it. and that you understand this also made everyone very happy. it's better not to break it. the head of the united russia faction, vladimir vasiliev, noted during a conversation in the kremlin that the grandiose exhibition at vdnkh showed how sanctions not only did not break russia, but made it stronger. for example, a large harvest was obtained. the question is how to preserve parliamentary work jointly by all factions, they also deal with issues related to a special military operation, if we talk about, say, a special military operation, issues are all resolved jointly, regardless of the party card, programs, here
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we have a completely consolidated position over the past year, adopted 91 law, and under these laws there are... voices of support from all deputies of the state duma. legislative work is impossible without the support of the president, the state duma speaker emphasized. the head of state is the guarantor parliamentarism in russia. and the current meeting is clear proof of this. a huge queue of people wishing to get into russia has gathered at the closed finnish border. our compatriots cannot return home. also, some finns complain that they were deprived of the opportunity to visit. after almost a month, they announced that they would close again on friday, a break on thursday, but in the evening of the same now until january 14, and today traffic was blocked by finnish border guard police cars. we've been sitting in
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line here since 10:00 am, they said there will be borders, the border will be closed at 8:00, but they closed at 10:00 and are not letting us through. russian bookstores have suspended the sale of works by dmitry bykov, who was included by the ministry of justice in the register of foreign agents and boris okunin. reason: public and openly politicized statements by writers, including about support for the armed forces of ukraine, about attacks on crimea against other russian regions. as the book publishers explained, these statements caused a great public outcry and require legal assessment. evgeniy nipot understood the situation. disappear with shelves of chain stores are no longer sold online. russian book networks, as well as the country's largest publishing houses, refused to distribute the works of boris akunin and foreign agent dmitry bykov for their russophobic statements and systematic support of the armed forces of ukraine. public statements by writers that
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have caused a wide public outcry require a legal assessment; until the situation is clarified, the release and shipping of books will not be resumed. there is still a photo among the authors on the publishing house’s website, but judging by everyone. this will be fixed soon the moscow house of books chain, as well as the read the city and bukvaet stores, also joined the boycott. in the united retail chain of bookstores, read the city of bukvaet, sales of books by boris akunin and dmitry bykov have indeed been suspended. this is due to recent statements by writers who received wide coverage in the media, at the moment we have sent a request to the publishing house, we also...
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about gazari, in general i am very proud that i can be useful to you in any way, if you published a book, we would pay the entire fee they would have let me go to the druns. akunin believes that he is speaking first with the minister... culture square, and then with zelensky, said that through the fund he regularly donates to the armed forces of ukraine. in the conversation , he launched into an insult to those who defend russia, which the quote would be better off splitting into 150 parts, and stated in plain text that he has nothing against drone strikes in crimea and other russian regions. how else? in the end, some simple things reach stupid people in the most clear and direct way. they serve in the russian army sucks about... society, so to speak, negative selection is happening there, and
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in general the russian army is like a criminal organization, and he noted that they support the ukrainian terrorist legions that attacked the border area. if we talk specifically about akunin, then this is a man who admitted that he has long been leading, even in his books, a campaign to promote precisely anti-russian values, and has been doing this on purpose and for a long time. now books on agent bykov and... not yet on agent akunin will disappear from the largest book chains that became popular thanks to the russian audience, they lost it, serving the interests of others and acting against their own country. evgenia nipatan on pogonin, news. pairs scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken at a bargain price, only at a delicious point. we have known each other for a long time, our batteries. have always been a source of energy, the first road trip, a family evening with a good movie or a fun holiday,
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out the lucky benefits mega discounts cashback apartment in moscow the main event of the year and you will get such benefits in mvidio and eldorado all the best is simple as alpha business internet bank and application for business all in one button calculate payments accounting and lawyers, conduct all your business online . alfabank is the best bank for business. us first lady jill biden decided to wish citizens a merry christmas in a very unconventional way. the video, shot to suit the modern liberal trend, caused a wave outrage even among the progressive american population. artyom krosulin looked into the causes of the scandal. a holiday stolen by the liberal agenda, the american media are discussing a very strange
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video published by us first lady jel biden. a christmas video filmed inside a white house is being called inappropriate by social media users, from the costumes to the overall atmosphere. to have something to compare with, journalists recalled a video filmed by milania tram in 2017. in the comments, the vast majority of users wrote that before, to put it mildly, it was noble. are inciting some kind of culture war, in reality we are just trying to protect our core
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traditional values ​​and protect our children from this strange ideology and perverted cultural propaganda. adding fuel to the fire were stories from boston, where the mayor mistakenly sent out an invitation to all members of the city council to a party for minorities called people of color. the scandal quickly spread across the leading american media, and under pressure the mayor was forced to apologize. to all guests at this and other parties that we plan to hold. even europeans do not feel the spirit of the real holiday; decorated christmas trees do not lift everyone’s spirits ; some, on the contrary, try to spoil the symbol of catholic christmas, as, for example, in germany, where environmental activists doused a tree with paint from a fire extinguisher; in the area of ​​the town of schwetzengen, christmas trees became the target of robbers . about 50 trees were stolen. the press
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writes that due to the difficult economic situation, their wars, which have become noticeably more expensive, have become a tasty morsel for... criminals, those who trying to independently return the holiday to its traditional course also falls under the article. in hamburg, they are looking for a man who installed a christmas tree in front of a kindergarten and placed gifts under it. by law, the installation of a christmas symbol in most public places in germany is regarded as a violation of so -called religious freedom. if the attacker is caught, he faces prison. artyom krosulin, lead. deposit is the best interest in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button contribute to your child's future is already made. one button savings grow with the maximum rate. one button and you
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boris maksudov, who was fatally wounded in a ukrainian drone attack, passed away. yegor grigoriev’s report is dedicated to him and our other deceased colleagues. the candle flame flared under the black and white portraits. photos of journalists change on the screen. they died at '.
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that for them these were the last materials, on the grief board are photographs of our colleagues, vgtrk journalists anton voloshin and igor kornelyuk, they died during shelling near lugansk in 2014, among the photographs slightly yellowed by time is a portrait of boris maksudov. an enemy blast fired from a drone ended his life less than a month ago in zaporozhye, recalls borya’s wife, vgtrk correspondent olga armyakova, through tears. borya worked where it is now more important for the country to be. everything on the front line, honestly, courageously, selflessly, as our guys, military correspondents, continue to work in the hottest spots, often risking their most valuable and at the same time devalued
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lives in the war, in attempts to protect this very life, bori spoke a lot about the special status for journalists who work in the northern military district zone and which does not exist now, oh caring for families, loved ones, whom the state will not abandon in the event of a tragedy in memory of... these special military operations actually played a huge role in the moral victory that we eventually won in tell everyone - the euro-atlantic world.
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the exposition will be supplemented daily with stories of those who worthily fulfill their journalistic duty today, with materials about those who will never return from their editorial assignment. among them is the press service officer of the russian guard, military journalist colonel sergei pasnov, he was there from the very first days. participated in the liberation of cities in the kharkov region, in the lugansk people's republic. senior lieutenant anatoly yagodin died in 1996, he was carrying out editorial assignments in the north caucasus. he is not holed up in the dugout, or even more so at the headquarters. he was with the guys from our combat brigade. here. and the column was ambushed. while we feel the pain. we remain alive as long as we feel the pain of others, we remain people , these words of the relatives of one of the dead journalists were remembered for the rest of their lives by alexander kots, military correspondent of komsomolskaya pravda, at
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the memorial ceremony for each of those present an important decision, patriarch of moscow all russia kirill blessed the creation in one from the temples of a special area, it will be dedicated to the memory of those killed journalists, and a prayer will be offered from all the fallen war correspondents. thanks to which we know the truth about the war, and in general such an ancient tradition, to build military temples, on the one hand, gratitude to god for the victory, on the other hand, not everyone returns from the battlefield, so what we can do is offer prayer to all the departed . a temple complex in honor of military personnel and war correspondents is being built in mariina in the park named after the journalist. deposit - the best
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interest rate in savings - this is a simple way to profit invest money online, just one button the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, in sberbank it's more profitable with prime. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases over a thousand rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. that's her. chernogolovka, our new year's soda. gives us carefree and cheerful holidays.
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charges meetings with sparkling energy. bubbles make us happier for 25 years, chernogolovka is our new year's soda, gives gifts non -stop, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks, a little new year's light, lights the lights,
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it has been proven that my grandfather is father frost. on new year's eve , anyone can turn out to be a wizard, someone very close to you, a random passer-by or a fellow traveler. at home on the edge earth, it’s very easy to create miracles if you do it from the bottom of your heart, happy new year, wizards, pay less, peas corn global village 67.90, five helps out, with a credit card everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want , there will be peace on yours... the nights of days will be shorter,
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only we have enough, everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want, pay for purchases with any credit card from bera , an apartment in moscow can be yours. at the exhibition russia the day of crimea was held, about tourism and other areas of development, in the head of the state council of crimea, vladimir konstantinov, gave an interview to our channel.
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vladimir andreevich, thank you very much for this. came to our on-site studio of the russia 24 tv channel, a lot of viewers are standing right now on my right hand, watching our interview, even more will watch this interview on their television screens, today is the day of the republic of crimea at the russia exhibition, what do you imagine, what surprises you, what are the results are you letting me down? of course, the mood is very good, because we have something to brag about, brag about what? did fantastic breakthrough, i think we still don’t fully appreciate everything we did together, except that the crimean spring itself, as a political process, was an outbreak, successful, everything worked out for us, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way in our russian history, everything worked out here, the stars aligned, the people aligned, so to speak, everything in one direction, everything, everything, everything is great. and these 10
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years are all.


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