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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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hello, the senate program is on the air, with you vera krasova and i am vladimir nesterov. this week marks 30 years since the adoption of the russian constitution. this means 30 years since the formation of the parliament of our country, the federal assembly. we will tell you about the key events of his upper house of the federation council right now. fateful decision of the law in the interests of people, the chamber of specific cases. the federation council has always been and remains.
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artificial intelligence to help doctors experiment on computer vision in medicine, how does it work? in the project's boundaries undergoes strict selection and subsequent monitoring of the operation of all solutions based on smart technologies. the foundations of the structure of russia, laid down by the constitution adopted in a popular referendum.
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has always remained one of the supporting elements of the state structure of russia, a principled defender of the rights and interests of the regions, maintaining a balance between the federal center and the constituent entities of the federation. this direct, constant connection between the federation council and the regions is our most important advantage, which allows us to ensure the high quality of our work. and her
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demand. we are guided by the principle of the laws of the land in the interests of the people. at the same time, it is very important that each senator, in addition to working with the federal agenda, is deeply immersed in the life of the region he represents, knows its problems in detail, and literally on a daily basis seeks support for his subject, which is based on improving the quality of life of our citizens. i would like to note that a number of unique parliamentary formats have been created in the federation council, including the days of the constituent entities of the federation, open dialogues with members of the government, time expert and much more. in addition, on the most pressing issues for the state and society, we hold representative parliamentary hearings, at which we formulate our recommendations, our proposals, which are sent to all government bodies, at the same time... based on the
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experience, the competencies that the council has federations, we strive to continue to develop new formats, taking into account the challenges facing the country today. it was under our chamber that a council was formed on issues of integration of reunited regions, which is called upon to assist not only in the creation of regional and municipal legislation, but also assistance.
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people, i had no idea that this could happen, this, this is a complete disgrace, of course, the ministry of health, the ministry of education and others should pay attention and help, and a children’s hospital must be built, but we are waiting for the design documentation, we are ready to get involved, support, well , traditional issues, we are not removing snow well, public infrastructure, breakthroughs, roads, transport, well, of course, transport is required serious renewal, and of course...
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the development of the tomsk region can be finalized taking into account the needs of the region. also, the head of the upper chamber assured that work will continue to increase the budgetary security of the tomsk region. now about a major infrastructure project, the implementation of which will affect the development of several regions at once. the eastern training ground is a giant transport artery. it includes the baikal-amur trans-siberian railway. increasing their throughput is one of the most important tasks. already put into operation. 67 new infrastructure facilities, this is only 44% of the plan. we spoke in more detail about the modernization program with senator andrei kutepov. at the moment, we can say that about 180 million tons are being transported, the bar that the president set next is 210 million. we clearly understand that the volumes and deadlines must be
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met strictly, there are certain disagreements with the even chamber, which says that there is a slight delay in input parts. construction sites, but they can concern directly the technical documentation, we should now talk more, probably, about the infrastructure that enters and passes through those subjects of the russian federation, where it will happen in the future, since we are the chamber of regions, we always talk about the interests of each subject and how further will happen, construction is underway, but how will this facility be operated further, what kind of people will work there, what kind of education? will not have to receive in order to work at a particular facility that concerns the baikal-amur mainline. these are the questions that are in the immediate area of ​​our attention. additionally, of course, the issues related to the security zone that currently exists; compromise solutions need to be found so that the tasks set by the president are
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completed. andrey viktorovich, regarding increases in transportation tariffs, does this create additional difficulties? of course, there are certain difficulties in terms of tariff growth, but... at the moment it is not critical, so we are focusing everything on this time attention of russian railways, but the rationale for increasing the tariff exists, and with such construction, with such effective use of cargo transshipment, and it grows every year, and there are many more exporters who want to take advantage of this direction, it says that almost 100% of everything has been used , the main thing now is to effectively use the budget funds that are now being invested there, and not... very large ones, so we are talking about the fact that we always need to carefully look at how and where we invest money. the mechanisms for distributing subsidies to the subjects are proposed to be reviewed, taking into account the current situation, the balances in the accounts of the impact on the economy of the subject, this was stated in the ministry of economic
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development. we spoke with the senator in more detail about this, as well as about the implementation of the fundamentals of state policy for regional development and the strategy for spatial development of russia until 2025. shevchenko, andrey anatolyevich, hello, parliamentary hearings were held on the progress of implementation of the foundations of the state policy for regional development and the spatial development strategy until 2025. that these documents are primarily aimed at, why is discussion of this topic now relevant? let's start with the main thing, that these are indeed very important two documents that were adopted, which are working today, and on how effectively both documents and the development framework and spatial development strategy work today depends, probably, not only on the economic situation in the regions, but it is very also affects political stability today. on social stability, therefore these documents are given great importance importance, secondly, we understand that
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internal, external, politics and geopolitics have changed today in the whole world, therefore it is important to respond to the challenges that today face our state, our society, and of course, i cannot help but say that that today we have four new entities, it is very important for us to integrate. these subjects, into the general system and economic, of course, the strategy of spatial development , taking into account these regions, well, i’ll probably say one more thing about the fact that both the foundations and strategies will end in 2025, this is an important point, because we need to continue this direction and be sure to make amendments, increase the period for the implementation of these regulations, these fundamentals of the law, and one more thing...
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the difference in the development of regions greatly influences the development in in general, but we
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reflected one more point that today another section is definitely needed in the strategy - the placement of productive forces in the russian federation, this is very important in order to solve another issue, the issue of resettlement, after all, today, at the end of 2022, essentially people live in eight regions of the russian federation . because business doesn’t go there today, because it’s not interesting for business, because
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the most important thing, of course, is the development of some kind of production, the development of tourism there, no matter what, but for this it is necessary to create some conditions, and we propose, let’s today we will look at some separate programs in order to stimulate the development of business in small towns and settlements so that it develops equally everywhere. and economic situation, after all, what needs to be done to increase the effectiveness of government policy and regional development, what measures are we talking about? we talked today about the need to more clearly define the goals of the spatial development strategy, we propose to make a larger volume of indicators so that it is not only the three indicators that exist today, but so that they look much more broadly across all the indicators that characterize the economy as a whole, so that it is comparative...
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the development of a certain region or is it some directions for the ministry, so that, let’s say, this concerns a separate thing, there must be a section of the spatial development strategy with linking. in general, the strategy that we have today in the russian federation is very difficult for us to plan without synchronization, and of course, for the target indicators that exist, we propose to finalize them today, then we are confident that this document will work, second, or maybe even the most important thing is to make the planning horizon of this document, we had until 2025, we
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we think that it is necessary to consider the thirtieth year, 2030, 2040, why because many strategic projects that are being implemented can last from 10 years to more than 10 years, so it is necessary to be tied to specific economic indicators of all programs that are being implemented today on the territory of the russian federation federation. let's take a break for a short commercial and then continue. don't switch.
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russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. and, of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. is this how you got into intelligence?
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obviously, exactly the same. while still a schoolboy, ekaterinburg resident konstantin kozlovsky became a finalist in computer competitions, and they talked about him as our genius. a promising guy, known to a third public, but kozlovsky put together a group of hackers who invented the lurk virus. the lurk hacker group was one
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one of the most famous cybercriminal organizations, which was engaged in stealing money from bank accounts. who. i went to an organized hacker community, i led a group, you have some kind of claim, i have a claim for 200 billion, here you can see that such activity is coming from russia, from moscow, any roof eventually becomes a roof in another place, this is a whole plane, a whole separate plane over russia, it arrived in yekaterinburg, how much money did the banks lose from the actions of the lurk group, we took on this and carried out their work. investigation, one has been re-educated, say goodbye, get on your way, bring on the next one, what kind of hole is this, are you really going to be mean to me?
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sklefosovsky, we look before everyone else. in the application and on the website.
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next in our program is international law and... order based on rules: nato’s responsibility for international conflicts, i’m sure nato will not be able to wash away the blood, we will definitely see this in the future. new edition of the federal law on employment, what will change in regulation of the labor market. this document introduced modern technologies, such as platform employment, artificial intelligence to help doctors, and an experiment on computer vision in medicine. how it works? as part of the project, there is a strict selection and subsequent monitoring of the operation of all solutions based on smart technologies. the bet on a sanctions blitz against the russian economy has completely failed.
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sergei lavrov stated this while speaking to senators. according to the minister of foreign affairs, the course to isolate russia was a fiasco and vladimir putin’s numerous contacts with foreign colleagues confirm this. next year, russia has about 200 events planned as part of its brix presidency, of which 10 are at the ministerial level. the foreign minister also recalled that russia independently forms its foreign policy agenda, sets its own priorities, while observing generally accepted norms of international law and taking into account the interests of its partners. those who launched a hybrid war against us do not admit their mistakes, they are trying to use more and more new, illegitimate tools in order to exhaust russia, as they say, cherishing the dream of eliminating our country as... a wealthy geopolitical entity. for the same purposes , the collective west is actively using ukrainian neo-nazis. after the collapse of hopes placed on the so-called
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counter-offensives. in washington they stopped talking about russia’s strategic defeat on the battlefield and included, as was evident during zelensky’s next visit there, a new mantra: do not let putin win in ukraine, but then he will conquer all of nato, then they say america will not sit out. sergei lavrov also stated that many negative processes in the world are occurring due to the irrepressible desire of washington and a small group of countries that have sworn allegiance to it to impose their vision on the whole world. thus the west wants.
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the rulers of these states, the sovereigns, were responsible for everything, who could be condemned there along religious lines, let’s say, or removed from the throne using the same military force, only at the beginning of the 20th century, literally 100 years ago in international law states appear as subjects of law and the resulting responsibility, international legal responsibility of the state for what they do, then in
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the middle of the 20th century. blocs of states form, first nato is created, then in response to the warsaw pact organization, but since for several decades they relatively balanced each other and each of them could not go, well, in any case, brazenly go beyond the limits of their own competence, their own borders, the question of their international legal responsibility, in general, did not arise sharply , there was no reason, and this reason first arises after the end of the era of inter-bloc confrontation, the end of... the cold war, when the warsaw pact organization was given a long life, and the north atlantic alliance, despite all expectations, not only survived , but also intensified, consistently , we know seven waves of expansion, as a result of which the alliance has grown by approximately a third of the member states and approximately a third of the territory that it controls, but god bless him if the alliance, even expanding, remained within the boundaries of this territory,
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respectively, within the limits... and competence, but after the fact that nato remained virtually the only military-political, ideological bloc, the alliance went beyond its own borders, i mean, first of all, the nato operation in yugoslavia, the former, it began long before the year ninety-nine, there were the events of the year ninety-two, ninety-four, we will not go into history, the year ninety-nine culminated in the bombing of yugoslavia, a country that has no relations with the nato bloc, but... which was bombed by the nato bloc, and no one , as they say, did anything for it, and since then, from my point of view, the question of responsibility has arisen sharply in international law.


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