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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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further in the program, what sentences did members of the organized crime community of lurk receive, the whole case is a provocation, who is to blame for everything? i think, and also how the main casher of the gang , igor popov, spends his time behind bars, with the help of which program the employees of the ural center for security systems monitor hacker attacks around the world, an attempt at hacking using a well -known vulnerability. watch the continuation
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of the exciting investigation of eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel. deposit is the best interest in savings - this is a simple way to benefit.
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the lurk hacker group was one of the most famous dangerous cybercriminal organizations that was involved in stealing money from bank accounts. they operated in russia and the cis countries. the gang was active from 2011 to 2016. in their attacks, the hackers used
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social engineering to deceive users and gain access to their accounts and confidential information. the pre-denunciation program, which made it possible to infiltrate the information systems of banks and institutions , was developed by the members of the group themselves; the damage caused is estimated at billions of rubles; in addition, the cyber gang used its skills and tools for other purposes, including the collection of classified information regarding citizens and organizations. the investigation into the ullurg case continued it took several years for it to eventually end up in court. the group members, 21 people in total, were found guilty under several articles of the criminal code. this includes
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participation in a criminal community, fraud in the field of computer information on an especially large scale, unauthorized access to computer information, as well as the creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs. the court found that hackers, using a virus , stole several billion rubles from a number of companies. none of the convicts admitted moreover, during court hearings, the head of the ops was a constant troublemaker. the whole thing is a provocation. precedent pressure is being exerted all the time on our criminal process; for me personally , there are positions in the indictment that do not allow us to be convicted on the basis of the law. in february 2022 , the kirovsky district court of yekaterinburg handed down
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a verdict; 21 members of the group were sentenced to 5 to 14 years in prison. konstantin received the maximum sentence. kozlovsky, 14 years old in a maximum security colony, the second leader of the lurg group, igor popov, was sent to jail for 13 years. kozlovsky protested the sentence; the court, having considered appeals, reduced his sentence by six months. to figure out how hackers managed to steal money from bank accounts with impunity for so long, we decided to meet with some members of the organized crime group. first of all , we were interested in the leaders of the group.
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konstantin kozlovsky is serving his sentence in a maximum security colony in the chelyabinsk region. he greeted our film crew warmly told about his life. do you have a date, do your relatives come to see you, how often does this happen, yes , my mother visits me, she is my french teacher, she works at school, she comes, my father is an engineer, now retired, they visit me, we we communicate, that is, everything is fine in accordance with the law, yes, that is, you also have long meetings with them, i’m pretty much, well, like a prisoner who is in a pre-trial detention center, as if experiencing a feeling of apprehension, what’s happening in the camp, here we're fine, you are you working? no, i don't work, why? i am engaged in self-education, i read, now i am reading the physical geography of the regions, it is clear
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that you are not working, why do you have some kind of claim, i have a claim for 200 billion, and paying it off looks very, it even looks very funny. it seems that the convict is more concerned not with a substantial prison term, a significant part of which he still has to spend in a colony, but with money. however, this happened before, too. before the arrest , millions were at the forefront, here’s what’s also curious: according to kozlovsky, specifically the computer virus it has no relation at all. and i’m a manager, i’m not hackers in the literal sense of the word, we have guys in the group, geniuses, who are not even within my reach, that’s because we have different specializations, let’s say.
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computer hacking can be thought of as breaking, excuse me, a burglar who enters an apartment, either through the door or through the window, there are various tools, there are master keys, this is all known to the general public, and in computer matters, the production of these master keys is the process of creating computer programs. that programmers write, i did not write computer programs, i said there, you need to write such a master key there, such a master key, but
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even with everything, i did not have free will, i was not a free bird in all these respects, i could not there to earn as much money as you want, i lived at the level of the average entrepreneur. kozlovsky presses for pity, saying that despite the sin, he did not become a millionaire, he had a luxurious life. on lenin street in yekaterinburg, i had cars, but an ordinary representative from the golden youth, which i have never been to, and an ordinary businessman in yekaterinburg even lived much richer than me, but the leader of lurka well remembers the name of the organizations that his henchmen defrauded. garaant invest, invest and taata bank siberian branch are commercial banks; from the three banks
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, 200 billion rubles were written off and placed on thousands of cards of individuals, which are then used to withdraw money from atms. kozlovsky speaks very respectfully of his counterfeiter igor popov. we have the impression that the convicted head of the ops. in some ways envies his accomplice, let's say, we can say that someone was a casher, because popov was a casher there, yes, the whole city knew about it, that is, it is absolutely no secret, he had his own companies , through which he had a serious structure, they at one time registered 2% of law firms in the country, everyone there knows them, and he, you must understand, that... nikolaevich, he is not some person who i spontaneously took it and made such a serious business. igor popov,
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another leader of the ops, lurg, by a strange coincidence circumstances also while away the life of the chelyabinsk region. unlike his younger accomplice, popov works hard. we found him in the metalworking shop. kubalta, damkrat and roulette. igor popov now never parts with these instruments. he spends his day straightening twisted steel pipes. the work is physically difficult, but popov himself asked for it, he says that this way time passes faster and... one more circumstance: working in a colony is a significant plus when deciding on
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parole. we asked the convicted person to answer several questions. the first is about the type of occupation before the moment of arrest. i was involved in registration, liquidation of legal entities, tax consulting, and, of course, taxes. accordingly, like any law firm, it was accompanied. including operations, such as the so-called shadow ones, such as registration of companies under dummies, and further cashing out. igor popov is a man from the nineties, and his
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criminal talent is evidenced by only one fact: all his life he has been involved in cash transactions. i know a good dozen authorities from past years, including the ops uralmash, and they say that they went through fire, water and copper pipes, but remained alive and unharmed. popov claims that all this time he had no curators, neither among the bandits, nor among the people in uniform, nor among the officials. every roof eventually becomes a roof somewhere else.
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his people were engaged, i have no relation to lurk, i do not dispute the theft, i do not dispute partially the cashing of funds that were stolen, which were passed and which were cashed by my employees, but for them this is a completely normal activity, they cashed them like any other money, the technology for cash was extremely simple, well, cards in yekaterinburg from sberbank then...
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such inconspicuous girls, whose task was to withdraw there were several individuals in the atms in the group, one of them was valentina ryakina, valentina ryakina, she was just there with a package, the manager there, roughly speaking, brought her by car, she was standing here at one atm, the second, the third, then yes, she could... so she could walk along the central street of yekaterinburg, well, along the central street, yes, yes, and there was just one atm, a second bank, a third atm, some nickname was funny, some nickname, babbling, we were her they called each other, we met with valentina ryakina in yekaterinburg, the woman was sentenced to 5 and a half years in prison,
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but she has not yet been sent to jail because of her young daughter, ryakina... so okay, well, you came up, inserted the card, attached the card , entered a pin code, yes, i didn’t record any reports or receipts anywhere, yes, yes, they put it in a pile and gave it back, what amounts, 3.0 rubles. 30, 300, it depended on the money that was in the atm, if there were 100 rubles there, then there could be a thousand, he had such a pack, that is, this, that is, 100,000 could be withdrawn, there and...
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cash in hacking in hacking - bank servers, well, something like that, i don’t understand much about this, so i can’t correct you, do you really understand little about this?
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i wasn’t involved, i was involved in data processing, for what? did you know why this is being done or not? well, i roughly imagined for why do they care? eremin claims that cooperation with konstantin kozlovsky was a kind of part-time job for him. well, what was the main job? yes, well, what did you do at your main job? why did you do phone repairs?
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will be behind bars for many more years, but just recently people from the top of the organized crime group lived in luxury houses, drove expensive foreign cars, could afford super-fashionable gadgets and jewelry, part of the funds that the hackers stole have already been returned, a trace of the remaining money, operatives will come out very soon.
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companies that contact us imitate real attackers, hackers, that is, we use similar methods, penetrate, but
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after we have penetrated somewhere, we no longer do anything, and we simply provide the customer with a report that this is how and so, you have such and such vulnerabilities and attackers can penetrate you in such and such a way, from a computer point of view, so, then let’s look at which people are from the ops. experts call them quite good professionals, these are ordinary programmers, they simply had their own subject area, they studied the same banking clients, but only on a slightly different side, that is , how to withdraw funds, but i would say that, firstly, they were good specialists, and secondly, they were very organized , that is, if there had not been such a clear organization of who is responsible for what, most likely they would not have been able to implement such software within the given time frame. and representatives of the ural center for security systems can observe hacker attacks on
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territory of any state. here on this interactive globe. let's say here you can see that from russia from moscow, this is just hosting, that is, this server could be rented by someone. trying to spread to other nodes. konstantin kozlovsky and his hackers never even dreamed of such opportunities. the creators of lurk
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were lucky. while. when they smashed the banks, there were no such super-specialists on the light side, but even those talented guys who went over to the dark side were stopped, they were left without freedom and future, but today they could be useful to earn honestly a lot of money, good it specialists, oh how our country needs them, especially now.
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this is the story we saw of the lurg cyber group. this was our investigation from moscow, sverdlovsk and chelyabinsk regions. it’s up to you to draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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