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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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to its organizers. in just the past decade, the united arab emirates has spent several million dollars on climate-related propaganda. in the spring, the emirati organizers of cop-28, citing local legislation, called on speakers at the conference to refrain from criticizing local corporations and the government, which human rights watch saw as a violation of freedom of expression. there is an organization behind her. amnesty international published a report on cases of digital surveillance in the united arab emirates for suppression of dissent. during the conference , its head stated that the abandonment of fossil fuels has no scientific basis, which cast doubt on the very idea of ​​combating global warming. earlier , documents about the emirates’ plans to use sammies to conclude oil and gas deals with 27 countries were leaked online. according to the guardian at the conference.
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for the first time it is said, albeit in a vague way, and the goals were even declared historical, because it involved the abandonment of fossil fuels, what was it after all, a success or a failure? we asked our good friend igor makarov, a participant in the conference in dubai, on the last day of the conference, which was supposed to be the last, that is, on december 12, there really was a feeling of a complete topic, because well... the text that appeared the
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night before was, in general, categorically did not suit the developed country in the first place, in general they actively advocated that it should exist, but the wording should be radically changed, and well , they said it in very harsh terms, just like there was a whole series there speeches by representatives of small... states that are most vulnerable to climate change in the spirit that this text is generally a death sentence for us, and so on, but on the other hand, what they demanded in their speeches, that is, the wording abandonment of fossil fuels, or at least a phased phase-out of fossil fuels, such a formulation turned out to be unacceptable for, first of all, countries exporting
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hydrocarbons, well, the main one was saudi arabia, which, as much as possible, of course, criticize the western media there , and in general , the uniform is on the margins too, but it is clear that saudi arabia, in general, represented the interests of, well , at least the league of arab states, but also a number of other countries, most likely russia too . on the sidelines of the world climate summit, kop-28 was heard. disappointing forecast: due to global warming, the world is threatened with five disasters in the next 7 years, the consequences of which will be irreversible. they will come, according to scientists, from the global tipping points project, if the temperature on earth rises to 1.5-2 above industrial levels. this will disrupt the natural air circulation in the north atlantic. permafrost will melt, large ice sheets in greenland, west antarctica. will collapse, and coral reefs in
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warm waters will disappear. massive melting of glaciers could cause sea levels to rise at record rates. as a result, five island states may disappear from the face of the earth in 50-100 years: tuvalu, the maldives, the marshall islands, kiribati and nauru. the first one it is possible that tuvalu will be in polynesia with a population of about 11,000 people. the country is located on nine coral islands, the majority. of which are only a meter above the water, and during high tides almost half of the capital is flooded. in order to preserve the state, at least for history, the authorities decided to create a digital copy of it and put it on a cloud server, and to amend the constitution that tuvalu will exist forever, despite the effects of climate change. in 2021 the minister foreign affairs tovalu addressed the conference participants at the first ever underwater
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meeting, the pacific countries most vulnerable to climate disaster are likely to be the main beneficiaries of assistance from the damage compensation fund established on the sidelines of the twenty-eighth un climate change conference, but in the first 5 days this fund collected only about $800 million in collective aid to developing countries, but there were those who chose to go it alone, such as australia. promised to send 150 million dollars to the pacific resilience fund and offered shelter to the people of tuvalu. on december 13 at 7 am, that is, apparently they really worked all night and all the previous day
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, all night and maybe all the previous night, in general, a text was released, which, well, in many ways , really became a compromise. that is , very elegant, very elegant formulations , which everyone, on the one hand, can perceive in their own way, on the other hand, in these formulations everyone can find, well, something that will suit them, a certain departure from fossil fuels, but at the same time like this the formulation is generally used for the first time in public discourse , therefore, in fact, what exactly stands under it, everyone is also generally free to understand as he wants, on the other hand, a appeared - literally the very next point, a proposal appeared that a recognizes the possibility of using transitional fuels and transitional fuel to facilitate the energy transition, transition fuel usually means gas, although it is not directly named there, but in general this is basically
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how it is understood, and this is of course a concession to this series oil and gas state in general, almost first and foremost, probably russia, because this is precisely the narrative of russia. that gas is the cleanest of fossil fuels. scattered throughout the text are references to the fact that we must use all types of solutions to reduce emissions, including nuclear energy, including co2 capture and storage projects, which china has always insisted on on the one hand, saudi arabia on the other, and so on. and natural-climate solutions should be widely used, based on which russia constantly insists on this number. in general, all these all these decisions, they were recognized and mentioned in the final text, which developed countries have always generally opposed, because they have always insisted that we must concentrate on the main thing, that is, on a rollback from fossil fuels, and in parallel there is also a massive mention
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of the need for a just transition, probably this concept will be key at the next summits, that is, developed countries will still need - bengen from germany. to english one letter has been added to the abbreviated name of the climate conference cop-28. and it turned out to be cops. this is a nickname for police officers in the united states. and the phrase goes like this. all cops are bastards. emmanuel del
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rossa from italy. the job is called a dirty deal. on the papers it is written: final communication of the un climate change conference. marian kamensky from slovakia is not reducing it. the intensity of the struggle and draws a line under the final documents of the conference. welcome to the united arab emirates. shake but do not mix. flo and hank - a couple of artists from france with their own approach climate. an unusual collective image, or the bar is already open. igor, i get the feeling that these are all attractive political games. but actually, they have no direct relationship to climate. optimists say that if you look at what happened 10 years ago and what now, well, we are completely different worlds in terms of the development of green technologies, their dissemination, and so on, but suffice it to say that in the fifteenth year, when the paris agreement was taken, these are the measures
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that were at that time countries announced, they were enough to keep the temperature rise by about 4°, well , 3 and a half. and those measures that have now been announced by countries and which with a high degree of probability will be implemented, because these are short-term promises, in general, so far they have been implemented for the most part. and this is already 2.8°, that is, well, the shift is colossal, even over the past 8 years. on the other hand, a pessimist will say, and he will also be absolutely right, that this does not at all correlate with those even more ambitious goals that, in the same the paris agreement is to keep the temperature rise to 2 degrees, preferably even . up to one and a half degrees, in general, like to the moon, absolutely, now, and that is , i would say that.
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should radiate optimism, how should we approach this? the world economy is on the brink of a new cold war, in which the main opposing forces will be the united states and china. this was stated by deputy head of the international monetary fund gite gapinat at the world congress of the international economic association in colombia. today, the economist believes that, like 70 years ago, it is unfolding ideologically.
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china and the us are changing and global economic relations are changing. national security interests and the protection of domestic markets come to the fore. many countries are increasingly producing their own products and focusing on development. usa, mexico took over this role. china's share of american imports fell to 13% in the first half of this year, from 22% in the same period in 2018. there is geo-economic fragmentation with shifts in established. bilateral trade relations, after the outbreak of the conflict in ukraine, trade growth slowed down
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everywhere, but its decline between blocs with political differences was noticeably even stronger. gita gopinath argues that if the world economy splits into two blocs, dominated by russia and china in the east, and the us and the european union in the west, and trade between them ceases, global losses could amount to 2.5%. but in some countries they can reach up to 7%. developing countries will suffer the most from economic fragmentation countries and emerging markets, and while some may gain something in the early stages of fragmentation, in a full-blown cold war everyone will lose. further fragmentation of the global economy will make it more difficult to solve common problems such as climate change or the use of artificial intelligence. and its negative...
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really understand that if everything is like this - it continues in the future, then this will incur, well, colossal economic costs, that is, if strategic rivalry in the economy of the leading powers continues happens virtually without rules, as it is now being implemented, and without some kind of arbitration, then well, this will lead to significant consequences for the economy, including for the economy of developed countries, which in general is also quite clearly reflected in the report, this is
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really a warning, well with taking into account the contrast between what usually comes out from the imf and the fact that as it sounds now, well, the warning is quite convincing, that’s it, but how will it be received further, i have doubts that it will somehow fully convinced, well, maybe this erosion of the rules is even beneficial for us, of course, these rules were written by the west for a very long time, in the sense that, probably, this order, in general, naturally entered into some kind of crisis, uh, well, in general, there is some kind of opportunity here for uh countries that were not previously allowed to write these rules, but this opportunity will only be realized if new rules appear, because of course, a world without rules,
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it’s uh, well the kind of world we live in now, from an economic point of view, this is probably not the best world for all parties - and this is worth admitting; after all , these new rules must be developed somehow, perhaps this very cry of the imf is just a cry in this direction, that after all - well, we need to come to an agreement, yes, but some fragmentation of the world economy is inevitable, in general this is also discussed in this speech, it was directly said in this speech, but still this fragmentation can be... manageable, uh, yes, uh, that is, the blocks can somehow be open to each other, although not in the form of hyperglobalization that they existed, that is, well, they actually did not exist as blocks before, yes , they will be blocks, but still they must be open to each other and their competition must be controlled, and must obey
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certain rules, and such a world, probably, it may be more prosperous, more inclusive, more sustainable than the world of hyperglobalization, but so far we from this world in general cannot be said to be much closer to it than when there was an order based on rules, written by one side. thank you, about climate change igor makarov spoke at the conference. we call the gulf persian, although the arab monarchies do not agree with this. but iran is on the other side. not only does it exist, it is also increasing its capabilities, despite the sanctions, which are already five decades old, cryptocurrencies today are of genuine interest, regardless of how they are treated, but for
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iran, which has fallen under sanctions, digital assets have acquired strategic importance, becoming a tool foreign trade in conditions of isolation from... there was no law on cryptocurrencies, we didn’t even know whether we had the right to trade them or not. 4 years later, the situation has not changed much; there is still no clear regulation in this area. iranian legislation is changing as interest in digital currencies and their applications grows among the local population.
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the ban on cryptocurrency mining has already been officially lifted in the country, and now iranians can legally trade them, albeit under certain conditions.
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is used for this purpose. faced with similar pressure from the west, russia is considering using digital coins for bilateral trade with iran.
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will improve relations with kiev, in both directions it was sour under the conservatives, we don’t need to worry, nothing will change in relations with russia, it won’t be better, and it couldn’t be worse, although how can i say? after all, the post of minister of foreign affairs of mr. donald was taken by mr. radek, radoslaw sikurski, who had previously headed the defense and foreign policy departments, he became famous
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last year with a tweet, thank you to the usa, in response to the explosion of the northern streams, so let’s not despair, there is always something worse. it’s not for nothing that the great pole stanislav jazelec said: i’ve finally reached the bottom. there was a knock from below , it was an international review, see you, only at alfabank, order a free debit alpha card, spin the reel in the application and receive a superkick every month, order a card in december and guaranteed cashback.
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one regiment was re-equipped with the avangard missile system, in time for the professional holiday, strategic missile forces day, which is celebrated tomorrow, in full.


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