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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 1:30pm-1:58pm MSK

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russian is not a problem, absolutely, we had two native languages, the first, naturally, was german , the second was french, since we lived in brussels for a very long time, and i love telling this story, because my dear grandmother, when she took us out for a walk, she i came with a russian-german phrasebook, well then get ready for another surprise, your father’s favorite german-russian dictionary, bundesnach, this is the full name in german for the bnd, the intelligence service of the federal republic of germany. about how she finally found kozlov, about how kozlov’s son and many of his colleagues found out only in this year in the next part of our film. the legendary alfabank credit card is more profitable. receive a supercake every month and withdraw cash from any atm for free. all over the country, it’s not just
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a scooter without extra expenses, yes, by the end of the eighties, ur found the strength in herself and abandoned both apartheid and nuclear weapons, but how far was that from happening in the seventy-eighth? when soviet
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intelligence officer kozlov revealed the presence of such weapons in southern africa, further on september 22 , 79, over the desert-desert region of the world's oceans between south africa. and antarctica , an american satellite detected a strange double flash, the specialization of that satellite was to detect nuclear tests, that flash was american planes after some time, they did not detect traces of radioactivity, but very soon on the opposite end of the ocean in australia they found an increased iodine content in sheep 131. iodine 131 can be the result of an explosion. that is, now we were talking about a completely new level of threat for the allies of the ussr in southern africa in the middle east, if yur really carried out such work together with israel, it means that in order to deduce the plans of the yar leadership it was necessary to go to southern africa again, but in namibia the goats noticed i'm keeping an eye on myself. the
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fastest creature on the planet is the cheetah. well , apparently the scouts will forgive me for this comparison with animals, but it seems to me that it is correct. for once... the scout needs to run away from the outside or from the fact that when you find yourself a victim of the same betrayal, either kgb intelligence officer oleg gordievsky, recruited by the british intelligence mi-6, or vladimir vetrov recruited by the french dst, according to various versions, one of them betrayed kozlov, from namibia, flights were only on that very south africa, the racism of its authorities was mixed with anti-communism. and this made south africa, if not a clear one, but an ally of the west. following a tip from the west, the judge kozlov was arrested. what do straos do when problems arise? hiding their head in the sand? here kozlov had the opportunity to abstract himself, but this was not about him, he was a completely different bird.
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at first he continued to stubbornly insist that some kind of mistake had occurred, that he was an ordinary german burgher, evidence of which was even written down with numbers. with the bnd, bundnahrines, he pulled out his written book and showed it to the south africans, the same thing, everything is written out, however, with the counterintelligence officers, the germans, we got a little ahead of ourselves, now, by what signs do any special services immediately see the koleda, our first ski shooting, intelligence officer yuri shevchenko , though
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he only introduced himself as pavel andreevich, but he already taught us how to make marks with chalk. paval andrevich, a young fighter in the course, set a signal, i didn’t even have time to notice how you set it, can i do the same? i look at the magnificent board, i walk between times, the test is accepted, and what did the south africans find in kozlov’s luggage, chalk? yes, kozlov became a victim of betrayal, but he himself admitted that he let himself down, leaving chalk in his luggage, they laid out, that means there were notebooks, pencils, they all laid out on the table, a piece of chalk, and of course, right away, where put signals from which one? from kozlov’s declassified memoirs from the svr archive. i said that there were two possibilities for this chalk to fall into my hands. and when i flew from hong kong to taipei, i left one suitcase at the hotel. when i checked it in, they asked me
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to write the room number on the suitcase with chalk. obviously, mechanically, i left the chalk with me. b. in the same hong kong i went to a bar. many customers played the darts game there. i was asked to write down the number of points on a black board with white chalk, maybe chalk ended up with me in this way, although all this is similar to how the muler locked stirlis in a cell in seventeen moments of spring so that he would remember where his fingers on the suitcase of russian birthmarks came from, i remembered, interestingly, that kozlov himself spent one hour when for the first time i was brought into his office, he had a beautiful portrait of hitler hanging, coinage, he was a big fan of enst calton bruner, he even... grieved that he didn’t have such a scar on his cheek there too, they were real stupid ones, you understand , well, how can i tell you, bonebreakers, no mordolov, naturally, after the first series of interrogations and tortures, kozlova is transferred here, to the central prison of pritoria, to be honest,
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but even though he overslept, it means they turned on the speakers, and there were moans and screams of people who were allegedly being tortured. you know, they were so heartbreaking. all this ended when kozlov told the guards: turn off the recording, and he realized that it was a recording, then he will be transferred to another block of this prison. sits, he and alex, the second prisoner , began to communicate, found many common topics and
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they became friends, they became friends, because they were against savagery, and they were people, this year, kozlov’s father had long since died, passed away to meison, but the cedric family was waiting for kozlov jr. mikhail kozlov brought both souvenirs and a letter of gratitude to the director of the svr sergei naryshkin, thanking him for saving the letter to alexei kozlov from cedric mason. do you remember when handra visited us, we used to encourage each other. from now on, i would like you to know how much our friendship means to me. kozlov told this new friend of his who he was really, because? in general, after 6 days, the next morning i woke up, they took me again to the security police, they arrived. people from the department for the protection of the constitution. germans
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, germans, yes, counterintelligence officers, well, come on , he says, we won’t mess around with you for too long, let’s show you photo cards, they give me my photo cards, and at a fairly young age, and they don’t tell me i’m not but goats, in latin it's really written.
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spain and portugal, they were the first to offer me to stay in the west, i categorically refused. the israeli behaved in a generally rude manner cent, stated that his name was jora, mixed interrogations with telling some low-grade jokes and singing obscene chants. he was interested in my agents in israel, i said that there were none, but what about the south africans, what did they ask about in essence, do you see for yourself these south africans, counterintelligence - they, to be honest, i don’t think that they knew why everything. my next question is this: in his interviews in russia, kazlav suggested that even though he was detained without service,
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according to the south african media, the first thing what the americans wanted was his extradition to the united states. an interesting detail about that time in yuat, despite all other technical achievements, such as the nuclear program, until the year seventy-six in the country there were not even among the most faithful, but in eighty-two there was already television on it, prime minister botha said that his country caught a soviet intelligence officer, it turns out she caught it herself and will decide what to do with him. apartheid era politicians.
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he assumed that in the foreign intelligence service, then the first main directorate the kgb are doing everything possible to get him out, because it is he, in the written memoirs of the goats...
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they are for the countries of permanent members of the security council, owners of nuclear weapons, and so we, the africans, are asking not to threaten them with nuclear weapons and not conduct nuclear tests. an even more interesting thing: russia, china, britain, france signed and ratified these protocols, but the united states signed them, but never ratified them. but then the americans found themselves in a stalemate; the south african kozlovs did not gave it away. and now another quote from the letter.
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brodrick, he greeted him very interestingly, oh, well, how did you lose weight , what did they not give you to eat, you got fruit, chocolate, you know that we are going to send you home, i say, i don’t know anything, well home so home, what about the local kalterbron? bastard, yes, but i wonder what he told me, when we said goodbye, he said, you know what? we didn’t know who we were dealing with, so please forgive me for everything that happened to you here, here then we realized that you are a normal man , a real guy, and that means you shook my hand, i just caught something hard in my hand, then on the plane in the toilet i
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looked, it was just a police badge. ur danger, here, which i later gave to one very good person, but the psychological pressure continued until the last. first they took me there, not far from pritoria, there, probably 100 meters, just like that, they put me on the edge of the ravine, so he says, admire the monument to the pioneers of the boers, similar the foreign intelligence service has another version about what happened here then, that the goat was brought to the top of this hill, to the edge of this ravine, to stage it. execution, expecting that at the last moment he would still falter and go over to the other side, but alexey mikhailovich kozlov himself spoke about the end of this episode like this: well, i admired the monument, but how did that letter survive? so, cedric mason writes it once again finding himself in prison, but no longer finding his comrade there. i'm glad that you came out, let
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the memories of you are stronger than today's existence. let's continue our story there in pritoria, where the eternal flame burns in memory of '.
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this year my son, just in the summer, it was the end of may, my son was finishing my tenth grade, it was just suddenly, early in the morning i was taken away.
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yes, such families have a difficult fate, but south africa today, something does not change, somewhere a country where the majority of people with the wrong skin color, until recently were considered animals, brutes, this is a country that is still looking for balance, that same hydrogen work and suddenly the external electricity went out, everything stopped, a second later the generator turned on, but in general we wish south africa to solve these many, many other problems, by the way, now. there are still some prospects for joint work in the field of peaceful atom, taking the same nuclear facility where they once made a bomb, which the soviet intelligence officer kozlov was approaching.
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we recently signed, this is inspiring, i believe that south africa and russia have a lot in common, there are very long historical ties between our peoples, dating back to the time of participation russian volunteers in the boer war, while for some in the pantheon of fighters for racial equality. colonel kozlov. do you think colonel kozlov's name should be there? yes, absolutely. is it because he exposed
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the racist military nuclear program and led to its suspension somewhere? yes, yes, i think there should be one. should mr. kozlov's name be engraved on the wall of heroes in freedom park, in the prison? everyone who agrees with us, in the forefront, my friend, cedric mason, would say yes. they want mr. kozlov to be immortalized in south africa. i could suggest several names for such a list, and he absolutely belongs there. alexey mikhailovich kozlov himself said this about the south african officer who was captured in angola, in particular, he was accused in addition to a dozen other special services from germany, because he came to angola with a machine gun in his hands, he sowed death on the territory of another country, where no one knew him i didn’t invite, they came there themselves, they killed.
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it may well be like this, i had such thoughts, yes, despite such difficulties, alexey mikhailovich, i know that work for you continued, then
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he went out again, that’s what i’m proud of, they gave me a new passport of a different nationality, and again he traveled through all the european countries, and asia, where exactly he worked, you won’t understand , where it is, that’s why it was declassified, yet, remember, we showed kozlov’s son his father’s personal belongings from the svr museum, from there...
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today an initiative group gathered in moscow to launch vladimir putin’s fifth presidential campaign. he made a proposal to gather a week earlier artistic director of the oleg tobagov theater vladimir mashkov. by law , the initiative group must have at least 500
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people. the call was responded to by much more connections from there, our correspondent, elizaveta khramtsova, elizaveta, greetings, how is the meeting going? vera, good afternoon, indeed, at these moments the meeting of the initiative group continues, which is talking about...
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