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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 9:00pm-9:21pm MSK

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everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl is repentant, it seems like they’re going to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to drown itself 2.
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valery gergeev, nikita mikhalkov, artyom zhogo , zakhar prilepin, these are just some of the group of voters in support of vladimir putin’s self-propulsion in the upcoming elections, in total it included more than 700 stage and screen people and people of professions that are not public, but no less important - doctors, teachers. for the 2024 elections vladimir putin is going as a self-nominated candidate to declare support for his candidacy. by law, at least 500 people must. 750
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people, the meeting of voters is held as required by law, but for the participants of the event it is important that they generously gave the wealth that nature, god, has given them, and we will do this, i am sure that it will be much easier for us, much, i would say, everything will be brighter. uh, somehow recover, create, if vladimirich just continues what he’s already been doing for uh 20-odd years. putin shouldn’t, because those who don’t support him are either stupid or harmful. all other people who understand the importance of putin and the fact that thanks to him... and his
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team, the country at some point moved away from the edge, and we want to say that the army and navy are for our supreme commander-in-chief, together with him we are strong, together we will win, thank you, and the musicians who regularly go to the combat zone to support the fighters, when i went to donbass for the first time a year and a half ago, for some moment i had a thought about don’t tell anyone this, you know, someone like me... i thought that she was hypocritical, of course , you know, but so as not to promote herself, something like that , and then i realized that no, this is just hypocrisy for the whole country, i formulated for myself that my task is to support my own people. russia has built a system that is aimed at the benefit of every citizen and the development of every sphere, they emphasized at the meeting. in general, this association, and what now sounds in the words that we hear, and what we see in the all-russian popular front, working all these years, we we see that vladimir vladimirovich is uniting the country today. as a society, as
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a multinational state, and another parliamentary party, fair russia patriots for truth, decided to support the current president and not nominate a candidate. i am sure that such a large, united team, the team of our president, we can handle any task, we can cope with any task, and today the most important task is our victory, victory at the front, victory in the rear. victory and confirmed unanimously, more in addition, we announced the collection of orders for our candidate, because today vladimir putin is a real national leader, today vladimir putin understands that he leads the country, a civilization, and he is responsible for many national people and not only for our national people, for the whole world. the next stage is submitting documents on holding a meeting of voters to the central election commission, in case of a positive decision. ilzata
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khramtsova, ekaterina zakharova, diana makurina, nadezhda nefedova, mikhaila verenkov, dmitry timofeev, news. today in moscow, in these minutes the international cadet ball takes place, participation in it. receive delegations from almost all regions of the country; according to tradition, these are students of departmental institutions, as well as suvorov and nakhimov schools. this year, more than a dozen foreign countries joined the event, including representatives of belarus, syria, bolivia, and qatar. i wish you that with all your life, your work, you defend the honor of our country, which, let's be honest, really leads this new era and fights for freedom, for true freedom, so that there are no exceptional people in the world who seem to be entitled to everything. the russian chess federation has signed an agreement with the current national champion among juniors, arseniy
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nesterov. this is the first professional contract of its kind. the signing took place in the central house of the chess player named after batvinnik in moscow, where the federation summed up the results of the year. about how our chess players. are achieving even greater achievements under pressure from western sports organizations, reporting by stas redikultsev. in the luxurious interiors of the central chess player's house in moscow, the chess federation to come , for example, to poland, not only is it quite difficult and expensive to get there, but also poland will not allow just athletes from russia, that is, in order to avoid such cases, such incidents, to ensure the interests of athletes from russia, i this seems like the right move. the russians have won 23 world championships at all ages, young chess players have made themselves known, seventeen-year-old alexei grebnev demolished his peers at the youth championships, which were the championships of asia now, and are now taking place asian championships in el aina, or something, 70 russian chess players are still participating there,
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on the first day eight medals have already been won for fast chess, that is , it seems to me that everything is fine with the tournaments, this evening is special for russian chess, for the first time the federation has signed a professional athlete contract. does not change his sports citizenship, then he will have to return all the money that will be invested in him. the main thing in sport, especially for young chess players, is the opportunity to play. of course i would like perform with the flag and anthem, but since this has happened, we will work in the current circumstances, at a minimum, and this
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, it seems to me, needs to be done so that, in principle, such a chess school continues to work, the festive evening quickly flows into a friendly blitz chess tournament, but even this competition does not end the year for russian chess players. there are three more big starts ahead, the main one of which is the world championship, the afghan communist, fighter of the northern military district, rafi jabar has been fighting in the donbass since 2014. he ended up in the soviet union as a child, and now call our country a second homeland, about the unique story of a russian serviceman who did not lose courage and confidence in his goals even after severe injuries, in a special report by alexander sladkov. russian soldier rafid jabbar , call sign abdul, had not been to his homeland in afghanistan for 13 years, came to stay, his brothers and nephews met him in kabul and accompanied him far to jillalabat to the pakistani
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border, to his ancestral place called sand. look how happy he is. rafi is greeted with honors like a true hero. well especially here is the female, let’s say, part of our relatives, just aunts, let’s say there is an aunt who, when my mother, the almighty called my mother, let’s say, one aunt fed me with her milk, when i left afghanistan, she was blooming a girl, i came back, she’s an old lady , moments like these are very hard for me, they saw me there, say 13 years ago... completely different, in the current situation they are just, well, crying, they have tears there, they kiss there , they hug, there’s stuff like that, well, in general, it’s these moments that are hard, abdullah is a legendary fighter, all
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of russia knows him, jabbar’s great adventures began long before 14 of his peers were brought on a special flight from afghanistan. the father of the governor of balkh province was killed by the mujahideen, my mother went crazy with grief and died. abdul was raised on a closed internet in volgograd. this is a meeting of classmates, years later, within their own walls. i talked to rafi then, he told me about afghanistan, the magipar mountain pass, jumping fish translated from afghan. the road from kabul to jalalabat, unique beautiful and wild places. he stopped, looked around, watched the boys.
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here comes such a moment , they are not talking yet, they are just looking at each other , i don’t know how to try them on, i’m rushing about, well , word for word, they were able to talk , at least over these 30 years, they were able to talk to each other, then there is one of the conventions of the civil war, where it is those close to them who hate fiercely, especially close ones cannot forgive each other, they have not made peace, they have made peace, moreover, on this trip i took two strollers with me at once, i ended up here
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my uncle, a majakhet with him without a leg , exactly the same format as mine, his comrades were seriously wounded by a fragmentation mine, a mine explosion, 35 years ago, ho, and a comrade, by the way, fought against the soviet troops, right? loss of both, love for the movement, for real life, i wish you good health, comrade lod, he’s going
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to the front line, now, abdullah is going out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, to surrender, in general, these appeals to ukrainian soldiers, they should be quite sincere, i’ll tell you why, because they are in a situation where they are ready to believe, wanted i would like to believe, but i urge... you to lay down your arms, i have the right to tell you about this, i am in the position where i was wounded, we do not want your deaths, for your children to become orphans, for your wives to become homeless so that your mothers cry their eyes out, donetsk people's republic, and we, its residents and soldiers, do not want this, this is good. did not offer or ask for anything, he was in a hurry to say as many warm
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words as possible about donbass. enemy propaganda says that soldiers like us are occupiers. the local population will never donate a person’s blood completely for two days, from which the blood flows out, they fill it again and give theirs. the occupier for whom we live and for whom we fight will never do this. afghanistan is always the same for us, abdul saw many new nuances at home. i'm wondering what now? how did you find kabul there? there are fewer people. there's a crowd in kabul. interestingly, traffic lights started working in afghanistan a month ago. afghani is burning, so what? that is, and moves away, waits, letting this side pass.
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this is tendon, let's say, which is boiled, it turns out like glue, it is a very healthy food for men, especially. i'm in afghanistan, i realized how kind people live. in russia , i saw our wandering dogs, well, given the situation here, our people are hungry, give the dog food, so he gives the dog bread, and people look in horror, how can you give bread to a dog, and i see people's consciousness changes, yes, was it really possible, every time
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we went there, passed by, we already we know, everyone already knows that these people, this red car, it feeds. impurity, they would love their president and say: “oh allah, thank you for having us.” by the way, i myself am russian, in response i can say that the afghans are very sensitive people, they are philosophers, kind, compassionate, along the way i passed through checkpoints, well, just like we have checkpoints here, there are also checkpoints in afghanistan,
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there are taliban there, but in principle they somehow you know, they don’t visually see the threat. they did great, the presence of the americans still left a small imprint today, and the taliban now, having received the country, they have now only been in power for 2 years , they change everything with great difficulty, but again they succeed with great difficulty, in the near future it will be even more difficult for them, because there is no flow into the country, the country is closed, recognized by no one,
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there is no money in the country, there is no trade in the country, so these guys, give a conditional enemy, that is, we are not the enemies, who are the enemies? and the damned russians who were here, that is, this whole thing, even celebrated independence day from the day of the withdrawal of the russians, that is, the conditional day of independence it was the day of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, in fact, that is, well , it’s like this farce, it’s quite interesting, the people are fine, i just saw aggression,
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not aggression, that is, no one even touched me with a finger, but in i saw in these conversations... and they were also presented and shown the video where i said that i was a russian soldier, and this hurt them a little. i was interrogated by a security officer, such an extraordinary person, he has the body of a twenty-seven, say, twenty-six-year-old, and the eyes of six in the detention center where he served 5 years , closed, and what’s more... he interrogated me in the room where he was interrogated, he only interrogated me, we talked to him, talked when he was interrogated, all the walls were splattered with his blood , and what’s interesting is that they have a very large democracy inside , that is, if an investigator interrogates me , an inspector comes in, sits down, in short, sits down and looks, in short, he’s interested, well, that’s all,
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so he listens to what he’s asking, what i answer, and on the way, in short, he’s still there interjects, he is deceiving here... either they themselves said, well , someone will vouch for you, say, from russia, no problem, you will go to russia, there are no questions there, and yes, they vouched for me, my homeland is not. .. put, uh, back, when we were leaving, six armored vehicles, the taliban put their pickup truck in front, this rainger, they drove straight to the airport, during
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the airport, even i see there, well, all the cars were still there, that is, they they were very worried about me, my homeland directly showed everyone there that this person is not easy for us, we love him, he is special for us, it was very nice, i would like
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