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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 11:30pm-11:59pm MSK

11:30 pm
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yes, by the end of the eighties, the uar found strength in itself and abandoned both apartheid and nuclear weapons, but how far before this was in the seventy-eighth, when the soviet intelligence officer kozlov revealed the presence of such weapons in southern africa. and then on september 22, 79 , over the deserted region of the world's oceans between south africa and thida, the american satellite vela detected a strange double flash. the specialty of that satellite was to detect nuclear tests, and that flash was very similar to a nuclear explosion. to be fair, when the american planes flew there, after some time, they did not detect traces of radioactivity, but very soon on the opposite end of the ocean in australia, an increased level of iodine 131 was found in sheep. iodine 130 could be a consequence of
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the explosion, that is, now we were talking about a completely new level of threat for the ussr's allies in southern africa in the middle east if south africa really carried out such work together. “meaning, in order to find out the plans of yar’s leadership , it was necessary to go to the south of africa again, but in namibia, kozlov noticed that he was being followed by surveillance, the fastest creature on the planet, well, the scouts will forgive me for this comparison with animals, but it seems to me that it is correct, the scout needs run at maximum speed from outdoor surveillance or from when..." a victim of the same betrayal, either kgb intelligence officer oleg gordievsky, recruited by the british intelligence mi-6, or recruited by the french dst vladimir vetrov, according to different versions, one of them betrayed kozlov. from namibia, flights were only to south africa; the racism of its authorities was
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mixed with anti-communism, and this made south africa, if not a clear, but an ally of the west. following a tip from the west, vuard kozlov was arrested. what are strav doing? when problems arise, they hide their heads in the sand, but kozlov had the opportunity to abstract himself, but this was not about him, he was a completely different bird. at first he continued to stubbornly insist that there had been some mistake, that he was an ordinary german burgher, proof of which is even a notebook covered in numbers. i had the habit, like a real german, of writing down every purchase in a notebook, a pack of cigarettes, and so much in a newspaper. so much, a sandwich, so much, a glass of beer so much, all germans do this , by the way, as a rule, yes, always, when i was later interrogated by south african counterintelligence officers, they said, what do you have so much many numbers? what do they mean, it didn’t give me any peace at all, and
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then the germans arrived, i say, so ask them, i say, let them show you their notebooks, they have the same thing written there, here is a german from... from he himself was an intelligence officer from the bnd bundesnarations, he pulled out his written notebook and showed um applications , the same thing, everything is written out, however , with the german counterintelligence officers we got a little ahead of ourselves, now by what signs do any intelligence officers immediately see the collegiate, our first filming with him was intelligence officer yuri shevchenko, although he only introduced himself as pavel andreevich, but he already taught us to put marks with chalk, andrevich, course of a young fighter, signal put.
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so, where did you place the signals, for what purpose, etc. i went to write about the province. from kozlov’s declassified memoirs from the svr archive. i said that there were two possibilities for this chalk to fall into my hands. and when i flew from hong kong to taipei, i left one suitcase at the hotel. when i handed it over, they asked me to write the room number on the suitcase with chalk, gro dard. i was asked to write down the number of points on the black board with white chalk. may be? chalk ended up in my possession in this way, however, it all looks like muller, in seventeen moments of spring, locked stirlis in a cell so that he would remember where his fingers came from on the suitcase of a russian relative, i remembered, interestingly, that kozlov himself made an analogy with that film, i had an investigator, colonel loy, when they first
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brought me in his office, he had a beautiful portrait of hitler hanging, coinage, he was a big fan of enst kalton bruner, even , in my opinion, he was sad that he didn’t have such a scar. it was on the cheek there too, these were the real ones, they were stupid, you understand, well how can i tell you, bonebreakers and muzzles, naturally, after the first series of interrogations and torture, kozlova is transferred here to the central prison of pritoria, although it’s impossible to say that the torture ended there either, but the fact that he overslept there means they turned on the speakers, and there there were moans, screams,
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thundered into prison, his best friend was horst, already familiar to us. and then cedric realizes that only in one of the cells, next to him, is someone sitting. she and alex, the second prisoner, began to communicate, found many common topics and became friends. we became friends because were against savagery and were people. and this year.
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from now on, i would like you to know how much our friendship means to me. kozlov told this new friend of his who he really was, because, in general, after 6 days, the next morning i woke up, they demanded that i wash my face, then the security police took me away again, people from the security department arrived constitution, here is the bundas, the germans, the germans, yes, counterintelligence officers.
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and so on and so forth, but why, i said that yes, i am a soviet intelligence officer, on this let's stop, we didn't stop, besides the south africans and the germans, others were interrogated , from kozlov's true memoirs, the british, there were two of them, one of them, as it turned out later, spoke perfect russian, they behaved extremely calmly and were only interested in my stay in hong kong. the french behaved like pigs, they were interested in everything, belgium, spain, and portugal, they were the first to offer
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me to stay in the west, i categorically refused. the israeli behaved in a generally boorish manner. it was a young guy he spoke perfect russian with an odessa accent, stated that his name was jora, and mixed interrogations with telling some low-grade jokes and singing obscene chants. and a little higher, he was interested in my agents in israel and... said that there were none, but what about the south africans, what did they ask about in essence, do you see for yourself these south africans, counterintelligence ur, they, to be honest, i don’t think they knew what, why they me arrested, it was their order to arrest them, my next question is this, in his interviews in russia kazlav i assumed that even though he was detained by the helpless special services, the south africans themselves were not aware, i wrote.
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the idas decided not to hand the goat over to the us to maintain diplomatic leverage, even
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though they didn't know the truth. here is this monument, near the headquarters of the svr, it also has its secrets, on this side, the images of cities are general, on this side there are specifics, here, in fact, are our heroes, shevchenko and kozlov. as for kozlov, i think it can be assumed that he was unlikely to be aware. in all the specifics of these political and diplomatic vicissitudes, but, probably, he assumed that it was possible in the service to get him out, because it was he who was the first to reveal it. that the americans did interrogate him, but there is not a single hint that they asked him about the south african nuclear program, that is, if they knew that it was he who discovered it, then they did not talk about it on south african territory in their written memoirs kozlov mentions that they said so that the south africans would not understand that the united states knows everything and knows from the ussr. the americans always have an interesting thing about their agreement on
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creating a nuclear-free zone in africa, the africans added two more. protocol, they are for countries that are permanent members of the security council and possess nuclear weapons. so, africans ask us not to threaten them with nuclear weapons and not to conduct nuclear tests here. an even more interesting thing: russia, china, britain, france, signed and ratified these protocols, the usa signed it, but in a stalemate, the south african kozlovs did not give it to them. and now another quote from cedric mason’s letter, proving that all this story is true.
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that, well, we didn’t know who we were dealing with , so please forgive me for everything that happened to you here, then we realized that you were a normal man, a real guy, and that means you shook my hand, i just caught something hard in my hand, then
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on the plane, in the toilet, i looked, it was just this badge. ur security, here, which i later gave to one very good person, but the psychological pressure continued until the last, first they took me, there, not far from pritoria, there is such a huge mound with a steep ravine , there are probably 100 meters there, just like that , they put me on the edge of the ravine, they say look at the monument to the pioneers of burovka, the analogue of the foreign intelligence service is another version about what was here then. .. it happened that kozlov was brought to the top of this hill, to the edge of this ravine, to stage an execution, expecting that at the last moment he would still falter and cross to the other side, but alexey mikhailovich kozlov himself spoke about the end of this episode like this: well i admired monument, but how did that letter survive? so, cedric mason writes it once again finding himself in prison, but no longer finding his
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comrade there. i'm glad you came out, even if the memories of you are stronger than today. drawings, whoever comes to mind in detail . she put it in a large folder with children's books to check a whole stack of children's creativity, so the letter was saved and kept for many years. i am authorized to convey to you a letter of gratitude from the head of
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one of the government services, sergei evgenievich naryshkin. fine. here please, my god, in his memoirs kozlov mentioned cedric mason, but they were already very far from each other. this is an advertisement for the then south african airlines, but kozlov, who was exchanged for almost a dozen german intelligence officers detained in the social bloc, as well as one officer captured in angola, was transported even better than in the advertisement. border of the federal republic of germany, the german democratic republic, he was handed over to his comrades from the kgb, about what was ahead, from what had happened so far, again, i was gone for a long time,
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this year my son, just me in the summer, that was the end may, my son was finishing my tenth grade, it was just suddenly, early in the morning i was taken from home by car on the black volga, then they went, picked up my sister and took us to a certain facility, yes. he received us very warmly, we set the tables, set the tables, but by the evening you separated? yes, of course, we had to leave, yes, we left, yes, such families have a difficult fate , but south africa today something does not change, somewhere a country where the majority of people with the wrong skin color until recently were considered animals, for the cattle, this is a country that is still...
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i even sometimes, you know, to be honest, have the impression that he probably didn’t get the hero star for this episode, but as
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many say, that it was actually like that an unheard-of incident in the history of world intelligence, when an exposed intelligence officer, with whom the largest intelligence services in the world worked, then again went abroad for 10 years, that is, it was something, and that is , do you think that the star of the hero is even? not for the fact that he revealed south africa's nuclear program, but for what he did later when he re-entered intelligence officers of an illegal immigrant, it may well be like this , i had such thoughts, and despite such difficulties, alexey mikhailovich, because your work, i know, continued later, i went out again under suspicion, that’s what i ’m proud of, they gave me a new passport of a different nationality in his teeth and again traveled through all the european countries and asia, where exactly he worked, so far only one photo has been declassified, but the soldier is standing in such a way that you won’t understand where it is, that’s why it was declassified, still, remember, we showed kozlov’s son his father’s personal belongings from the svr museum, from there another
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artifact from the period. after south africa, these kozlov matches are austrian, which is why we had walz from the very beginning. what kozlov did there is another story, it is still a state secret.
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look at how very safely they kept the drugs, you can be sure that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy.
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frontline suppliers, you need to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you, that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?


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