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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 17, 2023 5:30am-6:00am MSK

5:30 am
yes, by the end of the eighties, south africa found the strength in itself and abandoned both apportheid and nuclear weapons, but how far before that it was in 78, when the soviet intelligence officer kozlov revealed the presence of such weapons in southern africa, then
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lee and i found an increased iodine content 131. iodine 131 could be a consequence of the explosion, that is , now we were talking about a completely new level of threat for the allies of the ussr in southern africa in the middle east, if south africa really carried out such work together with israel, then in order to deduce the plans of the leadership of south africa it is necessary was planning to go to south africa again, but in namibia kozlov noticed that he was being followed. the fastest creature on...
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one of them betrayed kozlov, flights from namibia were only to that same south africa, the racism of its authorities was, after all, mixed with anti-communism, and this made south africa, if not an open one, but an ally of the west. following a tip from the west, kozlov was arrested in south africa. what do straos do when problems arise, bury their heads in the sand? kozlov had the opportunity to abstract himself, but this was not about him, he was a completely different bird. he
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continued to stubbornly insist that some kind of mistake had occurred, that he was an ordinary german burgher, proof of which, even the notebook covered with numbers, i had the habit, like a real german, of making sure to write down every purchase in a notebook, a pack of cigarettes so much , a newspaper - so much, a sandwich so much, a mug of beer - so much, all germans do this, by the way, as a rule, yes, always, that’s when i was later interrogated by south african counterintelligence officers,
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and what did the south africans find in kozlov's luggage? yes, kozlov became a victim of betrayal, but he himself admitted that he let himself down, leaving chalk in his luggage, they laid out, that means, there were notebooks, pencils, they all laid out on the table, then from the suitcase they take out this thrice- damned piece of chalk, and so naturally, right away , where he set the signals, for what purpose, etc.
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, i went to write the province from kozlov’s declassified memoirs from the svr archive. i said that there were two possibilities for this chalk to fall into my hands when i flew out of hong kong. in taipei, then left one suitcase in at the hotel, when i checked it in, they asked me to write the room number on the suitcase with chalk. obviously, mechanically, i left the chalk with me. b. in the same hong kong i went to a bar. many customers played darts there. i was asked to write down the number of points on the black board with white chalk. maybe this is how the chalk ended up in my possession. true, all this is similar to how muller, in seventeen moments of spring, locked stirlis in a cell so that he would remember where he came from. his fingers began to curl up on the suitcase of the russian birthmark, i i remembered, interestingly, that kozlov himself made an analogy with that film, i had an investigator, colonel gloy, when i was first brought into his office, he had a wonderful portrait of hitler hanging, coinage, he was a big fan of enst kaltonbrunner, even
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in my opinion he was sad that he didn’t have such a scar on his cheek there too, they were real stupid ones, you understand, well, how can i say, a bone breaker? they were like that, it all ended when kozlov told the guards: turn off the recording, and he realized that it was a recording, then he transferred to another block of this prison, where he already hears the living voices of people, i already heard swearing, laughter, crying, and swearing, whatever,
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there were already people sitting next to me, i was not alone there, but i could hear not only obscenities, but also the voice of this man, the english priest cedric mason. and this year, kozlov’s father had long since died, cedric mason passed away, but cedric’s family was waiting for kozlov jr. yes, here the
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widow of cedric mason was waiting for kozlov’s son. mikhail kozlov brought souvenirs and a letter of thanks from svr director sergei naryshkina, gratitude for what she saved. letter to alexey kozlov from tsedric maisin. do you remember when handra visited us, we used to encourage each other. from now on, i would like you to know how much our friendship means to me. kozlov told this new friend of his who he really was, because, in general, after 6 days, the next morning i woke up, they demanded that i wash my face, then they took me again to the security police, people from the security department arrived. protection institution, here is the bund pofasyn shots, germans, germans , yes, counterintelligence officers, well, come on, he says , we won’t go around with you for too long, let’s show you photo cards, they give me my photos, and at a fairly young
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age, but they didn’t warn me, that you can’t turn over the cards, i turned one over, and there kozlov, in latin, however, it is written: alexey mikhailovich kozlov, what should i do here? after that, i didn’t try to prove that it wasn’t that you were confused with someone else and so on and so forth, but why did i say that yes, i am a soviet officer intelligence, let's stop there. they didn’t stop, except for the south africans and the germans, they interrogated others from kozlov’s true memoirs, which were declassified for us. the british, there were two of them and one. one of them, as it turned out later, spoke russian perfectly: they behaved extremely calmly and were only interested in my stay in hong kong. the french behaved like pigs, they were interested in everything, belgium, spain, and portugal, they were the first to offer me to stay in the west, i
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categorically refused. the israeli behaved in general, in a boorish manner, he was a young guy who spoke perfect russian with a sodist accent, declared that his name was jora, and mixed interrogations with stories.
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the idas decided not to hand the goat over to the us to maintain diplomatic leverage, even
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though they didn't know the truth. here is this monument, near the headquarters of the svr, it also has its own secrets, on this side, the images of cities are general, on this side there are specifics, here, in fact, are our heroes, shevchenko and kozlov. regarding kozlov, i think it can be assumed that he was unlikely to be in course. all the specifics of these political and diplomatic vicissitudes, but, probably, he assumed that the foreign intelligence service, the then first main directorate of the kgb, was doing everything possible to get him out, because it was he who was the first to reveal the presence of a nuclear program in south africa. in his written memoirs, kozlov mentions that the americans did interrogate him, but there is not a single hint that they asked about the south african nuclear program, that is, if they knew that it was he... he revealed it, but on territory of south africa this was not said so that the south africans would not understand that the united states knows everything and knows from the ussr.
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the americans have always been masters of playing their game, and today too. an interesting thing: to their agreement on the creation of a nuclear-free zone in africa, the africans added two more protocols. they are for countries that are permanent members of the security council and possess nuclear weapons. so the africans ask us not to threaten them.'
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at 100 like this, they put me on the edge of avrag, so he says, admire the monument to the boer pioneers. similar to the external service intelligence has another version of what happened here then, that kozlov was brought to the top of this hill, to the edge of this ravine, to initiate execution, expecting that at the last moment he would still falter and go over to the other side, but alexey himself
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mikhailovich kozlov talked about the end of this episode like this: well, i admired the monument, but what about? “i’m glad that you came out, let the memories of you be stronger than today’s existence. let’s continue our story there in pritoria, where the eternal flame burns, the memory of anti-apartheid fighters. and then, well, basically a miracle happens, even two miracles. so, mason wrote his letter to kozlov, it should be passed through the lawyers after mason is sentenced, but suddenly he is unexpectedly released under '.
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was again unknown in the final part of our film, i was gone for a long time, this year my son was just me in the summer, it was the end of may, my son was finishing my tenth grade, it was just suddenly, early in the morning i was taken from home by car on chernaya volga, then we went, picked up my sister and took us like this once at the object, and then you drive up to it. edge and we are met by alexey mikhailovich , my thinner, well, i lost 40 kilograms during this confinement, he received us very warmly, we set the tables, set the tables, but by the evening you parted, yes, of course, we had to leave, yes, we left, yes, such families have a difficult fate, but south africa
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today, something doesn’t change, somewhere a country where most people with the wrong skin color were considered animals until recently. for the cattle, this is a country that is still looking for balance, that the hydrogen laboratory itself, an interesting moment, although sad , in fact, work was going on, suddenly the external electricity went out, everything stopped, a second later the generator turned on, but in general, we will live in south africa to solve these, in fact, many, many other problems, by the way, now what other prospects are there for joint work in the field of peaceful atom, to take the same nuclear facility where they once made a bomb and...
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“this is because he revealed the military nuclear program of the racists and somewhere led to it suspension, yes, yes, i think it should be, should mr. kozlov's name be
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embossed on the wall of heroes in freedom park in the pritoria? everyone who agrees with us, in the forefront, my friend, cedric mason, would say that yes, they want mr. kozlov to be immortalized in ur, i could suggest a few names for such a list and he will absolutely go there." comes in. alexey mikhailovich kozlov himself said this about the south african officer who was captured in angola, on whom he, in particular, was targeted in addition to a dozen other special services from germany. after all, he came to angola with a machine gun in his hands, he sowed death on the territory of another country, where no one invited him, they themselves came there, they killed people, he was taken prisoner there, so the correspondent asked her: please tell me, was it some kind of physical violence against... you, he directly said: no, never, they just fed poorly, well, they fed poorly, probably no worse than me, because worse is impossible, but
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no physical violence, no methods of violence were not applied to him, just those about whom they said that they half-baked that they just climbed down from the tree yesterday, and that they don’t have any respect for them, they saw it in a civilized way, i even sometimes, you know, now... they say it’s like he’s a star-hero, probably not for this episode, but as many say, it was such an unheard of incident in the history of world intelligence, when an exposed intelligence officer, who was working with the largest intelligence service in the world, then went abroad again for 10 years, that is, this is there was something, that is, you think that the hero's star is not even for the fact that he revealed ur nuclear program, but for what he did later, when he re-joined the illegal intelligence officers. it may well be like this, i had such thoughts, yes, despite such difficulties, alexey mikhailovich, because my work for you, i know, continued later,
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i went out again under surprise, that’s what i’m proud of, they gave me teeth, a new passport, of a different nationality, and again traveled through all the european countries, and asia, where he definitely worked, so far only one photo has been declassified, but the soldier stands in such a way that you won’t understand where this is why it was declassified, nevertheless... remember, we showed son kozlov his father’s personal belongings from the svr museum, from there another artifact from the period after. these kozlov matches are austrian, that’s why from the very beginning we had walst, what kozlov did there is another story.
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5:56 am
hello, he's coming back, oh , i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up , eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now. kliffosovsky, we look before everyone else in the application or on the website.
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let's look before everyone else, where is vosnitsova , let go, muda, vosnetsova, i'm in reality now , you know, i'm not very comfortable, someone was killed again, but what... what is it you have no sleep, no rest, let's sign up, look,
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extreme sports, take precautions. promise me that you will sing. from the bottom of my heart, i promise, bremen musicians, this is my group, is this the same boy who enchanted everyone with his songs?
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6:00 am
powerful explosions rocked the area tonight ukraine, message from local authorities. media come from several regions at once. one of them was the odessa region. the roar was heard in odessa, twice already in the last few hours. the same information came from kirovograd, as well as from kherson, still controlled by the kiev regime. there , too, two series of explosions were heard. there is information that a fire broke out in the city center. the air raid alert in ukraine was announced several times during the night. the siren was heard.


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