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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 17, 2023 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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january 1993, then in st. petersburg , our interlocutor says, it happened not far from the moscow market, the killer opened fire on the driver and passenger of the raf minibus, killed one, seriously wounded the second, there was... but a criminal case, but soon it went away on the shelf where, 30 years later, this folder was found by investigator maria ivanova, the dust had to be blown off from the yellowed sheets after the probable killer himself surrendered to the law enforcement officer, he believed that he had killed two, only during the investigation we informed him that here is one person who survived as a result of this attack, an investigative experiment, sergei miroshnik pinpointed the location of the murder and described his actions in detail, and i approached from the right side, yep, shot. everything, where they shot, how
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many times, well, those in the car, how many times they shot, probably six times, because there were still two cartridges left, they shot where, at people, the killer showed the investigators the bridge from which he threw the gun and told why he decided to confess to the murder several decades later, his conscience was stuck, his conscience and the desire to remove sin from his soul, in the nineties years of problems with conscience. sergei miroshnik did not experience, a year after he shot criminal opponents in a car, miroshnik, in the spirit of gangster petersburg, solved the problem with a novice rocketeer who dared to extort money from him. he says: okay, you ’ll hide behind someone there, like you can’t get an ox from you, like, you know what, but your son won’t go anywhere, and your son is 6 years old, i say, listen, i tell you i’ll crash here now, there’s no person, no problem, what are you talking about, that’s it, no... it’s in the mess he started at the table
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grab it, well, i shot it all. a week later, sergei miroshnik was detained, then convicted and sent to a colony. he left in ninety-eight, it turned out that his closest associates in the criminal trade, including the leader of the brigade, were killed or arrested. the gang, which included miroshnik, was part of the most powerful tambov organized crime group in st. petersburg. this criminal community included hundreds of ordinary fighters and dozens of crime bosses. led. it is believed that the organized crime group itself ceased to exist, but from time to time the security forces they detain people from the group, which has had a trail of bloody crimes since the nineties. new episodes of criminal activity continue to emerge, and other members continue to be detained, arrested and prosecuted . sergei
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miroshnik watched the final defeat of the organized crime group from the sidelines; he completely retired, he says, he met the love of his life, and together with his wife began breeding elite breed puppies. pets were sold all over the world; there was enough money for a comfortable life. the idyll has collapsed when sergei’s beloved died from a serious illness, the nursery closed, and for 2 years the dealer wandered around st. petersburg and the region, drowning his sorrows in alcohol, and at one time even became homeless. a potential participant in the tambov organized crime group spent the last few months in this house, the center of st. petersburg, gorokhovaya street, the building was built in 1846, at one time the famous russian doctor andrei yappa lived here, but now the quality of repairs in the front entrance, of course, leaves much to be desired , the walls are peeling, the stairs are also up to the ball.
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i'm glad i got rid of the burden on my soul, despite on door bolts and bars on windows, he sleeps well and does not feel anxious. they even asked me somewhere subconsciously, and you said, you’re not afraid, that they didn’t clear you out then, they will clear you out now, no, you know why, but i’m tired of being afraid in this life, there’s zero fear. sergei miroshnik assures that he will answer for the atrocities of past years, for the first time in his life he is at peace with the law. and is ready to accept
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the due punishment. andrey romanov, maria bukata, alexey gorshkov, andrey melnikov. news, duty department. another news too from st. petersburg, the former head of the migration department was arrested here. regional department of the ministry of internal affairs. investigators believe that colonel andrei kolesnikov illegally legalized more than 16 thousand migrants for a reward. some of them were convicted on serious charges. it is curious that shortly before this , a local deputy was arrested in st. petersburg, who allegedly established an illegal supply channel for the registration of foreign citizens. it is possible that it was his testimony that became the basis for the detention of the former policeman. treadmill track in the detention center this week. in the chelyabinsk region, the court arrested the head of the city of troitsk. alexander vinogradov got burned on a bribe, which he received attention, in a sports exercise machine. previously, the mayor had already been involved in a scandal involving abuse of power, but then he got away with this story, here’s a new twist. we’ll find out what happened this time
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from my colleague, editor-in-chief of the final issue of our program tatyana shazo. tatyana, mayor, it turns out that you’re done? i got there, so they say. about their mayor, residents of the chelyabinsk city of troitsk. not only that he had already tried to escape from justice once, but now he was caught on a treadmill. investigators believe that the mayor received it in the form of a bribe. has an unhealthy mind really developed in a healthy body, or was the simulator needed to increase the speed of corruption skills? one way or another, the security forces apparently removed the mayor from the race for a long time. here is alexander vinogradov behind bars in the courtroom, as a true supporter of zosh. sports jacket barely fits in the defendant's cage, not the best finish for a mayor with ten years of experience, and this is his comrade for a corrupt race, and probably a generous donor of sports equipment, by an amazing coincidence, also grapes, only dmitry , as the media write, is a businessman owner of a grocery chain, a penny, for his far from penny
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gift, the cost of the mayor's treadmill is estimated at 120 thousand rubles, he supposedly received a quick registration of documents for the construction of a building; currently, investigators of the sl committee of the russian federation are carrying out investigative and procedural actions aimed at consolidating the evidence base, security clearances are carried out in official premises, the bribe item is confiscated, and the person suspected of receiving a bribe is detained. the name of mayor vinogradov in troetsk is associated with many ugly stories: people complained about poor cleaning of the city, pollution of the local river called uy, poor quality water supply, and residents were probably concerned about the moral character of the mayor, he came to a meeting with... wearing an expensive down jacket from famous italian brand, on the contrary, sported without pants. this photo is circulating on the internet, supposedly taken several years ago during the next searches in the mayor's office. in the photo , a man very similar to vinogradov, wearing only a shirt, meets security forces. it is unclear
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whether he wanted to surprise the law enforcement officers with something, or whether he had just gotten off another exercise machine and simply did not have time to change clothes. be that as it may, the residents of troitsk joke sadly that it was their mayor who almost left them without pants. alexander vinogradov's station lasted for several years. he first found himself on an obstacle course with the law in march 2021. then the mayor was accused of exceeding his powers. allegedly he illegally transferred the property of the heat supply organization to another company. the investigation lasted 2 years, the court ruled:
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the mayor was not guilty of anything. vinogradov seems to have believed so much in his victory that he filed a claim for compensation for moral damage. either out of sporting interest, or out of self-interest, he tried to collect. state 10 million rubles. this question is still open, but the mayor himself is already closed. alexander vinogradov, and at the same time his namesake dmitry, were arrested for 2 months. it is curious that the former mayor of troitsk also finished in court. he was sent to a colony for abuse of power and accepting bribes. he left prison on parole. now the marathon baton seems to have been seized by a successor. but perhaps there is a positive point in this: behind bars, grapes on... will probably be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle, early rise, daily walks, moderate physical activity, the vsin system guarantees. yes, thank you, tatyana, a very revealing corruption run, it is not recommended to repeat it. well now about one more thing
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an event that did not leave us indifferent. this week in moscow, a court released scientist hydrologist alexander tsvitkov from custody. he was accused of killing four people based on information from. artificial intelligence. the neural network revealed the scientist’s resemblance to an identikit of a possible criminal. and it’s okay that on the day of the murder tsvetkov was on an expedition. journalist eva merkacheva talks about this controversial story. told vladimir putin, a story appeared on our program, after which the court released the scientist with a ban certain actions, now apparently the indictment will have to be reviewed . new year's deception. in the russian union, the travel industry is warned about scammers who have become more active on the eve of the main winter holiday. there are already dozens of victims in moscow alone. the scheme is approximately the same. scammers offer luxury vacations on the islands for the price of a hotel somewhere in the moscow region. it's like a gift from santa claus, but there is one caveat: you need to send an advance payment to the wizard's bag. trusting people
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happily transfer money, and then, as if in according to the famous fairy tale, after the chiming clock, the promised resorts melt like snow and the sun, along with the fake tour operators. residents of several regions found themselves in a similar situation. people dreamed of spending new year's holidays on the beach, so they ended up going on boat tours. everyone’s story seems to be a carbon copy. this is a waiver tour, so it could cost half a million. well, it was bought a year ago at a different rate, they refused, now it’s just now that we need to deposit the money right away, it turned out that we just paid 26,000 for air, we’ll talk about how not to fall into the trap of scammers with our guest, vice-president of the russian union of travel industry, dmitry gorin, hello, dmitry, hello, scammers use different tricks, of course, but we can still highlight the most common ones. the techniques they use. the main way is to create fake sites or very
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large discounts of 50-70%. but alas, there is a third type of fraud, when payment is made to a private person, and this company is not registered, for example, in the register labor operators. what directions do scammers offer? these are very popular destinations, now they include turkey, egypt, thailand, the united arab emirates, sri lanka. now in the internet era, unfortunately, they have appeared, including through a resource.
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there are companies that open and close after a month, so look , among other things, at the period of the company’s activity, how can you understand that this is not a travel agent, but a scammer who is betraying these scammers? when you are offered to pay a private person using his personal card - this is the first sign fraud, as well as when you are offered a 50-70 discount. you must immediately understand that this is also a risk. and, of course, we encourage you to work in co-organized tourism segments. now, by the way, there is already a state electronic travel information system, it started on november 15, the consumer can check the legality of the trip. thank you, dmitry, for your valuable advice. indeed, on the eve of the holidays, we all believe in a new year's miracle, but the main thing is not to trust scammers, including. our dreams, we spoke with the vice-president of the russian union of travel industry, dmitry gorin. thank you,
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have a nice trip. a large-scale special operation by police from spain and italy, they restrained a criminal group that was spilling fake olive oil; several thousand liters of the popular product were seized. the largest oil refineries were involved in the dark scheme. store-bought olivier and fur coats, what kind of creepy ingredients are in them? my colleague,
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alina skachkova, infiltrated the ranks of chefs and saw a true store kitchen, her an investigation into how to sit at the new year's table and stay alive. muscovite anna shapira deftly wields a knife in her home kitchen. last new year, she was almost killed by purchased tsez. this year i decided to deal with salads myself. i was shaking, and there was terrible nausea and intoxication. that's the only thing. it was so bad that i didn’t even have the strength to call an ambulance, of course, after that i stopped buying any salads at all, there are more and more such sad stories in the days before new year’s, only in recent months there have been several at once. six cases in the moscow region, 16 in dagestan, where people fell ill after low-quality olivier, in st. petersburg caesar put fifty people on a hospital bed, in total, in a year more than 90 thousand patients with acute intestinal infections turned to doctors, in fact, an entire city of poisoned people, so what secrets are hidden in traditional fur coats and olivier under a thick layer
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of mayonnaise, we just bought a ready-made salad at the nearest grocery store, it’s herring under a fur coat, we’ll take it to you. she is sent to the laboratory for examination, but one detail is already alarming, on the packaging it says that this dish can be stored for a week, and this despite the fact that according to all standards , the lifespan of already dressed salads is at most a couple of three hours, well, let's see what the experts say, while the experts determine what our salad actually consists of, we we’ll try to find out where in what conditions it is being prepared as a journalistic experiment, we’ll get a job as a cook in a popular chain of hypermarkets, a parade of routine questions and interviews on...
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she’ll see, she’ll close the damn thing before anyone gets poisoned, and i tell her, she’ll get poisoned, then they will see us, everything in the windows looks decently appetizing, buyers willingly take the finished product, because they don’t even know what’s going on in the kitchen, next to the refrigerator an already expired olivier is decomposing, for some reason it was not disposed of immediately, resulting in a foul smell flies flocked, the same carriers of dangerous infections as
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rats, if this is an infection, then this is hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital, someone sends...
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an excess in the total microbial number is needed, well, quite significant, if more microorganisms, then among them there may be some kind of danger to human health , in simple words, the risk of being poisoned by this fur coat , although small, is there, and after all , it will be difficult to ask later, in case of litigation, the store will begin to unlock, suddenly the buyer himself violated the conditions storage, or, for example, dropped the salad on the floor , from there pathogenic bacteria appeared in it, and few of those who were poisoned would decide... for such battles, to come to their senses after a poisonous feast, the state is so nauseating, dizzy, drunk i’m full, so can’t i find a high-quality ready-made salad on the shelves now , we go in search of it together with the moscow restaurateur andrei griznov, first of all we study the composition, oh , and the famous frenchman lucien olivier, who invented his
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legendary dish in the 19th century, would probably choke, instead hazelnuts, capers and crayfish necks, put according to the original recipe in modern... does not mean that absolutely all store-bought salads should be avoided, there will certainly be those that are made with soul, from high-quality products in a clean kitchen, but even experienced chefs admit that there is only one
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reliable way to choose a safe dish - to cook it yourself, and at the same time spend time with loved ones at a common, still pre-holiday table. alina skachkov, alexander bikarevich and maria bukata, lead the duty department. the queen of marathons has become a victim of hackers. on friday , news came that elena blinovskaya’s account on public services was hacked by attackers, they somehow gained access to her personal account, most likely with the help malicious link, how exactly blinovskaya suffered as a result of this attack is not reported, an early court extended her house arrest, let me remind you that bloggers accuse hundreds of millions of rubles of tax evasion. about the defeat of perhaps the most famous hacker group in russia, a new investigation by eduard petrov, the film viral invasion tells how the gang members...
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excuse the burglar who enters the apartment, through the door, through the window, various tools, master keys yes, this is all known to the general public, in in computer matters, the production of these master keys is the process of creating computer programs that are written by programmers, i did not write computer programs, i said there, you need to write such a master key, such a master key, but even so, i didn’t have it. free will, i was not a free bird in all these respects. so, the premiere of the film viral invasion is in just a few minutes. even
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more news in telegram channels from the duty department and an honest detective, bright fragments of our broadcasts and better investigations we look at the platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on the honest detective channel. we have everything. andrei ivlev was in the studio. see you. it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, fireworks, turning on the new year's light, lighting the lights, a magic staff. fairy-tale helper, grandfather, and we have something delicious at home, he can conjure something, he can
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do magic, the snowman is a courier, it’s proven that my grandfather is santa claus. on new year's eve , anyone can turn out to be a wizard, someone very close to you, a random passer-by or a fellow traveler, at home on the edge of earth, it is very easy to create miracles if you do it from the bottom of your heart, again. year wizards, many remedies for heartburn try to extinguish it, ames has a different approach, ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach and helps fight the appearance of heartburn. ames is
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we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important to be honest and convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote, to choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here? observation of the progress of fair elections by the people is guaranteed by the law , our rights are guarded by it, the suspicion that a violation has occurred, will record a moment of this incident, observation, choose in the country, freely, important, honestly convenient, one young lady got drunk with the hussars of wine, asked
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steal for fun. regiment a cannon and with her own hands shot into a peasant hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems , we drove to paris, we’ll devour an oyster, we’d forgive him, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going to drown yourself, two.
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let's continue the broadcast, hackers from yekaterinburg created a virus with which they stole more than a billion rubles from banks. how we managed to identify the criminals details of the first russian. history of the case of a hacker group in the investigation of eduard petrov “virus invasion”. watch right after the commercial. deposit - the best interest rate in sberbank - is an easy way to profitably invest money online. with just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made.


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