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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 17, 2023 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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thundered in ukraine tonight. messages from local media authorities come from several regions at once. one of them was the odessa region. the roar was heard in odessa, twice already in the last few hours. the same information came from kirovograd, as well as from the kherson regime still controlled by the kiev regime. there, too, two series of explosions were heard. there is information that a fire broke out in the city center. the air raid alert in ukraine was announced several times during the night. the siren was heard by residents of twelve regions of the country and that part of kherson. an area that is
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under the control of the nationalists. the kiev regime launched new attacks on peaceful settlements in donbass, and donetsk also came under fire. destruction from militant strikes was recorded in several areas at once. such attacks occur against the backdrop of new defeats of the ukrainian armed forces on the front line. the ministry of defense reports that in the donetsk direction alone , almost 300 killed and wounded nationalists per day. olga lukyanenko will tell you the details. donbass defenders destroy enemy personnel with small arms fire weapons and machine guns in the donetsk direction, working from the trenches. the whole front line is thundering, it works. our weapons, millimeter by millimeter, our guys are retaking russian soil. here next to me, just behind me , a fighter is working, doing physical training. exactly, all this is important in order to effectively destroy the enemy’s manpower and equipment, even.
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the hottest directions, we are leaving, we are leaving, we are leaving, we are leaving, we are leaving, we are leaving, a fighter with the call sign beluga came from the distant altai territory, he says the enemy is trying to break through, but our the guys work efficiently, we work here all the time, we put pressure on our opponents , they constantly attack, well, we stop them, in the future we work like that, but how can you work in such weather conditions, but you’re already used to it, everything is fine, everything is fine, gone? our fighters are successfully advancing at the front, but the enemy is taking revenge on the civilians of the republic, neo-nazis are striking, including in donetsk. the enemy struck the kuiboshevsky district of donetsk, now we see a crater, 155 caliber was used, people were left without glazing, in such cold weather, facades of residential buildings were also damaged, one person. as a result of this
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shelling, he was wounded, and the budenovsky district was also under fire, more than once. the pattern of ukrainian militants does not change; they strike several times, repeating their criminal actions, thus wanting to cause as much harm as possible to the population and infrastructure of the region. in what appeared to be a rear area, two civilians were injured. the armed forces of ukraine carried out targeted fire from khars multiple launch rocket systems directly at civilly.
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the ski installations that paris transferred to kiev are poorly adapted to the realities of war, the ukrainian military complained about this to the french media, according to them, the caesar howitzer is too large, if it is taken out into the open, it will very quickly become a target for oncoming fire. the militants told another news portal about the superiority of the russian army in the number of drones. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you what other confessions are heard in the western media. a whole series of decadent articles are published by western press. the british magazine stektator states with regret that no one wants to talk about ukraine anymore against the backdrop of the middle east conflict; the publication’s columnist notes that due to large losses, kiev has to send increasingly older soldiers, and also women, to the front line. supplies of western weapons do not help, so ukraine has no choice but to admit the loss of territories in exchange for negotiations. the times newspaper also admits that the situation is deadlocked. the author of the article doubted that kiev would be able to resist. sober situation says
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we know that we need a strategy to get out of the conflict. nevertheless, the command of the armed forces of ukraine continues to drive its subordinates to meaningless assaults. this is exactly how ukrainian soldiers described their attempts to advance on the left bank of the dnieper to the new york times. they complained about poor training and logistics, as well as overly bravura speeches by officials who wishful thinking. there is no position,” says alexey. it is impossible to gain a foothold there, as well as to move equipment. this. not even a struggle for survival, but suicide mission. the people who find themselves there are not psychologically prepared, they don’t even understand where they are going, they are not informed by the command that sends them there. despite this, the ukrainian command does not seem to abandon the idea of ​​a new offensive, says german
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security expert nika lange. in his opinion, this is evidenced by the list of weapons that kiev is requesting: helicopters, f-16 fighters and missile systems. but the publication... bilt, on the contrary, believes that the ukrainian general staff refused new attacks. the ukrainian armed forces are already retreating. the cnn channel describes gloomy prospects for ukraine; representatives of western intelligence services told reporters that kiev is already having to conserve ammunition. and without new help from the united states , the ukrainians could suffer a major defeat by the middle of next year. however, military experts believe that even without additional funding , the biden administration will continue to support kiev. they will begin to choose what we can do without at first in relation to our own reserves for wartime, so i believe they will begin to give away what we ourselves need, they have already done this, but i think in this case we will talk about a much larger scale,
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against the backdrop of political turbulence in the united states, europe is preparing to take over the time of supporting ukraine , according to the german defense minister, sooner or later the eu will have to replenish kiev with those weapons that... washington can provide, however, in european bins, boris pistorius admitted, not everything is available. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. in the gas sector as a result of an israeli air raid , a french foreign ministry employee was killed. according to the department, the diplomat was taking refuge in the house of colleagues behind the consulate general when the israeli air force struck. paris condemned the attack and demanded that the israeli authorities disclose the circumstances of the incident. meanwhile, the tdf reports that the military found weapons in one of the hospitals. enclave centers. according to the israeli army , hamas used the hospital as a command center. also during the raid , secret communications documents were discovered. continue to put pressure on hamas benjamin promised netanyahu. according to him, this is the only way to free all the hostages. at the same time, according to israeli media, members
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of the military cabinet are discussing the possibility of a new deal to exchange prisoners. head massad allegedly raised this issue in negotiations with the prime minister of qatar. the option of releasing the elderly is being considered. men and civilians in exchange for high-ranking palestinian prisoners, however, hamas rejects the prospect of negotiations, the movement emphasizes that israel must first stop the military operation. off the coast of libya more than 60 migrants, including women and children, died due to the shipwreck. this was reported by the libyan branch of the international organization for migration. in total there were 86 people on the boat, they were heading to europe. most passengers are citizens. nigeria, gambia and other african countries. for the first time in history, a court in the vatican convicted a cardinal, angelo boetsch, who will spend 5 and a half years in prison for fraud with luxury real estate. former vatican undersecretary of state purchased a building in the center for the holy see
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overpriced london. the cardinal spent more than 200 million euros in donations on this. and according to the prosecution, he caused damage in the amount of at least 130 million. in the dock . in addition to the cardinal, there were also brokers, realtors and financiers. the russian strategic missile forces are armed with unique complexes that have no analogues; they have high combat readiness and controllability. defense minister sergei shaigu congratulated the military on their professional holiday and noted: the strategic missile forces remain the country’s reliable defense, its guarantor security and strategic stability. according to the head of the department, fighters of this type of troops are professionals with high responsibility. discipline, this helps to successfully master the latest weapons and be ready to carry out assigned tasks. in the astrakhan region, on the day of the strategic missile forces, recruits of the kapustin yar missile range took the oath. the ceremony took place in the very center of znamensk. the head of the training ground congratulated the young soldiers on
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this significant event. he is sure that the replenishment that came with the autumn calls will serve with dignity. they gave military relatives a tour , they were shown on... i was already 8 years old, the last time the network was turned off this spring for security reasons due to attacks by the armed forces of ukraine, well , it’s not easy to access, they didn’t just open access, they also improved the quality of communication, increased the number of base stations, about how the residents of lugansk were returned to the online space roman smogliy, by the way, we haven’t started ordering yet, nikita karpich is planning his new year holidays, with mobile internet it’s much more convenient. no longer need to look for a wi-fi point, connection around the clock, and his work requires him to be
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online. today i was driving from an event, but i had a text, i had photos, and there was a deadline, so i had to give it all away urgently, i turned on the mobile internet, in 10-15 seconds all the files were already in my colleagues’ office. there has been no stable mobile internet in the republic for the last 8 years, it was turned off several times for security reasons, the front was close, now the situation is changing and returning again. online life of lugansk residents, very convenient, very comfortable, i use it pleasure, it has become more convenient, you don’t fall out of work, from life, from communication. it will take 10 days to debug the signal quality, not all areas will be connected to the networks, this will not apply to the territories of lisichansk, severodonetsk, rubezhnaya, kremennaya, svatovo, now i still have to wait for the final answer from the military on... troitsk. residents of lugansk became the first to see the coveted 4g in their smartphone. in
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the future, the internet will be launched in other areas. the phased approach will ensure that already working networks are not overloaded. for full work mobile internet may require additional settings. detailed instructions are available in the vesti lugansk telegram channel. a couple of clicks and you are online. the quality of communications in the republic is improving. another third operator began work in lugansk. it has been launched in all new regions. russia, we allow our arguments to remain connected in any conditions. for now there is only one tariff, without access to mobile internet, it will appear in new packages a little later. a new player on the luhansk market is ready to invest more than 5 billion in the development of the network infrastructure. this will affect the operation of the internet. the emergence of the mobile internet opens up a huge number of opportunities, these are opportunities in the retail sector and opportunities in the transport and logistics sector. this is both an institution of the ministry of health and educational institutions. roman smogliy, dmitry pyrkh,
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maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk. the chelebinsk tractor plant opened the production of high-tech equipment for oil workers. previously, it was purchased abroad. more than a billion rubles were invested in the new workshop. ksenia voloshina appreciated the scale of the new production. a new player from chelyabinsk has appeared on the oil and gas equipment market - the buran plant. it was located on... the territory of chtz, now we are in one of its workshops. this is where high-tech equipment will be produced. previously, similar products were purchased abroad. a new part emerges from under the machine of a turner with twenty years of experience, alexei kozlyakov. it’s great, of course, everything here is modern, technology. in general, i really like it. i think everyone likes it. more than 100 people already work at chelyabinsk buran human. another 20 specialists are engaged in geological calculations in moscow. and five engineers. work in the fields , in the future we will have a team of more than a thousand people, and at least about 800 at
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the plant, liner hangers, couplings and shoes, their quality largely determines how much black gold will be extracted and how long the well will live, so highly qualified specialists the plant operates the latest generation machines. the subsequent well life cycle. more than 1 billion rubles were invested in the production site with an area of ​​700 km. in the next few years there will be two more stages, each also with 7. we will expand the line of equipment produced, the volume of equipment produced, the products will be sent to the largest fields in the country. ksenia voloshina, evgeny emeldinov, lead the southern urals. in blagoveshchensk, traffic was opened on a new bridge over the zeya river; its
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construction was completed a year ahead of schedule. the crossing will help relieve congestion on the old road, which has long been in need of repair will be able to handle up to 14 thousand cars per day. public transport will be launched across the bridge soon, but entry for heavy trucks will be closed. svetlana dyuzhova saw what the main gate to the amur capital looks like now. traffic on the new zeya bridge, which was the last one to be built. years were opened in both directions without pomp and solemn speeches, giving motorists the right to evaluate the quality of the new structure for themselves. the new bridge is the largest road transport infrastructure facility built in... the region over over the last decade, a large construction project on behalf of president vladimir putin began in 2020, it was dictated by a significant increase in the intensity of traffic and the growing load on the only crossing connecting blagovesensk with other regions of the amur region and the federal highway. after decades of operation of the existing bridge, it has increasingly become defects were discovered, due to which such a popular path was blocked
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for repairs. construction of the bridge, contractor bamton stroy most completed for a year empathy. despite the pandemic, floods, and labor shortages, all this time the construction was supported, accompanied, and personally supervised by the deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, marat shakerzyanovich kusnulin. we are very grateful to him. the cost of the object is more than 24 billion rubles. the bulk of them were raised from the federal budget; construction was financed within the framework of three programs at once: safe , high-quality roads, assistance and development of the transport system. amur region. the new crossing has 26 supports, a cable-stayed system, approaches on both banks and two road junctions, including one adjacent to the access road to blagoveshchensk, these are two levels with ramps and an overpass. the total length of the paved path is more than 10 km, almost two of which are the bridge itself across the river. drivers are already actively testing it,
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some even just out of curiosity. even, smooth, convenient junctions. do you often have to travel out of town on business? no. honestly, i looked because the road with work next to us was closed all the time, but they finally opened it, maybe some life will begin to move. by the way, traffic on the new bridge is not accessible to everyone, for vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons, the path here is closed, only through the old crossing, in the future they plan to make it exclusively for cargo, in order to prevent heavy equipment on the central street of blagoveshchensk, these passenger transport restrictions do not apply. starting next year , buses will be running along the new crossing; stops are ready, as well as pedestrian crossings. on the new bridge structure, drivers, if the need arises, will have the ability to call for help throughout the entire bridge, after a certain interval, special buttons are installed. it is expected that the capacity of the facility will reach 1,400 cars per day; by the way, its construction was carried out in conjunction with the reconstruction of gorky street, now this is the main entrance gate to the amur capital.
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as for the old building, as soon as financial opportunity arises, it is planned to overhaul it, the issue price is 6 billion. the first moscow beauty week, what russian manufacturers presented and what benefits received after western brands left the market, a brilliant departure is about this in a special report by varvara nevskaya. it is only later that bright labels will be pasted onto the beautiful bottles and sent to hundreds of stores throughout the city, so that every metropolitan beauty can replenish her beauty arsenal,
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but until that moment, each product goes through a serious technological path in order to change... the obscure pinoma name to good shower gel familiar to consumers. we loaded the water and set the heat to 50°. and after that we need to load the peahens, a pin-washing system that washes away all the dirt well from us. this production daily produces soap, shampoos, masks, creams and much more for two capital brands at once. the first company is a project of two experts on arab culture and history. all products from toner to beauty oil are vegan and not tested on animals. behind each bottle of cosmetic product lies a multi-stage production process. and cooking
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is the very first important stage of production. we have reactors who are our commissioning engineers. modernized for example, they changed the mixer and the shape of the mixer specifically for us, so that we could produce not only foam washing systems or direct emulsions, but also such as fatty creams of the reverse type and lamellar emulsions. the quality standards are the highest; each prepared composition is tested by the laboratory for chemical and organalyptic properties. now we are testing a serum with a lifting effect, we will conduct determination tests. ph determination of viscosity using viscometry based on the results , we will compare with the reference sample if the indicators will correspond to the reference sample, then the product will go further. real quality compared to western analogues, consumer demand categorically rejects the cliché that took root back in the nineties, that a domestic product is supposedly inferior to
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moscow cosmetics is so great that this year the company doubled production . a russian cosmetics manufacturer can produce cosmetics of any quality at any level, it can be super high quality, that is. an impressive range of beauty products, the most important event for the entire rapidly growing industry, moscow beauty week, gave everyone the opportunity to truly see everything that is produced in the capital. we now have 460 companies represented at the exhibition , more than 180 of them are moscow, we see how they grow, we see how they develop, how successfully they replace the niches of departed brands,
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so in general we see these positive trends and we are very happy for our manufacturers, and of course, we do everything possible to support these companies, including such events as moscow beauty week. the quintessence of the best domestic brands, high quality, attractive and most importantly, made in russia. moscow beauty week, taking place for the first time, features not only thousands of cosmetic brands, literally for every taste and budget, but also 50 sessions of the business program, five thematic zones, world-famous top makeup artists and more than 100 international and russian experts. areas with decorative care cosmetics, hairdressing and nail services, a health section and much, much more. all means can. test and of course, buy. moscow beauty week also features fascinating master classes in makeup artistry and creating stylish hairstyles, both for professionals
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and beginners. i'll just take a warm shade, since i have gold. gold goes well with all warm shades. if it were silver, i would go for cooler shades to continue my makeup. the quality of the products presented here was appreciated. exhibition guests and experts alike. the capital is ready to show off not only creams, shower gels, masks, serums and fluids, but also our own perfumes, including interior ones, as well as beauty gadgets and specialized care products. our shelves are now being emptied, for a russian cosmetics manufacturer there is an opportunity to stand on these shelves, get to know their clients, introduce their products to offer, and such events are very important, they are truly colossal. the opportunities that each brand can get for itself here, at least to communicate with the end consumer, to create some collaborations, get to know the industry,
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see what’s going on, and gain a lot of knowledge, and in general, for small brands , especially this is an opportunity to express themselves. young niche brands are already large well-known manufacturers; in total, more than fifty original brands were presented at a special exhibition stand, made in moscow. we have a lot of entrepreneurs who submitted applications and wanted to be present at our collective stand as part of beauty week. this is a certain measure of support, assistance in participating in offline events, because with the help of such events our brands can personally come into contact with their target audience. moreover , each has its own target audience; there are affordable products for daily care and premium cosmetics, and even exclusively men’s lines. usually. the assortment on the shelves of stores with cosmetics for men is limited to shower gel, shaving foam and deodorant, but real
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macho men have dryness, rashes and redness, there is a shortage of skincare products on the russian market products for the stronger sex filled this capital brand. we have brought a slightly different approach, our assortment includes care creams, gels, patches, and various care products, dry oils with... which evaporate when applied, these are modern cosmetics, which are based on the experience of professional technologists, which carry the basic task is to prevent transportermal loss of moisture, and this is to moisturize, nourish the skin, hair, and also our products contain natural essential oils that affect the entire man's body. more and more often, moscow brands are found as a priority product in class beauty salons. premium, this moscow company used to distribute a large american brand that produces professional hair cosmetics, but last year the course
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changed dramatically. and all these. year, well, it turns out 20 years, we thought about creating our own brand, but on the russian market there was such a mentality that imported products are always better than domestic ones, it was very difficult to enter the market, it turned out that the american brand left the market, and we made a complete replacement of it, dyes, all the treatments for salons, beauty, everything that a master, a hairdresser needs for hair care, so that the quality of the product made in rashani is almost inferior to what was made in the usa, the company created its own laboratory, carefully preparing formulas for future cosmetic products. there are popular products that have proven their effectiveness in beauty salons for years; they can be taken as a basis, and according to the component composition, which is always indicated on the packaging, and then, looking at it analogues, select a recipe that will be even an order of magnitude better. over the past year alone, moscow has been enriched with dozens of new
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industries ready to replace those that have left. unfriendly brands offer the buyer almost any necessary product. at the moment, a mask is being made here, a mask for the face or for the body, no, a nourishing mask for hair, intensive, yeah, to saturate it with nutrients, and even the equipment here is domestic, the reactors are assembled by russian engineers, specifically at the request of the company, and this request is incredible it’s great, it sells about 70,000 a month from the convoy.
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veterinary pharmaceuticals, accumulated competencies and high quality standards allowed the company to discover this new direction, and in less than a year the brand confidently took its place on the country’s store shelves. as part of import substitution , we must occupy precisely the niche of this level, both in terms of quality and attractiveness, in terms of the price attractiveness of a cosmetic product, so today , indeed, we, since we have behind us a lot of... experience in pharmaceutical production medicines and their evaluation, we have the opportunity to produce a product that is of high quality within the consumer basket and is in demand in the market of our country. capital production is ready to saturate the market not only with a variety of cosmetic products, but also with the tools necessary for the work of beauty salons and private craftsmen: files, discs, sponges, files - everything without which
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no one is simply impossible. the production account includes several proprietary patented technologies that save the client’s time and make the worker more comfortable. in in our country we produce titanium discs, probably, even in the world no production is made of titanium discs, so for example, we can even check the weight of titanium bases, titanium, or ordinary metal bases, and this shows. priority in choosing craftsmen when purchasing , that is, this is a load on the hand, this is a load, well, in principle , on the joint part, yes, it is very easy for them to work with light tools, domestic decorative cosmetics can compete with a large western brand today, this is precisely the direction in russia began to develop earlier than the rest, and therefore , with the departure of western brands, neither the consumer nor the professional community felt a shortage, at the head
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of many companies... there is what decorative cosmetics should give - this is brightness, pigments are used that compete with pigments of professional brands, they give brightness, shine, saturation, technologies are used that create what we call long-lasting makeup, that is, makeup that will be with us depending on our wishes, evening, day, night, disco, indeed. i'm not proud to imagine simply a high-quality, safe and effective product, but also attractive to the buyer, which means that it has its own style and design, can be produced not only by large well- known moscow companies, but by very young brands. the capital, in turn, is doing everything to ensure that production grows and develops.


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