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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 17, 2023 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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i see a couple hundred more outstanding people who really know what is happening, then we will achieve a chain reaction, then i will disappear like murderous nobles. alex jones, thank you, thank you, what a great conversation, much appreciated, thank you for your courage, love your courage, thank you, americana baby, alex jones. treasure the best interest in savings is a simple way to profitably invest money online, just one button the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button and you are with look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, saving with prime is more profitable at... catch a sale on
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are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. i wish i knew a spell to multitask, but the main thing i learned this year was to choose myself. all the wonderful things that happened in the past year, you did. therefore, mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter. the holiday is you. well, next on air is a special report from alexander sladkov, the hero of donbass, rafi jabbari. he is called by his call sign abdul. he is well known. the soldier participated in the conflict from the very beginning. having been wounded in the reserve, he did not leave, he continued. support
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units and transfer combat experience to soldiers. russian soldier rafid jabbar, call sign abdullah, had not been to his homeland in afghanistan for 13 years, came to visit, his brothers and nephews met him in kabul and accompanied him him far to jalalabat towards the pakistani border, to an ancestral place called. well, in fact, these
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meetings are very difficult, well, especially here the female ones, let's say some of our relatives, just aunts, here... let's say there is an aunt who , when my mother, the almighty called my mother, let's say, here's one my aunt fed me her milk, when i left afghanistan, she was a blooming girl, now she came back, she is an old woman, moments like these were very difficult for me, they are given, for example, when an old aunt sees you, especially this after being wounded, they saw me there, say, 13 years ago completely.
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at the age of five, well, how it happened, he and many of his peers were brought on a special flight from afghanistan. the father of the governor of the province of balkh was killed by the majahideen, my mother went crazy with grief and died. abdullah was brought up on a closed internet in volgograd. this is a meeting of classmates after years in their own walls. i talked to rafi then, he told me. about afghanistan, dreamed of becoming a russian military man, but had no idea what awaited him. this is a big mountain pass magipar, jumping fish translated from afghan, the road from kabul to jellalabat,
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uniquely beautiful and wild places. he stopped, looked around, watched... the boys, he was exactly the same, more than 30 years ago, his childhood was at the height of the war, mujahideen, democrats, soviet troops. it’s a very interesting situation, we ended up with relatives who fought against the presence of soviet troops in afghanistan, so i lived with them, so my uncle came there, with whom i was raised, who sent me to the soviet union, well who commanded the division, he is such an ardent stalinist, let’s say, this is a very interesting moment, by the way, here we are sitting at... destarkhan, and we usually, well, destarkhan is like that, well, we usually eat on the floor, in our there are no household items, there are chairs, tables, there are spoons, forks, everything with your hands, here on the floor, on this side there is one of my uncles, on this side there is another uncle, and i am, say, in the middle, that is, it turns out they are on the right to the left of me ,
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so the moment comes, they are with themselves, they are not talking yet, they are just looking at each other at a friend, and your uncle, who is a mujahideen, says , like... your uncle killed mujahideen, your uncle says, i killed the enemies of the motherland, this is the dialogue, i don’t know how to try them on, i’m rushing about, well, in general, the word is in word, they were able to talk, even during these 30 years, they were able to talk among themselves, that is , this is one of the conventions of the civil war, where it is those close to them who hate fiercely, especially close ones cannot forgive each other, they have not made peace, they have made peace, they have made peace. moreover, on this trip i immediately took with me two strollers, because well, how did i have such a template, let’s say, in the room i’m in one stroller, in the street there’s already such a shabby old dirty stroller, i just got to the evening prayer, my uncle finished the evening prayer , majakhet with him
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without a leg, exactly the same format as mine, his comrades were seriously wounded by a mine. he is already an old man, but he has the body of a twenty-year-old youth, that is, he constantly, especially he prays, he constantly prays, prays for people, when i saw i immediately gave him my other stroller, in general, he really liked it, a few years ago, when changing his combat position, rafi jabbar was blown up by a mine, the residents of donetsk lined up, donating their blood for abdul.
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there are no restrictions, everything will be fine, this is the protest, this is the prosthesis that you will have, maybe even better, it’s a german prosthesis, electronics, you can chop wood, you can do yoga, that is , in principle, the restrictions are in your head, you're okay in the head, we know, the loss of both i didn’t stop my legs, this is a man whose essence is compassion, kindness, a sense of duty and an incredible love for movement. this is the village of spartak, a dangerous place.
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ukrainian soldiers, i, rafi abdul-jabbar, my call sign abdul. i urge you to lay down your arms. i have the right to tell you about this. i am in the position where i was wounded. we don’t want your deaths, your children to become orphans, your wives. about soldiers like us, that we are occupiers, the local population will never donate
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completely for two days to fill a person’s blood, from which the blood flows out, they fill it up again and give it back , no population will ever do this to the occupier, i am a muslim, i am a pashtun, an afghan, rafi abduljabbar, and i am a russian soldier, it is a great honor for me to be a russian soldier. thank you very much for your dedication to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight. afghanistan is always the same for us, abdul saw many new nuances at home. i'm wondering now, how did you find kabul there in the first place? are there fewer people? well, but again there is a crowd in kabul. interestingly, in afghanistan. a month ago, the traffic lights started working, the traffic light, the afghan traffic
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signal, it's called a traffic jam, this afghan traffic light, he is waiting for the red light to turn on, then the red light turns on, he runs out onto the road and tries to politely stop everyone with a smile and say: look, you see, the red light is on, it means that you stand, that is, and moves away, waits, letting this side pass, that is , little by little, they even accustom people to traffic lights, but that’s poverty. poverty, great poverty, hunger, people work all day day to bring at least something home, and this work is not there, what did you eat, yakhni, lately they gave me yakhni, at least at home, usually, well, pilaf, well, pilaf, which is prepared at home, there’s a lot of boiled meat i ate, here's pocha, i ate pocha, well, it's cooked.
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this is a very healthy food for men especially, i ’m in afghanistan, i realized what kind people live in russia, i saw our stray dogs, well, considering our situation, our people are hungry, that is, well... people no time for dogs, we buy a lot of bread stray dogs, and we, in short, i’m a relative , please give the dog food there, so he gives the dog bread, and people look in horror, how can a dog? and give us some bread, and i see that people ’s consciousness is changing, yes, was it really possible, every time we went there, drove by, we already know, everyone already knows that these people, that red car , she feeds the dogs, in short, they are all , look, look, here, now, now, now they will come out, i’m just listening, these are conversations, i see, we even changed this
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intersection, people are starting to be more polite, to a friend: hello, i greet you, how are you at home, everything is fine, great, today you are again with dogs, i say, yes, look, and that dog has already been fed, they say, that is , it turns out that people have already started feeding dogs, if you take them to a tourist group , what five things would you show them first, i would take them through the crossroads of afghanistan, take them out, take them out, i wouldn’t show them the best that is in afghanistan, i would show them the real life, i would show them the stench, the uncleanliness, the flies, the hungry, poor stray dogs, who are all covered in ulcers , this is what i would show them, when they returned home, they would hug their relatives, they would love their president, and say: “oh
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allah, thank you for having us.” by the way, i myself am russian, in response to...
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completely from the word there are no drugs at all now, that is, in this regard they are great, the presence of the americans still left its small imprint, and the taliban have now received the country, they have now been in power for 2 years , changes everything with great difficulty, but again with great difficulty they succeed in in the near future it will be even more difficult for them, because there are no injections into the country, the country is closed, not recognized by anyone, there is no money in the country. there is no trade in the country, there is no bread in the country, the country is hungry, a closed artificial conscious such a reservation, here are these guys, by the way, again i want to say that i am not interested in praising these people, but giving credit where credit is due, here i am
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i can say that these guys with a great future, the americans, remained there. or not? i, the americans did not remain, but their influence remained, why? do they have any contacts? they support the taliban, at least somehow try to communicate with them, that is, again, those subsidies of 40 million a week, the americans give them this, the propaganda of the last 20 years leaves its mark, why? because there were nato members there, but nato had to give something - to give a conditional enemy, that is, we are not the enemies, who are the enemies? o. the damned russians who were here, that is, all this, even independence day celebrated the day of the withdrawal of the russians, that is , conventionally, independence day was the day of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, according to fact, that is, well, it’s like this farce , it’s quite interesting , the people understand everything perfectly, well, the people, the people are wise, they know everything, one day abdullah found himself in
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great danger, he went to prison, someone... then he told the taliban that this strange man had come on assignment... from the russian special services when i was arrested, i actually saw aggression , aggression, not that no one even laid a finger on me, but in these conversations i saw aggression and they were also presented shows the video where i said that i am russian soldier, and this hurt them a little, i was interrogated by a security officer, such an extraordinary person, he has the body of a twenty-seven, say twenty-six-year-old. and the eyes of a sixty-year-old, that is, he was always wearing a mask, that is, well, how is this a state security officer, so he interrogated me in that... let's say, in that detention center where he served 5 years, closed, and what’s more,
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he me interrogated in the room where he was interrogated, he only interrogated me, we talked with him, talked while he was interrogated, all the walls were splattered with his blood, and what’s interesting is that they have a very large democracy inside, that is, if an investigator interrogates me... any supervisor has the right to come in, listen, in short, i was always, i was surprised, what kind of indiscipline is this, we’re kind of like the inspector would come in, sit down, in short, sit down and look, in short, he’s interested, well, that’s all, so he listens to what he asks, what i answer, and along the way, in short, he inserts another remark there, he’s deceiving here , shows, right there, you know, his opinion, says, it’s therefore like that for him, well it’s clear that he is, but he stands there like that, it got to the point that five of them gathered, they... huddled like that, in short, i’m already there, i say, wait, i say, stand in line, i say , in line, take turns asking questions, come on, you, you said there, but here’s the answer, right,
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right, you, no, there, that’s how they are there, we had such polemics, battles, gradually employees afghanistan's special services began to understand that all the reports that abdullah was a spy were a slander; everyone was already looking for a decent way out of this situation, either they said, well... someone will vouch for you , let’s say, from russia there will be no problems, you will go to russia, there will be no questions there, and yes, they vouched for me, my homeland has not abandoned me, let’s say , they called for me, i know the ministry defense, thank you, brothers, back when we were leaving, six armored vehicles, the taliban put their pickup truck in front, this ranger, they took us straight to the airport, during... the airport, even i see there, well, all the cars were still there, that is, they were very worried about me, my homeland directly showed there everyone that this person is difficult for us
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, we love him, he is special for us, it was very pleasant, i was very pleased that my homeland came to me like this, today he is again at home in the donbass, he does not sit still, he is involved in social problems . helping the wounded is now his main business. deposit, the best interest rate in savings, is an easy way to profitably invest money online. with just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. and one button savings grow at the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum
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rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, in sberbank with prime it is more profitable, suddenly a sale happened on avito, a new dress and a drill and a grinder and a snow robot happened to you. as with discounts up to 80%, the sale is very even on avito, hurry up before december 20, the 2 billion draw from the russian lotto is already close, hurry up to get your tickets, vlitual new year's gifts for everyone, buy two get the third for free! polysorp is always with you for poisoning, allergies, hangovers, it’s time to drink polysorp, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we sofkonke, we take out loans. and good or fast , we at sofcombank have loans that everyone knows.
9:55 am
the main event of the year. do you see such a benefit? el dorado. i wish i knew a spell to do several things at once. but the main thing i learned this year is to choose myself. what happened in the past year you did, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar, the scooter, the holiday is you, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why watch for the elections, the proud grandfather came home
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and got him binoculars, i have such eyesight that i can see any violation like an eye, besides, i went through special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, i know now, grandson, on which icon to press, i was trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i won’t be lost, my friend, i won’t let society down, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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hello, he's coming back, oh, i miss you, skleposovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just has talent,
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he lived here as a schoolboy. ekaterinburg konstantin kozlovsky became a finalist in computer competitions, they talked about him as our genius, a promising guy, known to a third public, but kozlovsky put together a group of hackers who invented the lurk virus. the hacker group lurg was one of the most famous cybercriminal organizations that was involved in stealing money from bank accounts. who was part of the organized hacker community? i was leading
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the group. do you have any claim? lawsuit 200 billion, here you can see that this kind of activity is coming from russia, from moscow , any roof eventually becomes a roof in another place, this is a whole plane, a whole separate plane of russia arrivedburg, how much money did banks lose from the actions of the lurk group, we took it for this matter and conducted their own investigation. we start with strikes on the territory of ukraine. last night, explosions occurred in odessa, kirovograd and kiev-controlled kherson. air raid alert was announced in kiev, poltava, sumy, cherkassy, ​​dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and nikolaev regions. as a result of air attacks, a number of military and infrastructure facilities were damaged, but how exactly was not reported. in response, the armed forces of ukraine.


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