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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 17, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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i wasn’t in the store, what store is putin about and new details of the recent story, are you going to ask for forgiveness or not? you still remember how your mother put you in a corner, exactly, but do you remember why she put you? this week we 'll show you a lot more of the rest, who can do it better than you? moscow, kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00! hello, kirill vyshinsky is here, and this program is typical of novorossi. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features to recognize. aivazovsky spandarians,
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descendants of armenian colonists in crimea. what trace did the armenians leave in novorossiya? conversation with a program expert. coal avenue of the country, how the donbass moscow highway was built. we continue to talk about people of different nationalities who inhabit the historical territories of new russia. today we will talk about the armenian colonists who developed the lands of the crimean peninsula and coast of the azov and black seas. in the 15th century, in the hundred thousandth cafe, modern feodosia, 2/3 of the population were armenians. there were more than thirty armenian churches and monasteries there alone. armenians also lived in other crimean cities, sudak, bakhchesarai, and also
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near the chimbalo fortress, present-day balaklava. there were so many armenian colonies in crimea that the genoese called its southeastern part maritime armenia, but the turkish conquest of crimea and the departure of the byzantines from it forced most armenians to flee the peninsula. after the annexation of crimea to russia in the 18th century, armenians begin to move here from the ottoman empire. a small town on... the peninsula, which in crimean tatar was called ermeni bazaar, an armenian market, eventually becomes armenian, a noticeable trading center on the salt chumatsky road. in august 1778 , the resettlement of christians, greeks and armenians, began from the crimean khanate to the azov province, which became part of novorossiya. the settlers were exempt from all state taxes for 10 years. duties,
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property was transported to new places at the expense treasury, each novosel received 30 acres of land. according to the decree of 1783, in villages under greek, armenian and roman law , it was allowed to have courts under greek and roman law, an armenian magistrate. this is how the new nakhichevan appeared, later nakhichevan on the don, grigoriopol, it was founded by settlers from the caucasus and the dniester, and other armenian colonies. settlement of novorussia. the largest armenian community formed in simphepol, in the center of the tauride province, mainly due to the resettlement of armenians from other regions of crimea western armenian regions of turkey. there were many armenian settlements on the eastern coast of crimea. among the famous crimean armenians of new russia is the marine painter ivan aivazovsky, at birth avanes ayvazyan, and his brother gabriel. renowned historian and
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archbishop of the armenian apostolic church and famous composer alexander spindiarov, spindiarian, student of rimsky korsakov himself. the opera and ballet theater in yerevan is named after spendearov. about what contribution other representatives of the armenian people made to the development of novorossiya in anna’s story efimova. photographs and high state awards on the medal, lenin’s profile, under the award sheet the signature of one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, the ideologist of the soviet space program mstislav keldysh. these are the badges that have been preserved, this is the badge of the state prize laureate. tatyana suranovna kravchenko, nee ratyunyan, shows her old family archive. in this photo, her father, design engineer suren mikhailovich oratyunyan, one of the creators of the legendary coal miner donbass-2. innovative.
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developments of his time, which made it possible to raise coal mining in the ussr to a new level. the whole task was in the industrial donbass, to mechanize the work of miners, mines were opened. there were a lot of coal reserves, it was the real bread of industry, so in 1949 a group of designers led by my father created the donbass-2 coal combine. the rutyunyan family moved to donetsk in the early thirties, fleeing from neighboring armavir. kuban was then gripped by famine; the rapidly developing industrial donbass could provide work and food. this private history, which, however... clearly illustrates the picture of resettlement to these lands, people moved here both individually and in entire communities for many centuries, they say that the first armenian settlers began to settle in the regions of historical new russia at the turn of the 10th xi centuries. by this time, the armenians were a people with an established culture, language, faith,
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traditions, but without their own country. armenians can be considered one of the oldest inhabitants of the territory of novorossiya; they appeared long before the very concept of novorossiya. armenians novorossiysk was crimea. the real mass immigration of armenians to crimea began at the end of the 11th century. this, this century was fatal in armenian history, when the middle ages state was crushed by the seljuk turks, a huge number of armenians scattered throughout the world. since that time, the armenians have been, in principle, a diaspora people for a thousand years. after catherine ii ascended the throne. the southern direction of russian foreign policy was actually supervised by the co-ruler of the empress, the governor of navorosia, grigory potemkin. petersburg was extremely interested in weakening ottoman influence in the region. his serene highness considered the armenian communities in crimea and bessarabia as a resource for the colonization of the russian black sea region.
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potemkin set the task of integrating new russia into international economic relations, and the armenians were so unique. element that ensured this integration, the armenian cities were seen by the same potemkin as such original sites where the financial and commercial life of the novorossiysk province would be concentrated, from where contracts for the supply of the same would be concluded the most novorossiysk grain with other countries, the state, of course, allocated huge resources. on the settlement of the armenians , we can say that the armenians were even in a certain privileged position, but this privileged position was not perceived by the armenian settlers as a reason to tap into the trust of the imperial government; on the contrary, it only served as a great incentive to work and develop further, as they would say now in all
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service sectors. this plan has been preserved in the funds of the donetsk republican regional history museum buildings even before the revolutionary period, perhaps not the very first, but definitely the most. delicious bakery in town. it was a small brick one-story building, in accordance with the urban development of that time , it was located on the thirteenth line, the bakery was owned by the murodyan family, immigrants from nagorno-karabakh. this bakery was known throughout yuzovka. it existed from 1905 to 1926. and in the bakery in one day they could bake from 150 to 106. kg of bread, the residents of our city, then still small, felt the aroma that spread throughout the entire area, because spices, special spices, were ordered by owners from different eastern countries, and the flour
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was of the highest grade. trade, hotel, restaurant business is still the native element of local armenians, the head of the melitopol national-cultural autonomy of armenians, yuri bolyan. has been living in zaporozhye for more than 30 years, he came when there was still a united and indestructible soviet union, then a parade of sovereignties swept before his eyes, each republic had its own, and the consequences were the same for everyone. i did not see, that it was as if the ukrainians were being persecuted here, or were everyone living together, no one was oppressing anyone, there were no national issues when it all started in 1914, and even before that i saw these ukrainian nationalist manifestations there that they were offended they saw themselves as if they were oppressed somewhere, although when they lived in an alliance with russia, the bright ukraine flourished and developed. yuri bolyan at one time wanted to become a sailor, but his dream was realized differently. in the seventies he entered odessa culinary college, which trained cooks,
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bartenders and flight attendants for long voyages, and before the collapse of the union, he worked in the then seemingly unsinkable black sea shipping company. yuri bolyan has made more than one trip around the world today. cafes, i feed people, i make them happy, they have fun, well , that’s where i went and that’s what i do, restaurants, we try. the nearest plans for the development of the hotel and restaurant business are, after all, just a stone's throw from the sea. the main thing that is holding us back now is, of course, the ongoing hostilities. however, even despite them, the armenian businessman does not intend to leave the region that has become his home over many decades. so, where to go? i don't. susceptible to the ukrainian policy that they propagated, like leave here
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, leave, leave, no matter how much i listen to them and never want to listen. the main thing that has always united and unites armenians of all waves of migration is incredible strength of character and willpower, as well as efficiency, love of life, desire and ability to create in any circumstances, even in combat conditions. anna ifimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical new russia. we will talk about what the armenian colonists gave to novorossia with our regular expert, historian alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon, hello. the organized resettlement of christians, armenians, greeks - it was such a big, ambitious project of his serene highness prince grigory potenkin. and what place did the armenians occupy in this large-scale resettlement of various... peoples to new russia, what potenkin carried out, engaged in the arrangement
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of the provinces entrusted to him, yes, solving the problem of crimea, its annexation, and potemkin looked much further and understood that the further struggle for the black sea region, for the south, for the caucasus, was still to come, and he paid attention to even peoples geographically very remote from this region, including the armenians, who... lived in large numbers in transcaucasia in asia minor on the territory of the ottoman empire, on the territory of persia, he understood that it was necessary to create a kind of attractive showcase for various christian peoples, both in the balkans, and so in the caucasus, in transcaucasia, asia minor, for so that they see how russia is their protector, how russia helps them, and what contribution did the armenian colonists make to the development of new russia, what are their merits? well, everyone knows perfectly well. that the armenians are excellent traders, there were a lot of armenian merchants, that’s how trade, yes, trade
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including with the middle east, because these were armenian families who had great family ties, yes, yes, yes, that’s all, this all played a role, it was very important for catherine from the very beginning that the region work, in it invested huge state money , but it had to give an immediate return, namely this southern trade, it was a very important direction, but if we try to say this, the brother was just the spiritual leader of the armenians, so he, for example, was such an intellectual, he
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even wrote in odessa, such a special historical publication was published, just dedicated to the history of novorossiya, notes of the odessa imperial society, the history of antiquity, here aivazovsky’s brother wrote an article about the origin of the armenian russian region, but aivazovsky himself, he has a very interesting series of paintings , a small one, we know him as a marine painter, yes, but he not only... was, but the series of paintings is called the wealth of russia and there is one painting there, it is the only one in my opinion, it is kept in russia, and they exhibited everything at an exhibition in paris, they gained fame there, which means the canvas, which is called the golden obos in winter, these are the mineral riches of russia, which means our mineral resources have always been famous, there is such a snow-covered one say the plain, this convoy stretches, then a fields of little russia, but that means ukrainian. fields, wheat, everything is just like the classics, and then he had this wealth
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of novorossiya and there was a huge flock of aves, because then in the middle, in the first half of the 19th century, novorossiya had not yet become a breadbasket, but it was already the most profitable business namely sheep breeding, but what does this mean that aivazovsky was the first person who created the visual image of novorossiya and positioned it. as a separate region with its own specificity in the overall palette of the riches of the russian empire, and what represents how does the armenian community feel today?
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that historically, but in the 15th, 17th, 18th centuries , on the contrary, there was a large diaspora, a large diaspora in lviv, there is a separate armenian street, yes, we can imagine the specifics of this region, which went through the most brutal polish nationalism there, ukrainian nationalism and so on further, that there are practically no armenians there at all, this is an indicative story, then, as it were, some kind of average is central ukraine, yes, that is, historical and in intense color, this is the big novorossiya, and including, so to speak here. kharkov is such a strip where, according to, for example, the 2001 census, there were settlements in which over 10% to 25% of residents of settlements called armenian their native language, yes, that is, these are some small ones in the kherson region, for example , yes, and of course, of course donbass, yes, that is, here we see
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that in this regard, ethnically, yes, of course, navorosiya was different, it is clear that now. it will be, you know, this is not an easy time in this sense, and i can say that we’ve already talked about potenkin’s and colonists’ exits from crimea, but then at every dramatic turn in the history of the armenian people, this kind of wave, resettlement, and dispersion of armenians, it always reached novorossiya, because even after the genocide during the first world war, many armenians settled precisely in the regions of historical new russia. the number of armenians increased very sharply after the events of the collapse of the soviet union, the events in baku, in karabakh, and all these, so to speak, painful tragic episodes, we we know that there were ethnic armenians in the militia, and in the donbass, among the dead, for example, in slavyansk, among the volunteers, literally one of the first to die, yes, was an armenian
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who was transporting some kind of cargo to the besieged city and it was just a civilian car that was shot . and so on and so on, that is , it seems to me that these are also pages of recent history that also need to be remembered. sasha, thank you very much for such an interesting story. during the years of the first five-year plans in the ussr , the so-called superhighways and railways were rapidly built length of more than a thousand km with a large cargo turnover. they had to connect the industrial regions of the country with... create ways to transport raw materials over long distances in the shortest possible time. during the first five-year plan, in the late twenties and early thirties of the last century , the turkestan-siberian railway (turksik) was built, along which siberian wheat was transported to the central asian republics, rich in cotton. already during the second five-year plan in the mid-thirties
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, construction of the donbass- moscow railway began. it has become the country's coal avenue. connecting the all-union nomad donbass with the industrial center of the ussr. the deadline for completing the highway was postponed several times, the last sleeper was laid in 1942. however, movement along the highway began in the late thirties. metallurgical enterprises of almost the entire european part of the ussr received high-quality coal from new russia. thanks to the new railway , the logistics of cargo transportation has changed, on the kursk
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high-speed railway from moscow to adler and to consider the prospect of laying its branch to donetsk and lugansk. about, how the donbass-moscow road was built in soviet times, in the story of olga mokhova. a commemorative marble plaque on the building of the starobil railway station, a reminder of a major event in the history of the moscow-donbass highway. november 7. 934 , on the anniversary of the october revolution , the first steam locomotive arrived here, four carriages were attached to it, on which the leading workers were traveling, this... the construction of the railway line, this of course was an event on the arrival of the train, not only city residents gathered for the opening for the city, but also surrounding villages and even from neighboring areas.
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this event had been awaited in starobilsk since the end of the 19th century, because in the era of industrialization the city was doomed without suitable railway tracks, and already during the first world war, when supplies of foreign coal to the russian empire stopped, it became clear that transportation across the country of the donbass ... the existing roads cannot cope, in 1916 they developed a five-year plan, a clear five-year plan for railway construction from the eighteenth to the twenty-second, and there among the first was this moscow-donbass road, the revolution came, it stopped all these searches for a while, but the civil war destroyed both the roads and, in many ways, the rolling stock of the donbass territory, as well as oryol and kursk. the tur provinces were at that time places of active hostilities, meanwhile, already in the first five-year plan , hundreds of enterprises were built in novorussia; by 1937, an increase
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in coal production was expected in the donbass to 120 million tons, the products had to be exported. in 2 and a half months we prepared a highway project, which was useful and pre-revolutionary experience and personnel. on the one hand , it is already young, the young people who came began to receive education immediately after the revolution. these are mid-level technical personnel , mostly engineers who were educated before the revolution. here is a combination of the experience of young enthusiasm. the section of the highway from nesvyataya , rostov region to voloyak belgorod , the one that went to starobelsk, is the most difficult, it was built again, the other two, from voloiki to ozherelya and further to moscow, were modernized, adding a second and third track accordingly. total length moscow-donbass road.
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every 50-60 km they built points for on-the-fly repairs of trains on the move. during the construction of supports for the bridge across the oka in kashira, as well as for the bridge across seversky danets, water was pumped out with compressed air. so, in the village of luganskaya, when this bridge was built, all these supports, they were buried 12-13 m under water, were chosen using the kison method. by immersion under water, uh, this, this is 12-30 m below the water level that could rush here at the moment.
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more than 3,000 cubic meters of soil were then chosen for these supports, and over 4,500 concrete. the team of workers was led by an engineer from keytown, jerry berman; in his memoirs, he wrote that he remembered the winter of 1933 for the rest of his life. they came out in the morning, six sleighs, here. drawn by horses, all of them are horses in a field, 22° below zero, he says, i haven’t seen such views, but this is after all, they told me ukraine, the south of russia, and not siberia, he arrived in a light vehicle, he says, i was dressed most simply, there was a catastrophic shortage of horses, while according to statistics, moscow donbass became the first highway where a third of construction work were mechanized, from the very beginning the construction was declared a shock one, of the 70 thousand builders , more than... half were boys and girls, it was also a komsomol project, but there were still not enough people. the main tools of labor were a shovel, a hoe, a pick and a crowbar, sometimes
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the earth was so dense that it was necessary to loosen the earth with the help of a horse-drawn plow, then only after that the workers took this loosened earth and made holes, nevertheless, people worked with enthusiasm, they started already in march of thirty-three. the fd model on a scale of 1:10 is a valuable exhibit of the museum of the history of the moscow railway. the lugansk locomotive plant was completely modernized under the objectives of the second
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five-year plan. wagons with a carrying capacity of 60 tons were attached to the locomotives. and, by the way, it was in the thirties of the 20th century that steam locomotives began to run on coal, especially donbass coal, which, among other things, at that time still warmed the central regions of the country. moscow circular railway, and next to the kanachikova station there is one of the largest moscow railways, which was also built in the thirties, it then practically supplied more than half of the part then. moscow, this is one of the first electrified access lines, this is also an echo of the construction of the moscow-donbass road. and the plans are enormous, and the enthusiasm of the builders is the rapid development of the region, all this is the moscow-donbass highway, which can be considered a kind of monument of the era, while during its construction, the planned transportation of goods did not stop for a single day, by the end of construction, donbass was already extracting
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more. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut, bang, miraculously she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important
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person at court, with my daughter. everything is fine, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl is repentant, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’m telling you now i’ll cut it off, we won’t hang it, we’ll sew it together, so i’d use horses for you tore it up. where are you going to drown?
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russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms.
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we are creating new cultural spaces, and of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. the forum russia exhibition combines a large-scale exposition and, in parallel, for more than a month at vdnkh there has been an active business program and today an important political event at the exhibition the united russia congress will take place. delegates will discuss objectives, party strategy, and the upcoming electoral cycle. navodha is our correspondent, natalya solovyova, she joins us. nadash, welcome again.
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please tell me in detail. what is planned today at the exhibition forum in russia, not only? yes, georgi, hello, we are in the nineteenth pavilion, the atom pavilion, we went exactly where it is.


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