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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 17, 2023 12:00pm-12:28pm MSK

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from freedom, she disappeared, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you were waiting for. donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians.
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for the first time in 2 years, united russia is holding a congress at which it will discuss its main tasks for the coming period. in addition, those gathered will decide to support the nomination of vladimir putin as candidates for the elections. nastya, good afternoon,
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are there any details known about what to expect from today’s political event? yes, hello, indeed, we are now at vdnkh, and this is perhaps the main semantic point that will formulate the agenda today not only on the territory of our state, but will certainly be important for many other countries of the world and for global processes.
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the day before, a group of voters gathered in zaryady and officially unanimously supported this candidacy. as andrei turchak, secretary of the general council of united russia, clarified, the charge brought together people of all ages and professions, including activists science and culture, military, industrialists, entrepreneurs, volunteers, politicians, all of them are united by love for their country, pride in its past and present and confidence in its future, which... i will quote andrei
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turchak again, it is impossible without such a leader as vladimir putin, and accordingly, it is obvious that this meeting, this meeting that took place the day before, will have a direct impact on the course of today's congress. let me remind you that vladimir putin is running as a self-nominated candidate, while united russia, andrey turchak wrote about this in his telegram channel, he will direct all his efforts to achieve his victory, but he is waiting.
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his speech will be, i remind you that united russia did very serious work to prepare for this congress, they held three discussion platforms at once, one of them was held in moscow, another in the rostov region, the third in nizhny novgorod, they were devoted to a variety of topics, in particular, the future of russia, pride in one’s country, confidence in its strengths, these three platforms formulated such a semantic triad, if you like, a thesis base. which is the main thematic platform of today's congress. i think that this in itself is already a sufficient explanation of why today it is worth following the statements that will be heard here on the navdnkh site and, of course, as
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always, we will definitely show everything very first on our broadcast. i recommend not to miss it. yes, we expect today’s event to build a political track. anastasia, thank you.
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where headquarters are open, popular support united russia, but i hope that these headquarters will also expand in any case, they do not stand still, and if we open more and more schools, ideally in all regions, that would be great. and how many people do you already have, maybe you have statistics, how many children have already come to study? well, ki and other regions, we plan to launch them quite quickly, now we’ve just started, in fact, but i think that the project is very promising , just great for the development of chess. throughout country, i really like it, and i will emphasize that there will be free classes for children, so this is also a plus, it’s great, but as an initiative comes from the region, you receive applications or, on the contrary, you propose, that’s how the action goes, no, well here we are already cooperating with united russia, we are already deciding which region,
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where where we are better prepared, then where there are trainers who are ready to start training right now, because we kind of come, we need to open it so that it goes there worker process, therefore. of course, this requires, on the one hand, preparation, but on the other hand, we are directly aimed at doing everything quickly. sergey, another point of today ’s united russia congress is to express support for vladimir putin, who is running as a self-nominated candidate, but nevertheless the party naturally immediately said that it supports the national leader, and you are known for the fact that you are a crimean, who even before 2014 year you became a citizen of russia, you always consistently adhere to this position, you do not are hiding, even though this... had consequences for your sports career, please tell us why you maintain this convinced position, even though it really hurts your reputation, well, it hurts your potential to be in terms of my career, but not in terms of reputation, but really in terms of career , but in terms of career there are such difficulties, that
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is, now i’m almost there to enter western tournaments, it’s actually closed, but in any case, what about me? i support my country, its president, here you shouldn’t look for any...
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from the exposition part of the forum exhibition, so for the guests of the russia forum today there will be a presentation of video games of domestic developers, and in the evening there will be a drawing for a lada granta car. our russia continues to live its rich exposition life at the exhibition, we are still working in the nineteenth pavilion, this is the atom pavilion, here, of course, they also give lectures and take excursions, this is a huge exhibition that is located in all seven.
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to say that there are different riddles , starting technologically, how to make an atomic bomb , ending with what is inside you, are you all right and are all your bones correct, so i will talk in general about atomic physics, about quantum mechanics and about how this has changed our world, we live in a world in which there is as much energy as you want, and this is fantastic , atomic, that is, nuclear physics is to blame for this, the atom is commanded precisely about this, that there is a lot of energy, of course, after as they said here, let's go, four more.
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positions, well, let's see what else will happen on the territory of vdnh today , for example, today at about 2 o'clock they will start discussing climate change in pavilion number 34, about how monitoring occurs, how scientists work, how to influence global warming in general and whether it is possible to do this, in the fifty-seventh today , those people who are interested in business on the internet will find a lot of interesting things for themselves; they may not receive an answer to the question of how... to win a grant and how to open their own business, but a lecture for novice
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investors today will be read in pavilion number two, and let’s not forget that here, in fact, on this huge platform, as it was intended, absolutely all russian regions were represented in the last century, you can get acquainted with their history, culture, even taste for example, in the forty-eighth pavilion , a huge sales exhibition was opened, where farmers from different regions brought their goods. russia and they change, of course, these are completely different regions, for example, this week the kalmyks, the astrakhan region, republic of sakha, yaku, who will sell their goods on monday, those who will come here tomorrow will find out, but today you can try, these are the dishes characteristic of these russian regions, and those who have already been able to visit the exhibition of the russian forum shared today share your impressions with us, let's listen to people. came on an excursion to find out how our new pavilion was built, what
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’s new with us, what kind of development awaits us in the future, we specifically purposefully came here to see this particular new one the pavilion opened, we discovered a lot of interesting things, because there are regions, our countries, the names of which we heard, but we had no idea what was there, we have already mapped out the trip route for ourselves, i was approaching my regions that i love, i lived to... my favorite hometown, i live here now, so i visited all my favorite pavilions and i really liked it, a gorgeous, grandiose exhibition, it really is a grandiose exhibition, over 70 objects, 15 completely new pavilions that were erected for the exhibition russia forum, these are all our achievements that we can see here at vodenha and they will be really interesting.
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the far east is a region where it is really worth landing, here the pace of housing construction is really high, and mortgage interest rates are low, this is the real homeland. in order not to spend too much, order products in the selection of the profitable shelf, for example,
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gouda cheese scooter with a 30% discount, for only 139 rubles. delivery is free. on a savings account in gazprombank, your money works, and you receive income, register for one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. and here is the file, how to cancel? no way, artyom. this is a megaphone, everything flies with it. only for megaphone subscribers. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb-my investments application. free training and expert support, professionals work, pay less, peas corn global village 67.90 pyaterochka helps out, legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, now withdraw for free cash at any atm, how are you
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still present, you you know, i ’ll tell you absolutely sincerely, even... looking back, despite the fact that i worked for almost 20 years in the security agency and foreign intelligence of the soviet union, despite the fact that i was later deputy mayor of st. petersburg, director of the fsb, secretary of the security council and even chairman of the government at some early stage , i still had a naive idea that everyone...
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they were used to fighting the soviet union and continue to have a middle class like this in the intelligence services in the media information , there is some kind of middle class in the political elites, which is used to fighting the soviet union, they have specialists in the fight against the soviet union, they have nowhere to go, they do everything they have practiced, so i thought that this is connected with this with the inertia of movement, it was a naive idea of ​​\u200b\u200brealities, and these are the realities. i’m not absolutely 100% convinced of this, that after the collapse of the soviet union they thought that well, we need to be patient a little, now we’ll completely collapse russia, which is still quite a large country by european standards, the largest territory in the world with a fairly large, compared to other european countries, the population is generally
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not needed; it is better, as a well-known politician in the usa proposed. lifeless divided into five parts, these parts are separately subordinated to use resources, but based on the fact that everything separately will not have independent weight, independent voice and will not have the opportunity to defend its national interests so, this is awareness, and the initial approach, it was quite naive, here is another statement from vladimir putin: finland’s entry into nato leads to the creation of the leningrad military district, that the united states is pursuing an imperial policy, and biden declares that if putin is not stopped in ukraine,
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is in the national interests of the united states itself, this is the first, second, only owner of nato, and the united states is the owner of nato, this is their backyard, all of nato, or the entire nato organization, cannot but understand that russia has no reason, no interest , no geopolitical interest, no economic, no political, no military, to fight with nato countries, we have no territorial claims with them against each other, no, no... the desire to ruin relations with them in nato finland. what did we have with are there any disputes between finland? all disputes, including those of a territorial nature in the middle
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of the 20th century, have all been resolved long ago. we had the kindest, most cordial relationship. economic, everything developed. yes, there were some problems in the forestry sector, but they were related to the need to develop timber processing within the country. well, that’s all nonsense, little things, really. there were no problems, now there will be. because we will now create the leningrad military district there and concentrate military units there, why do they need this nonsense some just also with other countries - including nato countries with whom we have some problems and with no one, they are artificially creating problems with us because they don’t want to have such a competitor in russia, that’s all . they watched the direct line with vladimir putin, 75 people connected. in ukraine
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last night, explosions thundered in odessa, kirovograd and kiev-kherson-controlled air raid alert was declared in the kiev, poltava, sumy, cherkassy, ​​dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and nikolaev regions. as a result of air attacks a number of military and infrastructure facilities were damaged, but he did not say which ones. well, in response, the armed forces of ukraine are hitting the civilian infrastructure of donbass; the consequences of attacks on residential buildings and social facilities are now being eliminated in donetsk, makeyevka, and gorlovka. two civilians were seriously injured. footage from the scene and the situation on the front line. report by olga lukyanchenko. donetsk direction. they work from trenches. the whole front line is thundering, it works. our weapons are millimeter by millimeter, our guys are retaking russian land, right next to me, just behind the fighter works, physical training, exactly,
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all this is important in order to effectively destroy the enemy’s manpower and equipment, even in the hottest directions. we're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving , we're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving, a fighter with the call sign belukha came to fight, but our guys are working efficiently, we work here all the time, we are putting pressure on our opponents, they are constantly trying, well , we... in the donetsk region, here we see voronka, 155 caliber was used, people were left without glazing in such cold weather, and the facades of residential buildings were also damaged. one person in
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as a result of this shelling, he was wounded , and the budenovsky district was also under fire, and repeatedly, repeating their criminal actions, in this way they want to cause as much harm as possible to the population and infrastructure of the region. in what appeared to be a rear area, two civilians were injured. ukrainian armed forces carried out targeted fire from hammer multiple launch rocket systems directly at civilian infrastructure at a gas station, which is intended directly for civilian purposes. they are hitting schools. in the kalininsky district, an educational institution was left without glazing and the roof was damaged. these actions just show who the kiev regime is at war with, with civilians and children who were born and live in donbass. olga lukyanchenko, oleg bondarenko and victor voloshin. news donetsk people's republic. the teleconference connected fighters in the krasnolimansk direction with
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teachers and cadets of the military university. named after prince alexander nezny, as well as what new disciplines are needed to improve the quality of students’ training, this, for example, is the psychology of combat, the military also shared their experience of performing tasks during a special military operation, talked about the intricacies of service in a combat zone, and held a teleconference via a secure communication channel. during this teleconference, military personnel, participants in a special military operation , shared their combat experience and responded to the war.
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fuses, electric detonators, cartridges, a house grenade, about 200 ammunition in total, and this is not the first success of the joint work of sergeants and dogs. weeks earlier they also they found a cache from which sappers removed seven grenades, mines, grenades and pistols. i ’m participating for the first time, i’m not performing the task alone, i’m performing it with my service dog named bai, together. i’ve been with him for 6 years already , well, in fact, i was very interested in how the dog would show itself in real conditions, in the rpm area, the dog made it clear by signaling behavior that there was something there, and the designation was landing, as it turned out, this ammunition for projectile purposes are unique complexes that have no analogues, they have a high
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combat readiness. controllability. defense minister sergei shaigu congratulated the military on their professional holiday and replied that the strategic missile forces remain the country’s reliable defense, a guarantor of its security and strategic stability. according to the head of the department, fighters of this type of troops are professionals with high responsibility and discipline. this helps to successfully master the latest weapons and be ready to perform. in the kaluga region, a unit of the strategic missile forces loaded a new intercontinental ballistic missile into a silo on a professional holiday. modern weapons were installed at the starting position using a special unit; this is a complex operation, it lasts several hours.
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