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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 17, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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experts are preparing the public for an apocalypse if the forty-fifth president returns to the white house. perhaps donald trump will be elected again; if he has a second term, ukraine could go down. and putin will be hand in hand with trump, they will think about the destruction of nato. congress acted proactively the day before and limited the president's capabilities. was the master in the white house, without the consent of the capitalist hill , now it will not be possible to withdraw the united states from nato. there must be mutual agreement on financing ukraine, there are problems with this, there are fewer and fewer people willing to write checks to kyiv. i do not support any more aid for ukraine, if we are so worried about invasion, we have it ourselves, illegal immigrants are entering the country by the thousands through our southern border. we also have a national debt of over thirty. among them are those who are on
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the fbi blacklist of terrorists. against this background , even the most inveterate hawks refuse to finance allies until the authorities restore order with migrants. i will continue to insist that no foreign ally will receive assistance while we will not have a plan for...
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well, now to the first topic of the day, we return to the united russia congress. let me remind you that today united russia members gathered at vdnkh to discuss supporting vladimir putin during the election campaign in the upcoming presidential elections. we’ll find out all the details from elizaveta khramtsovay, she ’s joining us again. fox, welcome again, but what is known about united russia’s strategy in the election campaign? georgy, hello again, the prosperity of the whole country is progressive. party development in the spotlight today at the twenty-first congress united russia , for the first time since the start of a special military operation, the largest political force in the country is convening a congress ; in addition, united russia is the first parliamentary party to hold its congress after the presidential elections in russia were announced and even before the start of all official events , the participants of today’s meeting declared unconditional support for the russian...
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thanks to supreme commander-in-chief vladimir vladimirovich putin, our region, too, it turns out, got out of all this state has become a full-fledged family of our russian society, it turns out that exactly the same picture turned out with the lugansk people 's republic, and the donetsk people's republic, once very rich regions, russian regions, which were again absorbed by this chaos. drenched in blood, in the same way, thanks to the supreme commander-in-chief , they were also able to return back to our family , it turns out that today we have a common home, a common family, a common country, and the most important thing is that this is the island that is spiritual, divine the center from which the rebirth of the world will begin. of course, all 89 regions of the country are represented at today ’s events, but... for the four new
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constituent entities of russia, this congress is special, it is their first, this is what the representatives of lugansk and donetsk say before the start of the congress, we emphasized... people who have passed so know today we represent a political party a certain way and we are so grateful and here the question is you don’t even know that we are just human beings, that’s vital , as we are, that’s who we are, we just believe in this person, we believe in this person we are sure that the path that we are going through historically is only with this person, only putin, only victory, only russia, here it simply cannot be any other way for donbass , for all of us, for...
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three major events, moreover, in different regions of the country, a discussion platform was organized " i’m proud of russia on november 28, it was held in the rostov region, in nizhny novgorod the “i believe in russia” event was held, the discussion took place there on december 5, but most recently the “future of russia” event was held in moscow, and i took part in it party leader dmitry medvedev , the participants at these platforms were not... necessarily party members, they were even foreigners who, nevertheless, having moved to russia, consider themselves an important, active part of russian society, this is what the participants in these discussion platforms say about today's event? if, by the way, you manage to talk
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with vladimir putin, it will be very pleasant, because i think that he is a very strong president and many arabs envy the russians and that they have a good president and...
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dnh has finally regained its former significance, it is truly an exhibition of achievements, and here at the forum russia, of course, now, when they host many events, it is very important that they unite all regions of the country, and as the secretary noted today the general council of united russia, this platform at vdnkh brings together what the country is proud of, what it believes in and what it strives for in the future. georgy. yes, elizaveta, thank you, elizaveta khramtsova was with us, she told us about the congress of the united russia party, which has already will start soon. in the meantime, i suggest turning to news agency feeds where early parliamentary elections in serbia are being discussed. and so, the deputy prime minister of defense of serbia, milos
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vucevic, expresses his opinion, declaring that alexander’s coalition in fate, serbia should not stop, but maintains victory. let me remind you that. elections and the president explained the decision to hold early elections precisely by the fact that it is necessary to maintain stability and unity in serbia; in the spring, the country was shocked by two incidents of mass shootings, the liberal position used spontaneous civil rallies and began to put forward its political demands, and by the way, aleksandar vucic has already made his, cast his vote in these elections, candidates from eighteen parties and movements are taking part in them, and is considered the favorite of the race.
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all for the sake of uniting the nation. our serbia deserves prosperity, we will achieve it as a whole country. the trigger was two tragedies in early may 2023. a teenager killed 10 people at a school, and a young man shot eight passers-by from a car. after this the opposition organized mass marches, and for the elections it took shape as the serbia movement against violence. these are pro-western forces that do not have much support among the ordinary serbian population, which today is very patriotically nationally oriented. serbia under vucic wants calm and neutrality. she has contracts with russia, countries of the middle east, china is building a railway from belgrade to budapest.
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there is enough work for everyone, salaries have doubled. however, being in europe, serbia cannot live without investments from the european union, and it is their brussels threatens to take it away if the country does not recognize kosovo's independence. the problem of kosovo is now very seriously on the agenda of europe, and accordingly,
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however, hamas rejects the prospects for negotiations in the movement, emphasizing: first
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, israel must stop the military operation. more than 60 migrants, including women and children, have died in a shipwreck off the coast of libya. this was reported by the libyan branch of the international organization for migration. in total, there were 86 people on the boat. they were heading to europe. most of them are nigerian citizens. gambia and other african countries. for the first time in history, a vatican court convicted a cardinal. angela beciu will spend 5 and a half years in prison. for fraud with luxury real estate, the former deputy secretary of state of the vatican purchased a building for the holy see in central london at an inflated price. for this, the cardinal spent more than 200 million euros in donations , according to the prosecution, causing damage in the amount of at least 130 million. in addition to the cardinal, brokers, realtors and financiers. more than 500 people in the pskov
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region were left without electricity. the rupture lines were caused by icing and accumulation of wet snow. more than a hundred repair crews are working in emergency areas, high-performance equipment has been brought in, it is reported. they are restoring power supplies disrupted due to bad weather in the southern regions of russia. more than 300,000 consumers in the rostov region, lugansk and donetsk republics remain without electricity. over the past 24 hours , houses where 70,000 people live have been connected to the power grid. operation 330 has been restored. power supply steel freezing rain. in blagovechensk, traffic was opened on a new bridge over the zeya river. it took 3 years to build and
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was delivered significantly ahead of schedule. the new crossing bridge will help relieve the old one. a significant event for the amur region took place early in the morning on december 14, traffic on the new zeya bridge, which had been built in recent years, was opened in both directions without pomp and solemn speeches, giving motorists the right to evaluate the quality of the new structure for themselves. the new bridge is the largest object of road transport infrastructure, built in the region over the past decades. large construction on behalf of president vladimir putin began in 2020, it was dictated by a significant increase in traffic intensity and the growing load on the only crossing connecting blagovesensk with other areas of the strait and the federal highway. after a decade of operation of the existing bridge, defects began to be increasingly discovered in it, due to which such a popular route was closed for repairs. the construction of
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the bridge, contractor bamton stroy most, was completed at year ahead, despite pandemics. the new crossing has 26 supports, a cable-stayed system, approaches on both banks and two road junctions, including one adjacent to the access road to blagoveshchensk, these are two levels with exits and an overpass, the total length of the paved path is more than 10 km, almost two of which - this is the bridge over the river itself, drivers are already actively testing it, some even just out of curiosity, it’s level,
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smooth, convenient interchanges, you often have to leave the countryside for business, no, honestly, i looked, because the path here is closed, only through the old crossing, in the future they plan to make it exclusively for freight, in order to prevent heavy equipment from being allowed on the main street of blagoveshchensk, these restrictions do not apply to passenger transport, starting next year buses will be launched along the new crossing , stops are ready, pedestrian crossings too. drivers, if such a need arises, will have the opportunity to call for help throughout the entire bridge, after a certain interval, installed special buttons. it is expected that the capacity of the facility will reach 14.00 cars per day. by the way, its construction was carried out in conjunction with the reconstruction of gorkov street. now this is the main entrance gate to the amur capital. as for the old building, as
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soon as financial opportunity arises, it is planned to overhaul it. the price of the issue is 6 billion rubles. selonche. slugov vesti, amur region. a new buran plant opened its doors in chelyabinsk. its workshops will produce equipment for oil and gas wells. previously, all this was purchased abroad, but now there is no such need. with the opening of a new enterprise , new jobs appeared in the region. currently the plant employs 80 people, and in the future there will be even more. ksenia volushina visited the plant. a new player from chelyabinsk has appeared on the oil and gas equipment market - the buran plant. it is located on the territory of chtz. now we are in one of his workshops, it is here that high-tech equipment will be produced, previously such equipment was purchased abroad, from under the machine aleksey
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kozlyakov, a turner with twenty years of experience, comes out with a new part. it’s great, of course everything here is modern, technology, in general i really like it, i think everyone likes it. chelyabinsk buran already employs more than 100 people, another 20 specialists are engaged in geological calculations in moscow, and five engineers work at the fields. liner hangers, couplings and shoes, their quality largely determines how much black gold will be extracted and how long the well will live, so highly qualified specialists at the plant they work on the latest generation machines; the subsequent life cycle of the well depends on what equipment was designed and implemented.
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after they received all their awards, they not only did not slow down, on the contrary , they do even more to share their knowledge, share their experience, help those who need such help, these are the elderly, these are children, and there are many volunteer projects, this is where i think the most important value of a true leader is that he strives to make life better around you and... make sure that more leaders appear. a unique surface unmanned vehicle,
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the kalan hydrographic drone, was tested on sakhalin. with its help, you can obtain reliable information about the depth and topography of the bottom, and the device will perform all tasks independently. previously, this required a whole expedition. in russia, such a drone is so far the only one, but they have already become interested in it, at least on the sakhalin shelf. report by elena zhenchenko. the sea otter is sent back to its natural habitat water, and the food for this electronic beast will be the information it gets from the bottom of lake tunaicha. the drone was created for hydrographic surveys. in real time, all data from the platform goes to the engineers on shore. today we are testing not just the device itself, but a symbiosis of hydrographic equipment installed on the device. that is, at the moment we are from...
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such a device is the only one of its kind, not only in the far east, there is only one in the whole country. companies are already interested in them who work on the sakhalin shelf. the drone , accurate to centimeters, collects data on depth and relief. schoolchildren, together with experienced mentors , worked for several years on the peaceful apparatus, designed the body; for the subtlety of the research, the platform must cut the water correctly. i am working on a repeater,
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an aerial repeater, which increases the range of the call, it will work on the principle that we will have a power cord of power drops stretched to it, which will feed it during flight, it will serve as a relay, the drone needs to lose a little weight, taking into account the equipment and batteries, the water drone now weighs almost 250 kg, production models will become lighter, in contrast to their task. in the coming year, kalan is waiting. a lot of work in the waters of the port of prigorodnaya the drone will take part in studying the topography of the seabed. in the coming year, technosphere intends to send 10 similar devices into the voyage, maybe more, it all depends on demand, almost all the parts from which the platform is made are domestic, so engineers promise that serial collans will receive life just in time. elena zhenchenko, igor nikolaev, lead sakhalin kuriles.
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thank you. all the best, especially just for you, now it’s 4 o’clock , yes they were working, but there are always a huge number of questions, everyone saw this, why would i warn against, from naivety, but we asked directly, based on what i just heard, is it in the 2000s you could be called a naive person, the president’s answers to additional important questions said that the united states was pursuing an imperial policy, and baydon declares that if... it is not stopped in ukraine, then russia will attack nato. we always show the political behind the scenes. certainly. and now they turned out to be its direct participants. i haven't been to the store yet. which store is putin talking about and new details of the recent story? are you going to ask for forgiveness or not? do you still remember how your mother put you in a corner? and remember, for what you put this week, we will show you much more than the rest. who can do it?
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what's better than you moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00. all about elections in russia, we will tell you in detail , it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, what a ballot is, my sister and i spent the whole day drawing a ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, very cleverly applied many degrees of protection, took colored markers . make watermarks , we’ll go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, it’s very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection , your cunning won’t play, people choose honestly, but dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates,
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it’s free to choose in the country. important, honestly convenient.
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yes, oh, i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, but...


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