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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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is it right that for the primitive service of paying for housing and communal services you still have to pay a commission to the bank, there are many such questions, this is wrong, especially if it concerns pensioners, the decision has just been made , the commission will not be paid by pensioners, news, big news, i said, that this decision was made in relation to pensioners, in fact the decision was made in relation to preferential categories of citizens. we started from the fact that pensioners, as a rule, are all beneficiaries, but not all, after all, since i said pensioners, after this we will consider that i misspoke, the government after that decided to extend this rule to all pensioners, the benefits of these direct lines are obvious, a good disclaimer, come on magadan region, come on, a journalist from magadan, who also drew attention to... we all support your
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decision to run for election next year, because as far as i can remember, you have always been in power, you can say so, thank you very much, not everyone would be able to control themselves during such a dialogue with the president, he succeeded, children, have children , i agree with you, a way to solve the problem and access to flat tariffs, yes, but we have one - the far eastern one. thank you, the magadan journalist’s question was about air fares and transport accessibility. russia begins construction of high-speed railways. if there are 2 hours and 15 minutes between moscow and st. petersburg, it will be a completely different story, a completely different development. then such routes should connect the capital with fraternal belarus, with minsk, with voronezh. nizhny
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novgorod, kazan, yekaterinburg, rostov, we will certainly build one them to lugansk and donetsk. then he said: “the country of railways, i so wanted to correct the country of iron people, because railway workers correspond to this quality, but on that day these people also turned out to be non-iron.” new tunnels and new lines have been launched in different parts of the country. there are railway workers somewhere, when you look, trains go through a tunnel, over a bridge, some feeling of hope arises, the country lives, develops, achieves results, successes, and as they said back in soviet times, there is feeling of confidence in the future. st. petersburg is beautiful at any time of the year, here we are already in the golden autumn and scattering interactive leaves under us, the impressive russia exhibition. siberia
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, of its own free will, of its own free will, even into the arms of a tiger that follows you, our children really love to see videos of all the regions of the country and new ones too, a girl who remembers the times of ukraine very well tells about the dpr, they wanted to expel them from the university for the fact that i refused at the exam not to say that russia is our enemy. stalin, and we only implemented all these decisions, but we did it with inherent.
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to you and the builders with the usual brilliance, that’s what concerns the famous events that took place on the bridge, here, of course, special thanks to the railway workers, special, they showed courage and heroism in the truest sense of the word, we are a paramilitary organization, once completely military, now we consider ourselves paramilitary, but i can assure everyone that work built on the railway is absolutely safe on...
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cor is asked about the situation with the supply of everything necessary to the front, you can’t help but to see that it is improving, after all, it’s true, say that it’s true, it’s improving, yes, but it’s a fact, but... of course, you’re right, it’s not always enough, not everything always works out, after all, it’s the front line, you know how much, almost 2.0 km , there are 617 thousand people in the combat zone, so yes, of course, there may be failures somewhere, the state, the president emphasizes, is itself capable of providing everything necessary, but is grateful to the people for supporting the fighters, all these are weaving , mittens are knitted, socks are knitted, children sent 3 million letters,
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how the signs immediately flew up, before the start of the program they checked whether the wires would interfere with turning your head in different directions, but during the event the energy in the hall was such that just a slight turn of the neck clearly would not have been enough, a second, please excuse me, that’s all -very important questions also come from the stelae. and then he answered point by point: there are still a lot of unresolved problems, you just have to take a step forward,
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solve some problem, two, three, four or five new ones immediately appear, and this is normal the thing is, no need to say, we did it this way, but people are dissatisfied with something or want something else. it was and will always be so, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that the tasks are growing like a snow godfather, well, we are russia, we are a winter country, so we, we love snow, look how much snow we have piled up, what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olivier , depending on what to eat, well, in the white thermos the president, as you know, has tea made from altai herbs, the mug was right in the center of the frame and it clearly needed to be... sent to a special operation right during the broadcast a fearless girl, everyone has been in the military for almost 2 years, the guys on the front line, now near donetsk , are working confidently, the enemy’s defense is literally cracking and bursting at the seams, are you passionate about chess, if so, who did you play with last
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time, who won? you know, i’m with a young man, i asked him recently, let’s play chess, he says, come on, i ask, do you think i’ll win? i want to ask, is it true that you have many doubles? a citizen from st. petersburg did not introduce himself, yes, i see, you may be like me, and speak in my voice, but i thought and decided that
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only one person should speak in my voice, and that person would be me, yes, this is my first double, by the way, artificial intelligence, should i be afraid of him? we need to think about this, this is true, as long as the law exists, it must be followed, remember the belorussian station, there popanov plays an accountant of a large soviet enterprise, and he is constantly in confrontation with the young director, he asks him
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to violate some instructions there, and popanov’s hero answers him, you are so young, energetic, maybe you are right, but if you are right, so energetic, go and get this instruction cancelled. at a meeting with the leaders of parliamentary factions, they talked about the upcoming presidential elections and that attempts to interfere from the outside will be suppressed and dealt with harshly in accordance with the laws of russia. in the open part of the meeting , all leaders spoke. and we talked until 20. pavel, what is known about the president’s plans for the next week? how last week there will be event after event, but since this is inevitable,
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today is better than tomorrow, but it goes a special military operation, of course, will be discussed at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense, the president always participates in it, it is obvious that the key topic is the events in ukraine around it. they will soon have nothing at all, everything will be only in the form of handouts. it is reasonable to assume that the current situation in the world will become the main topic of discussion at the council of legislators, its back-to-back meeting. example, and a meeting with members of the security council is expected this week, many other events, and of course, you remember that
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only our program will show more than others, but if you subscribe to zarubin’s telegram channel, you will know about presidential events before others. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you until next weekend, and i’ll see you with the audience after a short break, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. vladimir putin today again came to vdnk, where the international exhibition forum russia is taking place, the president inspected it.
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economic development of the country, without this development there will be no development at all, but always, despite all the differences in views, all those responsible political forces must remember that the main thing for us is fate, the interests of russia, the happiness, hopes, dreams of our children, the right of our country to be strong, i would add, right and necessity. the vital need for our country to be strong, which means that everything secondary, superfluous, that which
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separates us, must be thrown aside, and of course, we must and will make all decisions only ourselves, without other people’s prompts from abroad. russia cannot, like some countries, give its sovereignty and become someone's satellite. we must remember and never forget to punish our children. russia will either be a sovereign, self-sufficient, sovereign power, or it will not exist at all. this is a very important thing. which should always be in our heads and hearts, very strong words, and of course,
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each of these words is separately perceived , studied and passed on from mouth at the front, on one of my trips i visited the signalmen guys, of course, if you don’t plunge into this problem, then you don’t even understand, what kind of problems do we have? outstanding specialists as far as tradition, and it also turned out that in addition to the fact that he went to the communications academy at the forefront of signalmen, for some reason it was budyonova. in the courtyard of which there is a monument to chipayevo for some reason, well, that is, there are all explanations , but these historical parallels are funny, but i’ll tell you honestly, i was shocked, i was simply shocked, firstly, thanks to the ministry of defense this is a fantastic complex of buildings , which is originally historical, but inside everything is done with
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the latest technology, when they show you the laboratories in which they are deploying what... what will be needed on the front line are now working according to very specific maps, orders, all this in real time, all this is connected with the immediate tasks of the command, how the guys prepare, what kind of guys they are, how they live, how they they train as they learn, that is , there is no need to motivate anyone, besides, there are both men and women, that is, both boys and girls, and there is one of our own. and the children's building, one of the best in the country, where a large number of students from the academy who graduate gold and are proud, that is, visa officers , of course, just great respect, and of course, the care from the state, from the ministry of defense is visible, in every detail, in every detail, and of course, how people value, are proud of and love
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their chosen military specialty profession, this is a separate topic, and so is the fact that... how the communications troops have changed in 2 years, this is of course a separate story, that is, the leap is amazing, they can, they understand, they know, they are trained, great respect, but you will see a film about them , at the same time, well, i naively thought that well, like paratroopers, marines, of course, reconnaissance officers, not realizing that the first to arrive at a position are the last to leave, of course they are like that.
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some kind of real farce, but today , as i understand it, is an honor day, yes, today is the day of the strategic missile forces, yes, that is, these are amazing troops, 54 years old, yes, so we congratulate everyone involved on the holiday, strategic missile forces, they say, yes, that you keep worrying about the athletes who are not allowed to participate in the olympics, but the officers spend their entire lives preparing, they never allow them to participate, that’s who you have to worry about, the slogan of the strategic missile forces is good, yes, after us there is silence, after, well, that’s how it is, yes. after them there is silence , yes, but they have a lot of funny slogans, and very precise and fair ones, but these are the troops that provide a cold shower to any hot western politician, in europe they are discussing orban, who was either bribed or persuaded to drink coffee while the leaders of european countries voted to begin negotiations on ukraine's admission to the eu. i
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don’t accept this explanation; i don’t really understand it at all. what does it mean you can vote when someone has left. drink some coffee, that is it turns out that there are not some uniform rules, that is, what kind of level of organization of the electoral process and the voting process there is, that is, who is this, well , he’s having coffee now, let’s quickly vote while he’s not there, that is, this is trying to us or something to tell some kind of fairy tale, it probably doesn’t matter at all if the decision is made by consensus, that is, it probably doesn’t matter to anyone. and i had some coffee, so, well, we understand everything, and here the questions are not for orban, the questions are for us, we just need to be calmer treat european politics, understanding that there is no putin there, as the germans say,
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there are clear understandable national interests, some do not have them, but those who do, they respect them, and the interests of russia for them are... problems with cognitive function, trump at least understands, so why should trump ban something, ban biden, god forbid, he accepts something, then everyone will suffer again, but i’m so degraded. i don’t remember in the world, i just don’t remember, terrible tragedies are unfolding before our eyes in israel, while its hopelessness, well, well
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listen, he can, of course, keep silent as much as he wants, but when three hostages run out to the positions of israeli troops, with a white flag, speaking hebrew, he enters into dialogue with them. after which they open fire they die, this is the level of fear of the israeli soldiers, at the end of the year , so this is, well, okay, this is there, these were people who tried to surrender, speaking ivit, with a white flag, without weapons, undressed, undressed, they were in dialogue, they were killed anyway, but can you imagine what happens to anyone else.
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and most importantly no one understands what to do further. it is clear that america cannot rule israel, it can only give bombs so that they continue to attack. the people of israel are terrified; they
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simply do not understand what is happening. they are also told, don’t worry, we will now go to the north to fight. because now, before the eyes of the israelis, the main, fundamental pillar of the israeli state is being destroyed, this is absolute trust in its army, because it is an army. and when on yourself. are already just pretending that nothing is happening, meanwhile the houthis have learned, they have already led to the fact that one of the largest suppliers
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told the transport company there, mayer said that no, we won’t send everything, and this means a violation of global logistics, this is again a rise in prices, that is, this is again a frantic crisis, and why is ukraine, which is eating, eating, eating money and doesn’t say thank you, well, he can come up with something. but again, for chi money, but it’s good that there is a german taxpayer, whom no one asks, he will give more just in case, but the rest of the taxpayers are not so obedient, they ask the question, where, where is the end, at this is where some fools end, others begin, the turfs have caught up, these are where they are going, they are completely serious about allowing the americans to station troops and weapons on their territory, at the same time... so much so that they even hint that these could be nuclear weapons , but vladimir vladimirovich replied: well, okay, well, we will create the leningrad military district there, but this is what level of schizophrenia should be,
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this is why, that is, they are taking revenge on us for what, because we have forgiven them several times, here they are for us they are taking revenge for this, for the fact that we are few they talked about their role in the siege of leningrad, about the tina concentration camps, and they were phenomenal. cruelty, that we withdrew ours ahead of schedule, by nikita sergeevich’s decision , closed the military base, that we created phenomenal trading conditions, that it was thanks to russia that they flourished so economically, that is, now we are getting for it, yes, okay, but we will not repeat these mistakes again, a plan for cooperation until 228 by the united states was signed by lithuania and estonia, in poland, 200 km from...
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explained why we are not going to fight with nato, but only now it is obvious that we will no longer be naive, what the president said is very serious, we will not be naive anymore, we no longer trust the west, no one, we understand what their true meaning: the destruction of the russian state , we no longer believe any assurances from their politicians, any of their chatter, we see how the west is clearly preparing for a big war with russia, we understand this, and it’s interesting that they are losing their positions, they are beginning a little come to your senses, westerners, here you go a man with such a good fish surname, stavridis, he’s suddenly here with i generally
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like people with such kind fish surnames, triskovich, stavrides. well, let's listen to him. how did it happen that a year ago the halls of congress were buzzing, i stood with ukraine, and now president zelensky is met with a political deadlock. what the hell happened this year? yes, i think there are three factors here. first, the well-known inability of americans to wait long. we love to fight short wars. remember the persian gulf. we hate.
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has not reached a dead end, and the closer we get, ding-ding-ding, to the election year, the clearer it is that the trend of disagreements on one issue or another is becoming more complex, so for zelensky this is a completely different place than a year ago. what happens if he leaves empty- handed? well, the supply of money from the american conveyor belt will be enough for ukraine for 2 months, perhaps three, at the expense of our european friends.
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that as we approach the remaining funds for replenishment, the question arises as to whether we will exceed them? we certainly have the ability to fully utilize 4.4 billion, but it is a difficult choice because ultimately we have to make decisions about our own combat readiness and whether we can continue to provide the kind of support ukraine needs on the battlefield. yes it is said. support for ukraine has never been so low in the number of us armed forces, they have not fulfilled the recruitment plan for more than one branch of the military except for the aerospace forces, except for the space forces, yes, well, except for the space forces, yes, everything else has failed, well, it is very important for us not to relax, that’s the main thing with us, we start to rejoice early, like that’s it, no, no, not everything, and the fact that traitors to the motherland, by the way, their
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traitor, took books off sale. look at how very safely they kept the drugs, you can be sure that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. there are biological research facilities in ukraine.


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