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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 11:30am-11:58am MSK

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this is a unique and sought-after platform for discussing significant issues of multilateral cooperation for the benefit of our people. i would like to thank my kyrgyz partners, personally okolbek usenbegovich japarov, for his productive chairmanship of the cis bodies this year. among all the important decisions that were made in the format of the commonwealth of independent states, i would like to highlight the signing of a free trade agreement in june at events in sochi. services that organically, today adds, excuse me, complements already the existing free trade zone for goods created in 2014. the document creates the basis for transferring our relations to a completely new quality. next year , the chairmanship of the commonwealth of independent states passes to russia, as russian president vladimirovich putin noted, among...
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the priorities are deepening economic interaction, expanding cultural and humanitarian ties, and linking eurasian integration projects. we visited the international exhibition forum russia, where the achievements were demonstrated russian subjects have their, which is very important, key projects with the commonwealth of independent states. the commonwealth countries have significant industrial and energy resources. and agricultural potential, and, of course, rich natural resources, and most importantly, talented personnel. joining efforts, dynamic, fruitful activities will open up additional opportunities for our close interregional cooperation and for the development of all participants. this is precisely where we see the priority of the russian chairmanship. here
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a lot is already being done, various forums, congresses of teachers, and educators, our youth, competitions, festivals and many other events are being organized, which, very importantly, arouse wide interest among our people, they are held, among other things, with the support of the interstate fund for humanitarian cooperation . cis member states. we regularly hold our theme years. this year is the year of the russian language as the language of interethnic communication in the cis, within the framework of which the leaders of our countries already spoke about this in bishkka in october signed an agreement on the establishment of an international organization for the russian language. and we, as government leaders, have ensured the start of its practical activities, which will contribute to the promotion of the commons.
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russian language on the eurasian continent, and of course, as a result, it will help strengthen our good-neighborly, fraternal relations. the coming year will be dedicated to the volunteer movement, followed by the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war and will become a year of peace and unity in the fight against nazism. a wide range of events has been planned; the events taking place both in russia and in other countries are of particular importance. similar events are being organized in kazakhstan, such initiatives are very important for preserving the history of the education of growing citizens, and we are proud of the exploits of our ancestors, their merits, this memory must be passed on to the future generation, another very good initiative is
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the interstate program “cultural capitals of the commonwealth”. in the past year , st. petersburg carried out such a mission, now the title goes to samarkand. by the way, we can congratulate our uzbek colleagues on the fact that this one of the oldest cities with a long history was officially approved as the venue for the forty-third session of the unesco general conference. and next year tashkent will become the first youth capital of the cis. such a new project will help young people become better acquainted with the cultural wealth of the states of our common region and contribute to the integration processes in the commonwealth space. i would especially like to note joint activities in the field of education. in the cis countries, schools built by the russian federation are being created, where lessons are taught in russian according to the highest educational standards. five such institutions already operate in tajikistan. a large project is planned
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in kyrgyzstan, we are considering other proposals so that children can become more familiar with russian culture during their studies, we support the possibility... for citizens from the cis to obtain a profession in our universities, there are also branches of russian universities abroad, we are expanding practice academic and teaching exchanges, and of course, all this helps strengthen our humanitarian ties. the most important component of cooperation is interaction in the field of sports, especially against the backdrop of its unacceptable politicization. together we hold games of the cis countries every two years, the first ones. took place in kazan, this year the competitions were held in minsk, created conditions for organizing championships and cup championships in individual sports in the near future, we will maintain such traditions so that athletes can show yourself in a fair fight, and most importantly, please your fans.
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one of the brightest events was the ninth st. petersburg international cultural forum, the forum of united cultures. more than 90 countries participated in this event. including over 50 official foreign delegations. the forum discussed new initiatives that aroused wide interest. we are talking about joint work in the field of cinema, including the creation of an academy of cinematic arts and film awards. figures cultures expressed the idea of ​​launching an international competition of popular intervision songs. and according to their plan, it could become annual and open to the participation of all states that share it. our spiritual values ​​are ready for mutually respectful and equal dialogue. the first such event is planned to be held next year in russia. together with strange partners, the rules of creative competition will be determined. we will form a permanent
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organizing committee and, accordingly, select representatives of national jury. i am sure that the song competition will become a bright and extraordinary musical holiday for... all our citizens, dear colleagues , dear friends, the commonwealths, the states of the commonwealth have a rich history, unique traditions, similar cultural and ideological values, and our peoples should have everything opportunities to further strengthen the bonds of friendship, common programs in the cultural and humanitarian field contribute to this, as well as to the disclosure... of the potential of our countries, helps to strengthen mutual understanding between people, and, which is very important, gives a tangible impetus for practical interaction, although investments in the humanitarian sphere and culture do not bring immediate returns, but in the future they have a huge multiplier effect. all these priorities
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are reflected in the draft joint statement prepared by the russian side on the prospects for cultural and humanitarian cooperation, i hope that you will... speech, dear colleagues, it seems to me that mikhail vladimirovich clearly outlined the agenda of our meeting, a free exchange of views on relevant issues of interaction within the framework of the commonwealth of independent states with a simultaneous assessment
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of the draft statement submitted by the russian federation of the heads of government of the cis member states on the prospects for cultural and humanitarian cooperation. i can inform you. participants of the meeting that the draft of the above statement was considered and agreed upon by representatives of the commonwealth countries at the meeting of the expert group on december 12 of this year. i propose to adopt this agenda. if there are no objections, then we move on to a free exchange of opinions. i invite everyone to a discussion, i make a proposal to go the traditional way, to speak in alphabetical order by name. states for heads of government, and then in alphabetical order the names of states, deputy heads of government, there are no objections, accordingly, then it is accepted, dear heads of delegation, the floor is given to the prime minister of the republic of azerbaijan ale idayat agli
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asadov. please, dear ale idayat agli, the floor is yours. thank you. dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear participants of the meeting, first of all. i would like to express special gratitude to the chairman of the government of the russian federation, respected mikhail vladimirovich mishusin, for his very high hospitality.
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participants in many areas. azerbaijan attaches particular importance to the further expansion and strengthening of bilateral ties, which is the key to success.
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2024. azerbaijan is making a great
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contribution to building up cultural and humanitarian cooperation within the cis. various events are regularly held in our country. this area, which brings together figures of art, culture, science and education. azerbaijan has already become a traditional space for holding such events. events, of course, are based on geographical, historical cultural foundations and on the centuries-old traditions of multiculturalism inherent in our people. the republic of azerbaijan is a multinational and multi-religious state. representatives of all nationalities and religions have lived in our country for centuries in peace.
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the community has grown by almost 30%. based on the results of 10 months of this year, we record an increase of another 17%. mutually beneficial cooperation has been established in the transport and transit sector, where priority projects are transport corridors, east, west and north-south.
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azerbaijan continues to modernize its
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region hope for peaceful and secure coexistence. on this optimistic note , i would like to wish all participants of the meeting fruitful work and congratulations on the upcoming new year. once again, in conclusion, i express my sincere gratitude to the respected mikhail vladimirovich for his high hospitality excellent organization of today's meeting. thank you for your attention. thank you very much, dear ones. belarus to roman aleksandrovich golovchenko. please, thank you, dear akalbek usenbekovich, dear heads of the delegation, participants
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of the meeting. well, of course, first of all i express my gratitude to mikhail vladimirovich mishusin for this initiative. for personal contribution to the organization and holding of this extraordinary meeting of the council of heads of government, and of course the traditional kindness and hospitality. thank you, mikhail vladimirovich. i would also like to congratulate the entire team that took part in organizing the international exhibition of the russia forum, which we visited today. the exhibits presented there clearly demonstrate. huge production scientific and technical potential of the regions of the russian federation and the possibility of their accelerated development at a new technological level. the creation of high-tech products with characteristics superior to foreign analogues, i consider this a benchmark for all our countries. important synchronously
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move forward, jointly produce competitive products. and we already have many examples of such interaction. but they need to be scaled up as actively as possible, for this this year they should be used that have proven their effectiveness, adopted in the ias and the union state of belarus and russia. well , you know that within the framework of the ias , a cooperation project to create a eurasian electric bus is at an active stage of development, a decision has been made to formulate a corresponding interstate program, as well as a decision on the procedure for financing such projects. i sure that. such end-to-end integration projects can and should be promoted within the cis to fully utilize the joint scientific, technological and financial potential of our countries. the same applies to issues of e-commerce, the introduction of digital technologies, providing access to government procurement, and reducing telephone tariffs in roaming. in general, it is pleasant to note
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that in 2023 our countries could do everything. return to its growth trajectory, despite the enormous pressure being placed on turns out to be on a number of our countries, members of the cis. based on the results of 9 months, as we know, of this year, in comparison with the same period last year, the gdp of the commonwealth countries grew by more than 2%. the volume of industrial production by 3.4, cargo transportation by almost six, retail trade turnover by 5%. these are good indicators. can and should be surpassed next year. our further efforts should be aimed, of course, at eliminating obstacles to mutual trade, liberalization in the service sector, and implementation of the signed agreement. our important in the service sector and attracting investment. dear colleagues, following the results of today’s meeting, it is planned to sign
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a joint statement on the prospects for cultural and humanitarian cooperation. for our countries, this is an important component of strengthening friendship, good neighborly and partnership relations. if in the economic sphere we can share something, as they say, eh. argue for the economic interests of our countries, i am sure that in the cultural and humanitarian space we have absolutely nothing to argue for; in the commonwealth space, a coherent system of cultural and humanitarian interaction, opportunities that must be used to the maximum. one of the most effective forms of cooperation in this area are cultural days and cultural exchange days. this year , uzbekistan and russian culture days were held in belarus. federation, days of the belarusian traditional platform, where performers from the commonwealth countries actively participate and become winners. by the way, this year
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the grand prix winners of this competition were a representative of kazakhstan and a representative of armenia. from year to year, films from cis member countries threaten the competition program of the minsk international leaf fall festival. another very fruitful area of ​​collaboration. held with creative groups of russian cities. exchange of tours between kazakhstan, armenia, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan.
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large-scale forums will make the holding of this forum in tashkent the brightest event in the cis. exhibition and fair activities play a major role in the development of cooperation. next year belarus plans to organize more than 15 exhibitions at international platforms in the cis countries. joint virtual exhibitions - i think this is a very promising direction. all cis countries have it. exhibition dedicated to the great patriotic war, combining video materials on the site of a virtual exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of our common victory, we will make such a project
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truly popular. and of course, sport is the most important element of public diplomacy. the second games of the cis countries became a bright holiday and an unforgettable event for residents and guests of belarus. more than 2.0 athletes from 22 countries of the world took part in them. taking this opportunity, i would like to thank all the participants of the community for sending their sports teams to participate in the games, and we were pleased to pass the baton of holding this wonderful event to the city of ganja, as ali gedayatovich said, and of course we will take an active part in these competitions, well, second friendship games, world friendship games, excuse me, the first world friendship game, which... will take place next year in russia, the most important sports event, we wish our russian colleagues a successful conduct of these competitions,
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we are preparing to accept broad and...
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cooperation within the cis. kazakhstan highly appreciates the results of kyrgyzstan's chairmanship in the commonwealth. we are interested in further joint work on the commonwealth platform to deepen our integration ties and fill it with new practical content. the priorities put forward by president tukhaev at the last meeting of the council of heads of state, designed to intensify interaction in the cis format. one of key areas of our joint work
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in the coming year. there will be cooperation to expand cultural and humanitarian ties into interaction in the field of healthcare, education, and sports. as you know, the outgoing year is marked by the russian language, which is an important factor in the consolidation of friendly relations between our countries. at the summit in bishkka, the heads of our countries made a joint decision to create an international organization for the russian language, signing it to establish it as the year of the volunteer movement. i call on the state. g to begin practical work on the implementation of the kazakh one.


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