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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 3:30pm-3:59pm MSK

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more than two million tons. oil became the main commodity. according to experts, today the northern route as an alternative corridor is capable of accepting from 10 to 15% of the total cargo flow passing through the suede canal. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars , asked for the sake of peace to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is normal .
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now economic news, briefly. russia sends 60% of its exports to asia. this was stated by the head of menfin, anton silunov, at a meeting with his chinese counterpart lan fuang in beijing. the minister recalled that following the results of 11 months, trade turnover between our countries has already exceeded $200 billion. at the same time , imports increased significantly. goods from china,
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which is extremely important for russia. it is also important that in our trade, more than 90% of trade turnover is carried out in national currencies, in chinese evania and russian rubles. the necessary settlement infrastructure has also been created, which ensures mutual trade. russia increased grain supplies abroad by one and a half times by december 4. exports reached 62.5 million tons. olga palazyukova, a representative of the ministry of agriculture, stated this in the state duma. as for the harvest, this year they plan to harvest more than 140 million tons, as previously stated by minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev, after the completion of the grain deal, grain exports did not fall, but increased, and russia is not interested in extending it. artificial intelligence at work. this was stated in a joint study by yakov and partners and yandex. four out of five enterprises. change yandex gpt when working with
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texts. 40% use kandinsky to create images. at the same time, solutions from open ai, gpt chats, are used by everyone without exception. most often, ee is implemented in the areas of customer service sales marketing. as a result, 2/3 of enterprises report an increase in profit. and in russia, for the first time this year , sales of used cars decreased. in november, the market fell by half a percent to 450,000 cars. autostat reports this. demand was affected by the increase in the central bank rate; used cars are sold in credit, the secondary segments are also hampered by high prices; over the year they increased by more than 40%. at the end of 11 months , the used car market is still in the black, up almost 20%, with more than 5 million cars sold. it was economic news. short. litual new year's
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gifts are absolutely for everyone, buy two get the third free. only at alfabank. order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and get a superkick every month. order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment. not just profitable, alpha profitable. we keep prices low. chocolate wafer bar 33.99. pyaterochka helps out. it’s good that the apartment is insured with a favorable
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protection policy for any event from sberbank. without hesitation, they pass off military objects as civilian ones, hush up troubles at the front in the rear and still dream that the western masters will give them victory, all this is the signature handwriting of ukrainian propagandists, who lie, the further, the crazier, but still count on the trust of their target audience, we will tell you in more detail right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, in the focus is on the kharkov region, which, according to professional liars, has been subject to crime for several days in a row. arrows from our troops, the targets are, for example, the outpatient clinic and residential buildings in the village of cossack-lopan, and of course, they do not miss the opportunity to show dramatic footage, they say the russians hit anywhere, but crippled civilians, and in general almost committed a terrorist attack , well, pieces flew into me straight into the hut
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, they flew towards krisha, he broke the roof, broke the roof, there was a barn, basically nothing new, and those who are already accustomed to the style of yellow-blanket media will immediately turn to it. attention to characteristic nuances, well , this is traditional hysteria, because we need to tell something, we need to talk about russian cannibals who destroy civilians, but somehow the civilians themselves say that our houses were cut by shrapnel, there was no direct hit, so for some reason they didn’t show the people to whom these houses belong, apparently the people left a long time ago, and the vacated houses were occupied by the ukrainian military, they placed a warehouse in the house, people, they probably hoped to return there, but now they won’t return, because it was a military facility, but the real consequences of the arrivals ceased to be a secret when the filming of a russian reconnaissance drone became publicly available, in fact, here it is, at first glance, in the frame an unremarkable private sector with squat
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buildings, well, it would seem, why touch it, but this illusion dissipates as soon as the optics of the drone enlarges the impact site, smoke trails emanate from the house with a gray roof, secondary detonations are visible with the naked eye, judging by the video, there are two options: either this is really an outpatient clinic in which incredible reserves of alcohol were stored for some reason, yes, we see that it is burning, exploding and blazing, or this , as is being introduced from the ukrainian side, the typical manner of placing military warehouses in such iconic objects, detonation, but also speed, fires, well, it is clear that from... buildings in which there were many, therefore, dangerous objects. the second building under the red slate is also quite remarkable, if you look closely just across the road from it a minibus is parked, with a recognizable khaki color and an equally recognizable configuration. judging by the oblong body and the location of the four side windows, this is
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a six-wheeled renault master. just these relatively recently were delivered from abroad, specifically for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, or more precisely for the transportation of personnel, so it’s obvious. military equipment and in this case, a drone spotted a bus that drove up to an ordinary residential building, where a whole group of military personnel was stationed in the ssu; in fact, this building was targeted a precision strike was carried out, it is new technologies, technologies, and specifically drones, that now allow tracking and reconnaissance to carry out fairly accurate strikes without affecting civilians, the result of such strikes can be tracked through non-social networks, we can actually track them now. real loss in soo. in short, the russian military, as always, hit the right addresses with jewelry, and the cossack burst itself has long been under the supervision of our intelligence. after all , this settlement is peaceful only with great reserve; it plays an extremely important role in the logistics of the kiev regime, in particular from the destroyed ammunition depot
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on bogdan khmelnytsky street only 120 m to the railway tracks. they are drawn to kharkov, where a large armored plant of the armed forces of ukraine is located, designed to store tank and artillery shells. in addition, from the village there is a convenient road to the chuguev military airfield, through which they transfer the same artillery, which takes an hour and a half to travel, and even closer to 60 km from kazacha lopan is the korotich airfield. where also repeatedly delivered ammunition, and the more cynical are the statements of local authorities that civilians have not yet been evacuated from the village, because they allegedly do not want to leave, they are used as a human shield, for cover, so that when we cover the next warehouse, they can say, here we go. they hit an absolutely peaceful village, but the lives of ordinary ukrainians there are not at all bothered by kiev, especially there somewhere towards the belgorod region, towards the south. they have already mentally and morally abandoned these territories, not
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everything is in order with the junta at a considerable distance from the zone, a crowd of people stand in queues just to get down there, and then they also fight with each other for a place on the trains, or they storm the buses, of which there are not enough for everyone. the reason is on the surface, or more correctly, at the bottom of the flooded metro. according to the official press release, the depressurization of the tunnels led only to the short-term closure of a number of stations on one of the branches, but... there is something like 15% of all obligations, a typical story with not just
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to develop it, but even just to maintain it, now we are talking about whether they will be able to stop the spread of this problem to other stations, and in some places it even got ridiculous, take for example the olympic station, at first alarmed passengers noticed signs of flooding there, but in the office of the same klitschko they hastened to brand the information as fake , then they finally leaked to telegram channels. eloquent footage, judging by which the water on olimpiyskaya with the clarification that it is supposedly controlled, but who will believe now, given the previous lies, over the last 30 years of independence the metro in ukraine did not actually develop, the only thing they did was rename the metro stations, that is, from soviet to constitution square, this is the only action that, in principle , took place in the metro, so the means, technologies and techniques of people who can do it.
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right up to the teremki final stop, there are no transfer options there, which means that the southwestern galaseevsky district of the city is completely cut off from the subway, in turn, the likely flooding of olimpiyskaya will worsen the situation is even stronger, because in such a scenario it will probably be necessary to close the neighboring palace ukraine station. in addition , reports of leaks came from the chernigovskoye station in the northeast of the red line from the golden gate near the changeover from red to green, plus, in sections of the red farm, tunnels tend to sag.
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in the meantime, the civilian infrastructure of kiev is falling apart; the military infrastructure is systematically disabling russian iskander and geranium calibers. on paper, knowledgeable anti-aircraft crews, as always, shoot down absolutely everything, they boast about a little bit about the 100% effectiveness of their anti-aircraft missile systems, they say they are playing. a separate information wash still reveals details about arrivals at critical facilities about regular damage. power grids as a result of attacks on tets, and fires are burning directly within the city limits of kiev, which
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clearly does not correspond to fairy tales about missiles intercepted on approach. accordingly, it is impossible to sweep reality under the rug even in conditions of a strict ban on photography and video recording. the crater is obviously from ammunition less, much less powerful than the iskander, it’s really either some kind of medium anti-aircraft missile, or something similar, most likely it is. the trace from a hit from a ukrainian air defense missile is another, well, about the fact that they shot down everything, but this is their very vague rhetoric, lately they have generally started shooting down everything, that is... we’re not even talking about 95% anymore, it’s already 100 % knocked down, new topic, the enemy will not pass. thus, the bandera junta is still unable to strengthen its air defense , but foreign patrons are ready to give it a whole fleet, the so-called naval support coalition created in great britain and norway, they announce the transfer to kiev of many ships
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for raids in russian waters. no doubt, it sounds menacing, and moreover, the united kingdom, as... needs, has already given the go-ahead for the first deliveries with the important caveat that their quality raises serious doubts. this is a basic standdown minesweeper, the lift capacity of which does not exceed 600 tons. consequently, they are capable of operating only in closed waters near bases, set, you can take a crew of thirty -four people, but they will not have any serious weapons at their disposal. the oerlikon automatic cannon is more suitable for detonating mines than firing at enemy targets. and besides it, the minesweeper is equipped with only three machine guns.
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this is a growing understanding that, well, no, no, military capabilities, well, western countries except perhaps the united states, which , as we see, do not really want, well, somehow strengthen the ukrainian army, but on land, the roar of victorious reports has noticeably died down, although their attempts they don’t leave zelensky to come up with media, a vivid example of a unian publication with reference to the institute for the study of war, and supposedly in the exit of the predators there are already painful guns, and judging by...
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that no one needs them, they have been forgotten. in general, there is still only one way for the mobilized ukrainians to survive: call the volga in the purity of 1492, surrender , you will live, and then, maybe, you will even get to the kiev shaman’s concert. the grandiose show of the russian singer at the sports palace of the ukrainian capital was announced by the website of the local ticket office. well, however, producer, musician anton korobkov zemlyansky urged not to rush things. according to him,
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yaroslav dronov’s schedule of events is very busy, and a performance specifically in kiev is not yet planned. the enemy, that is, to involve him in this , in this operation, in this case we see how ukrainian journalists called the venues where the shaman’s concert was actually planned to be held, they interviewed, they questioned, that is, by their actions made it clear that something was about to happen, be that as it may, it was impossible rule out that sooner or later the song of the shamans
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will still be heard at the kiev stadium, at least the probability of this is incomparably higher than the implementation of the ukronazi... more reliable than the ridiculous fakes that we are full of nonsense and will certainly continue to expose in the stopfake program on the tv channel russia 24. with a credit card, everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want.
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hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. look how very safely they kept drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. hallera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of batulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. there was the us government. with the support of washington , a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. nobody
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