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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 4:00pm-4:27pm MSK

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this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day are working for you georgy podgorny and natalya litovka. cultural proximity of the peoples of the cis countries, the history of life in one state. this is the key to developing cooperation within the community in a variety of areas. this is glory to vladimir. russia attaches special importance to the development of interaction in the commonwealth of independent states, mikhail mishustin announced this today during a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis; the russian prime minister called this meeting on the eve of the new year a good opportunity to summarize and talk about plans for the future. mishustin also noted that next year. when
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the chairmanship of the cis passes to russia, the country will continue to strengthen economic, humanitarian and other ties in the association. in addition, the head of government emphasized that promoting the russian language for interethnic communication on the eurasian continent will help strengthen fraternal and good neighborly relations between the cis countries. well, even before the start of the meeting, mikhail mishustin , together with colleagues from other cis countries visited the forum russia exhibition, which takes place at vdnh, in moscow and the moscow region, as well as bashkartastan and some other regions. our colleague varvaranevskaya will tell you more about what other topics the heads of government of the cis discussed today. close cultural ties, spiritual closeness and centuries-old common history. the foundation in relations between russia and other commonwealth countries, independent states, is still strong.
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nazism an important role in this work is given to the search engine movement, as well as such iconic an action in memory of those who fell during the great patriotic war, like the immortal regiment, the st. george ribbon, the memory train, designed to introduce the citizens of our states, including young people, to the history and places of military glory. the natural theme of preserving our common heritage, the russian language. which
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remains the language of interethnic communication for hundreds of millions of people, both in our countries and around the world. the meeting place itself where they are presented is also symbolic. russia, the meeting is a great opportunity to take stock of the passing year. next year , the chairmanship of the commonwealth of independent states passes to russia, as russian president vladimirovich putin noted, among the priorities are deepening economic interaction, expanding cultural and humanitarian ties to connect eurasian ones. integration projects, you and i visited the international exhibition forum russia, where the achievements of russian subjects of their, which is very important, key projects with the commonwealth of independent states were demonstrated. commonwealth countries have
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significant industrial, energy and agricultural potential, but also, of course, rich natural resources, and most importantly, talented personnel. joining forces, dynamic, fruitful activities will open up additional opportunities for our close interregional cooperation and for the development of all participants. this is precisely where we see the priority of the russian chairmanship. the signing of the agreement in sochi is a major step in the development of the economies of all cis countries. according to the prime minister of kyrgyzstan, only through the implementation innovation and investment projects for the community.
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another important area is ensuring high-quality and affordable medical care; the prime minister of kazakhstan called on countries
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to intensify all mechanisms available in the cis in the field of healthcare. alekhan smailov also noted his ability to work with disabilities. following the dialogue, the heads of government signed a statement. about the prospects for cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. the next meeting will take place in a presidential format. the russian leader invited colleagues from the cis countries to take part at an informal summit at the end of december in st. petersburg. varvara nevskaya, tatyana korneeva, vesti. the legendary alfabank credit card is free forever. has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm across the country, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! litual new year's gifts
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you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, new year's discounts in a magnet, black long tea azer tea 199, it gets better and better, up to 16% per annum on the deposit, the best interest in savings, deposit with a favorable rate, register with literally one button in the mobile application; it’s more profitable in savings with prime. the latvian authorities intend to expel from the country more than a thousand russian citizens who have not submitted new documents for a residence permit. said a representative of the department of citizenship and migration affairs. residence permit is a mandatory requirement for
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russians to stay in the republic. after amendments to the migration law , you can only obtain it if you have a certificate of proficiency in the latvian language at a basic level of a2. you have 2 years to pass the exam; during this period it is possible to obtain a temporary residence permit. meanwhile, early elections were held in serbia, which united around the ruling progressive party. in second place, well...
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that the global picture will not change, before the final election results are announced, in principle there are still a few days left, according to serbian laws, the cec has 96 hours to announce the final result. it is clear that aleksandar vucic’s party is gaining an absolute majority in parliament, depending on the final alignment, this could be 129-130 mandates out of 250; the night before at the party headquarters, aleksandar vucic called this exact result successful. i hope that all the players in this election race will behave rationally, seriously, although i am not entirely
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sure of this, i expect that serbia will have important tasks in the future, so i expect a landslide victory, this is very important a precondition for our country to continue on the path of prosperity and success. in addition, the president of serbia in the evening at headquarters noted that the country would soon face difficult negotiations through the mediation of the european union and normalization. during these elections they did not notice, including representatives of the russian central election commission . during yesterday's voting, citizens of serbia elected not only members of parliament for 4 years, municipal elections were held in 65 cities, including in belgrade and in the autonomous region of vojvodina. the elections in belgrade are currently attracting the most attention, since
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the ruling party’s success here is also there, but it is not so deafening, let ’s say. as in the general elections, the ruling party gains about 38% of the votes, their closest pursuers, the pro-western coalition serbia against violence, gains about 35%, which means that in the end coalition negotiations will take place in belgrade and it is still impossible to say with certainty whether the representative of the serbian progressive party will remain parties alexander shapich on next 4 years as mayor of belgrade? daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, european bureau of news from belgrade. and today the kremlin commented on the course of the elections in serbia, this is what the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov said. we are really following this very closely, this is an exclusively internal matter of serbia, it is a friendly serbia for us, a brotherly serbia for us. we, of course, welcome this success of mr. vucic, and we hope
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this will contribute to the further development of the republic, and of course. we are counting on that the trajectory of further strengthening our friendship, our mutually beneficial and respectful interaction will continue. we also discussed the preliminary results of the early parliamentary elections in serbia with the russian ambassador to this country, alexander botsin kharchenko, and let's watch a fragment of his interview. the situation is still unclear, it is unclear how it will develop, it all depends on... a small party, which , by the way, this is a surprise, they got - a professor, doctor nistorovich and they, by the way, get into parliament, they get into belgrade, everything will depend on who he joins, but - he himself made a statement
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after the voting results that at this stage he...
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hello colleagues, well, there really were no surprises in the presidential elections in egypt 89.6 %. in the presidential elections. the current president of the country, abdel-fattah asisi, has scored 2023 in egypt; less than an hour ago, the national election commission of the arab republic officially announced the voting data and recognized it as valid. according to the central election commission of the arab republic, he won a landslide victory abdel-fattah a-sisi. let me remind you that , in addition to the current president, three more
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people were vying for the post of head of the arab republic: the leader of the left opposition, farid zahran, the head of the liberal party. long before it began, because the current head of state enjoys the support of the overwhelming majority of the country's population, these are the figures that were announced today at the board of the national election commission of egypt just a few minutes ago, which once again confirmed this, this is what they said at a press conference for journalists, let's let's listen: the great people of egypt made their choice, voting took place both within the country and outside its borders, the percentage of turnout in the elections was the highest.
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egypt is now one of the main key negotiators in the palestinian-israeli conflict between tel aviv and hamas; as for the internal situation in egypt, the country’s economy is no better now.
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egypt. on another note, bp is suspending the transit of all its oil tankers through the red sea. previously , the transportation of goods through the suetsky canal was already sharply decreased due to yemensky's attack. international logistics companies are refusing to transport goods through the suede canal due to an attack by yemen's houthis. the situation in the region has already led to longer delivery times and higher costs for shippers. the soviet canal has so far served as the fastest convenient trade route between china and europe. now a ship that is heading, say, from shanghai to rotterdam. but you will have to carry the cargo around africa, that is, rounding the cape of good hope, this is 6.00 km longer and adds from 7 to 14 days on the way. if you look at
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the recipients of the senders, first of all it is southeast asia and china, first and secondly it is europe, that is, the main users of this transport route, as it were. the most optimal route for entering the soviet canal, of course, is around africa, around the cape of good hope. extension period depending on the type of vessel. what power plant is used, well, somewhere around the range is from six to 10 days, well, maybe up to two weeks. from for security reasons , the world's largest companies, such as sema, hapaklloid, mayersk and zim, have already abandoned transportation through the suetsky canal. smaller market participants are following suit. however, they themselves can only win in this situation. until now, the cost of sea transportation in the direction of asia and europe was at a historical minimum, and now no one will stop companies from raising their prices. most likely , the profits of logistics companies will remain unchanged, they will simply increase tariffs for the expenses that they incur, this includes the freight
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of ships, crew salaries, fuel and other overhead costs for which we, ordinary consumers, will pay. about 12% of all world trade passes through the suede canal, which separates africa from asia, which in monetary terms is approximately $10 billion per day. we are mainly talking about the export of energy resources, such as litter and oil; part of the traffic is mainly consumer goods, including gifts that europeans order for christmas. according to experts, problems with delivery in the first place turn will lead to a sharp increase in prices for end consumers. the red sea is a critical shipping route, with 12% of global trade routes passing through it. these are container ships, cargo, grain, oil and petroleum products, that is, everything that subsequently enters... concerns the insurance premium for risk, this begins to push prices up and will be passed on further along the chain. in
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some cases prices have increased by 300%. accordingly, additional payment for risk will lead to increased costs for operators and delivery delays. global transportation are complicated by the situation in the panama canal, where shipping companies are having problems with transit due to severe drought and shallowing. northern sea route. the transportation of transit cargo this year reached a record of more than two million tons in the entire history of the route. oil became the main commodity. according to experts, today the northern sea route as an alternative corridor is capable of receiving from 10 to 15% of all cargo traffic passing through the suede canal. who are you? chi musicians, we do not have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and irresistible troubadour, this is my group, hello my honati! forgive me, where
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were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without deception, i’m behind you with tempting arches of palaces, freedom will never be replaced, it’s gone , call the pig, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you’ve been waiting for, asshole! that a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves a temporary musician, i actually sing too, the bremen musicians.
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