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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 7:30pm-7:50pm MSK

7:30 pm
7:31 pm
and it should be, but surprisingly it should be, that is, profit, in the economic sense, profit is a result cleared of all obligations, including moral ones, this should not happen in economics, steal a cannon from a regiment with your own hands fired.
7:32 pm
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7:33 pm
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7:34 pm
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7:35 pm
for 139 rub. delivery is free, scooter without extra expenses, i ordered one there today. a quote from the russian philosopher vladimir solovyov, and in any case i wanted to read it somehow today, but now i surprisingly completely understand that right now it needs to be read, because what you are saying is actually repeating what vladimir solovyov said 100 years ago , as if from moral conditions, as the free play of chemical processes can.
7:36 pm
you, as a practical businessman, say that this is fixed in the constitution, now there is a lot of talk that it’s time to change the constitution, and it’s time to change it again, this is not the first time i’ve heard this, yes, maybe this is one of those lifehacks of the president, i have the following
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question, you have your business, it just grew on your knees from the kitchen, making soap, and now you have such a serious innovative company, products that are presented in federal networks, people have changed, that is there is a certain evolution of society, an evolution personalities, the evolution of enterprises, and now it’s not just about profit and ours in general, at least in the world in which we live, and if you answer
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the question about values, of course they were initially, they even limited this at first just about the path and the goal, yes, that is, at first. that is, now this goal is worth it, we thought that our business would be ethical, there are solar panels, yes, this building is energy efficient, in 10 years, we will reinvest a lot of money in our future, that is, we are among business is not just a business where they just make money, yes, but we are investing, we are investing qualitatively in our future, but... not just ours, yes, our region of our country, we want to create an enterprise that will work and it will be useful, even there 5 years ago, yes 17 years ago, 17 years ago, good, but when these investments in business are made, in 30 years,
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in 50, you have to beat off the tasks, there is a task for life, to go through an interesting path, which is interesting to you, you know, this is the path, which we are going to, it is interesting for us, we are interested in studying. experimental plant growing, acclimatizing avocados to a project that needs 20 years, and it’s not a fact that there will be a good result, but the path to maximizing profits, it would lead you to something completely different, you would rent a hangar somewhere, plant it in there are employees, where there is electricity, roads, well, roads , gas and so on, they would buy all these substances somewhere, as most companies do abroad.
7:40 pm
eva men, the soviet union ended, this is the first thing they agreed on back then, 30 years ago, that business for us will always be a benefit that finds a place in people’s lives. but in an economic and economic way, so if we want to do something in the long run, then the benefit should be at the forefront: and money or profit is simply what ensures the sustainability of this very benefit, and therefore our business, the company complex, it is not a capitalist company, and - responsibility for the environment, c - for society, g - for corporate culture and working conditions, but at the same time the world is littered with waste, the service life... of goods is becoming less and less, employees commit suicide from inhumane treatment,
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chemical experiments are demonstrated in schools, a tooth dissolves in coca-cola, this happens because responsibility is predominantly global in nature , for some reason they let themselves go, we said, yes, in principle, the concept is normal, well , it’s like the concept is what is being proposed, but if you look at the idea that is being proposed, it’s easy to compare, but what does this mean for our lives? should influence, but in principle we live the same way, you are responsible. you relate to the space in which employees work, then there is your attitude towards the environment, you build wastewater treatment plants there at your factories, we always have companies there, how many factories they build, we have zero discharges everywhere, well, that is, just basically always was in taman , for example, we need to take care, we believe that employees need to be treated with care, how to create conditions for them, and well , the space that you see here is, after all, a form of our respect for promising people who come here , scientists, developers, just others...
7:42 pm
come on, work, this is one model, the second model, when you create conditions for life, a person comes and he understands that, well , somehow... to another here, changes in practice who do not know the theory of economics, so to speak, argue that the meaning of entrepreneurial activity may not be the maximization of profit and income. and public benefit, and this is nonsense from the point of view of the theory of economics or there - well, i mean from the point of view of the theory of economics to mathematize, but it’s like times is a defect in economic theory, because in a correct economic theory it should be exactly what sergei said, that the target function is social welfare, and profit is simply...
7:43 pm
in your business, in the long horizon, well, a long horizon is generally only contrary to the market, there are hints for this, the fact is that, uh, kantarovich, he is a nobel laureate in economics, but he is a mathematician, one of the rare russian nobel laureates, that’s how it is with him since the objective function was most likely that's it...
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7:45 pm
okay, thank you, sergey, i want to, you know, touch on another question, which i touched on a little, we kind of say, we were instilled with this from the beginning of the nineties, yes, what exactly is individualistic, self-awareness , which is christism. yes, that’s why they are doing so well with the economy, while with us orthodoxy is not an individualistic basis of culture, so with us the economy will always be worse. and in general it should be worse, so we must learn, is this so or is it not so, that’s the question, well, i don’t know, let’s start with you, i would like to discover that russia has two hearts, individual russia and collective russia, count 25 out of 75, 25 individualists, 75
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collectivists, we are kind of individualists - that’s probably. in cities , they are, yes, he says that it is more in cities, individualists are more in cities, concentrated, we have been conducting the same research for a long time, we call it a little differently, empathetically the community of russia, russia, russia and individualists, there are 25 of them %, and russia k are collectivists, 75% of them, according to the generally accepted theory , it is individualists who are the main drivers business, but vevka thinks differently, we are also conducting the latest research. for almost 25 years now we have exactly the same numbers 20 75 by 25, we simply call it empathically communal and rationally achievement -oriented, there are two russias that rationally achieve, yes, this, by the way, is one of the reasons why moscow and the regions do not really understand each other, because that as if the regions, they just think differently in terms of worldview, it turns out that -
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well, in the modern method of management , these 75%, they seem to have found themselves on the sidelines. they seem to be telling themselves that, well , we are not needed here, but this does not mean at all that they are not predisposed, they know how to create, and this is, well, confirmed with us, that’s how many years the company has been in existence , it probably exists on these principles, in recent years the fact that we have been engaged in innovation is exactly the same, you create an environment where people do business, they simply show amazing results, he also says so, it’s as if they have been pushed out of economic activity in the last 30 years. they they say: well, no one here thought about us, and as if in a bottle or, and if necessary, they generally need to understand what the protestant ethic is and generally return to what it is, what we are and how we differ from protestants, protestant ethics, all of its economic efficiency is built on the sacred, the sacredness of gold, where wealth is a sign of correct service to god,
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in our culture, well, spiritual, above material non-covetousness, it turns out like... managerial technologies, it’s all built on the protestant foundation there these, they are more powerful than individualists , well, firstly, these are those people who know how to feel, they feel the emotion of another person and do not just feel it as if theoretically, oh, how i feel that you are uncomfortable now, but it is beneficial for me, so that you feel uncomfortable now , i’ll put pressure there, this is not that kind of empathy, they experience it as their own, they feel pain from your pain, it hurts them just like it does to you, it’s like that, it’s such a property, that’s it such people who, in general, well... sides can be to say, well, this is the development of the forest of the steppe, by slash-and-burn farming, it’s like we went through this entire ecological niche to the pacific ocean as a community together with someone and you would never survive alone, and there are absolutely incredible things in our culture, for example, the novogorod republic, it’s a real democracy there, but
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look back at the recent past, what happened to our country from forty-five to sixty, how is this possible? drink, she’ll be pushed to the sidelines, but if you wake her up, there’s such creative potential there incredible, so here from the point of view , even from biology, yes, a symbiotic connection , this is the collective mind, it is always stronger than one living person, and this is normal, from the point of view of evolution, just like that, in general they say, it absolutely beats, the collective mind is always equally symbiotic, when everyone helps each other with their skills, knowledge, program, here we are...
7:50 pm
like some points that you can think about, right?
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