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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 10:30pm-10:53pm MSK

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it is necessary to take them to the rear for a new service, which we confidently declare to you that in these combat conditions these black soils probably did not exist. this type of soil is characterized by a fairly high moisture capacity, about 30%. in other words, after rain or when the snow suddenly melts, the black soil quickly becomes saturated with moisture. water can make up up to a third of the volume of the soil, but at the same time, it contains a large amount of clay fraction, which
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has already endured three periods of rasputin in the conditions of real hostilities. army experience, of course, it is completely absent, what kind of military personnel are they if they do not take care of the equipment that is given to them. so maybe it’s not a lack of experience, but rather a matter of common sense? the soldiers simply don’t want to die, but how can you sit in a puddle like that, three cars at once, side by side, it’s suspicious. and, by the way, the fact that the circumstances of the accident were video recorded for the authorities. also fits perfectly with the supposedly objective reasons, they cannot do anything, so it is quite possible that a significant part of the military equipment, military personnel who do not strive to carry out combat missions are simply deliberately loaded into the mud so that it is impossible to pull them out. we don’t mind at all;
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anyway, she would have perished in the local chernozem, and this way, at least we’ll save ammunition. the russian ministry of defense today confirmed the destruction of another leopard-2 tank on the kupa front of the siberian federal district. three infantry fighting vehicles, two armored personnel carriers of the ukrainian sau and more than 60 militants of the ukrainian armed forces were also disabled there. inflict such serious damage on enemy equipment and manpower almost non-stop, allows, among other things, fpv, kamica drones, and allows a quadcopter with fragmentation. nearby on board, damn, even three people , i’ll go in now, the target was hit for three militants, this war is over, the equipment and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine are burning along the entire front line, regardless of the weather, the enemy’s attempts to interfere with our army, the enemy uses rap, but we we learned how to bypass the rebbots and successfully hit targets. the crew of the kamikaze drone consists of two people, a pilot and an engineer, who works with the equipment of the military group center. volunteers who just recently signed up.
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contract, they arrive in a continuous stream to the zone of a special military operation, they master the equipment here , the tankers go to the line, practice on the target and quickly roll back, in principle , they will very soon have to repeat the same thing in a combat situation, we responsibly approach all the tasks assigned, well our instructors, all the tactical and technical characteristics in these situations, what to do? a driver-mechanic with the call sign served tank crews and... conscript service, now he got the most advanced machine, the brand new t-90m breakthrough. everything is more modernized, many amenities have already been made for everyone. i still wanted an urgent contract, but there was no war then. and now there is a war and as if the state is in need, who if not us? before the crew goes into battle, the vehicle is also equipped with special screens that will prevent enemy missiles from targeting the tank. another sample. modern technology
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infantry fighting vehicle basurmanin on the classic bmp-1 or as it is called in the army, a kopek , a turret from an armored personnel carrier 82 is installed thirty -millimeter automatic cannon 150 shells are loaded from the top 150 from the bottom from the fighting compartment, depending on the target you can clearly see everything on it you open the button here you press everything and the device works until it leaves and... actions in case of possible malfunctions of the gun and vehicle only after that sent to carry out tasks in the zone of responsibility of a group of troops. you can still see the markings somewhere, but most of it is simply littered with all sorts of rubbish and rubbish. eloquent shots from kiev, whose residents, as is not difficult please note that they have opened a clothing market right on the central bike paths.
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that a few years ago the mayor’s team opened with pomp , in words, almost copying the experience of amsterdam , well, here’s the result in reality, for some reason there is no active cycling traffic on the streets of the dutch capital, but for... uncontrolled street trading the location turned out to be extremely junk that gets thrown into the trash, at least i earned something for bread. in general, c-europe is obvious, but seriously, the cry from the heart of the author of the video is quite understandable, because klitschko and his gang are just showing off they never skimped, but in principle there was no real improvement in the post-maidan era, and most importantly , the further, the more obvious all this becomes for the people of kiev themselves, who are shocked not even ... of kiev on the surface in the literal sense of the word. flooded stations, like a snowball, drag on one problem after another. kyiv sank. asphalt naturally cracks, this is what the road surface looks like right above the demeevskoye metro station. trade
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pavilions are about to fall into the ground, right after klitschko’s reputation. immediately visible relations of the mayor of the ukrainian capital. having seen these shots, i was very impressed. managerial collapse, it’s technical, whatever you want, it’s, well, it just can’t be, in fact, when i saw this news, for me it was this series, well, it can’t be like that, well, are the people who are in charge really complete idiots? , absolutely no one did anything, they absolutely no one did anything, the demeevskaya metro station is just located, judging by these shots, there is not even any talk about saving the kiev metro, this is the goloseevskaya station , water is seeping through the walls, there is about to be a waterfall, the golosiivsk metro station, this is the story here, since no one has built
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a single metro station there in the last 12 years, accordingly, it seems to me that the best personnel have gone far away, but it seems to me that now it is simply impossible for kiev to resolve this issue on its own. it is necessary to call some european specialists for help again, because by definition they cannot call russian ones, that’s why it seems to me that this issue will not be resolved until at least the summer next year will be closed and somehow maybe the people of kiev will forget to discover horse-drawn transport there, why not, after all, they are opening a section just from demeevskaya to teremki for six months, and now they have allegedly started... another section of the tunnel between pochayno and taras shevchenko stations, they don’t write what specific work will be carried out, or maybe these specialists in quotes themselves don’t know, they can’t say what they will repair, but how are you doing design work now, yes, how are you going to do it? compose, if you don’t understand why, well, actually
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, that you are going to overhaul there, not those people who understand and know what needs to be done not out of competence, but out of loyalty, yes, that is, you love bandera , you hate russia, please? for a position , one can only be horrified at the state of the staff, and the fact that nothing is being done, money is being stolen, you know, kiev is far from a poor city, the city of kiev has its own city budget - it’s 2 billion dollars, only hardly, at least a tenth part of this budget will go specifically to the metro , most likely the money will flow away, there is one system, it is necessary to constantly, strictly, every minute of every day, comply with the regulations that have been developed, not miss a single minute, follow all instructions. this was all in ukraine a long time ago clogged. so why be surprised if klitschko opened an unfinished bridge in kiev? everything is stolen to the maximum. and what krichko reveals is that he recently opened a bridge, the bridge is unfinished. i communicate with kiev residents. resurrection bridge, by
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in fact, it does not exist, no one can use it, but it is already open, money has been written off for it. kiev's public utilities are crumbling on the surface and underground, from 9. what else can you expect from a city ruled by a former boxer? the polish saou, as well as the mstab howitzer, which were in service with the ukrainian armed forces. as reported, thanks to the coordinated actions of the troops, the enemy lost up to fifty militants per day. in addition, the russian military is concerned about the security of humanitarian actions in the region. accompanies cargo for civilians military commandant's office. report by leonidav. this is an unusual army column, so in the front-line zone they transport humanitarian aid, humanitarian cargo and this mission, in order to preserve the life and health
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of the military personnel themselves, the persons who deliver humanitarian aid, and the cargo itself, respectively. 250 km of the way behind, the column approaches the svyatonikol convent. this is the only functioning monastery on the left bank of the dnieper. military police officers are helping with unloading. 20 bags of flour for a nun conveyed by united russia activists instead . the first batch of bread is already ready, the aroma of baking spreads throughout the whole area, in the past mother lyudmila was a pastry chef, 2 years ago she took vows, but 12 nuns live to bake even the monastery bread, as much bread as... is baked daily in the bakery, they cannot we need, most of the baked goods for the village residents are blessed
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, we give them to local residents, the needy, those with many children , well, everyone who comes to us, whom god sends, we give them a piece of bread, not all village residents can get to the monastery, the lonely pensioners, there are quite a few of them here, are personally visited by mother superior and inquired about; the leadership of the european union has started talking about the possibility of revoking the right to vote. from hungary , so that it can no longer interfere with financial military assistance to the kiev regime, as some western media report, budapest will probably be accused of allegedly violating collective european legislation, then its position will simply not be taken into account. but by the way, in addition to the hungarian factor , the slovaks are also causing inconvenience to the eu. prime minister of the country, and at the same time an ardent opponent of the pumping of ukraine with money and weapons. turning along the street on june 17, tractors are parked one after another for several kilometers in berlin.
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is now actually prohibited. in the european union, where today they approved the twelfth package of sanctions against russia, they are now racking their brains about how to get the allocation of 50 billion euros of macro-financial assistance to ukraine and the right to vote through the vote. some officials have considered reviving the so-called article 7 penalty procedure for violations rule of law, which may lead to the suspension of voting rights. officials in the eu are seeking to limit. orban’s ability to interfere with the work of the bloc, but this mechanism can in turn block another
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eu state, yes, after the change of the polish government, hungary now has no friends in warsaw, but there are also, for example, what viktor orban says, slovakia has consistently stopped arms supplies ukraine, and now hints at the need for dialogue with russia. the west will not allow until the last moment that the strategy weakening russia through ukraine does not work.
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demands that he abandon his usual partners and even part of his own territory, recognize the independence of kosovo, commitment to national interests and multi-vectorism are clearly not the qualities of a politician that brussels values ​​today, but the serbian voter has a different opinion on this. conversation with the chinese leader sizemping, the agenda includes the topic of strategic interaction, expansion of trade and economic cooperation, discussion of major joint projects, the weather is fresh, the wernom company is considered personal
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merit, the blessing sphere mocks the extremist scandal in the senate. from the usa, will old joe hear people? anya, a surprise awaits you! with discounts up to 50% and 4,000 bonuses in the app for every purchase from 1. rubles in stores and online. the best things are simple. like alpha business, online banking and business application, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, conduct all your business online. alfabank is the best bank for business. suddenly it happened, a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter with
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has long advocated the legalization of unions of extremist lgbt representatives. well , what does such a struggle for rights lead to? sadomitov shows well how events are developing in washington, where a direct pitch from one of joe biden’s fans turned into a platform for filming perverted porn. viral videos are already being actively used in the race to become the new owner of the white house. trends studied by anastasia ivanova. the pornography of us democratic politics is no longer a metaphor, but a fact to which american society reacted with lightning speed. for example, they collected everything that joseph biden could be proud of during his... questions arise about what the democratic party will look like during the presidential elections, hence this meme, dissonance, it seems that there is gay porn in the senate, the usual agenda for the electorate , but what about
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decency, or is it different as always? well, formally, of course, they will disown it, because it was filmed, it’s not the same is considered socially reprehensible, but let 's just say that the content will resonate with them . they understand perfectly well what resonates with their target audience of sexual minorities, we are just like you, so for us. there will be control over the information space , they can be relatively calm, they will definitely explain, they will definitely come up with something, they will say how hard
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the life of these young people was under the yoke of heterosex , it even came to porn in the senate, by the way, biden was photographed with one of the perverts , he took part in the election campaign of streak joe, and now this character appeared in that same scandalous video, 5 seconds, but this is enough to understand what is happening. however, we will no longer litter the airwaves with such footage, so apparently they thought in the us senate, because aiden maze is an employee.
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