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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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hello, he's coming back, oh, i missed you, sklifosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, to trim before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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look at how very safely they kept the drugs, you can be sure that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. khalera in ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism. but there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington , a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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vladimir putin submitted documents to the central election commission to participate in the upcoming presidential elections. at an earlier meeting of voters unanimously supported the candidacy of the current head of state, who is running as a self-nominated candidate. of the cec documents, the registration procedure was observed by the authors of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin. the meeting room of the central election commission, the presidential elections in russia are getting closer. vladimir putin became the first to submit documents to be nominated as a candidate for the post of president of russia. now, together with you, we will consider this procedure in detail. point by point, everything is as required by law. let's start with the passport. please, thank you, thank you, well
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you know the president, well, of course i do, everyone knows him, but nevertheless you have to get your passport and so on, it’s an exciting moment, of course, to check the president’s passport, not everyone gets the chance in life, so of course it’s an exciting moment, but why check , well, according to the law, we must establish individuals, it is clear that in this case the identity is obvious, but the law is the law, it is the same for everyone. therefore, there are no exceptions here, the president or another candidate, we still check the passport, we can start receiving documents, yes you need to record the start time of the reception, today december 18, 2023, 16:36 it was just 16:36, and putin himself recorded something in advance: “i had to write my last name, first name, patronymic there, i wrote , but i didn’t have enough space there, i had to wrap it this way, it’s probably normal.”
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considering what the west says it is doing, it is preparing to work in very difficult conditions. we clearly predict that this level of intensity, tension and secrecy of actions on...
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program vesti moscow kremlin president putin has made it easier for residents of belarus, kazakhstan and moldova who have reached the age of 18 to obtain russian citizenship. the decree was published on the official legal information portal. by another decree, vladimir putin extended the ban on russian companies supplying oil and petroleum products at a price ceiling; the restrictions will remain in effect until june 30 next year. until the end of the twenty-fifth year , the ban on transactions with shares of foreigners from unfriendly countries in the strategy is extended. russian companies in a number of banks and other enterprises, including those in the fuel and energy complex. at least a million specialists in high-tech areas need to be trained in russia in the next 3 years, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting in the kremlin with the winners of the professional skills championship.
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the competition was held in russia for the first time; it was organized on the initiative of the president. anna voronina knows what other statements were made at the meeting. vladimir putin met with the winners of the all-russian professional skills championship started with congratulations. they have already taken the first successful steps in their career path. the professional competition is a kind of forge of high-tech personnel, which are especially needed now. a technological revolution is taking place all over the world. it requires completely new, qualified personnel, you can call them whatever you want, you can call them working specialties, you can, well, whatever you want. it is important that this is, of course. a completely different generation, completely different requirements, and a different generation of specialists should appear, so for us the highest degree it is important that the process of training highly qualified specialists is closely linked
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to the labor market with employers. vladimir putin noted that in the next 3 years russia needs to train about 1 million specialists in high-tech areas in accordance with modern requirements. do not work, they must reveal their talents in full force, if a person is drawn to some type of activity, whether it is a man or a woman, there should be no restrictions, i am here, i am completely on your side, and if
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you, your friend has wish in this case, enter the fsb academy, you have great connections, you will help, thank you. the girls distinguished themselves in the field of mobile work technology, which was previously considered a purely male competence. here, the winner daria znabishina turned to the president with a request to give tasks in various industries to create robots. vladimir putin noted that there is a direction for application. i will definitely talk about this with my colleagues, with those who are actively working in this direction. this is connected with many, well, i can’t list it now. will. you yourself know, delivery, movement , which means that it is especially interesting where you need to move, move dangerous goods, or harmful ones, and so on, the scope of application, we just haven’t developed them, but they exist,
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here is the winner in the competence of operating ships water transport was not interested in further employment, but in continued training, and in practice... a behind-the-scenes fleet will be required, and this is a huge competitive advantage for our country, the nuclear fleet as a whole as a development of competencies, and the northern sea route with logistically, because it becomes more efficient than the soviet canal. as for ground transport, another finalist decided to take advantage of the opportunity. sergei parusimov, having become the best in car painting, offered his services to the president and boasted that...
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on a visit to china, in beijing the russian
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prime minister will meet with the representative of the people's republic of china, xidingping, and the premier of the state council, li qiang. the twenty-eighth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries will also take place. it is planned to consider the development russian-chinese relations, special attention to expanding trade and economic cooperation and promoting large joint projects in various fields. it is expected that joint communication will be adopted at the end of the meetings. development of cooperation between russia and china, deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko discussed in beijing with the deputy chairman of the state council of the people's republic of china, as chernyshenko emphasized, this year trade turnover between the countries increased by almost a third and exceeded $200 billion; expansion of cooperation on all issues;
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china demonstrates absolute openness and efficiency in our work, despite the complexity of the entire bureaucratic mechanism, we have five commissions within our subcommission, 13 subcommittees alone in more than 50 working groups, that is, this is a huge bureaucratic apparatus, but which works like clockwork to ensure that the meeting of the heads of government takes place. most effectively. the united states and finland have signed a bilateral defense cooperation agreement. according to the document, the pentagon will have access to fifteen finnish military bases for 10 years. this agreement will allow us soldiers are free to enter finland without documents. the agreements will finally come into force after ratification in the finnish parliament, presumably this will happen in early spring. what other privileges can the united states receive and what will it be like? alika komarova will tell the russian answer. 15 seconds to sign and 15 military bases written off in
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favor of the pentagon. the purpose of the agreement concluded between the united states and finland is supposedly to strengthen the effectiveness of nato, which officially gained access to the locations of the finnish military back in april of this year. of the year. as the head of the finnish ministry of defense stated at the signing ceremony of the agreement, the american presence will be mainly concentrated on the territory of the bases themselves, the total area of ​​which is commensurate with the area of ​​sweden. anthony blin added that under the new agreements , americans will receive even more freedom. today we are strengthening our security ties by signing a defense cooperation agreement. once in effect, militaries will be able to cooperate more effectively and efficiently. our troops will receive even more opportunities for joint training will strengthen nato interoperability. moreover, when finland was just joining the north atlantic alliance. the government assured: neither the nato bass nor the us bass would be in the country. in the press, military experts claim that the main reason for the start
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of such cooperation is not the certain future of the military alliance, which may lose the lion's share of its livelihood if the new american president, and the position is predicted for donald trump, withdraws the united states from the north atlantic bloc, and in parallel to be sure, similar agreements are being developed for sweden and denmark. at the same time , in the explanations to the document , american diplomats directly indicated that the agreement was signed because. the dividing line between russia and finland is 1271 km, now this is our longest border with nato, and in fact, hiding behind supposedly preventive traffic. the countries of the military alliance are only worsening their situation every day, this statement was made by russian president vladimir putin in an interview with the host of the moscow, kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. in russia there are no there is no reason, no interest, no geopolitical interest, no economic, no political, no military, to fight with nato countries. we have no
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territorial claims against each other with them. no, there is no desire to ruin relations with them. we are interested in development. relations , they took and dragged finland into nato, we had some disputes with finland, all disputes, including those of a territorial nature in the middle of the 20th century, were all resolved long ago, we had the kindest, most cordial relations, no problems was, now will be, because we we will now create the leningrad military district there and concentrate military units there, why do they need this, it’s just some nonsense. however, in finland, the essentially voluntary military surrender was called a new round of cooperation, and not an end point. this statement was made by the local minister of defense. in total, there are about 300,000 military personnel in the country, who, in fact, have almost no sovereign military bases of their own. alika komarova, lead. moscow letov school took first place in the ranking
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educational institutions with international baccalaureate programs. the average score of students this year exceeded 42 out of 45. graduates of the school receive both a russian certificate and an international diploma; this summer they are the only educational institution from russia on the list of honor. the top five also included schools from japan, hong kong, singapore and london. this victory is very important for us, because it is difficult . it is difficult, despite the fact that excellent teachers have gathered, motivated children have gathered, it has worked out with effort for many years. the work of the school system, which allows us not to add, but to multiply the advantages of subject training, which is the strongest domestic tradition, of pedagogical psychology, which is the strongest domestic tradition, of the format that we have successfully mastered and use in the interests of children. legendary.
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look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, saving with prime is more profitable. we continue the release: in russia the national policy strategy will be adjusted, what work legislators have done in this direction, the chairman of the state duma committee on nationalities affairs gennady semigin spoke about this and not only in an interview with our channel at the end of the year. gennady yuryevich, hello, first of all turn, thank you for taking the time to have this conversation. hello. first of all , i want to ask you about russia’s updated national strategy. you were the initiator. strategy update in 2021, what work results do we have in 2023? indeed, in december of the twenty-first year, we proposed updating the entire national policy, despite the fact that russia is the leader in
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interethnic relations, a high level of stability in interethnic relations, nevertheless, after analyzing it, we saw shortcomings, potential, and reserves, therefore propose, do, we presented the concept of national policy this spring, a document that appeared for the first time in recent years, where we proposed mechanisms, concrete steps in all directions. national policy, and the president at the council in may supported our initiative and said that the entire strategy needs to be adjusted, so as of today in the fall we have already proposed the final version, and there are several important areas, well, the first is improving the regulatory framework, we are now working over the law on state national policy, we are now working on a presidential decree on the strategy of state national policy, that is, two important documents that now give a lot in terms of understanding further development. we proposed to coordinate this national policy differently at the federal level, we proposed to create a coordinating council , we proposed to create a ministry of nationalities affairs, we look at
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planning differently, we look differently at the financing system, the monitoring system, well, there is a system of state monitoring, thank god, we have done it in recent years, but we are actually hitting on boasts, this is what happened in samara, what happened in chelyabinsk, what happened in st. petersburg, we do not need a system for monitoring what happened, proactive system. we must understand in advance what could happen, of course, there are a number of pressing issues in these areas, the issue of financing, issues of implementing government programs, there is a problem with the regional vertical, because a number of our departments that deal with national policy are part of the ministry of culture, some are even part of the ministry of tourism, sports, without having anything to do with it, so we presented this whole complex in the concept, and the strategy, the law, all this is a new stage in..
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by the way, continuing the topic of migration, the president, summing up the results of the year in his large format of communication with journalists and citizens of our country, proposed creating a separate body, a state agency for migration, how do you see this? you you know, we proposed a year and a half ago to do several things: first, to adopt a law on the entry and exit of foreigners, which should regulate migration policy, it went and went to the duma and did not reach it, it doesn’t exist, secondly, we proposed updating the concept of migration policy, such there is also a decree , he is finishing his...
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so that migrants prepare in their own country, the russian language, medical certification, understanding their finances, bringing them here, you need to understand why they are needed, who needs them, who ordered the arrival, mintrut or employers, or mostly they come on their own because they themselves want to get a job, let’s give them certain steps that they must take, first, they come, which means biometric data, take biometric data from everyone, second, register them all in a single register, everyone. open an account, specially clearly open an account, force everyone to resolve the issue of their participation in our work, and in what specialties, either you take out a patent, or you work for an employer, or you went to look for work, which is not very profitable for us, to put it mildly, i come here, i don’t know how to do anything, but i really want to, so when you have an account, when your salary is transferred there, you pay taxes, but according to various sources, migrants do not pay 500 billion taxes that they would have to pay to all of us,
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medical certification, health insurance...
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i think that everything here will gradually improve, well, indeed, some experts believe that anti-migration sentiments in general are increasing in our country, you support the point of view, they are increasing, because people have become, migrants have begun to behave like masters, we are the masters here, and the russians are like second class, we will show you here, when it was for 30 years, that there were processions and rallies, marches and rallies of migrants say that we are strong, we will show you here now, try this... so to speak, recently there was an attempt to storm the military registration and enlistment office, because they don’t register with the military, they don’t go to the northern military district, so rounding off this topic by migration policy, it must be said that those ideas, those steps that we proposed in our concept and generally propose that if they are not implemented, the situation will really change, especially socio-cultural adaptation, families, because they travel with their families, 200 - 4000 children do not go to school at all, which means they are somewhere, social cultural adaptation is also a very
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serious point in terms of how they are resolved, unfortunately, poorly. and these are very difficult things that, in your opinion today, when this government agency for migration may appear, or is this not a question for you. you know, this is not a question for us, this is today the government must introduce this law, we are rushing them, i think that the situation is already such that it is impossible not to take revenge. the ministry of internal affairs says how many migrants do we have? 6 million. the president called 10, some call 12. i heard the number 16, we don’t know how many of these people we have. history: you proposed a strategy for the development of russia, tell us what kind of document this is, what are the key rapper points in it? you know, we have many strategies in different areas, but there is no single strategic document, and it’s not just that, what does it mean, a single the document that we proposed in the spring was discussed for six months and also presented in the fall, first, we think it is necessary to set a general goal for the development of the country, we believe that russia should become the number one country in the world, he tells me, well, such
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an ambitious goal is fantastic. try to do things differently. the second very important point is what the strategy is, because it was not us who came up with the need for such a document. 80% of the population asks where the country is going? what is the development strategy? we must build a new state and society with a new economic, political, legal systems and social systems. by the way, many other developed countries of the world are thinking about this. what kind of model of state is this for the 21st century? the third important point, but...


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