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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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vladimir putin submitted documents to the central election commission to participate in the upcoming presidential elections . the current president is running as a self-nominated candidate. according to the law, the cycle now has 5 days to consider the application. anastasia efimova has details. sela pomfilova handshake at the entrance to the center of the electoral commission and vladimir putin rises to the office. in my hands i have a blue folder, full.
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for receiving documents. employees of the central election commission strictly record the time: december 18, 16:36 there you had to write your last name, first name, patronymic, i wrote it, but i have there was a little bit of space there, i just had to wrap up, probably, a statement of consent to run for office - this is apparently the same document where, quoting vladimir putin , there was a little bit of space missing, this paper is essentially legally formalized.
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statement made by the head of state on december 8 in the st. george hall of the kremlin, where on the day of heroes of the fatherland a group of guests of the ceremony asked him to take part in the elections, i will not hide, at different times, i had different thoughts, but now you are right, now this is the time when i need to make a decision, i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. the next documents in the folder are the registration notice. groups of voters, such an impressive stack of information about the meeting they held. last saturday in zaryadye, a variety of people, scientists and cultural figures, volunteer athletes, industrialists and military personnel, officially and unanimously supported the nomination of vladimir putin for the post of president of the country. unanimously, hurray! initiative group is a prerequisite to register a candidate who is running for election. united russia held its meeting last
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sunday, where it unanimously decided to support the current president in the march elections, directing all forces and resources to achieve his victory. i am putting to a vote the proposal to support the nomination of vladimir vladimirovich putin as a candidate. for the post of president of the russian federation in the elections scheduled for march 17, 2024, voting on this issue is open, i ask you to vote, who is for, against, abstained, adopted unanimously. documents on
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education, income and even a certificate of employment were submitted to the election commission center in strict accordance with the law. dear vach, you have submitted a complete set of documents for nomination, you did it personally, as required by law. please confirm. thank you, thank you. konstantin sergeevich. thank you. it took exactly 5 minutes, the time is accurately reflected in the protocol. china, in beijing, the russian prime minister will meet with chinese president xidingping and premier of the state council li tian. there will also be the twenty-eighth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries, it is planned to consider the development of russian-chinese relations, with special attention to the expansion of trade and economic cooperation.
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weather cutting, us promises to ease sanctions against iran remained an empty phrase, this statement was made by russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya, he noted that russia expects western countries to abandon the policy of unilateral restrictions towards iran as soon as possible and emphasized that ...
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unfortunately, the un secretary general still prefers to ignore this obvious fact in his pledges, limiting himself to modest calls for washington to lift anti-iranian sanctions or provide for an exemption from them. likewise, the report simply glosses over the actions of the uk, germany, france and the european union for years, following the bad example of their ocean friends. defense minister sergei shaiguov instructed to fulfill the last request.
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not an excellent student and not a bully, an ordinary botai the guy, one of the thousands who studied at this school, everyone remembers him from teachers and classmates to the old watchmen. such a kind boy, he is so affectionate, he is always on duty, he is a responsible, very hard-working boy, with difficulty digesting information about roma, they talk about him as if he were alive, even when they cry, it is very difficult, if it’s hard for me, then what about mom, mom, and also to his sister and brother, whom he thought about in the most... perhaps difficult moments of his life, with whom he hardly wanted to part when he returned home after military service, but a summons arrived there was no question of choice for him, he had to defend his homeland, which means, well, what to do , either them or us, they had it that way, so that
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they could relax, they will already be here, our colleagues from channel one rostov filmed these shots at the draft point on september 26 last year, from july 23 roma stopped communicating. i talked to him constantly , because he goes there for 3 days, stays there for three days, others go there for 3 days, it was their custom so that they could rest, july 10, this was the last time i spoke, july 12 disappeared, he says, you'll start the fire , here's the news, a letter that the soldier left on the bricks of the basement, according to preliminary data , an assault group of nine people got into...
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he didn't sit with him, but he sat behind him or near him, in another row so that he could be seen all the time, did not fight with anyone , did not keep him in sight, but did not bother him, conflicted, was always ready to share his homework, was impeccably dressed, despite the fact that the income of a large family was modest, he was always in a shirt there or in a vest on top, in a jacket, in pants i always wore classic ones, never wore jeans, never wore bodolaskis. already in the morning , letters from different parts of russia began to arrive on the school website. people are asking to know where to transfer money to help the family of roman rudakov. the sixth botai school is officially assigned the direction of education of citizenship and patriotism. three memorial plaques at the entrance. memory lane, children
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collected materials about their ancestors who served in the great patriotic war, afghanistan and other hot spots. the school celebrated its 110th anniversary this year. this is her museum, where alumni stories collected. there is no exhibition dedicated to the novel yet, they are hoping for a miracle, in any case they are ready to fulfill his request, not to leave his family, to take care of him.
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in the forests and steppes of donbass , moisture will again dissolve; the shells are stored in dry cellars. the work is hard, there are many targets, after each series of attacks, the crew waits in cover. it is camouflaged so that the enemy is unmanned, that is, they do not see the volume of, well , our shells, they are purely holding the defense, as if they are not attacking us yet, the radio is receiving new coordinates of targets with a howitzer d-20, remove the camouflage again and prepare the gun.
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now they are hitting a concentration of enemy infantry. stepan is 55 years old, a volunteer, he has been fighting for a year, he came to the front to set an example for the younger generation. they are on the offensive, and we...
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cooperate more effectively and efficiently, after entry into force, the military will be able to , our troops will receive even more opportunities for joint training, and will strengthen nato's interoperability. at the same time, when finland was just joining the north atlantic alliance, the government assured that neither the united states would be in the country will not be. in the press, military experts claim that this is the main reason for the start of such cooperation. a definite future for the military alliance, which may lose the lion's share of its livelihood if the new
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american president, and the position is predicted for donald trump, withdraws the united states from the north atlantic bloc, and in parallel , the same agreements are being developed for sweden and denmark to be sure. at the same time , in the explanations to the document, american diplomats directly indicated: the agreement was signed due to the strategically important location finland. the dividing line between russia and finland is 1,271 km. now this is ours. a long border with nato, and in fact, hiding behind supposedly preventive defense, the countries of the military alliance are only worsening their position every day. this statement was made by russian president vladimir putin in an interview with the presenter.
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including those of a territorial nature in the middle of the 20th century, everything was resolved long ago, we had the kindest, most cordial relations, there were no problems, now there will be, because we will now create leningradsky there military district and definitely concentrate military units there , why do they need this, it’s just some kind of nonsense, but in finland, the essentially voluntary military surrender was called a new round of cooperation, and not the end point, such a statement was made by... there was a local minister of defense in total, there are about 300 thousand military personnel in the country, who, in fact, have almost no own, sovereign military bases at their disposal. alika komarova, lead. by the end of the month, the united states will announce the latest package of military assistance to ukraine. the white house said after this funds will run out. further, without a decision from congress to allocate additional funds
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, the united states will no longer have available resources to support the kiev regime. natalya gonchirova will tell you about the situation. the united states changed its mind about helping ukraine. the wall street journal writes that the senate has still not agreed on important issues on the new aid package for the kiev regime. and the chances of reaching an agreement by the end of the year are becoming less and less. senators have blocked consideration of $160 billion to help white house supporters. republicans linked zelensky's assistance to strengthening control at the border. however, he could not find a solution on this issue that would suit the blue and red in the senate. maybe for a week now. there are still significant issues in the field of migration legislation, which are being discussed and there is a lot of technical work to prepare an agreement, which will take time to achieve the desired result. the ukrainian armed forces fighters are in decline ; this fact is beginning to be recognized in european countries. the publication mysl polska writes that the russian army is superior to the ukrainian one
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continues to develop successfully. on the contrary, kiev no longer has anyone to send to the front. western support will also not change the balance of power. washington's material resources are depleted. former navy seal brian bertellik believes that the west will not be able to catch up with russia in the field of weapons production. according to him, america has already completely depleted its military reserves, pumping up the kiev regime. but that didn't help. russian troops with enviable regularity are destroying more and more western weapons that the national battalions have. even if we we will provide assistance to ukraine, there is no guarantee that kiev will not fail again. the problems are the lack of weapons, the lack of ammunition, and other forms of military support. the united states and its allies, in principle , lacked these resources from the very beginning of hostilities. therefore, no matter what they do with the budget, whether they double it or not, this will not solve
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the problem if there are simply no artillery shells that could be produced and quickly sent to the battlefield. less than a year before the key event of the american elections, the white house is beginning to realize its errors. dan kovalek, a professor at the university of pittsburgh, believes that the united states’ steps are increasingly plunging the country into isolation. according to him, the states of the middle east do not want to cooperate with the americans and are turning towards moscow. a striking example of us isolation was the council vote on a ceasefire in gaza. un security, if compared with russia, then most of the world supports russia, even some of the population of countries that are allied with america. washington's influence in the world has decreased significantly since the beginning of the special operation, and russia, on the contrary, is gaining points on the world stage. the situation on the battlefield will develop in russia's favor. former pentagon adviser douglas mcgregor
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believes that only a fool will continue to fuel the conflict in ukraine. in his opinion, the only choice that kiev has left is to start negotiations. natalya goncharova, lead. now there is a message from the informagen tape that the us authorities intend to begin an operation in the red sea to ensure freedom of navigation and security of ships, us secretary of defense lloyd austin stated this. let me remind you that the yemeni movement promised to attack any ships associated with israel until the ceasefire resumed in the gas sector, large income companies, one after another, began to suspend operations in the red sea, now, judging by this message , the pentagon announced an operation to ensure freedom of navigation in the red sea. the legendary group of traveling artists is back together in moscow at the oktyabr cinema, the premiere took place
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screening of the fairy-tale adventure film the town musicians of bremen. star actors in the main roles. the film will be released on big screens across the country on january 1. what kind of troubadour and his friends are they in a new reading and what the first viewers said about the film. report by ivan kudryavtsev. this is a very exciting moment for millions of russian viewers and for the entire film market, because today we will see the most long-awaited children's and family film of the new year holidays, the adventure fairy tale the town musicians of bremen, which, with the support of the russian tv channel, gives us nikita mikhalkova's trite studio, which created such box office sensations as the legend 17 crew, and also the new year's sensation of upward movement, and now this sensation is destined to become ...
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the temporary musicians will really like it, a wonderful picture, i am convinced that this is the real thing, light,
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funny, talented, very necessary movie, i say so arrogantly , because well, i know what i’m saying, i’ll name at least three reasons why you need to go see it in the cinema, well, firstly, it’s very spectacular, that’s it. ..adventure, it's tricks, it's chases, stunning scenery and landscapes, costumes, and of course, songs, secondly, a whole galaxy of stars, konstantin khabensky and sergei burunov, maria aronova and dmitry dyuzhev, roman kurtsin and irina gorbacheva. the bremen town musicians are in cinemas from january 1st. ivan kudryavtsev, ekaterina fralova, mikhail devyatkin, dmitry tolstoukhov, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotareva, news from the premiere of the bremen. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look with pride forward, creating new paths in the oceans and
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overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 19 , 1793, in france, the republicans liberated toulon, and from this, one might say, the rise of napoleon-bonaparte began. toulon is an important port in southeastern france, captured by the railists back in may. they were sent to help england, spain and sardinia have almost 20 thousand of their troops. the british fleet supported it from the sea. sieges. lasted 4 months, but the revolutionary army did not have enough strength, and the commanders did not have military training. everything changed when the young captain
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napoleon bonaparte was appointed chief of artillery; he installed batteries on the heights around the harbor and opened hurricane fire, shelled the entire city and small roadstead and drove away the english ships. and then he stormed fort muyugraf, which was considered impregnable, giving control over a large raid. when the french commander-in-chief got scared... seri suggested stopping the fight. napoleon uttered his catchphrase: once the wine is uncorked, it must be drunk. he personally led the soldiers into the attack, was wounded and shell-shocked, but remained in the ranks. but when this and other forts were taken, the bonopart turned the english guns against the enemy and the republicans broke into the city. napoleon was promoted to brigadier general. one of the civilians said that he was too young for such a rank. and i received this answer. citizens and people have grown up on the battlefields.
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on december 19, 1890, one was performed for the first time of the best operas by pyotr cheikovsky, the queen of spades at the mariinsky theater in st. petersburg. the opera's librett, written by the composer's brother modest cheikovsky, is very different from pushkin's original, based on real events from the life of princess natalia galitsina, one of the richest women of her time. the opera is written in verse, pushkin has prose, the plot and the action itself have been redone.
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on december 19, 1946, france started the war in indochina, before the second world war, indochina was the richest french colony in asia, but when france capitulated , it was occupied by the japanese, while... the conquerors were fighting among themselves , the viet minh organization, fighters for the independence of vietnam, had accumulated strength, but france did not want to lose control over the rich region, on this day in 1946, the french command demanded the disarmament of the viet minh forces, and vietnamese forces attacked the french in hanoi. france was supported by the usa and britain, the vietnamese in the ussr, and later china. the war went on for 8 years with varying success, but in
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1954 the french troops. left indochina. vietnam was temporarily divided into two parts along the seventeenth parallel, and then a new war was launched in the region by the united states. it ended only 20 years later, with the victory of the communist north. on december 19 , 1971, the premiere of the film directed by stanley kubrick, a clockwork orange, took place in new york. the picture is scandalous, as is the novel dystopia by anthony burjos, on which it is based. a scene
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dedicated to a clockwork orange and its characters. this is what this day in history was like. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail. it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient. from time immemorial , the law reigned in russia, the people, princes, and governors were chosen together, there was a special ritual, a bell called them, invited people to a meeting, the meeting was called an evening, this approach of democratic elections of authorities in public, we preserve to this day, filling out the ballot, choose traditionally only innovatively , progress helps us, improving the process, this is truly a godsend, you vote quickly,
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clearly, nowhere... no need to go anywhere, everything is in your smartphone, mom is happy, for people that without movement is a convenient solution, call the elections home, take the box portable, there is a mobile voter, with the swinging way of life , the traveler votes freely anywhere, so that we can comfortably, make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, we will appreciate the security of the ballot, water they put signs on special paper on the site. video control is set up, in addition to the cameras at the site, like heroes and fairy tales, observers stand, monitor the legality, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can see for yourself by looking at the site at the site cycle, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.


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