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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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that is, to throw it away like cannon fodder, and it was rightly said here that the west does not pay attention to this at all, but why? let's see, even this information came out this week, and forbes writes that the uk has 150 tanks, units of heavy armored vehicles and about ten tanks, which means that the french have about 90 units of armored vehicles and nothing else, and the complaints about the archers are french, these self-propelled artillery mounts are making enormous progress.
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well, most likely at the general staff, yes, there are other generals, and we know, so literally, by the way, a very successful attack was recently carried out, there is conflicting information, either we used daggers, or we used iskanders, but the headquarters was covered in the central part.
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called aq-400, which means that at first ukraine collected the wreckage of our gyrania, they collected it meticulously, they wanted to make a copy , they said that that’s it, this copy will be ready in the near future and russia will cry, nothing happened, they practically made a body out of plywood like storm shadow, they attached plywood wings, of course, the engine, of course, was installed there quite powerful, a moped type, and this engine will allow, as they... they say, this drone can operate at a range of 750 km, about 32 kg of explosives, and given that it is made of plywood, radar beams practically pass through through it, the only thing is that the plywood body is much heavier than the composite one, that is, the characteristics of this drone are much worse than when compared with our same giranya, but in any case , the electronics that nato gave us allow us to operate. the most important thing now
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shoot down one, dig up, look carefully at the electronics, modify the rap systems in order to jam them on approach, because if we look literally 2 days ago, more than 30 drones, the attack is again massive, again, that is, there is an imitation all the time, i and i emphasize, imitation. and why attacks on russia? in order to present that we have transferred the area of ​​operation of the zones, say imitation to the territory of russia, what is imitation? the imitation is that they can’t do anything with this volume, no, well, they don’t do that an imitation attack, imitation is if there is no, imitation is if there is no combat unit, but in this case, this is terror, but i would also be the head of the press service here. ukraine
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talked about the actions of our aerospace forces, that we began to use quite interesting electronic devices that make it possible to simulate certain targets at ukrainian radar stations and missile guidance stations. but i would like to say that in general i don’t know what sources to use there on in ukraine, we generally still did this in the seventies of the last century during the arab-israeli conflict. analog old systems were in place, we used interference and response impulse and output there at an angle in range, and simulating interference, and even made false missile launches, which is what ignat is complaining about, this is just a representative of the ukrainian air force, that is, we in general - then, in fact, we start simply, as the president of russia once said, but we haven’t even started yet, we’re just even remembering what what we used, and it already gives colossal results if...
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i watched russia 24, so i would like to say that it is a very useful, very good film, it really shows those, as was correctly said, first come the sappers, then the rest , or they retreat when the sappers are the last to go again, that is, these are the people. the first support is external support,
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pumping in money, pumping in weapons, this is external control, yes, this is an external factor, and we see how everything stops working, that is, even from the point of view...
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the second support, the second support is mobilization ; therefore, the second moment arises, society in the face of the enemy, that is , the same westerners from ukraine purposefully created anti-russia for a long time and mobilized society on the fact that russia is your main enemy. actually, this internal mobilization, which was at the same time accompanied by a certain hope that europe and the west...
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actually the villagers, yes, that is, this is the demographic basis of both ukraine , yes, and this, by the way, at its core, is such, that is, it is being destroyed today, and since there are not enough men, now they are already starting, they are going to take women, that is , these are those women who first lost their sons, lost their... husbands , and now they are being offered to give up their lives, it is not clear for what, further, they mentioned today, that in addition to women, they are also going to take policemen, from them they will form separate units there, by the way, today they are already
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saying that the police are extremely dissatisfied, this is actually the basis of the regime, that is, the basis of the regime zelensky is shooting himself in the legs essentially. today, it seems to me, it is very important for us to find an approach that will be directed towards this ordinary ukrainian, to convey that this is not your war, to understand, to start working actively with public opinion, by the way , to say, with those prisoners who are crossing
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on our side and who fight against the regime in this way, liberating their land against the people who plunged ukraine into chaos, into the chaos of a civil fratricidal war. and the theme of new meanings, meanings addressed to ordinary people of ukraine, which, by the way, to say, today i communicate anyway. all all ukraine is in such a situation right now in such a situation that its debts should be written off.
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who do you think said this phrase? bakarov? no, yulia vladimirovna tymoshenko , suddenly they showed her today, suddenly she came out with this initiative that we should, we are in such a bad situation, the imf gives us money, they also give us money, we all have to return the money, but ukraine cannot return the money , so let’s let them write it off to us, and immediately. the proactive principle told her long ago that why don’t they write off loans in ukraine? they weren’t allowed on television, she finally found this zest, which will now start working with ukrainian people, like we still owe something for something, let them write it off to us.
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zelensky and you, the leader of ukraine, will no longer give you money for a counterattack, there will be no money for a counterattack, for an attack, for an offensive definitely won’t, we also need money for defense, of course, so we, so, look, volodya, it’s not a joke if she says that, that is, she’s lobbying for her, or through her words certain interests of groups are being lobbied, not even one or two american, they say: this is not a question, we will sell you as many weapons as you want, but not like that...
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the rabbis who live in ukraine, you can say that, yes, that’s how they are, they all hug, now, now everything is confused in ukraine, now, you know, as they say, a beard doesn't make a goat a rabbi, you know. dear vladimirovich, you started the joke with no, i’m just saying what i’m saying, that is , those who hug bandera, if they believe that they are jews, yes, they go , congratulate zelensky, he, he is with them , they are all with the right-wing bandera, why do i need jewish vedurs, if half, if you put the joke aside, this idea that they won’t give money for an attack, for
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an offensive, i won’t give money for a counter-offensive, but for defense with the goal of militarizing everything, what will be called...
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look, i understand, i understand that everything goes by recycling, the only way , you sometimes periodically ask me all year long, when will the ukrainians wake up, when, when, i also talked about the fact that ukrainians live in these dugouts in the spring that there are queues of women feeding, well , the faith has been taken away, taken away, now you will even correct christmas like catholics. political freedoms were taken away, the borders were closed, volodya, when a guy comes, a simple driver, yes, but he is the leader of the party, a servant of the people, but he a simple man, he goes back and forth by car to the czech republic, to transcarpathia, transcarpathia to the czech republic, his wife lives in the czech republic, his children live in the czech republic, and he comes to his native village and
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sorts things out in the village council, throws three grenades, these pomegranate sea, sea. 600,000 killed, about 1,200 thousand killed and in other ways, yes, in 2 years the ukrainians, for the wounded there are all sorts of other things, the ukrainians realized that europe does not need them, the ukrainians perceive in europe, they are cutting everything that is possible, not yet , the church was taken away from ukrainians, history was taken away from ukrainians, their
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they are constantly humiliating, their tariffs are rising, their level is falling.
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level, what can you imagine, remember the beginning of all this, when they were wrapped around poles and naked, this was ukraine, now they are throwing grenades, this, this. betrayed
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the memory of his ancestors, betrayed his faith, can you imagine what efforts he needs to make in order to wake up and return, i unfortunately imagine that i thought this is not there, for now the only thing that remains of the ukrainian culture, the ukrainian people, these are the ones who left for russia, here they have i have an opportunity. come over to the side of truth, that ’s all, see you tomorrow, everything about the elections in russia, we
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will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly convenient, from time immemorial law reigned in russia, the people, princes, and governors chose together , there was a special ritual, the bells cohabited, invited people to a meeting, it was called: meeting, veche, this approach is democratic, elections of authorities are public, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choose traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us, improving the process, it’s truly a godsend , you vote quickly, clearly , you don’t have to go anywhere, everything is in your smartphone, mom is glad, for people that without movement there is a convenient solution, call the elections home, take the box portable, there is a mobile voter when swinging we put the traveler freely votes anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, we will appreciate
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the security of the ballot, watermarks are placed on special paper, be calm at the polling station, video control is installed, except for the cameras on in the area, like heroes from a fairy tale, observers stand, monitor the rule of law, in general, everything is technological,
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russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. and, of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition, who are you, wandering
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musicians, we have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubadour, this is my group, hello, where have you been before, why have i never seen you? “i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without deception, i’m with you, their palaces for the tempting vaults will never be replaced by freedom, call your son, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you’ve been waiting for, a donkey is like a dog, cat, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
4:28 am
i welcome everyone who has joined us, with you the legal program, lead the duty parts, i’m andrey ivlev, we’re starting with footage from...
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used in production, these are frames just taken at the time of operational activities, based on the evidence, the police managed to investigate the entire criminal scheme. the sale of prohibited substances was established through an online store. in total , the defendants committed at least 240
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crimes. currently, investigative measures are ongoing. according to vladimir kolokoltsev, work on the strategic directions of the state’s drug policy is ongoing. one of priority tasks are to prevent teenagers from becoming involved in drug trafficking. representatives of ministries and departments and regional leaders took part in the discussion of problematic issues. at the meeting , a plan of preventive measures for 2024 was approved. through.


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