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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 19 , 1793, in france, the republicans liberated toulon, and from this we can say that the rise of napoleon bonaparte began. toulon is an important port in the southeast of france, back in may the roylists captured it, and england, spain, sardinia, almost 20 thousand of them, sent their troops to help them. britain supported from the sea. fleet,
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the siege lasted 4 months, but the revolutionary army did not have enough strength, and the commanders had military training, everything changed when the chief artillery appointed the young captain napoleon bonaparte, he installed batteries on the heights around the harbor and opened hurricane fire, swept the entire city and a small raid drove away the english ships, and then stormed what was considered impregnable, giving control over a large raid, when the french... the commander was afraid of losses and offered to stop the fight. napoleon uttered his catchphrase: once the wine is uncorked, it must be drunk. he personally led the soldiers into the attack, was wounded and shell-shocked, but remained in the ranks. and here when this and other forts were taken, the monopart turned the english guns against the enemy and the republicans broke into the city. napoleon was promoted to brigadier general. one of the civilians said that he was too young for such a rank. and i received this answer. on the battlefields. i’m not a citizen, people grow up
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faster, but i just recently got there. the word toulon has since become a household word, meaning the moment of the brilliant beginning of the career of a previously unknown military leader. on december 19 , 1890, one of the the best operas by pyotr tchaikovsky, the queen of spades at the mariinsky theater in st. petersburg. the opera's librett, written by the composer's brother modest cheikovsky, is strong. differs from pushkin’s original, created based on real events from the life of princess natalia galitsina, one of the richest women of her time. the opera is written in verse, pushkin has prose, the plot has been redone and the action itself has been transferred from the time of alexander i to catherine's era, the finale is different, tchaikovsky has both main characters and herman and lisa die. as critics noted, none of the russian composers except mussorsky managed to reveal it.
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in 1946, france started the war in indochina; before world war ii, indochina was the richest french colony in asia. but when france capitulated, it was occupied by the japanese. while the conquerors were fighting among themselves, the viet minh organization, fighters for the independence of vietnam, accumulated strength. however, france did not want to lose control of the rich region. and on this day in 1946, the french command demanded the disarmament of forces in etminia. vietnamese forces attacked the french
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in hanoi. france was supported by the usa and britain, the vietnamese in the ussr and later china. the war went on for 8 years with varying success, but in 504 french troops left indochina. vietnam was temporarily divided into two parts along the seventeenth parallel, and then a new war was launched in the region by the united states. it ended only 20 years later, with the victory of the communist north. on december 14, 1971 , the premiere of the film directed by stanley kubrick, a clockwork orange, took place in new york. the picture is scandalous, as is the novel dystopia by anthony burgess, on which it was based, scenes of sex and violence, was criticized by american society, but the story still became a cult because it raises moral and social problems of free will, degradation of the institution of family and state intervention in people's lives. the main role.
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malkul mcdowell played the tough and cynical alex. kubrick used his new techniques here for the first time. many scenes are shot in first person, and there are also long scenes shot alone. in ukraine there are biological research facilities. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington , a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilis. the
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laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello. we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. continuation of the direct line with the president. dear colleagues, all three. you. control over the cost of the consumer basket is assigned to three specialized committees, over 30 years there have been 10,503 laws, all these years the state duma has developed along with the country,
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the country has changed, the state duma has changed, political culture has grown. the constitution is not a frozen code, but a living document; it must exist. to serve current needs, the basic law of our people's needs has changed and is changing, which was done as a country, the relevant committees have improved indicators in the state duma and sum up the results. more about bills adopted this week, relations with the cis countries, international meetings, see our program. every fourth law adopted by the state duma this year is socially significant. in 2023 , almost 700 of them were accepted, the figure speaks for itself, but quality is still a priority, said vyacheslav volodin. at the last plenary meeting of the autumn session , the chairman highlighted the work of the relevant committees; it has become more effective. about everything in detail, maria burkova. 694 laws, that’s exactly
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how many deputies managed to pass during the current period. as the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin noted, the numerical indicator is significant, but the main thing is quality, our specialized committees began to work better, the quality of laws has not only increased, the most important thing is that we are increasingly based on feedback from our voters, we are pushing forward from the problem, in the end we come to the adoption of laws, such examples. there has been a lot over this past year, we do not abdicate responsibility by shifting it to the government, to the ministry, but we share it. the autumn session is first and foremost the adoption of the budget, the deputies note, because the support and development
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of a particular industry depends on it. thus, during the finalization of the main financial document for the second reading, additional funds were allocated for the development of rural areas and regional road transport.
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time, time of challenges, every third ruble is allocated to the social sphere, this is our priority, and despite the problems, challenges, everything... social guarantees are not only fulfilled, but they are significantly expanded, and colleagues, this is the merit of the deputy corps, this is our work with the government, with the regions, and of course, the support of the president; laws adopted during the autumn session protected the interests of citizens, established liability for violations when working with biometric data, and introduced fines for imposing additional paid goods, works and services on consumers. .. why citizens will now be able to establish a ban on concluding loan agreements in their name. it is worth noting the amendments to
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the law on education. these changes caused heated discussion; they were related to the ban on the use of mobile phones in schools, as well as the introduction of labor as a compulsory discipline, in my opinion a very important addition, especially in the development of the amendments that have been made. constitution of the russian federation, on respect for working people. the agenda of the last meeting of the session includes two dozen laws. in the final reading , deputies make decisions in the field of integrated development of the territory, safety of passenger transport, drug circulation, and others. today, according to tradition, the state duma sums up not only session, but also the year. this, for example, is about 80 laws on protection and ...
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was restored and all participants in the historical and necessary justice of the military actions for the russian world since may 2014 in the donetsk people's republic and lugansk people's republic received the status of combat veterans. the west imposed almost 18 thousand sanctions against russia in the hope of the complete collapse of our country. as a result, the russian economy is the first in europe among the five largest in the world. but the economies of the usa, germany, france. on the contrary, they sank - noted chairman of the state duma. over the past few years, the decisions made have allowed
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the president to create a political system that turned out to be very effective in the face of challenges; it protected our country from various disasters, because it is difficult to even imagine if we had faced such challenges either in... the nineties or even the eighties, when from all sides there is a huge restriction on our country, when budget revenues, as planned by some foreign states, will be significantly reduced, but our country somehow miraculously comes out of this situation, the budget in completely unpredictable, completely non-standard conditions is laid out in such a way that it is in the most sacred place. why the state was created in fulfilling social obligations to its citizens, no one was harmed. one
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of the main decisions aimed at protecting the interests of the country was the adopted law to revoke the ratification of the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. this was a significant measure against the united states, which for 23 years has not ratified contract in addition, russia will not inform the secretary general of the council of europe about the introduction or lifting of a military or emergency state. we devoted the whole year, first of all, to the fight against fascism, the unity of society and the implementation of the commitments that we gave to our voters. the main meaning of our work is the fight against those who declared war on us. active work continues to develop international relations with friendly countries. this year there were official visits of the state duma delegation to china, the united arab emirates, iran, vietnam, mongolia, cis countries. the state duma held two large-scale parliamentary conferences, russia africa and russia-latin
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america. we are at a stage when parliamentary diplomacy again, in addition to official diplomacy, began to solve effective problems in the formation of the world system. politics and international relations, where russia plays the role of a forward, a movement away from the unipolar world order, which is moving civilization towards...
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hearing people, solving problems, our support is our citizens, our voters, we responsible to them, they evaluate our work. the spring session will begin on january 9 next year. the first plenary meeting is scheduled for january 16. maria burkova, andrey tarasov, yulia borodina, alexey chaburkov, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. the constitution must be relevant to serve the needs of the people. on the thirtieth anniversary of the country’s main body of laws, the state duma spoke about its advantages. the 1993 constitution was adopted at an extremely difficult time; it played an important role in stabilizing the situation in russia. at the same time, its norms remained declarative and empty for more than one year. the situation
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began to change at the beginning of 2000. the state became stronger, the norms of the constitution, which had not worked before. acquired specific content, my colleague alexander shavirin will talk about the foundation of the modern legal system. the constitution of the year ninety-three defined the priorities for the development of the state and became the foundation of the modern legal system, and its updated norms allowed our country to overcome external challenges and strengthen its sovereignty, noted state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, speaking at the plenary session. over 30 years, 10,503 federal constitutional and federal laws were adopted, including civil, labor, family, tax, budget, criminal, land, and housing codes of the russian federation. all these years, the state duma has developed along with the country. the country was changing, the state duma was changing, the political culture was growing. there may be many parties, but
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we have one homeland, and this is a serious result. the past 30 years. vyacheslav volodin recalled, which was done and passed by the parliament, for which among the current deputies there are those who were elected to the first convocation of the state duma in 1993. they, like no one else, know the conditions under which they had to work at that time. if you look at the speeches of our colleagues 10 years ago, twenty years ago, you and i will see that... there is an answer to the questions and proposals that were made then, today there is an answer, we must probably say objectively that many problems remain, but in fact a good one has been created basis for them to be resolved, and here a lot depends on us. in 2020, citizens supported the president's initiative to introduce a number of important
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constitutional amendments. decisions have been made that guarantee support to people in any situation, he emphasized. ensure sovereignty and territorial integrity, improve standards of quality of life, protect families and children, their culture and faith , and defend historical truth. in addition, the main law of the country reflects the role of the russian language and the supremacy of the constitution over the decisions of international court organizations. when we talk about the constitution, it really became different, it was written based on challenges. time, based on the situation and, most importantly, the will of the people, this is very important, because for the first time such a decision was made in the russian federation, where there is a multi-party system, where there are different points of view. the constitution is not a frozen set of laws, but a living document, said the head of the united russia faction, vladimir
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vasiliev, it must be relevant, serve the needs and needs of the people, which is what it was. the constitution was born in conditions of a powerful public demand for civil peace, allowed her to objectively absorb the spirit and aspirations of the people. and surpass the wisdom of their creators. the head of the new people faction , alexey nichaev, spoke about the challenges that the country faces today. our constitution
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enshrines russia's independence and sovereignty. but this sovereignty we proclaimed now also needs to be reinforced in the military sphere, in the economy, in the scientific and technological development of the country. the sovereignty of russia today is defended by our fighters in the zone. special military operation and victory in front is the most important goal for the country, says the head of the communist party of the russian federation faction gennady zyuganov. i believe that over the past 2 years our state duma has done a lot for success at the front, for the advancement of our science and education, for supporting the military-industrial complex of all the guys who fight courageously and with dignity at the front. once again i want to bow to everyone who defends our homeland. representatives
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of different political forces, ages, confessions, for the sake of our great victory, for the sake of the main goal that faces us today country and before russian civilization. alexander shavyrin, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and now about the man who saw everything. this is what colleagues say about nikolai kharitonov. the main political events of the country took place before his eyes. the chairman of the committee for the development of the far east and the arctic spoke about his life path and political career. among the awards that make our hero feel.
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let's sign and immortalize this historical moment, they say about such people: he saw everything, and indeed, for more than 30 years of work in parliament, nikolai kharitonov was a witness and active participant in the main political events of the country. we stood at the origins of russian parliamentarism. he was a people's deputy of the rsfsr for 2 years, witnessed the shooting of the white house, entered... the first convocation , he remembers, it was a difficult time, the political culture of the new country was just beginning to take shape, today everything is different. the duma was changing, just as it was changing
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in russia, this self-purification in the minds of people, the population, they began to selectively approach each candidate, selectively political party. he calls august 16, 1999, one of the brightest events during his years of work at okhotnaya ryad. then it happened. at an extraordinary meeting of the duma on the approval of vladimir putin for the post of prime minister, it was nikolai kharitonov who spoke from the agrarian deputy group, recalls how he supported his candidacy , compared the then future head of the cabinet of ministers with the outstanding soviet intelligence officer richard sorge, i vote for putin’s candidacy, and he understands perfectly , we’ll probably not put wine around lavrov’s neck, but a very heavy collar with many unresolved problems. years later , he admits that he was convinced of the correctness of his choice. with the advent of president vladimirovich putin, when he did not allow the parliamentary
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majority to take over all leading, that is, committees, positions, and this just allows the opinion of all political parties, or rather the opinion of voters, to be taken into account in the work of the state duma. he began his career in his native novosibirsk region, first working as an agronomist. on a state farm, and already at the age of 27 he headed a farm of 800 hectares. i always say that anyone who has not worn out a pair of boots in the village mud will not understand this life. this is a huge, colossal experience. over the last three convocations, nikolai kharitonov has been responsible in the duma for the development of the north, the far east and the arctic. today we are all convinced that the key to development lies in the economy, it lies in the north of the arctic, the far eastern federal district. trips to the most remote corners of the country are his usual business trips. when preparing the bill on northern delivery , the committee held meetings in all regions, which depend on the supply of goods by water. as a result, the state duma adopted a bill
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that residents had been waiting for for more than 20 years. now the process of delivering everything you need will be more transparent and predictable, and this is just one example. there is only one task: people should not leave, come, live, be, work, very good laws have been adopted, the far eastern mortgage, the far eastern hectare, 75 laws have been adopted, 400 government resolutions, can you imagine what kind of work? nikolai mikhailovich, one of the most talented our deputies.
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achieve the adoption of important bills. and of course, for 30 years, constant , almost round-the-clock work with voters, whether it was helping residents of the buryat village, where an industrial site was almost built, or solving the problems of pensioners. people ask different questions, answering each is a matter of principle. working as a state duma deputy is a colossal responsibility. i value it, what will people say? here. how people evaluate my work, i would like to believe that this is the hope i justify the voters. this year nikolai kharitonov turned 75 years old, he continues to ski, do biathlon, and play football. by the way, it was he who, having come to the state duma , organized a football team that beat the house of commons in london with a score of 3:1. today he is a regular participant in international parliamentary games. i would like
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to wish nikolai mikhailovich to continue to stay. dmitry oreshkin, andrey tarasov, maxim koul, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. in the second part of our see programs: 3 million hits. how to help resolve legislative issues. the results of the direct line of the president's instructions, which have already been put into operation. relations between russia and the cis countries, what was discussed at the international conference, the delegation of which
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state. in central america i visited the okhotny row and what questions they raised , everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, from time immemorial law has reigned in russia, the people, the princes, have chosen together, and voivode, there was a special ritual, the bell brought them together, invited people. to the meeting, the meeting was called, evening, this approach is democratic, the elections of authorities are public, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choose traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us, improving the process, so truly a godsend, you vote quickly, clearly, you don’t have to go anywhere , everything is in the smartphone, mom is glad, for people that without movement there are convenient solutions, call the elections home, take a portable box, there is a mobile
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voter, in a rocky way of life the traveler votes freely anywhere , so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, we will appreciate the security of the ballot, watermarks are placed on special paper, at the polling station be calm, video control is arranged, except for the cameras at the polling station, like heroes from a fairy tale , there are observers, they monitor the legality, in general, everything is technological, you can see for yourself by looking at the cycle on the site at the site, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have
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a bright leader, a legend?


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