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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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in a portable one there is a mobile voter , in a swinging way of life, a traveler votes freely anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, we will appreciate the security of the ballot, watermarks are placed on special paper, be calm at the polling station, video control set up, except for the cameras at the site, like heroes and fairy tales, observers stand to monitor the legality, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can see for yourself at the site by looking at the cyclr website, choose in the country is free, important, honestly comfortable, who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have... a bright leader, a legendary musical
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quartet and an irresistible troubodour, this is my group, hello my fans, here, where have you been before, why i you i’ve never seen it, i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without deception, i’m behind you , they’re palaces for the mayche vaults , they’ll never replace freedom, but call your son, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale that the donkey was waiting for, i dog, cat, cockerel, they named themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too, bremen musicians.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. this week the president answered questions from russians. vladimir putin summed up the results of the year in a combined format of a direct line and a large press conference. about 3 million requests were received, they were immediately sent to the department for legislative support in solving the voiced problems and work that the deputies had already planned in our story. 4 hours and 4 minutes. about 70 questions were asked. 3
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million received, speaking about the results of the year for country, the president noted gdp growth of 3.5%, the achievement of a historic minimum in unemployment and an increase in real incomes of citizens by almost 8%. but what is especially pleasing is that the manufacturing industry is growing, it will be 7.5% per year, we haven’t had this for a long time. the questions raised by journalists and citizens of the country concerned, in particular , the payments and benefits provided to svo participants. vladimir putin emphasized that in this regard there should be no difference between military personnel. contractor, private military fighter companies and volunteers should be equally provided with support measures. all volunteers, everyone. whoever defends the interests of russia with arms in hand, fights for it, risks their life and health, everyone must be placed, must be placed in absolutely equal conditions, i am sure that the deputies of the state duma will support it 100%, but it’s just a matter of formulating it all correctly. the state duma will work
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on the legislative side of the issue. everything that the president said will become laws, regulations and what was put in place tasks. the tasks outlined by the president during the direct line will become a road map for deputies for the next session, says the head of the new people faction, alexey nechaev. the president spoke not only about what is currently being done in the economy, but about the fact that there are tasks in such complex industries as automotive and aircraft manufacturing, where we will also achieve a lot by 2030, and for this purpose the state duma. there will be a lot to do in the next spring session. present at the press conference journalists from different continents. answering a question from a correspondent of a chinese publication , the head of state noted the unprecedented level of relations between our countries. trade turnover this year has already exceeded the $200 billion mark.
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interparliamentary ties are also strengthening. russia today is supported by the world majority, said the head of the communist party faction, gennady zyuganov, after the direct line. for us , relations with asia. china, vietnam, india, iran, pakistan, are of exceptional fundamental importance, because nato members, the americans declared war on us and hoped that there were 17,500 of them with sanctions and other countries would join, nothing like that. a resident of the sverdlovsk region told the president about the low quality of healthcare services in his village. the hospital saw its last renovation in the soviet years, and staff salaries are being kept. for the best, vladimir putin noted that in russia there is a program for modernizing primary healthcare to solve these problems, and it will be continued. by the way, the program spells out special attention to rural areas, settlements in rural areas, a little
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more than half of all funds allocated for the development of primary healthcare go there, we will continue to do so, we will of course work on a specific object.
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the president instructed that this be done in the near future; the state duma will work on this together with the government. there is a lot of work to be done here, but this will, i think, allow us to seriously restore and support the economy of the border areas in the future. another
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topic that was raised was the tenderness of the volga, the question which deputies raised more than once at plenary sessions, the president assured that the problem would be resolved. let us remind you, deputy. in turn, sent appropriate appeals to the government and the prosecutor general's office. alexander shavirin, sergei vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. the topic of increasing prices for eggs and meat and poultry, voiced on a direct line with the president, was immediately continued. during the plenary session, chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin instructed the relevant committees on trade, economic policy and agrarian issues keep under control the issue of prices in the consumer market, including the cost of eggs and chicken. let's agree on the pricing issues. we have three specialized committees responsible for the cost of the consumer basket, so if only
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a situation arises in our consumer market, prices are rising, it’s nothing personal, dear colleagues, all three of you, everything is fine with your eggs, that means people must have them, we will make decisions . the problem was commented on by the chairman of the committee on agrarian issues, vladimir kashin. question about prices for eggs for chicken, in your opinion, does the state duma have any mechanisms to regulate this issue? for 9 months we have been selling eggs at a price lower than last year, 9 months, now for the new year, well, naturally seasonality has manifested itself, we will say this for the new year, what is a new year without olivier, like easter, well... there will be a post then there will be an excess of eggs, the fact is that
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today this year we produce 288 eggs for each person, for a small child, for an adult, the scientifically based consumption rate is 260, consumption in the twenty-second year was much lower than production was, now that we did the analytics. we have no reductions, there will still be an increase in egg production, but we did an analysis and saw that egg consumption increased by 5.1%, well , this obviously overlaps with seasonality, and naturally the consumption is real, it is clear that today there is a fairly large group of people in our front,
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so as for quality food, there is enough of it, and now about the laws that are being considered, there are now about a thousand of them in the state duma’s portfolio, the majority is in the first reading, and we will describe those adopted this week in our review. the state duma adopted a law that will allow the use. compulsory medical insurance funds for rent, equipment, repairs of hospitals and clinics, and as vyacheslav
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volodin emphasized, it will allow more effectively solving the personnel issue in the regions. we do not have enough medical personnel, especially in district and central hospitals, in rural areas, and in small towns. the law that was adopted gives the right to use funds at the expense of the ums to pay rent for housing for doctors, medical workers. this is another opportunity to solve the problems that exist today. another passed law will give families with children an additional opportunity to improve. their living conditions, half of the maternity capital funds can be spent on the reconstruction of living quarters in townhouses or, for example, in a house for two owners; the reconstruction can be carried out without the involvement of a developer. now people, those who live in townhouses or duplexes will have the same opportunity as people who live in apartments, of course, this is a big plus. in addition,
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the rules for obtaining maternity capital have changed. the initiative of the faction deputies became the law. new regions, they have the right to maternity capital, regardless of the basis for the timing of their acquisition of russian citizenship. the state duma adopted a law on the social rehabilitation of disabled people. the changes will be felt by almost 11 million russians, including more than 730,000 children. as chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin noted, this decision will allow introducing
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unified standards for the rehabilitation of disabled people, create a comprehensive system of social and psychological support for them. and medical care to career guidance and retraining for people with disabilities. we propose to continue the work of the working group under the leadership of mikhail borisovich terentyev for the purpose of parliamentary control over by-laws. russian education will have to correspond to traditional spiritual and moral values. deputies adopted in the third reading a law that corrects the basic principles state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education. teaching staff must educate students in the spirit of patriotism, respect for the memory of the defenders of the fatherland and the exploits of the heroes of the fatherland, form a civic position, the ability to work, hard work, and a responsible attitude towards professional volunteer activities. in addition, any decisions in this area will need to have a scientific basis. with another amendment,
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deputies are expanding support for military personnel and members of their families, they will be able to do so. all the powers and mechanisms that are currently established for the ministry of defense and its volunteer formations are stored. politicians discussed the intensification of inter-parliamentary cooperation between parties of the cis countries. an international conference was held in moscow on the role of interaction between factions of political parties and blocs in this process. for the fourth time
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, parliamentarians from abkhazia, azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, and kyrgyzstan gathered at the site. but also socio-economic work, there are great prospects ahead, says gennady zyuganov, head of the communist party of the russian federation faction. he emphasized that without the russian world, the expanses of the former soviet republic cannot exist. the russian world took shape over a thousand
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years, we gathered 190 nationalities under our banners , without destroying a single language. there are many projects, but i think that there is too little communication, look, now again there are 5 minutes of regulation, 2-3 minutes of regulation, i propose:
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united russia vladimir vasiliev recalled that december 8 marked the 32nd anniversary of the founding of the commonwealth of independent states. most importantly, we have good reserves, our trade turnover increased by more than $100 billion last year, a good result, but there are greater opportunities, we have something to offer the debtor, education. communication about the market, we have something to talk about, we have plans to make, i hope that this meeting will be mutually
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beneficial for the benefit of the peoples of our country. the leader of the ldpr faction, leonid slutsky, said that cooperation with the cis countries on an inter-party basis is key. on this site we make a large number of friends, like-minded people who... the same as us look at the development of cooperation on a significant part of the eurasian, largest continent on the planet, i am sure that this is a format that will live and develop for many, many years to come. the conference participants had the opportunity to discuss cooperation issues in detail at bilateral meetings. the countries represented by the conference participants are also united by a common history. as part of the program, guests laid flowers at
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the tomb of the unknown soldier. elena zhilnina, andrey burunberg, duma tv. parliamentary hour. relations between russia and nikaragovo continue to develop. a delegation from this central american state visited okhotny ryad this week. with the special representative of the president of the republic of nicaragua larian facunda ortega murillo. they discussed issues of cooperation between the two countries within the parliamentary dimension. much has already been done for this, noted vyacheslav volodin. the interparliamentary dialogue has intensified significantly. 2 months ago the first meeting of the commission on cooperation between the state duma and the national assembly took place nicaragua, where a number of joint initiatives were considered. first of all in the field of industry.
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we watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website.
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when engaging in extreme sports , take precautions.
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a large government delegation from russia led by mikhail mishustin is now in beijing. according to the press service of the cabinet of ministers , plans are made for a meeting with the chairman of the people's republic of china sidzimpin and negotiations with the prime minister of the state council litsyan. the development of strategic interaction will be discussed. special attention to expanding cooperation in trade and economics, promoting major joint projects. as a result, a joint communication and a number of russian-chinese documents will be signed. let me note that the russian prime minister is
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the second in china. this year in may mikhail.


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