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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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at moscow 10 we continue our morning broadcast, here’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. prime minister mikhail mishusin is working in beijing these days. plans include a meeting with the chairman of the people's republic of china, middle finn, and negotiations with the prime minister of the state council, lia sana. the focus is on developing strategic interaction. special attention is paid to expanding cooperation in trade and economics, as well as promoting large projects. in northwestern china, in gansu province , a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 6 points occurred last night. several dozen residential buildings destroyed
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houses killed at least 118 people. rescue teams have been sent to the affected areas. they are looking for survivors under the rubble of buildings, setting up tent camps for those left homeless. the american group has approached the entrance to the red sea, fox news reports. the day before , the pentagon announced the start of an international operation against the yemeni houthis. as a sign of solidarity with palestine, they...
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the firing range of this weapon is tens of kilometers. a large government delegation from russia led by mikhail mishustin today in beijing. according to the press service of the cabinet of ministers, plans are made for a meeting with the chairman of the people's republic of china xidinping and negotiations with the premier of the state council li tsang. the development of strategic interaction will be discussed. special attention to expanding cooperation in trade and. economy, promotion of major projects, as a result they will sign a joint agreement and a number of documents. mikhail mishutin is in china for the second time this year. in may, the russian prime minister participated in a business forum and also visited a shanghai research and development center. institute of petrochemistry and talked with the country's leadership. more than 100 people died due to an earthquake in china; the disaster occurred in gansu province in the north-west of the country, china's central television reported. according to
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the regional response headquarters , powerful tremors began at midnight beijing time. in the epicenter of the earthquake and surrounding areas, houses, roads and other social infrastructure were damaged. the water supply has been disrupted and there are power outages. former man detained in dagestan member of the gangs of shamil basayev and khatab, the fsb reported this today. in the course of joint work with the investigative committee , an evidence base was formed. a resident of the republic of dagestan, ibragim magomedov took part in the attack on the novolagsky district of the republic in ninety-nine. he is accused of three counts: banditry, armed rebellion, and assault on the life of a law enforcement officer. the search for other participants in the terrorist crime continues. here's what they reported in the investigative committee. as a result of the criminal actions of the gang members , 99 people were killed and injured. 238 people from among
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military personnel, law enforcement officers and local residents. magomedov will be charged with armed rebellion, participation in a gang and encroachment on the lives of law enforcement officers. currently , the investigation is establishing the role and specific actions he committed during the attack. in the zaporozhye direction, the ukrainian armed forces are making unsuccessful attempts to break through our defense. combat leads to the death of personnel or, at best, to being taken prisoner; they are unable to change the situation at the front; the militants are shelling front-line settlements. igor pikhanov has all the details. the uav unit is leaving for its next mission in the zaporozhye direction. soldiers inspect the gray zone. the unit's task is to identify ukrainian sabotage groups. monitoring of replanting of the zaporozhye steppes is carried out around the clock. the drone operator launches the uav. by using. drones
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allow you to inspect a large area in a short time, for long-distance flights aircraft-type aircraft are used, at a distance of up to 5-8 km standard copters, fighters detect a group of saboteurs, the given number of the enemy and their location are transmitted to the artillerymen, a few minutes of preparation are carried out on the enemy , for the ukrainian armed forces this attempt at reconnaissance in force ends in losses, there are different groups, from five to 15 people, it happens that a platoon makes attempts, well, of course, all attempts are stopped at once, and often they just they abandon their comrades, and the wounded and killed, save their lives. the militants are moving towards well -fortified and targeted positions of the russian military, so their
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only chance to survive is to lay down their arms. for the ukrainian prisoner of war stanislav grinchenko, the war has already ended, the shooter surrendered along with three colleagues, they say that he was caught after... he was given a summons, before that he worked as a builder, he says that total mobilization is underway in ukraine, since a failed counter-offensive without bleeding high, while those who have money can pay off, most of the residents of square have no communication capabilities in order to cut down, there are no people, i say, they caught us from the street, there were guys with me who were from training, he was standing on he was smoking on the balcony , they gave him a hang-up, and they gave him a hang-up in the store, he was on his way to work on the zaporozhye bridge, they stopped, they took him away right away, that is... well , they just caught him from the street, well, that’s no motivation, no patriotism, nothing dumb , no one wants to fight, i say, why did they leak everything, but they found it, brought it, that is, well, quickly they are working on this, unable to change the situation at the front, the ukrainian military is launching missile and artillery strikes on peaceful cities and towns in
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the front-line regions, thousands of caring people from all over the country came to the aid of those in need, volunteers from ryazati delivered a batch of humanitarian aid for families with children, we are very welcome, very happy to help, they always welcome us, we do not collect money, we only accept certain things, we usually collect lists here, we already provide targeted assistance here. also volunteers visited the military, brought children's letters and drawings, students donated camouflage nets and camping equipment, the motorists' club delivered off-road tires for transport, and ryazan blacksmiths made an iron stove for heating dugouts. they are designed to be very efficient using a small amount of wood, plus they produce little smoke. so, accordingly, water is poured here, there is a separate tap here, in addition to the fact that the stove heats - the very room in which it works is also this pipe is used to heat the water,
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so the guys have constant access to warm water. the russian military is stopping the attempts of ukrainian militants to break through to the populated areas of the zaporozhye region from... shelling, the delivery of food and medicine to civilians is difficult, so the units provide humanitarian assistance, and if necessary, military doctors receive civilian patients. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, vesti, zaporozhye region. at the exhibition russia, where the days of regions are held, will show its program today komi. about the development of the republic in the report of our colleagues. the kome republic, an endless taiga and tundra rich in minerals, is the largest exporter of energy and forests. a land of seasoned, strong-willed, but hospitable people, more than 130 nationalities live here in harmony and preserve their traditions, a land that knows how to surprise. one of the seven wonders of russia,
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polina stones up to 42 m high, weathering pillars, the geological monument manpupuner, a cult site of the mansi people, has become a place of attraction for tourists. enterprises produce plywood, paper, cardboard, and lumber. almost the entire periodic table is stored in the depths of the region. the only oil mine in the country is located in the ukhtinsky village of yarega. abnormally high viscosity, large resin composition; high-quality road bitumens are made from such raw materials. bauxite from the srednetimansky
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mine, which is mined by quarrying , is used in the production of aluminum. that is, our bauxites, which lie relatively shallow, have such... generally quite good quality, but in russia is, in principle, the only one that is profitable and can be processed using glenase. of the man-made modern objects, which in the future will amaze with their scale, the bridge over the spichura, the anchor arctic project, it will connect the nenets autonomous okrug and kumi, it should be launched in 2027. for the republic this is a truly historical event, it will be possible not to depend on spring, winter, from the winter road. the sosnogorsky greenhouse complex, the northernmost in russia, was built in koma in 2019. 10,000 tons are grown here annually organically clean cucumbers and tomatoes. the northernmost poultry farm zelenetskaya, a complete agro-industrial holding. cycle with its own feed mill, ensures the food security of the region , produces more than 400 types of products,
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when you can do what you want to do, yes, these are some new projects, come up with new products, manufacture them, put them into production, it’s super easy . komi exotica is an international-level coffee factory, it started with a small store, now produces 150 tons of coffee per month they deliver it throughout the country. not only coffee, but sports. the building of the republican stadium received a second wind. in 2021, it was reconstructed for the centenary of the region. now this is a facility that meets world standards. in the birthplace of skis in the knyashpogos region, archaeologists discovered the oldest ski, it is 8.00 years old. a unique sport of the republic is racing on hunting lamps. the fastest are chosen at the annual lympiad festival. and the most elegant ones are on uszelemskaya gorka and izhimsky luda. original folk holidays with all-russian glory, where representatives of the indigenous population of komi. descendants of old believers who migrated from novgorod perform round dances in traditional ancient costumes.
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new cultural traditions are gaining momentum. sektovkar became the capital of the national musical project univer vision for singing students. the arctic delphic games, competitions for young creative people, were born in koma. new stars are shining in the north. valentina smirno, lyubov moiseeva, in a coma. and now to the novoskovskaya auction. the dollar is trading this morning around the mark of 89 rubles and a little, the euro costs about 99 rubles and 50 kopecks, and for the yuai they give 12 rubles and 57 kopecks. the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading at 10 am was 3,080 points and rts 1075. now let’s move on to a short advertisement, then we’ll talk about the economic relations between russia and china. indian pava-pava from
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the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. at uralsib we know that prospects are where they are felt. where they wait, where they love, there are prospects; with ural cip bank they become a reality. ural siip, prospects there. where are you? ba tasty spot scandinavia. scandinavian burger with cheese patty, cheese rings , warming ponche. in scandinavian style, delicious period. suddenly there was a sale on avito. and a new dress happened to you. and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, and a snow scooter with discounts of up to 80%. the sale is very good even on avito. hurry up before... magic conditions, real interest rate up to 15.5% on a savings
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account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at we keep prices low. wafer akulchev 1599. pyaterochka helps out. in alfabank is the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. let's take it. new generation, its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while preserving nutrients. a smart solution against poisoning. in order not to spend too much, order products from a selection of profitable shelves, for example, gouda cheese scooter with a 30% discount,
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for only 139 rubles. free delivery, scooter without extra expenses, this is our signalman’s lane, somewhere he’s running, somewhere he’s in polish, somewhere he’s squatting, a mobile kit - the most the main thing is that this economy must be ensured to function constantly. out of ten radio stations, we repair eight here. is there a connection? eat. well done. russia and china are looking for options to strengthen their strategic partnership. as part of prime minister mikhail mishustin's visit to beijing, the parties will discuss specific joint projects. among
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the promising areas of interaction are shipbuilding, high technology and green energy. alexandra nazarova has all the details. the strategic partnership between russia and china will strengthen, mitt republic expects additional steps in this direction during prime minister mikhail mishustin's visit to beijing and will focus on practical tasks in promoting joint projects. it is also planned to expand cooperation within brix, atc and the g20. this will help reduce the risks of geopolitical fragmentation and maintain the stability of global supply chains. the system will continue to develop.
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primarily cars, tractors, smartphones and other electronics, clothing and shoes. by the end of november our trade turnover exceeded target $200 billion per year. the result of 11 months, according to the russian customs, is 201.5 billion. the figures vary slightly, but the chinese customs department of the state customs committee of china gave data of 218 billion. according to our data for 11 months, this is 21.
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currents and 60% of exports are sent to asian countries, including our hydrocarbons go there. in january-october, shipments of russian oil to china increased by a quarter, and lng by a third. meanwhile, daily gas supplies in siberia are breaking records, requests exceed contractual obligations. by the end of the year according to this the pipeline may cover more than the 22 billion cubic meters that were originally planned, and the parties may soon complete negotiations on a new one. route power of siberia 2. the gas pipeline can reach 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year, it can be launched in a fairly short time, because the fields have already been developed, these are western fields, west siberian fields in russia, that is, everything is ready there, some of the gas pipelines in russia too yes, that is, it is necessary to build only part of the gas pipelines on russian territory, mongolian territory, that’s all
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then china will build its part during this time, so within a few years we can expect gas supplies there for literally 3 years. agricultural products occupy second place after hydrocarbons in our exports to china. over 10 months, its supplies increased by more than one and a half times and exceeded $6 billion. work is underway to expand market access. this year, for example, exports of agricultural products from russia have increased noticeably; this is a big breakthrough, because russia and china have resolved most of the problems associated with supplies of agricultural products from russia to china. these include various types of meat, for example grain, flour, rapeseed, and so on. in this sense, we are gradually growing in a non-fuel and non-oil sector of products. mutual investments are growing. next year, russia and china plan to launch joint projects in the areas of end-to-end technologies, shipbuilding and
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green energy. in particular, we agreed on cooperation in the production of hydrogen. concerning. peaceful atom, we are building four power units in china; interaction in this the field will expand. the plans, of course , are extensive, including, for example, in the field of nuclear energy, the construction of joint fast neutron reactors and a unique technology that is available only to our rosatom corporation, this is a two-step closed cycle technology for the use of nuclear fuel, of course. in the field of energy, various joint projects, global, in the field of transport interaction, the opening of new transport corridors, logistics interaction. there is also a positive trend in tourism: towards the end this year, the tourist flow between russia and china will exceed a million people, and by 2030 it will grow five times. only at alfabank. order
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in a magnet, tartlets 84.99. fly wherever you want with 5% cashback by paying for tickets on the aeroflot website or app via sbp. but first, register on, and there you will find great deals on the world map. a new musical film "temporary musicians" was shown in moscow.
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almost the entire cast was present at the premiere. the author and presenter will tell you how the musical based on the famous cartoon turned out film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. the town musicians of bremen has everything that makes a perfect new year's gift: bright, spectacular, long-awaited and at the same time...
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the director presented his version of the town musicians of bremen as a separate cinematic universe. the narrative begins with troubadour's childhood and his acquaintance with the animal ensemble. the main characters will unite to become famous musicians. according to the tradition of fairy tales, in order for the group to earn sympathy for the troubodour. the princess will have to pass tests and not fall into traps, the detective's intrigues complicate the task, the insidious plans of the robbers, the eccentricity of the king, well, this is a troubadour, this is a man who glorifies love, sings love, such a role could not be refused, especially with such amazing partners, director, scenery, vivid images, star ensemble, tihan zhiznevsky - troubadour, valentina lyapina is a princess, her father the king is played by sergei
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borunov, and her mother... troubadour yulia peresilt. the role of the brilliant detective is played by konstantin khabensky, and maria aronova became the chieftain of the robbers. behind animal masks irina gorbachev, dmitry dyuzhev, roman kurtsin and oscar nigomedzyanov. it was important for me to show his human qualities, paternal qualities first of all, that he is first and foremost a parent. i will never replace freedom. the first viewers received the film very warmly: it’s great that love has won, the audience sings in chorus, favorite songs, it seems to me that it was much better than the usual one, it was a super film, a very kind, funny film, family-friendly, but about kindness , good always encourages evil, the fairy tale "the town musicians of bremen" was created on nikita mikhalkov's studio with the participation and
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support of the rossiya tv channel. that is , a production alliance that has already given the country a new year's sensation of upward movement. a gift for all fans of the legendary cartoon, the film the town musicians of bremen will be in cinemas from january 1st. ivan kudryavtsev, anastasia chernikova, sergey plotnikov, artyom kondrashov, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotareva and olesya shempel. news from the premiere of bremensky.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it's 10:30 in moscow, here's what we've learned by this time. former member detained in dagestan jar.


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