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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it's 10:30 in moscow, here's what we've learned by this time. a former bank member was detained in dagestan. ibragim magomedov took part in
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the attack on the novolagsky district of the republic in 1999. he is accused of three counts: banditry, armed rebellion, and assault on the life of a law enforcement officer. prime minister mikhail bishustin is working in beijing these days, plans are to meet with chinese president sidinping and negotiate with the prime minister of the state council lee. sana. in the center. the american group has approached the detour into the red sea, fox news reports. the day before, the pentagon announced the start of an international operation against the yemeni houthis. in a show of solidarity with palestine, they carry out airstrikes on commercial ships allegedly associated with israel. largest shipping companies.
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a volcanic eruption in iceland is developing rapidly, the country's meteorological service reports. the crack from which lava flows has already stretched for 4 km. hot rock is approaching the town grindovik. the authorities evacuated all the residents from there a month ago, now the main concern of the police is that many tourists are going to the volcano; the eruption began that night after the earthquake. vladimir putin sent sidinpi his deepest condolences in connection with the earthquake in gansu province. the president noted that in russia they share the grief of those who lost loved ones as a result of the devastating earthquake and hope for a speedy recovery of the victims. let me remind you that the tragedy occurred in northwest china last night, the magnitude of the tremors was.
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6.2, several dozen residential buildings were destroyed, at least 118 people were killed. a rescue team has been sent to the affected areas, they are looking for survivors under the rubble of buildings and are setting up tent camps for those left homeless. now on air on our tv channel, program fifth studio, my colleague yuri bogdanov joins me. yura, greetings, what will we talk about? yes, alexander, hello, thank you. and we will talk about the situation in the middle east right away. some news came from this region, you have already announced some of them, but we would like to dwell on some in more detail. let 's, before we start the discussion, i will once again announce and tell you what happened and what we will discuss, well, firstly, as alexandra said, loy tostin, the head of the pentagon announced the start of an international operation aimed at ensuring security in the red sea amid the houthi attack from yemen on souda. moreover, as reported, the us aircraft carrier esenhower has already approached the bapalmandep one.
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hezbollah from the border, our colleagues write that the israeli authorities informed the united states that, as part of a diplomatic agreement to resolve tensions with lebanon, they want the forces of the shiite hezbollah movement to move almost 10 km from the border. in general , he presents this news quite radically, saying that israel has prepared a plan for invading lebanon in order to push back hezbollah. we will discuss all this news with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the state of israel to russia, alexander benzvi, he is in direct contact with the studio, mr. ambassador, hello, let's let's start with the operation in the red sea, how do you assess it, and what role can israel play? well, first of all, this operation is simply without it. get by, and if the houthis
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attack all ships that go and pass from the indian ocean to the red sea, then really everything related to the economy. our region, it’s not just us , it’s the egyptians and others, and this will have a very strong impact, because if they don’t sail here through the red sea, they will, therefore, around africa, firstly, this will raise prices for all products, and of course , will hit very strongly on the economies of various countries, in israel too, but, but of course, egypt and any countries that are in this region, so i think that if the kussites are not forced to stop.
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the prosperity guardian unites the uk, bahrain, canada, france, italy, the netherlands, norway, the seychelles and spain. israel is not named among the participants. my question is, what role can israel play, will it take part and in what form, if so? if necessary, he will of course take part. do you remember that one of the wars that were associated with israel, it began with the fact that the babalmandi strait was blocked, that is, this can really to some extent affect the blockade, the economic blockade of israel and so on, so we will not sit - with folded arms. but how we will do this, we will already agree, i think, with the countries that participate in this coalition, i really liked the seychelles, you know what role they will play, no, i have no idea, another topic, especially quite a lot, so
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in this, in fact, in blitz mode, probably i will ask questions, there is one more pressing topic that is being discussed, including, as i quoted in the international media, this is the situation on the border with lebanon, here are some of our colleagues... they write that an invasion is being prepared, other colleagues report that that israel is trying to negotiate diplomatically with lebanon and hezbollah to push its forces away from the border, how is this work progressing, do you have this information , will a military operation still be launched if a diplomatic agreement fails? firstly, a military operation is already taking place, you know that there is tension on our border with lebanon, there are attacks from lebanon on our territory, we are responding to these attacks. like any country that cannot tolerate missiles or drones falling on its territory every day and so on, so there is an answer. the question that hezbollah should move to the line of the river litany
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is already written in the agreement, which is called, that is, resolution, excuse me, which is 1701, it clearly states that it was a ceasefire agreement. on the israeli-lebanese border, it clearly states that it is necessary that hezbollah’s forces should be on the border of the litani river, move away from the israeli border, and there should be un security forces in this gap. not yet, that is, the security force is there, but hezbollah is also there. and as we see, every day our territory is attacked. if this continues, then, of course, we have no interest. if this continues, then we will have no other way out, we’ll just have to solve it in another way, but for now we just don’t need to look some special decisions, there is resolution 1701, it must be implemented, that’s all, well, i understand you correctly that if this does not
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happen, then israel may take the path of invasion and resolve this issue by force if attacks on our territory continue with this from this... from this border, then we cannot deny this possibility, that we will need to defend our territory, do everything so that these attacks do not occur on our territory, on our citizens, and why do these attacks occur? don't ask us, we don't have no interest, invasion, seizure and so on, we have signed a rosary, a clear agreement, it is 1701, we are fulfilling it, the other... must fulfill it to the point, mr. ambassador, as far as i understand, during the visit of the head of the pentagon to israel discussed , of course, the situation in the gas sector, how do you assess the progress of the operation, some experts over there express the opinion that half the way has not yet been completed, even you agree with this, look, i cannot say
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half or or not half, i i can say that we have two tasks, the first task is this is of course - mm infrastructure , the terrorist infrastructure of hamas must be destroyed, and secondly , all the hostages must be released, these are two... and how many hostages does hamas have now and what countries are they from, do you have this information at this hour? there are 130 hostages in the hands of hamas, of which, in my opinion, 11 are citizens of other countries who have no civilians.
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in response to the statement from both the army leadership and the country's leadership, can you be sure that this will not happen again, in your opinion? well we, firstly, we hope that this will not happen again, there was a mistake, this mistake has already , well, you know, this is in combat areas , when the soldiers are very tense, very tense, they don’t sleep at night, they have been fighting for 70 days already, and these are the kind of mistakes that happen, unfortunately, but... and i hope that now there were all the instructions, the chief of the general staff
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spoke very clearly, gave instructions, i think that this will not happen again. you said about the destruction of hamas infrastructure, there were reports that israel began to flood the tunnel, yes, which is in use hamas, how is this work progressing, could you tell us, and are there any humanitarian and environmental risks here? well, first of all, i don’t have such data. because these are really some tactical issues about which i don’t receive such data. about - that this can create some kind of humanitarian, as far as i remember, and one of the leaders of hamas, musa abu marzuk, in his interview here in the republic of tatarstan said that the tunnels are not for - residents of the gaza strip, they are for hamas militants , and the residents of gas they are refugees, even if he or israel is not involved then, so they themselves say that there are no inhabitants there, there are mainly militants there, and
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these are military operations, that is, but i don’t know exactly at what stage, mr. ambassador , according to the ministry of health of the gas sector, since october , more than 18 thousand civilians have already died there, such figures are given, the majority, as reported by women and children, as in tel aviv , treats this information, firstly, with doubts, because.. ., as we know, this is hamas, that is, the ministry of health gases are hamas, they can give any numbers , no one can confirm this, of course, so we can say that this is there, secondly, if 18,000 died there, how many of this, they say, how many militants died, according to our calculations, thousands, but why -this doesn’t appear in the statistics, only women and children appear, and then i’m very not sure, i highly recommend looking at what we sometimes call...
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that hamas uses these residents as a human shield, so i always repeat this, maybe a little bit like a lichen, but it’s a fact that we we use missiles to protect our residents, they use their residents to protect their missiles, and this must be remembered when this, using people as human shields is a war crime, especially shooting missiles from densely populated areas into our territory, what happens every day, more than 10,000 missiles were... fired at our territory, no one talks about it, they shoot from the middle of populated areas, according to
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the laws of war, not a single civilian object from which military operations are carried out can perhaps it cannot receive immunity, it automatically becomes a military target, and you can attack it, and you can attack it, mr. ambassador, but israel keeps, keeps some kind of honorable statistics on dead civilians and liquidated hamas militants.
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the situation, including the death of civilians, which israel, as i understand, does not deny, it simply does not know their number, could undermine israel’s position on the world stage? well, first of all, i think not in the near future, because everyone understands the importance of destroying hamas as terrorist organization, we must do everything to ensure that there are no casualties among civilians, we must do everything to stop shooting at our people. territory, we must do everything to really stop terrorist attacks on us, why did we start this whole operation in the first place, it’s not just like that, one fine day, the day of the simcha tura holiday, on october 7, thousands of hamas militants attacked us, killed a thousand, almost 1,300 people in one day, there were 5,000 wounded, 250
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people were taken hostage, which means one day, this is the largest number of victims of the jewish population, israeli since the holocaust, you just need to understand in one day what any country should have done when this happened, not a single country in the world, not america, not russia, not england, not france , i don’t know, neither turkey nor any country would have passed by said: yes, oh, yes, 1,400 of ours died there or...
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big statements about humanitarian problems, for some reason this is only when it is connected with us, think about this. well, regarding the current situation and here is the termination regime fire, which we observed for several days, if i’m not mistaken, it was , is it possible to re-declare a ceasefire for one purpose or another, including humanitarian, yes, which we are talking about, and
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are negotiations ongoing on a truce with hamas , if yes, then under what conditions? firstly, negotiations are underway on a truce , there is nothing to talk about a truce with hamas, if negotiations are underway, and some negotiations are now underway, the chief of our musad, together with the chief of the cia, the prime minister of qatar, are now negotiating, precisely on how to find a solution ceasefire on the release of our hostages, because as i said, our two goals, the main goal in this entire operation is to destroy '. the chemical structure of hamas so that incidents like october 7 will never happen again, the second release of hostages, and negotiations are underway about this, and as for humanitarian issues again, it is reported that another corridor has been opened for the delivery of humanitarian aid through the checkpoint, kirim shalom, has this item been implemented and by what volume can
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we talk about an increase? first of all, it earned really. the whole idea is to speed up the supply of humanitarian aid to the gaza sector , so far more than 4,500 trucks with various humanitarian supplies from medicine to food and so on have passed through both checkpoints, so this is this this continues, this continues continuously, so the opening of a new checkpoint will simply increase the volume. mr. ambassador. but if i may, in closing i’ll probably ask you a slightly personal question: you recently announced that you will be finishing your work in moscow in december as an ambassador, you are going to retire, how would you...
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i repeat, they exist on various issues, then we are trying to solve this at the level, i would say, diplomatic, and as you know, we are on the list of friendly countries, and i hope , that part of my work and the work of my , well, those who will replace me in this position, the one who will replace me, or rather in this position, will be in this direction, so that we still remain a friendly country in the future, and you are satisfied .
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10:59 am
dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the besagon author’s program tv. it will be called as long as we mistake crows for falcons. i hope you will understand why we named our program this way, and i look forward to seeing you.
11:00 am
we continue our news review. russian president vladimir putin expressed condolences to chinese president xijzenping in connection with the earthquake, which resulted in numerous casualties. let me remind you that more than 100 people died. the disaster occurred in gansu province in the northwest of the country. this was reported by the central television of the people's republic of china. according to the regional liquidation headquarters.


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