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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 2:00pm-2:27pm MSK

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and military equipment, in the shortest possible time, 107 samples were modernized by industry representatives working in the troops. under the task of the troops, our leading designers have been creating the latest weapons systems for several months. the weapons that were developed and tested under normal conditions for 5-8 years are being completed today. before putting into mass production within 4-7 months. this has not happened since the great patriotic war. modern russian technology has undergone rigorous testing under conditions special operations and showed its superiority over similar models from nato countries. to train in the use of fpv drones, individual rep weapons, new aviation weapons, training grounds and...
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800 training facilities were created, and a new system for training military specialists was created almost in the shortest possible time. high results have been achieved in medical care. first aid on the battlefield is provided, as a rule, in the first minutes after injury. field hospitals have been deployed in close proximity to the front line, reinforced by experienced surgeons from central medical institutions. multiple.
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75% are employed in military commissariats, higher educational institutions and other organizations of the ministry of defense. russian military personnel and volunteers show courage, perseverance and dedication during a special military operation. tankmen, motorized riflemen, paratroopers, marines, pilots and artillerymen act courageously. 320. 272 ​​were awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. is contribution to ensuring readiness to carry out combat tasks are introduced by military-political bodies. political officers are in combat formations, explain to military personnel the goals of special operations, and instill in them faith in victory. their work and patriotism ensures a high level of combat. the spirit of our soldiers. a special
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military operation united the army and the people. every day more than one and a half thousand people apply for military service. this year alone, about 490 thousand contract and volunteer military personnel were recruited. more than 400 russian students voluntarily took academic leave to perform combat tasks. the number has increased sevenfold.
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networks, which made it possible to cover four battalion defense areas, increased participation in universities, donated more than 17 tons of donor blood and continues to do this, it saved the lives of many soldiers. we can say that the whole country supports the armed forces and has united around the leadership of the state. the supreme commander-in-chief, summing up the results of the year, noted that the state fully meets the needs of the troops. in addition to 100% support for troop groups , reserves have been created for petists. thousands sets of personal armor protection equipment (3000 individual first aid kits), 160 consumption in a group of troops daily, i repeat once again, up to 15 thousand tons
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of ammunition fuel are delivered, as well as 2.0 tons of food and 1500 tons of drinking water. level of pay, military personnel. under the volunteer and mobilized contract, it is balanced and ranges from 210,000 rubles per month and above, depending on the position held and the performance of combat missions. payment is made for destruction or seizure of enemy weapons and military equipment. all due payments are made on time, the issue of payments is kept under special control if any deviations are detected, measures are taken immediately. participants in a special military operation are provided with housing on a priority basis. 40 billion rubles have been allocated for these needs. to increase the efficiency of providing social guarantees to military personnel and military
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pensioners, a military social center of the ministry of defense is being created, working on the principle one window. simplified procedure. obtaining a combat veteran certificate. 458 thousand certificates have already been transferred. we will issue them to all participants soon. all fighters involved in assisting the armed forces in the zone of a special military operation, including private military companies, after the measures taken , receive veteran’s certificates in a timely manner. over the past month alone, 50,000 such certificates have been issued. by the decision of the ministry to switch to an electronic id card for combat veterans. overall experience special operations showed that the armed forces of the russian federation are capable of adequately quickly responding to the actions of any modern enemy.
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500-650,000 military personnel received combat experience. today , the russian army is the most trained and combat-ready in the world, with advanced weapons. deterrence and high combat readiness of strategic nuclear forces are ensured by an unprecedented level of modernity of weapons, increased to 95%. the strategic missile forces have completed the rearmament of a modern missile system avangard complex, equipping with the yars complex continues. aviation strategic nuclear forces, delivery of 460m is being completed. this year, strategic aviation forces have carried out 20 air patrols, including two joint ones with the air force of the people's army of china. the next nuclear submarine of the borey a project,
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emperor alexander ii, has been accepted into the navy. armed with bulova ballistic missiles, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, aerospace forces. received 237 airplanes and helicopters, 86 samples of anti-aircraft missile weapons and 67 radar stations. the development of training aviation continues, thanks to the arrival of new combat training aircraft, the number of hours flown by cadets has increased by an average of 20%. the foreign space echelons of the missile attack warning system function at a given level of efficiency. this year, its means detected 78 launches of ballistic missiles of various types, including foreign ones, as well as 168 launches of domestic foreign space rockets , completed at the plesetsk cosmodrome
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construction, which allows for the full range of work to prepare for the launch of missiles of this type. the navy received four modern multipurpose submarines and eight surface ships. as a result, despite the sanctions. we produce more high-tech weapons than nato countries. fregad admiral of the fleet of the soviet union gorshkov, armed with zircon hypersonic missiles, successfully completed combat service tasks in important areas of the world's oceans. in 263 days they covered more than 46 thousand miles. all plans for recruitment of the army and navy in the current one.
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mixed aviation corps, 50 formations of military units, including four divisions, 18 brigades, 28 regiments, on december 1 began to carry out your vladimirovich instructions to build up the armed forces to 1.32000 people, in connection with the retreat. and the upcoming admission of sweden to the alliance continues the formation of the leningrad and moscow military districts. at the same time, we take into account the agreement signed between the united states and finland, which provides for the use by the americans of twenty-one finnish military installation, including all four air bases. the size of the armed forces is proportional to external threats. including 17
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international exercises at various levels. in august of this year , the naval exercise ocean shield 2023 was held in the baltic sea, within the framework of which the navy and aerospace forces. successfully completed the tasks of protecting sea communications and coastal defense. during a special exercise, the strategic nuclear forces successfully completed tasks of delivering a massive nuclear strike in response to the use of weapons of mass destruction by opponents. this year , a surprise combat check was carried out on more than 25,000 military personnel, about 900 airplanes and helicopters. about 160 ships. the pacific fleet has shown high readiness
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to repel the aggression of a potential enemy from ocean and sea directions. in order to train new professional personnel, we are actively developing a military education system. the military engineering academy was opened in 2023. donetsk higher combined arms command school. status the baltic higher naval school named after admiral ushakov in kaliningrad acquired an independent university. to improve the quality of training of military personnel , modern training equipment is supplied. included are training modules on specialties used in unmanned aerial vehicles, robotics, and information technology. military competition.
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there will be 137 of them. military training will cover all regions of russia. the development of the network of pre-university educational organizations continues. the suvorov school was created in irkutsk. the pace of military and military-technical cooperation with foreign countries is increasing. we are developing relations with the armed forces of 110 states. the course towards strengthening a comprehensive strategic partnership has continued. with china, this year they held 600 significant international events, despite the threat
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of sanctions, more and more foreign military-industrial companies have exceeded 1 million people. government contracts totaling more than 400 billion rubles have been concluded. the eleventh moscow conference on international security, which has collected. with more than 800 delegates from 76 countries, it is still the most representative military-political event in the world. winske. the second international anti-fascist congress was held, it was attended by government and public figures, veterans of the great patriotic war, as well as representatives of thirty countries. russian groupings of troops continue to be the basis and guarantor of maintaining peace in syria and karabakh.
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all plans for the military construction complex have been completed, more than 2,700 buildings and structures. the main attention is paid to the development of infrastructure for strategic nuclear forces. this year , 592 high-tech facilities were built to accommodate the sarmat, avangard and yars missile systems. the infrastructure for strategic complexes with burevestnik unlimited-range nuclear cruise missiles is being created at an accelerated pace. and the carriers of unmanned underwater vehicles poseidon in severomorsk completed the construction of an energy center to supply the facilities of the northern fleet. in a full-fledged naval base was built at the main base of the caspian flotilla. the reconstruction of the baltimore, lepesk, and chkalovsky airfields has been completed to
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accommodate all modern aircraft . as part of the development of military camps, more than a thousand buildings and structures, park and barracks-living areas were built. in the next 3 months , the construction of nine new modern military hospitals in the regions of russia will be completed. the educational and laboratory building of the pskov medical faculty was put into operation state university, they began studying there. 850 future military doctors in the interests of the armed forces. in mariupol , military builders built 18 residential buildings with 1,880 apartments, a school and a kindergarten. the first stage of construction of the modern complex of the federal medical and biological agency has been completed. as part of
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the restoration of water supply to the donetsk and lugansk people's republics , construction has been completed. this year, housing subsidies for the purchase and construction of housing in the amount of 73 billion rubles were provided. major patriotic projects have been implemented cultural projects, special attention is paid to the patriotic education of youth. today, the young army is the largest military-patriotic organization in the country,
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numbering 15 million children and adolescents. opened for a year. there are 261 centers, the avangard network of training and methodological centers has become the basis for initial military training and the system of military-patriotic education of youth in the country, your decision to create regional centers in cities with a population of over 100 thousand has been practically implemented, and we have begun their construction in populated areas points with a population of 50,000 people, training more...
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ocean 2024 in the strategic missile forces to complete work on putting the sarmat strategic missile system on combat duty. accept a complement from the aviation strategic forces, two strategic missile carriers 160 and 11 surface
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ships, increase production volumes of high-precision hypersonic missile systems dagger and zircon, and increase the supply of missiles and ammunition by 1.8 times, continue work on... opportunities. detailed activity results we will discuss it during the closed part of the board meeting. thank you for attention.
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dear comrades, we are finishing the work in this part, now, well, as usual, before finishing, i will say a few words, it is unlikely that this will be something new. everyone , but nevertheless, taking into account the situation , which, which, taking into account the situation in which we
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live, work, fight, not to say about this would also be wrong, but what i want to say about is to return once again to the topic related to reasons, with the causes of the conflict that we are experiencing, i will begin... let's remember that immediately after the collapse of the ussr, the west began to work most actively in russia, with our fifth column, around which we were jumping all the time, patting them on the head , persuading them to put them in some kind of patriotic mood, well, it doesn’t matter, there are different people there, not we will paint everyone with the same paint, however, international organizations, separatists, actively worked to solve the problem of the disintegration of russia itself, in parallel, no less actively,
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acted in the post-soviet space, taking away all states, new again formed, independent states, former republics of the union of soviet socialists, even before the collapse of the soviet union always did... with the enemy to ukraine, well, firstly, based on a number of historical considerations, based on the fact that a lot of - former - former nazis moved - on the american continent, in particular in canada, in the usa, there was a good base, uh, whole people worked with them there, they took full advantage, they worked inside us, and there with double, triple strength.
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nationalists, forgetting that these same extreme nationalists are former nazis, of course they relied primarily on whom they collaborated with hitler, and there’s no doubt about it, they allowed ukrainian nationalists to turn these former nazis into national heroes, such as well, we did everything for decades, everything in order to build normal relationship with'.
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